T minus 20

All the hot fuss about the Killers

Joe and Mel Season 4 Episode 23

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Hold onto your low-rise jeans nostalgia nuts, this week we’re chatting boobs, bluetooth and Mr Brightside

🎓 What did you get for your graduation? A watch? A fountain pen? Or a set of breasts? Yep. Back in ’04 parents were gifting their 18-year-olds breast implants as a ‘well done on the exams results kiddo, here are some new cans’. With reality shows like Extreme Makeover fuelling body image issues in the early noughts, this controversial gift sparked many heated debates. 

📱 We had the first mobile phone virus that left us all clutching our Nokias a little tighter. Cabir, the Bluetooth-spreading menace was a game-changer, showing us that even our trusty flip phones weren't safe from hackers. We’ll dissect how it all went down.

💰 Remember the name Dean Cartechini? We literally think about him 8.5 times per year. Dean made history as the first Deal or No Deal contestant to snag the $200,000 top prize. We’ll relive his nail-biting journey to the jackpot and how it had us all screaming ‘take the deal you mad man’ at the old cathode ray tube (not rich enough for a flat screen in 2004).

🎶 Over in the music scene, The Killers' debut album Hot Fuss was blowing up the albums charts with bangers like "Mr. Brightside" and "Somebody Told Me." We’ll dive into why this album became an instant classic and why it’s still iconic (esp at UK house parties and Singstar).

📺 And in the world of reality TV, we were hashtag blessed by the The Ashlee Simpson Show this week 20 years ago. This series gave us a front-row seat to Ashlee’s rise to fame and the drama that came with it, including that infamous SNL lip-syncing debacle. 

Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.

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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke. George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel. 

Week, oh, 13 June 2004. 

The rest is. 

History. You know what? 

I'm very forgetful 20. Hello there. 


Stop trying to make fetch happen. We're waiting for. 

This it's harder than I thought it would be. My fellow Americans. Let's roll. 

Alright, it's t -. 20 Where we dial up the nostalgia and dissect the scandal sounds and surreal moments that defined a decade 2 decades ago. I'm your guide, Joe Mel over there. She's the other half of the guides on this retro journey where no topic is too trivial. No drama, too dated. You can expect deep dives into hits that had us hooked, headlines that horrified us and everything else in between. So get ready to rewind 20 years. Hello, Mel. Hello. Wow. 

Dramatic. We're bringing the drama. I like that. 

It was dramatic, wasn't it? I'm always bringing the drama and it's a very interesting week this week. What week are we talking? 

13 to 19 June 2000 and. 4. 

So embarrassing you. It sucks because, like you know, I actually that day I had severe acid reflex. 

There's nothing worse than having a bit of acid reflex. 

The worst? 

So, so horrible. 

Back in the day, I might have had a little bit of acid reflex, but as time goes by it slowly wears off. You're not gonna be stuck. Like that forever. 

The question. It's been or no deal I. 

This is this is the hard part, however. 

Can't help you answer it. 

No deal. 

Ohh no deal. One of the. 

Ah, Jill, please deal. Ohh my gosh. 

One of the biggest, most stressful moments in Australian television history and for anyone who was watching TV and maybe home from work a little bit early around 4:30 in the early 2000s, deal or no deal, was where it's at. History was made on Australian TV screens this time 20 years ago. 

It really looks. 

Some grads are asking for a rather unique gift plastic surgery. Three. 

Plastic surgery for a graduation present. It is. It is graduation season over in the United States at the moment. 

Yeah, I think may June is around the time that most people graduate over there. So yes, an interesting request for for graduation gifts 20 years ago. 

Exactly. Congratulations on doing so well at school. Here's a new. Face it depends on. What your academic career was like, I guess as to whether or not you want to completely change your appearance and. Identity, who knows? 

Yeah, or or what you're moving into after. 

School or what? You have to live down. Anyway. We'll get to more of that later on in the show. 

Something else that we kind of hit the 20 year mark on, we spoke earlier this season, so early in 2004, Gmail was kind of announced and launched. And remember, we were speaking about how it became this thing where it was invite only, which made it quite sought after. 

Oh yeah. Yep. 

That started happening around this time 20 years ago and a lot of people on the socials are starting to to remember that, and I came across a great. Social post the other day where a woman was, I think she was signing up to something somewhere. You know, when you go to the shop and it's like join our. Loyalty. Yeah, programme. Just give me your email address. 


And so she gave her email address and then gave her name and the person that account is. 


Like wow. You got your name as your Gmail because your name with her Gmail. How did you manage that? And she says I was there when Gmail was invented. 

Yes. Yeah. 

I was actually there when Gmail was invented. I did that. I've got my name as my Gmail, but I mistakenly and I'm stuck with it. Now put my middle name in there so my Gmail address is so long and every time. 

It is so. 

I have to give it to somebody. I have to spell it out. So it's like, hey, would you like to get a store card and join our rewards programme? No, but I really want that discount. So yes, and I'll unsubscribe to your mailing list. 


Yes. Yeah. 

Later on, but then I have to give them the address and it's like, and I spell it out and it's like, could you give me the keyboard? 

It takes a while. 

I'll do it for you. 

And I think they get to the point where they go, we don't wanna sign you up this. 

Yeah, well, it and the humiliation runs deep because a lot of people had stupid Hotmail addresses. Do you know what I mean? Like just really quirky like Mr. 

Is just. This is way too difficult. Yeah, yeah. 

69@hotmail.com you know it's it's a 16 year old kid because that was what you did when you were. 


A teenager. You just. 

Absolutely yes. 

Had a rude address and and I find that I experienced the the same embarrass. Element, but the herd is very real because it's my actual name. 

Your actual name we got on to the Gmail a little bit later cause we had Hotmail addresses. I think my Hotmail was my name actually, so I was probably there when Hotmail was. 

Yeah. Wow. But that's how old you are, yeah. 

Invented. But I remember we moved over to Gmail. My my name was already taken, but when I, yes. But when? When we got married? Yes, because your. 

On Gmail. You're welcome. 

Your last name's a little more unusual, so that was free. My sisters was taken. And do you remember back in the day? Well, probably not. Cause you got your name. But if your name was already taken, you could press a button and it would offer you 3 suggests. 

Ohh yeah. 

Yeah. Yeah. 

And my sister's name is Jessica, and it offered her charity, Jess. 

Charity this. 

At Gmail was one of the three options charity Jess, not carrot charity. Jess. 


Carotene. Why? Why? 

I don't know. That was just one of the things that thought. Well, you know, that's pretty close to your full name. Charity. Jess. There you go. Good luck. 

I I do wonder with with the way AI generates things like photos and images. What's so I wonder if you left it to AI what they would? 

To come up with yes. 

For some options that might be some homework for us to do. Maybe we'll do that and report back a little bit later on. But in the meantime, let's do the hatches, matches and dispatches clue for the segment that's happening at the end of the show. A little clue for a celebrity that's having a birthday. Who said this? 

It's no secret that I have issues. I'm a messed up dude. 

That's a really distinct voice. You I if you didn't get that, there's probably something wrong with you. Or perhaps you're just a little bit too highbrow for this podcast. You should go and listen to something else like. Neil deGrasse Tyson or. Something like that. Anyway, we'll find out. Who? That is a bit later on. 

All right, starting off with the news this week, 20 years ago and it is like we said, it's around graduation time over in the States and this time 20 years ago, graduation gifts, top of mind. What to get your child. When they graduate. 

Yeah. Yeah. So, like, you know, I mean, what, what, what did you get any presents when you graduated uni or high school? 

I when I graduated, no. It was when I got into uni I got a graduation gift for getting in and I got a Fiorucci satchel bag, right and a watch. Ohh, it was a wood look, watch. Looks like the face looked like it was. 


Made out of wood. 



But I think now maybe I should have aimed a little higher, because apparently this time 20 years ago, a **** *** was the most sought after graduation. 


Very expensive graduation gift. 

Some grads are asking for a rather unique gift. Plastic surgery as local 10s, Jen Herrera tells us, teens and parents need to carefully weigh the pros and the cons before deciding to gift going under the knife. 

Ever since she entered her teen years, Katie Gallo has been self conscious about her body. 

I took it upon myself to say what can I change? What can I do to make myself feel better and that it came down to me making myself look better? 

As she approached high school graduation and her parents asked what she'd like as a. Gift Katie had the answer. Breast implants. 

Graduation from high school is one of those windows in life where we start a new chapter, and So what better way to start a new chapter than with a a fuller figure, a change of appearance, a a little boost of self confidence and just complete the the overall picture that they've been wanting to to create? For their whole lives. 

I want people to look at me like she feels good about. 

Herself. Breast implants, breast reduction and nose jobs are among the most common procedures performed on teenagers. And that's because the teen year. There are time of emotional, psychological and physical development. Patients in this age group should be screened based on both physical development and emotional maturity. 

I'm sure there's like if my friends tell their parents or something, their parents are probably like what she's crazy. Her parents are crazy. But I mean, I would have done it. 

Anyway, I'm Jen Herrera, Local 10 news. 

Thank you Jen Herrera. 

Yes, apparently the number of 18 year olds having breast implants tripled up to nearly 12,000 in. 

Yeah. And they're talking about how to a time of, you know, psychological and emotional and physical development. So what better way to bring in that era of psychological and emotional and physical development? 


They're going under the knife and getting some major surgery. 

Hmm. Yes, at a cost of 3 1/2 to $7000, mind you. 


That's cheap for plastic surgery surely isn't. What's what's a what's a? 

Ohh back then. 

New what's a new pair of cans cost? That's about 7 grand, isn't it? I mean, if you go over to Thailand, you could probably get it cheaper. You could get. 


A lot of things. Well, no. Well, on summer rental, my yardstick, summer rental, new power tool for Edge or the set of *****. How much is a power tool? 

That's an 80s film. Well, that's a pretty good power tool. That's a $7000 power tool. 


I think it'd be a lot more now. These are early 2000s. 

Well, it would have to be around 10. It have to be around 10 grand, I reckon. 10 grand for. 


A new set of boots. 

I don't know. I've never looked into it. 

I I look, I've spoken to someone who got some and I think about 10 grand is is about right. 


Yes, you asked them? Yes. How much did they set you back? 

Yeah. Yes. And they're like ohh 10 grand. Would you like to feel them? And I was like, not really. But thanks for asking. 

I think as well the reason why we were seeing these increases at the time was we had a lot of idols that were quite *****. We had our brittanys and our lindsays and our Jay Simps. 

Brittany's never had a **** ***. So. Has. She. No, I don't think so. 

I don't know, but we. We were seeing celebrities that had full breasts. 

I've had a good look and I don't. 

Think so, whether or not they were real or not was not the issue. It's more like. 

Umm but but it would be the push up bras and and all of that sort of business. 

There's a lot of. There was a lot of **** happening in the pop world. Clad outfits and. A lot of. ****. We also had those reality shows. Extreme makeover. Remember, we spoke about the swan, where they were fixing up her nose and her ***** and. 

Yes. Yeah. 

Plastic surgery just became a lot more mainstream around this time. 

Well, it's very and well you look at at at where it's come now it's and it's extremely mainstream. It's very socially acceptable, but also it's a bit of a sad reflection on society when you realise that a chick in a low cut top can pretty much get people to do whatever she wants for them. That this is true. I'm not trying to say that to sound like a misogynist or whatever, because I don't agree with it, but it it's just a sad fact, like it happens. Like if if there is a girl that walks into a bar that's wearing really revealing clothes and, like, they'll get, they'll be able to manipulate and get whatever they want. Out of any kind of primordial, you know, lesser evolved male that's in the venue. 

And I think to a lot of men's magazines are really popular early 2000s and a lot of the females that appeared on the covers of those had had food jobs or had **** **** just before appearing on the cover. I remember there was that one Big Brother star who went into the house with her mum and they both had **** ****. 


Yes, yes. Yes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, then, if they do it in the magazine photo shoot, then claim it on top. 

Tax. That's clever. That's very clever. 

Exactly as a tax write off did it for work. 

Yeah. Well, according to a surgeon in Miami early 2000s, they they were seeing a lot of graduation gifts coming through. As well for. The job and they said, you know, well, it's cheaper than a car and better than a fountain pen. 

I just, I don't know a lot of dads. Sending their daughters off to university with new *****? It's it's, you know, I mean, you'd be concerned because you know I'm a I'm a bloke and I know how. 

Ohh yeah, be a bit worried. 

Blokes think, yeah. 

There were a lot of. There are a lot of concerns. Toxic Discovery was an anti implant group in Colombia. They had concerns about parents willing to shell out this kind of money and they likened it to buying their kids alcohol or cigarettes. 


That's a great name for a band. 

Toxic discovery. 

We are toxic discovery. 

But interestingly, so, yes, surgeries kind of entered the mainstream now and we have seen we have seen some pretty significant shifts particularly around the breast implant. I think you know we went from those was it the saline we started with silicon that's right and then there was issues. 

Well, silicon, wasn't it? Yeah. Which is is basically the same stuff that you seal your bathroom with, yes. 

With that. 


Well, you don't want any leak leaks. 

No, you don't want any leakage, but when that silicon does leak into your body or heaven help you, you're in all sorts of trouble. 

And then they. Because they moved to Saline as well. But then now these days they use gel and structured implants, which are apparently more safe. Offer a better aesthetic outcome. 

Right. I was always wary of the like the scarring from it, so that they'd have, like, you'd see back in the day, they'd have sort of scars underneath the breast where where the breast would fold down. There'd be, like a scar sort of at the fold. And then they started doing things where they would, like, cut the ****** and then shove them in over the. 


They remove the *******. Put. Them back on, yes. 

Underneath the ******, or then there'd be like the the circle around where the ****** is, and then a big line directly down the bottom where it's like the. 

They'd have to lift. ****** up. 


Sort of. Ohh they've cut them up like a steed in football. 

Remember that was. 

A doctor, 90210. He loved doing a **** ***, didn't he? He's very proud of his work. And yes, he talked about moving the. 

Yes. Yeah. 

*******. That just. 


Feels horrible, doesn't it? Especially. 

Yeah, it does feel a bit odd. If you cause you, you gotta be careful with that, cause you don't want your ******* pointing too far in the wrong directions as well, like. Nuclearized. 

You want the you want the measured up. Well, and I think today is. Well, the recovery is a lot better than what what it used to be. 


But the interesting thing is now we're seeing what's being dubbed as explants. More and more women are having their implants. Removed. And the procedures called an explant. Apparently here in Australia that's increased more than sixfold in the past decade. 


That's expense, that's an expense. She's. Thing to start with, and I imagine it's. It's like tattoo removal. Same sort of deal, right? It's probably more expensive and painful to have them. 

And then get them taken out. Tattoo. Yeah, it is. Removed it is and I think a lot of celebrities have kind of led. The way with. That Kylie Jenner admitted on the final season of the Kardashians that she regrets having her. Press start at age 19. 

Well, that's very young. There's still a little bit of development happening there and also I mean, but Kylie Jenner is one of the ones that I would say has really set up. 


That's graduation. Timing. 

Yes, a bad precedent for all young girls in doing that because she does not look anything like what she used to look like before all the she looks like a completely different human being. 


Well, she is saying that she regrets it. She she wished she kept her natural ***** and that there were nothing wrong with and she caused quite a scandal as well. For years, by saying because she had lip fillers that were really obvious, but she kept saying no, I haven't. And I haven't. I've got the and then she brought out that line of whatever. What was it called? Lip kits or something and encouraged girls to buy. No, this is all I use is all I use. And it came out years and years later that. Ohh. No, actually I. 



Did have I did have film? 

Yeah. And and about 8 Grand worth of surgery. Yeah, sure. 

But now that she has a daughter, she's saying I just hope that my daughter doesn't feel that. She needs to do. These things Tori spelling, Blac Chyna, Chrissy Teigen, they've all had their implants removed just in the last year and a lot of women are also choosing to have the reversals due to what's being dubbed breast implant illness, which have symptoms. It's not. It's not a diagnosed illness, but a lot of people are reporting anecdotally that. 


What's that? 

Things like chronic fatigue, pain, brain fog and then when they after they have the implants removed that seems. To to go away. 

Really. See with the I I I I don't know lots of celebrities in America. Lots of doctors prescribing like a whole bunch of stuff to them. It could have been that could be anything. I mean you know but. Whatever floats your boat or doesn't float you as well now that you've had your floatation devices removed, it's it's it's. So it's just so far removed from the reality that we exist in on a day to day basis. It I'm not just like there's people that I know. Like I said that have had cosmetic surgery. And and it's made them feel great. It's made them feel happy. It's made them feel better about themselves. It's been a decision that they've thought long and hard about because they don't have the disposable income that like a Jenna or a spelling or a black China or or whatever that is or a Tegan has. They don't have that disposable income. So. They they think long and hard about it, be B. They work very hard to get the money to actually go through with it. And see when they do. It's a pretty high risk manoeuvre for them, but there's a lot more. I think there's a lot more at stake because it's like you only kind of get one shot at it because you know you then you've gotta, I mean, think about the kind of money you have to scrounge up again to either have it undone or fixed. If you go to the wrong person and it's a dodgy job, you know. 

Oh yes. 

Yeah, I think whatever, whatever makes you feel happy, whatever makes you feel comfortable. That's that's your choice. I think the thing with this particular story is the age, though when you're look. Being at 1819 year olds, your body is still developing you haven't. You haven't finished developing at that stage and. Are you? I don't know. Are you old enough to be making the right decision about something that is is so drastic, and then when you do see people having reversals years later, is that because? Yeah, maybe. Yeah, maybe you needed to wait a few years and just be. Certain about that decision. 

Look, I think a wooden watch in a a bag is a much more you'll see your early bag is much more sensible choice. A wooden watch. What are you, Amish? 

So you're really bad. 

Yes, well, the face looks. No, the face of it had, like, a wood grain. Look, I don't even know if it was wood and it came in a wooden box as well. So it had a bit of a wood seam. 

I guess, Sir. Did. Yeah, sure did. 

Yeah, yeah. I think I wore it in the shower and ruined it. Actually, it's a shame. Yes, wasn't it? Wasn't sealed up very well. Wasn't enough silicon in that thing. 

They got waterlogged. Did it? Yeah. Turned the driftwood. Make a raft out of a little tiny raft for the. Time anyway, let's go over technology, shall we? No, no wooden watches in the tech segments. Much more advanced. Actually, we're talking about a virus that actually went in between mobile phones. I think this was one of the first known mobile phone viruses ever discovered. It was. This is called the kabia virus or the SIM. 



No die die. 


OS/KB at virus. And like I said, it was the first known mobile phone virus. Here's a little demonstration of how it kind of worked. It would send things in between Bluetooth and this is thanks to Dan opt one's YouTube channel where he does a little demo with some old phones. 

And what it does is it picks one of their phone in the vicinity that has Bluetooth discovery enabled and tries to send itself to it. And if we say no because I don't know who this is and just wait for a bit. We're going to see what happens and here we see about 30 seconds later, another pop up receive message. No, I still don't know you, so I'm going to say no. And once again, about 30 seconds later, like Clockwork, Caber tries to send itself once again. So eventually you get fed up and you say all right, fine, receive the message. And this is how caber works. It picks one phone the vicinity and sends itself over and over until the user eventually relents or leaves the area. So you either. Get out of Bluetooth range of the infected phone, or you finally allow it to send the message to you. 

Yeah. So that's, I mean, Bluetooth was still reasonably new at this stage, especially Bluetooth communication between phones. It's it was almost a novelty, I think where you could share contacts and and things like that via Bluetooth rather than actually calling somebody up or sending them an SMS. It's like that find my friends type thing as well. Like, if your friends were in the vicinity, you'd know. 

Ohh yeah, it's a bit stalky. 

Through the Bluetooth. Yeah, well. 

I do think I do think Bluetooth could be used more for hijinks I I saw a great one where someone was at the aquarium and someone air dropped a picture of a Nemo fish saying where the rock is. My son. 

It's pretty good. It's pretty good. 

I think I think, yeah, I think we should use Bluetooth for more of that and less of those idiot headset. Things that go in your ear, hmm. 

Yeah, they're frustrating. People just walk around thinking they're the centre of the universe, having a conversation into space on their Bluetooth headset. Yeah. 

So this this virus was naggy, it just kept popping up until you just went. Ohh. Fine. Fine except. 

It was nagging. It was, yeah, it would. It'll wear you down or you'd leave. So, yeah. So it was spread through Bluetooth and it went through that whole wireless capability thing. So if you were infected with caber and you were in proximity to. Another phone it would then send a copy of the virus to Skype as a security file to you. Yeah. And then once that phone, like, once you relented and went OK, you'll accept the message. It would infect your phone. It would display a message reading caber on the screen and then it would spread itself to any other Bluetooth enabled phones within range. 


It did. Really, do anything else except for that it was just kind of annoying, like it didn't damage any files or the operating system, but what it did do is because it keeps spamming other phones. It it just sucked the life out of your battery and then and possibly also your wallet with your data charges for sending stuff for continuous. 

Hmm. Oh. 

Bluetooth activity. They thought it was. 

Developed by a group who called themselves 29A and they're a group of international hackers. And they did it. Because we can basically a proof of concept worm. 

Ohh nice. 

I love that the hey. Yeah, we're gonna do it. We're gonna do a Pok. We're gonna do. 

It was the first first ever POC on a Bluetooth mobile phone. Hmm. 

A Pok worm, just to just to say just to see if it's actually possible to infect mobile phones. Don't wanna cause any damage. Let's just. Let's just see if we can without Hock and their pock worked. They were notorious for developing conceptual. 

Just wanna. Wanna. Do it because we. Yeah, yeah. 


Viruses in order to prove vulnerabilities and not really do anything except be a bit in. 


And I think they are responsible for cap steam and rugrat. So if you're an IT nerd, you probably are. 

Ah. Yeah. Yep. 

Familiar with those? And they also developed their own E magazine and in one one edition they actually published the code. 


For this Kabir worm itself the source code. So others could go and try it out, yeah. 

Well, I think that's great. You know, play along at home, there's like hackers that are like basically trying to seek employment at a big tech company. I reckon it's like check out what I just made then that was me. 

Yeah, I did that. Put it on your LinkedIn. Hmm, that was that was all me. 

Yeah. Can I have a job? They're like. Hmm. OK. How much? And then they're like ohh, you need to send a cheque to Nigeria. Music time, Mel, you're across the Billboard charts and all those other things that are popular with music. Other charts? Yeah. 

Are the charts the Australian charts? Number one on the Australian chart, Frankie. 


With Ferb. 


Well, guess what? 

Knocked BlackBerry off the charts in Australia, wasn't it? Spider bait? Number one? Yeah. 

Ohh yes, that's. 

It's. Right. They'd be touring right now, actually at time of well, not a time of recording at time of podcasts going to air, they'll be doing during the 20th anniversary tour of the Black Betty. Oh, that's a bit sad, really. If you've got a tour for a a single that you released that was actually a cover as opposed to one of your own original pieces of music. 

And did she that? 

But. Anyway. 

Well, good luck to them. UK number one is I don't. Wanna know? 

If you're playing me, keep it on the low. Because my heart can't take it. And if you. Please don't let it show. Ohh baby, I don't know. 

People probably don't wanna know what I think of spider bait. Touring black Betty on the 20th anniversary either. So I'll keep that to myself now. Alright, we'll keep it on the low. 

I will go. 

On the DL, we'll go to the US charts then. Here's what the top five sounded like this week, 20 years ago. 

The matter? That's when I thought I said all I can save chickens. So she got turned on the way. 

I know you won't. 

Oh. You're playing me. Keep it on the low because my heart reason for me. 

Days, so many hours. Let it go. 

Wow the the reason by Hoobastank has climbed all the way up to #2 #2. 

Yes. Everyone loved the video clip of the heist. Simple. The shingle. 

For me, except for me. And if you you listen to a couple of episodes back, you'll find out why. 

Have you have you watched it? No, you really need to watch it right there. You need to. You need to understand what's really going on. 

No, no, it's ruined it for me. I've come this far. I just. Well, I probably should. I just. I look, I've kind of got better things to do than go back and watch YouTube videos of Hoobastank. Is that? And what? It's just still #1 burning away. 


Yes, he's burning away. The reason #2 I don't want to know #3. 


Naughty girl, the ex Tetris, really #4. 

The excess version. I feel like it would have I I feel like it would have charted higher back in the day if we had have used the ex Tetris sound effects in Naughty Girl as opposed to just Beyoncé trying to sound sexy. I mean, it doesn't. Nothing sounds more sexy than 8 bit audio. 

Yeah, possibly. 

Close. And new entry. Into the top five from usher. So he's still got two songs in the top five years gone, but this new one, confessions Part 2. 


He's been dabbling in a little. X Tetris, did you hear what the lyrics? Said there it was something like my my girl on the sides got one on the way. 

Yeah. What one on the way. So is that like a a child? What is that? Is that supposed to be a child? The girl on the sides got one on the way. 

The song is a confession of a man to his woman about his impregnated mistress. Have. Can you play it again? Have you got it? 


Have you got it there? 

Got one on the way to my confession and I. Don't know what to. Do. I gotta keep up. If I'm gonna tell it, then I gotta tell it. When I got that phone call. I don't know what to do. Now it's gonna be the hardest thing I think I ever had to do. 

Ohh so his chick on the side got one on the way so. 

Got one on the way. So his mistress? He's he's ex Tetris to her. And she's gotten pregnant. 

So yeah, so there's. A lot of confessions happening there. 

But this is confessions Part 2. I don't know what happened in confessions. Part one. 

Well, maybe. 

This is a lot. This is a lot for Part 2. What happened? In part one was there. A part one. Yes, there was this. Apparently, it continues from confessions. Part one. Well, I don't know how old confessions part one is and. 

Ohh, there was a fat one, but it never charted, so we never spoke about it. 

When it charted? 


But this is a loss. 

Yeah, like my confessions are, you know, far less controversial. Like, you know, how we've got the Lotus Biscoff spread. 

Lots of. Oh, what? 

Quite often I I secretly just sneak a teaspoon of that when I'm feeling. 

Hungry. I know you do. I can tell because. 

That is my confession. 

And the Lotus biscuits, where have they? 

Gone occasionally when I run out of toilet paper, I go into your bathroom and steal A roll from yours. That is my confession. 

I know that as well. I know that as well. I've been caught short few times. 

Yeah, sorry about that. Need to. 

Yes, yes, I do. 

Teach the dog to go. 


And retrieve. 

Mad Dash to the other bathroom anyway, we don't need to know about that. We need to know about ushers, confessions. And remember when we talked about the. 


Release of his. Album. Hmm. He was saying, you know, this album, it's all me. It's all truth. I'm gonna be, you know, diving deep and sharing myself with the world. So everyone hears this and it's like ohh. Who is usher impregnated? 

Yes. Who has he impregnated? Yes. Do we know? No, he didn't include that in his confession. 


Everybody was saying ohh well, you know he broke. Up with chilli from TLC. 

It's just a song. It's just telling stories. So they think it's a real life thing. 

Well, he said this album was about him. He was saying this album, it's all me. It's my life. I'm sharing it with you all, so everyone's going. 

All right. 

Well, you said. That so? 

So you had a chick on the side that you knocked up? It doesn't speak very. It's not a kind reflection on his character. No, no. 

Who have you knocked up? Well, turns out it was about the producer, Jermaine Dupree. Hmm. He was saying yes. So I don't know. He I don't know who he impregnated, but I don't think anyone cares. 

Right, so she's confessional germaine's confession. Convenient. 

So who is he anyway? I don't even know. I think he. And he went out. With Janet Jackson, I think. 

Do you mean Dupree? Yeah, I think we mentioned something about earlier on. Yeah. 

But I don't know. Yeah, and they was referred to as JD Yale when he did the Jagged Edge remix of something anyway, so he felt that usher was a bit too clean cut. He was considered a clean artist and he wasn't really in the media because he was. He was pretty clean, pretty beige. 

Uh-huh. Sure. Hmm. So he wanted to turn him into a philanderer. 

So yeah. That basically let's let's write some stuff they get. They get people talking. We'll get you in the news. Wanted to create a ruckus. That's a quote, Jermaine Dupree said he wanted to. 

Hmm. Hmm. 

Create a rocket. 

A ruckus, right, with all of Usher's. 

So that's confessions #2, which were actually JD's confessions, but got him in the news. 

Wow, I feel like they should do like a dad version of confessions. 

Hmm, well, maybe you can work on that for next week. These are my confessions. Yeah, you can. You can write us a song. I feel like there'd be a few. 

These are my confessions. When I went out on a fishing trip, I didn't actually catch, so I stopped by the fish market on the way home. You know those sort of things? Yeah, exactly. What are we having, snapper? Geez, did you catch that yourself? Yes, I did. These are my confessions. Exactly. There's an album coming out this week as well in the 2000s, which was a big album for a big big band. The killers. I like the killers. I'm a big fan of the killers. Their debut studio album, Hot Fuss came out and it started with this single. 


Where somebody told me. 



Big fan of the killers. There's just something about the killers that I really like. I really like their sound. I really like how their. Music kind of pumps. Along it's good energy, good pop music was really good energy and and the vocals are brand and the vocalist from the Killers is is amazing, really good singer. So that album only went to #7 on the Billboard. 


200 and but it went to number one in the UK, went to #1. 

And I always thought they were UK banned, but they're not. Yeah, but they had so much more success in the UK. 

And. American they're they're American group. And they do have a very bright pop sound to them. They're very heavily influenced. 

They do. I don't, that's. 

By I think more Brit pop than American Music and I I think that's maybe well, I mean when you come out with that kind of sound in a market that's dominated by Christian rock and country music and and and R&B, you're very different, you've got a big point of difference. But I think that was what was so refreshing about the killers. 


Also, there's a unique sound across the album, and you'll notice with these vocals it it sounds almost like he's singing through like a little megaphone, or it has some kind of effect, like an old radio. Yeah. Come and collect your lunch from the front office and mum's just dropped it off it. 

Noel, PA. 

Sounds a bit. That. 

Somebody told me your mom dropped your lunch off. Come and. Get it? Yes. 

That happened to me once and they they felt the need to tell the whole high school that the lunchbox was pink and I got picked on so much. Melanie. Melanie, can you please come and collect your pink lunch box from the front office? Your mum's just dropped your lunch off. 

Really. For having a pink lunch box. Oh man, he's got a pink lunch box. 

Yeah, I got so much crap for that. I'm surprised I didn't read out the contents of it. 


Kids are cruel, like honestly and like what a stupid thing to single you out for having a pink lunch? Both. 

They are, they really are. I think lunch. It was a decor one, you know, the one you could. You had the little drink bottle that went in the middle and you. 

Yeah. It's like, yeah. And then you can keep your lunch. Cool. Yeah. You left it at home. 

Could freeze. It to keep your lunch cold. Yeah. One of those. I did leave it at home and my mum kindly dropped it off and then I got teased for about a month. 

Melanie, come to the front office and get your pink lunch box. 


With the Musli bar and the sandwich. So he he does have an effect on his voice. It was an effect called Echo Farm. And at the time it was the only vocal effect that the producer owned. 

Ohh really it's a bit hard up. That was the only thing he has to put on the vocals. 

The producer producing. The record all I've got is is the Echo farm mate and I think they. 

Just Chuck it a bit of ECHO file. That's a line 6 plug in I believe Echo Farm. 

And I think it's on, it's on pro. Tools. 


And it it sets a delay. 

I don't have it, but if there's anyone from line 6 that wants to, you know, give us some plugins for free, hmm. 

Set the flights, the flight delay on the. Local and I think the producer then basically just put it on all of the songs kind of became the default sound of the album. 


Yes. Yeah, some of the they. But in and out there is. It is a bit different like that it's not saturated with the whole Echo farm. 

It different degrees, different degrees. 


Don't hate it. Don't hate it at all. No, the other big song from that album. Of course, Mr Brightside. 

Now. This classic this is one of the greatest songs not of all time. I mean, there's a lot of greatest songs of all time, but I think if you're, if you're compiling a list of like the top 100 greatest songs of all time, I think this one needs to be. 



Just. Satay. 

It is a great song. It's a wonderful song. It is a karaoke place. Yeah, the killers. The killers are great for karaoke. Very fun. And Mr Brightside always goes down well in a venue, I think. 

Karaoke favourite? Well, both of those that we've played are a karaoke favourites. 

Really. Uh. 

Mind, I read something where that song has been in the UK charts pretty much since. It was released. 

Is that right? 

It's still being streamed 1.8 million times per week in in Britain, in in the UK alone. 


Yes, it's it's got a great film clip as well. Mr Brightside got Eric. Eric Roberts is in it. Julia Roberts's brother who who's been in countless. 


Films and always plays like a really good bad guy, but he so he's almost like got those bond villain kind of looks Eric Roberts and he's in the film clip for Mr Brightside and it's a. 


Wonderful video it is the third biggest song of all time in the UK, based on combined sales and streams, again coming back to. 

Is that right? Wow. 

They're an American band, but they're just massive in the UK, so I jumped into the. 


You got that new killers album or that you, Mr Brightside? What a great song that is. 

Well, people across the UK jumped into the YouTube comments some great and I feel I I agree with pretty much all of them. Yeah. So under Mr. And. 

Right. So. 

Yeah, the last song at every UK House party ever. 

Yeah, well, yeah. 

It's like the going home song perfect. 

Yeah, it's. It's like they're they're what is it? The their case on. 

Yes. When? When the lights come on and it's time to go, time to go everybody. 

Mr Brightside. 


What about this is not a song, this is a mood. 

Good in Ireland in the UK, you know this song from the womb. 

This the killers is my favourite 80s band. They really they they do have that sensibility. That's they, they kind of are. They they belong there in the. 

Yeah. Yeah. 

These, but they sound great. They really do. 

It's criminal how fun this song is to sing loudly. 

I'd agree with that, Mister Brightside is a great driving and singing at the top of your lungs in the car. Yes, indeed. The only way to listen this song is 10 times in a row. I I don't know about that. I don't know about that. 


This is the most British non British song ever. 

Ah, is it what? Absolutely never trust a person who doesn't know the lyrics to this song? I think everybody does know the lyrics to this song. It does get a lot of airplay, but it doesn't kind of grind you down like a lot of other songs that get played to death on the radio. 

Yeah, yeah. 

I don't. I think you surprise yourself that you know the lyrics. Could you go? Oh, I don't know that. And then it comes. I go. Ohh, actually I do. I do. Yeah, I. Never bit. I love that bit. This is the happiest sad song ever created. 

Yes. It is a very sad song. 

True, but it is fun. It's fun and it makes you feel happy. 

I I don't know that it does. I don't think it does. I mean, the whole Mr Brightside, it's a sarcastic song. He's being very sarcastic like, well, I've gotta press on because she's with somebody else. Now. Just travel back from 2079 and this tune is still a banger. 

It's fun when you're singing it. 


That's not the only album release for this time. 

Ohh, it might as well be like seriously, how are you gonna? How are you gonna bring out an album at the same time as the killers? I mean, I guess they didn't know. They didn't realise what they were in for, but anyway. 


I know where do you go from there. Christina Milian, she was very big early 2000s with AMC. PM She was also a Disney star, so she had that Disney backing as well. 

Hmm. Ohh, was she that she was the one that did the the Jlo song, was it? 

She was also the ghost singer for Jlo. Yes, the no play. I think it was, wasn't it play? Come on, play my song. Play it, play. Play it all night long side note, Jlo. There's a bit of Jlo controversy happening at the moment. Where. 

Jenny, Jenny. Jenny on the block. I'll play. Yes, Jenny. Jenny from the block. Not play, but play. Yes. Getting confused. Yes. Yes, at time of recording, yes. 

She's just cancelled her tour because kids and family rumours about even though they have 17 bathrooms, they still couldn't make it work. 

Because she wants, she needs to be with her family because it's, yeah, rumours about the break up with Ben Affleck. Yeah. Like how like. 

I look I. Hope that's not true. I hope they're still look. 

Honestly. Like even if you one bathroom a year like you'd swap. 

I wish them all the best. She's also brought out because she had the. This is me, then and now she had the. This is me. Now we've spoken about that and there was a documentary that accompanied that this is me now and she's going on about the whole Jenny from the block and talking about when she was a kid running around the Bronx and a few people have come out of the woodworks. 

Yeah. Hmm. 

Said that's it. 

I went to a private girls school with you. You you kind of lived around that area, but you're going to a private, very expensive girls school. 

You didn't run around the Bronx? 


Didn't have a. You'll kind of had. 

Always had a lot. Yeah, yeah. 

A little bit. Maybe not quite a lot, but now you do. Have a lot. 

Not fooled by the rocks that you got. You weren't Jenny from the block. Yeah. So there's a lot going on for her at the moment. But anyway, we're talking about Christina Milian, a ghost singer. 

Wow. Yeah, it's hard. That's all. Yes, we are. Let's talk about her. What's she got? She's got an album. 

Alleged ghosts? Allegedly. So it's her second album. It's called. It's about time. 

Out what's the album called? Ohh really? Me. 

Yes, actually, rather than me talk about it, I think we've got her. Her telling us a little bit about it, don't we? 

Like that album was my second album and it took me a while to put it together because I wanted to find the right songs for it and write the right songs for it. This is like my coming of age like in my 20s, kind of like going from the Disney girl to now. I'm like, you know, an adult. 

Ohh, so she's graduated from Disney and they said they give her some breast implants. 

And wow, wow, I look, I don't. I don't know. But wow, the video clip that I was watching to the single dip it low, she. 

Right. Oh. 

She had definitely come of. Age at this point, yes. 


It's just. 

That song is basically about hanging your ******* out to impress a man. 

And it had. 

Can I say that I don't even know? 

She was shaking her thang. It was very suggestive, but it was one of those early 2000 songs where everyone on the dance floor is dipping it low and probably responsible for a lot of bad backs today. 

Yeah. Yeah. Do you want a little bit of a lyrical breakdown of dip it low? 

Ohh you you've learned the words you've the. 

I haven't learned the words. I haven't learned the words I've got. I've got. Yeah. So that's exactly how I figured it out. So aside from the. 

Did you? Press play, pause and write them all out and write. Them with your cassettes. Good. 

The fact that it starts with Shawna. Yeah. Christina. Look, first line after look is I got some game for you, chickens. 

Can you put a bit more energy into that? Ohh I got it. Game chicken? Yep. OK. 

Listen a minute, please. Do I have to? I'm gonna be stuck with you for about 3 1/2 cause you be stuck with them, hit you up, then they. Leave. You gotta stop for a minute. Watch for a minute. Breathe. Take you a squat for a minute. What is that like? Are you saying that? Are you saying that you need to take? 

When are? The squat. 

Yeah. Or. Yeah. OK, listen to what I speak. I'm trying to keep it real. Not trying to make a scene. Well, if you've just taken a squat. 


On the DF, yeah. On the DF on the dance floor. Yeah. Then you're making a scene. You're trying to keep your man. You gotta make him scream. Ohh. I don't. I don't know any man that's gonna be wanting to be kept by some female. That makes them scream. 

Nice. It just sounded like. X Tetris. 

Exactly. Get that thing away from me. You gotta put it down. Drop it and dip it low. Wind it around a while. Stop and now let it go. Says he wants you. Says he needs you. It's a real talking when I make him wait for you. If he really wants you. If he really needs you really gotta have you take your time and feel him out. Was that like a prostate exam or? I don't know when it's a good boy. I mean, a really, really good boy. Why not let him lay with you? I think that's code for sex. Ohh, that's when you give it to him. Good. Dip it low. Pick it up slow. Roll it all around. Poke it out. Let your back. Troll pop to pop, to pop, to pop that thing. I'm gonna show you how to make your man say ohh and that that'll do. That'll do. I feel like that's. 

Wow. That is very provocative for an ex Disney or. 

It's absolutely trash. It's so bad. Like, you know, all of these years of literature and, you know, art and all of that stuff. And we're dipping it low and popping it out and picking it up slow and. I don't even know where to go with that. I'm going to show you how to make your man say ohh. 

Oh, oh, what kind of? Oh, is it though? Is it like oh, oh, oh. 

Oh oh. I think of that. What was the what was the other? Ohh you did then? It was like like ohh. I thought it was like oh just I'm 50 and I went. 

What's the Inflexion on? Ones. That. The ex Tetris. 

To pick something. Up off the floor, you dipped it a bit. 


Too low? Ohh. 

*** **** it, somebody help me. Out. 

Well, well, well, let's. 

Dip it on over to the entertainment portion, the movies and television portion of the proceedings and movies is just all Harry Potter at the moment. The Prisoner of Azkaban is dominating the box office everywhere, and we spoke about that. Was it last week? I think it was last week, so let's press on. 

I think. 

To television. 

The small screen, the 16th of June 2004, our favourite brothers, the man brothers. Method Man and red man. Get their own show. 

They get a sitcom. 

What's that show you came to? See, that's right. What's that show you? Advanced challenge. 

Did you watch? The method red show. 

No, I don't think we actually got it here in Australia. I don't unless it was on like on Foxtel or something. 

I had a. In in preparing for this episode, I did have a look at the first episode, the pilot episode New New. 

Ohh you watched it. Was it good? What did you think? Ohh, because they they were quite big. What movie were they in? How high? I think it was. And then they did obviously did the. 

How high? Yeah. 

Soundtrack to that. 

Yeah, I think they've been in a few movies. Smith. And I mean method. Man was Method Man, the one that was on dirty with Christina Aguilera. 

Yeah. Ohh no. That was red, man. That was the other. 

Oh, that was Red, Man was one of the other one of the man brothers. Anyway. Was that a Wu Tang clan they're from? 

Brother. You got. You got the brothers mixed. Up they were, yes. 

Wu Tang, which? Is just, you know, hip hop royalty. So. So they get their own show and like they were the sort of the funny Stoner guys in in the. 

Yes. Wu Tang clan, and I think that was signed on, I think it was around the time. Of the Bernie Mac show. 


And the idea was they were going to be fictionalised versions of themselves who move into a predominantly white upper class suburb in New Jersey. 

I know what you're thinking. Why didn't met the man in Red Man buy crime in the gated community full of. White people, was it for the safety? 

That's how you use pepper spray. It's real simple. Just said. 


Hell no. For the for the clean, fresh air. What's this fresh air, bro? Fresh air. Son. Hell no again. Hey, if we. 

Move here for this fly hot tub. 

We moved here because we was on the bubble, got Rich son. Plus, there's one more reason he had one mean angry reason. 

I heard that. 

Hey, Mama. 

Hi baby. 


Hi, that's what you get for smoking in the. House. 

How you know what's the? 

Hell, baby, where you smoked in the house? Ah, that's what you get for trying to point the finger. 

No, ma'am. 

At my baby. 

Yeah, there's a lot going on and it's very it's very rapid fire editing and it's it's almost bordering on obnoxious. It's it's a bit. 


It got it was cancelled. With four of the 13. Episodes unair. Tips and I think there were some pretty heated meetings between Fox and the Man brothers because they weren't happy with how. No. 

They didn't like it. No, they didn't even wanna be on it by the time. But I mean, having said that, they they'd filmed all these episodes. They just didn't like how they're put together. 

They'd filmed it. They didn't like how the episodes were edited and they had stipulated that they didn't wanna laugh. Track at. It. 

Yeah, they wanted it to be more like, I guess, like a Malcolm in the middle style production. 


Or Arrested Development. So they really liked that cause. Arrested Development was filmed off the shoulder, so it gave it that kind of reality feel. But it didn't have a laugh. 

Yeah, right. 

Track or anything like that. 


And you heard the way you were saying that's a bit much and that was the editing. That edited it really, really tight. 

Ohh it's it's it's it's very choppy. It's really choppy and it's really there's lots of sound effects and just like it's cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut, cut like there's so many cuts in it that like. 

Yeah, yeah. But the laugh track almost sounds out of place too, like it's like they've sort of chucked it over at the end and they've cut it. 


Really short so. It feels quite awkward to. So they weren't happy. They they cancelled the show and that was the end of the Mann brothers and their their TV show. Bit of a shame. 

Well, you know also. Also, I mean, I've enjoyed Method Man and Redman in film. I've I've there there's there's been a you.