T minus 20

Saddam in the courtroom and life at Laguna Beach

Joe and Mel Season 4 Episode 25

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⚖️ Saddam Hussein made his first courtroom appearance since being captured. Spoiler alert: he didn't exactly roll over and accept his fate. Defiant and dramatic, Saddam had some choice words and loads of theatrics for the court and President Bush. 

🪐 Relive the groundbreaking journey of the Cassini spacecraft as it entered Saturn’s orbit. This monumental mission unveiled secrets of the ringed giant and its moons, reshaping our understanding of the outer solar system. 

🗽 Back on Earth, New York made a monumental move by declaring the death penalty unconstitutional. This decision spared many from death row and sparked debates about justice and due process. 

🏖️ MTV announced its upcoming reality series, Laguna Beach: The Real Orange County. It was the TV masterpiece that made us all wish we lived the glamorous SoCal life. Rewind back to the iconic love triangles, the drama and the unforgettable fashion.

📚 And we add Stephen King’s Song of Susannah to our reading list. Part of his epic Dark Tower series, it’s a rollercoaster of suspense, supernatural elements and mind-bending twists. But who cares about that?! We want to know what the 1-star-ers thought. 

Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.

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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke. George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel. 


Oh, 27 June 2004. 

-20, you know what? I'm very forgetful 20. Hello. 

The rest is history. 

There. Stop trying to make fetch happen. You're fired, my fellow Americans. When we're waiting. For this is harder than I thought it would be. Let's roll. 

Welcome, everybody. It doesn't matter if you're a 90s kid itching for a nostalgic kid or just a curious soul just wandering around thinking about what life was like before smartphones ruled the world. It's t -. 20. It's your golden ticket to not one but two decades in the past as we rewind. 20 years with your host Joe and Mel. Hello, Mel. 

Hello. Yes, you have a ticket to ride 27 June to three July 2000 and. 

Four, let's have a listen and see what sacred cows are up for slaughter this week. 

Early this afternoon, Hussein was brought in an armoured bus to a very small courtroom. On the grounds of a former palace which is now an American military headquarters. 

Saddam Hussein gets his day in court. This is one of the biggest news stories of the year. But of course this trial, well, he has a couple of days in court. This is the first of many. 

I could have been a contender. I could have been somebody. Instead of a bum. This is what I am let's face. 

This week, 20 years ago, we lost one of the greatest, if not the actual greatest actor of all time. We'll talk about that in the hatches, matches and dispatches segment. 

You and I never really had any beef, really. I mean obviously there was like a little truth to what happened with the three of us. But I felt like MTV coming kept it alive and made it way worse than it ever would have been. 

Ohh really? 

MTV had a very big announcement this week, 20 years ago with something they said was gonna be a game. Yeah, don't. Gonna gonna change television. 

Forever. Judging by the way those girls speak when they're talking to each other, I don't order. I just. I'm not watching it. Did you watch it? 

Ohh my God. Towards the end I did, yeah. I jumped on board a little bit late. 

You. What do you know? 

And then the. Next series that followed that I was very, very invested. 

See like I haven't read ahead for the show notes, so I'm not even sure what it was. I'm sure I'll. Figure it out like, but you know I. Watch it. I must have. Watched it if. You watched it? Ohh yeah, well, you know, and I was more interested in just, you know, being there watching. That's one of the things like trash television. 

I think you might have watched. A couple of EPS, yeah. 

With your partner, life doesn't get much better than that, and you also know that your marriage is alive and well when your wife sends you memes. So thank you very much. Mel's been sending me memes this week and she sent me this one, which I thought was very interesting. And I guess it kind of shows our age. It's from the account. I'm 38 FM, which is a little bit outside of our demographic. 

Yes, a little bit older I have. 

Actually cause we're we're 4040 AF fast approaching 50AF. Anyway the post goes like this from Nick Hill. None. I saw a Reddit thread recently which asked how Gen Z people can identify if someone is a millennial or not, and one of the top responses was they have a wallet. 

Or they say Gen Z instead of Gen Z. 


Ohh and it's it's bloody Z. It's not French fries, it's chips and it's Z, not Z. 

Jen Jen, they have just ruined everything recently. There's no more side parts that don't like to have side parts. No more skinny Jean. And they've also outlawed ankle socks. Really no ankle socks are uncool. You're a millennial or older. 

Well, let me tell you. 

Genex, we're genex. You're clearly not a Gen Z. If you wear ankle socks. But you know what, guys? It's going to take you one summer to realise how stupid that is. The the tan lines that you're gonna have to deal with. 

And it's about it's about 8°. It was about 8° today, and I can tell you right now I was wearing ankle. Socks and I felt cool. I felt very cool. There you go. That's what I'm 50 AF. That was a bad joke. 

So they why? 

I don't understand like why are Gen Z like putting the kibosh on all of these things? 

I don't know. They're very outspoken about fashion, aren't they? 

Do you think they're just bitter because they? Don't have wallets. Potentially do? Yeah. I mean, I I have to admit, I have a wallet, but it doesn't really travel with me anymore because everything's on my phone and I do miss cash like because if you pull cash out now, people think that you're a. Criminal if you look like you're laundering money or a dealer or something, it's just like, do you take cash? And everyone's like, oh. 

What's the? 


Yes, I think that's a post COVID thing too. You don't wanna touch money, cause it's dirty. It's gross. You don't know. Accept something that people have touched. We've only just sort of come to realise that people touch it and it's gross. 


That's right. You don't know which which Generation Z members knows it's been up. 

Took that took a pandemic. 

No. Yeah. Look, I don't know. I mean, girls have purses and handbags and stuff. That's never going away. 

I I feel I I usually only have. My phone with me day to day, but if. We're going away. 


I feel like. I have to bring a wallet. For some reason I don't know why. Maybe if my phone battery dies and I need to produce my licence or I need to buy something I need that emergency backup. 


Yeah, yeah. It's one more thing to lose. You know, I didn't have my wallet on me during COVID, and I have an electronic drivers licence cause I live in NSW but I was over the border in Canberra and they saw the NSW well that I was at the time because it was for. 

Ohh were you allowed? To be over the border in Canada. 


Ah yes. 

Do you know how they had all those? I can't even keep up with the rules that they had. But there was one rule. And if you're going to a from work, you'll have to. 

Well, if you had a letter from your. Employer. You could cross the border, hmm. 

Something like that. And I had the letter, but I don't think to think I even had that on me at the time. Anyway, I I went to show him the driver's licence cause we lived just across the border. So you were in the exemption area and because I didn't have my wallet, I was. 


Like. Yeah, let me just get the thing in the like, state your business in the ACT and I'm like, well, I'm here for work, right? And you guys, he goes, you're looking pretty post corporate mate. I don't think you're here. 

That's very official. Glenn. State your business. 

For work at all, no. 

Ohh so he was judging your retire how Gen Z. 

No, no. Look, I'm. I'm putting a train of thought into his mind. I I don't. Actually. I don't know what police judge people on, but I'm sure that they're secretly judging everybody when they're looking at them. Because how exactly? Every question they asked, what was that supposed? 

Ankle socks. Ankle socks. 

To mean office anyway, so I go to put. On my phone out and and I'm like you're not gonna book me for looking at my phone while I'm at the wheel for starters. And I go to bring up the driver's licence and the driver's licence is being updated the app. 



Is being. Updated so I couldn't access the licence and I'm like. 

Oh no. And you're not on. The Wi-Fi, so it's gonna take 3. 

Yeah. And so I'm just trying to tell the copper that I'm good for it and he's like I he actually just was like. 

Hours. As is. 

I. Don't care. I don't wanna be out here either. Like they didn't want to be out there either, that's all. Yeah. Yeah. Well, take your dirty cover. If I had had cash, he would have been instantly suspicious of me. 

Take your dirty COVID money and scoot off. 

The hatches matches and dispatches clue. We did mention that we have a dispatch there that we're gonna talk about later on in the show, but there was also a match from a celebrity who said this. 

I had always gone for like the actor types that you know would **** ** off. 

Ohh well, I mean that's that's you can hope for all that and more. I guess if you're if it is a match. Yeah. Well potentially we'll find out who that is at the. 

Sounds like a great night. 

End of the show. 

News starting with the 30th of June 2004 and we've got former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein appearing in court for the very first time since he was captured by U.S. forces in December 2003. These preliminary hearings were held in Baghdad and it was a significant moment. In Iraq's post Saddam era. The proceedings were part of their effort to bring him and his top aides to justice for crimes committed during his regime. 

I like how you said former Iraqi president now when he took the stand, they were like, who are you and he's like and he's like, I'm the president of Iraq and they're like, listen, buddy, you could probably guess again, he'd say his hands were cuffed when he walked into the courtroom, but they took the shackles off. 


State your name and. Business. 

And it was only 30 minutes. The the place that he was out was called camp Victory. Just to rub his nose in it a little bit more, which was one of his former palaces too. Now it's called camp victory. So get that up. Yeah. And and it was on the outskirts of Baghdad. So it was a 30 minute hearing. Like I said, he looked a bit thin and downcast. I'm not sure. 

Ohh. Ohh wow. 

If he had started or he was on a hunger strike, but he does, there's. 

Ohh he yeah, he. Did have I think that was a? 

Little bit later becomes quite dramatic and he he plays up to it. He's he's he's into the theatre of the whole thing. Saddam, while this is. 

It all. 


Happening. He looks a bit better than what he looked like when they actually pulled him out of the foxhole or whatever it was. Was it a foxhole? Is that what it was? 


There. Some kind of hole, yeah. 

Where? Where the fox. That hole anyway? That's that. So. So he was very combative during these proceedings. There was a lot of to and fro with the judge. And it was a fairly intense half hour. 

Early this afternoon, Hussein was brought in an armoured bus to a very small. Courtroom on the grounds of a former palace which is now an American military headquarters, a very small group of witnesses, Iraqis and Americans, including three reporters. I was one. Of. Them had waited only a few minutes when Saddam Hussein. Walked through the door. He looked quite distracted as he sat down in front of the Iraqi. Judge he wore a suit but no tie. As you can see, his handcuffs had been removed. The judge asked for his name. I am Saddam Hussein, the President of Iraq and your mother's name. Hussein made his first challenge. User are supposed to introduce yourself to me throughout the entire half hour appearance, Hussein lectured the judge on the subject to the Iraqi law. He could see the four television cameras he was talking to the. Judge. But his words would be heard by all of Iraq. Saddam Hussein had had his first day in court. 

So he asked the judge, the judge, mother's name. City. Oh my gosh. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Who's your mum's mate? You know, he was. He was very theatrical. He he put on quite the performance and he continues to put on a performance throughout the whole course of this trial and subsequent trial. 

Didn't he? 


Make some statement around it being all theatre designed by Bush. 

Yes, that's right. To win the election. 

He called. Yes, that's right. He called out Bush throughout. So in terms of the charges that he that were present. 

Yeah, yeah. 

War crimes and crimes against humanity. So he faced several charges, including the gassing of Kurds in 88, the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and the suppression of uprisings by Kurds and Shiites. In 91, he was also charged with massacres and torture, the massacre of 148 Shiites in the town. Of due gaol in 82, among other atrocities. And his defence? He, like you said, he was quite defiant and yeah, he actually questioned the legitimacy of the court. And like you said, asserting that he was still, in fact the President. 

Yeah. And and that it was the will of the people that he was the president he. And like you heard in the news report he was well aware of the cameras being there. And definitely I think put on a show for the cameras. He refused to sign a legal document confirming that he'd been informed of the charges against him even. Though it was all in front of the cameras and they were reading the charges out, he's like, no, I haven't that that they didn't say anything about that. And he said, how could Saddam be tried over Q8 when Kuwait said it would reduce Iraq women to prostitutes? He continued, referring to himself in the third person, which is, you know, that's a bad sign. Like, that's a red flag, girls. 


If you're, if you if you've met someone on Tinder and they talk about themselves in the third person, there's. 


Like the Saddam or the Chad, you know, it's just not a good thing he defended Iraq's honour and revived its historical rights over those Kuwaiti dogs. That's what he called them and the the the judge was like, let's just keep it all civil here, Saddam, he he rejected all their authority. He rejected interim governments. He said that they were. Talks of the US occupation, and he didn't want them to talk about the US occupation because he found that insulting and it's like, mate, you're you're you're brought in in handcuffs. But like, what are you talking? 


About he was informed of his right to legal representation as well, but he didn't immediately appoint a lawyer. I think he did further down the track though. The conclusion of the hearing? Two guards approached him to lead him away. Take it easy, he told them. I'm an old man. 

Yeah, he he was really bugging it on like. And I mean, yeah, it just. 


It it was kind of pathetic, really, and I think I think a lot of people revelled in seeing him in that situation. He was quite thin, like he didn't look very healthy, you know, but he was wearing a suit and stuff without a tie. So, you know, it was like must been casual Friday in court. But yeah, it was a it was a good thing to see the man. That his day in court he certainly deserved to be brought to justice, and it was all starting to happen. So I don't know anybody that was disappointed. I mean, you'll probably see some box pops on the Internet for for, like he would have had some supporters, I'm sure. But a lot of them would have been under rocks, probably watched that anyway or rubble. 


Anyway, let's go over to the 30th of June. Let's move. Move our exploits into outer space, which is far more aspirational and positive, I think. And the the Cassini spacecraft entered Saturn's orbit. And when I think of Cassini, I just feel like it would be on the specials menu at one of. My favourite Italian restaurants. 

It does sound delicious, doesn't. 

Hmm, it really does. It sounds like you have like a nice. Vegetable sauce? Maybe some. 

And it'd be a handmade pasta, and it'd be some odd shape that you've never seen. 



I'll have the Cassini and I think that'll be offset by a nice Chianti. Shout out to Loretta if she's listening as well, because I know she's not a fan of bechamel sauce. She's from southern Italy, not northern Italy. Anyway, the Cassini spacecraft we're talking about. So it was gonna study. 

Yes, definitely. And a burnt sage sauce. 

Saturn and its moons it it was part of the Cassini Huggins mission, which was a collaboration between NASA and the European Space Agency, or ESA. The essay and the Indian or no, and the Italian space agency ASI. So that's why Cassini, I think they might have Cassini is the Cassini. It was one of the most ambitious efforts ever mounted in planetary exploration. So I think when did they launch? 

Ah, there you go. They obviously named it yes, Cassie. That in the 90s, October, 15/19/97. 



It was low. Launched and it entered Saturn's orbit this week 20 years ago, 30th of June, marking the beginning of a really historic mission. Some of the discoveries there were quite a few because it was up there for quite a while. The pro parachuted to Titan is that that's one of the moons, isn't it? 

That's a moon. It's a big moon since the title. 

First, first landing on a moon in the outer solar system, it discovered icy plumes spraying from fractures on Saturn's moon and cheladas. 

Enchiladas. I think it's. I think it's ensaladas maybe, but if it was enchilada. 

That also sells. I'm hungry. 


It also sounds delicious. It's that led to the understanding that the moon possesses a global ocean of liquid water, likely with hydrothermal activity on the sea floor. 

Sure. I think that if it's enchiladas, it'd be good if it is hydrothermal, you know it's a spicy enchilada. Yeah, it. 

It found Saturn's rings to be active and dynamic. You definitely want an active and dynamic ring, that's for sure. 

Yeah. Yes. 

Or do you? 

You're on an overactive ring. I have to say. 

Tighten the moon. 

Maybe if you've had too many enchiladas. Well hmm. 

Yes, and some Cassini. The tighten that moon back to the moon, it had rain, rivers, lakes and seas, and it also had a nitrogen rich atmosphere that might be similar to what we had here on Earth quite a while ago. Also observed the formation and development of Saturn's Great Northern storm of 2010 to 2011. 



A year long storm on Saturn. 

Which? Encircled the entire planet for months. I think I remember hearing about that hearing about the big storm. 

Yeah, yeah. The big storm on satin batten down the hatches. Satin. 


2010 Yes, it was quite a big deal. 

Tighten up your rings. 

There was also some radio wave patterns tied to Saturn's interior rotation, which is what they thought, and so it was proven as well as some vertical or some images of the vertical structures in the rings made up of particles piled up in the bumps or ridges. 

MHM. Hmm. 

Really, vertical structures in the rings. Yeah, if you definitely want to get, you definitely want to get that checked out. 

That's the ring. You know. How do you know he's thinking? What? Yeah. You don't want particles. Piled. Up in the ridges of your ring. 

No, absolutely not. It's gonna be. It's gonna be problem. And then they studied Titans prebiotic chemistry as well. If you had had some prebiotics before, you have the enchiladas, you probably wouldn't end up. 

That's bad news. That's important. And. And your party wouldn't be. 


Out with piled up particles in your rings. Yeah. Now it solves the mystery of the dual bright, dark surface of the moon. Lapidus, it is thought that one side of the moon's topmost Isler had sublimated or vaporised. Leaving. There you go. Did you learn something sublimated or vaporised, leaving a dark carbon rich coating on that side while the ice condensed on the other side? 

Thank goodness. 


Making it appear a little bit brighter. It captured the first complete view of the hexagon shaped jet stream that surrounds Saturn's North Pole, and it discovered a giant hurricane like vortex at both of the planets poles. 


Imagine that if they had, like a vortex at the poles like this is a permanent hurricane thing going around, that'd be interesting, wouldn't it? Well, I guess we're lucky we don't live in satin. In satin, on satin. I don't know around satin. Hmm. 


Around Sutton. Something like that late 2016, the spacecraft began a daring set of orbits called the Grand Finale. Hmm, which were pretty much a whole new mission. The spacecraft repeatedly climbed high above Saturn's poles, flying just outside its narrow F ring 20 times. 

Really. Yeah. You'll be. When you're going around the ring there, after a last targeted fly by tighten, it actually dove between the uppermost atmosphere of Saturn and the innermost ring 22 times was in and out and in and out of the ring. And then it plunged past sat and collected all these this information beyond the actual original plan of the mission. It went far beyond what they expected. Including measuring the gravity and magnetic fields. Of satin and determining how heavy the rings were, directly sampling atmosphere and ionosphere and capturing all of these close up views of the planet and the rings. It was phenomenal. We are talking about. This is just the beginning though, so this is where Cassini just went into Saturn's orbit and. 

First, yeah, first got. 

There, you know, I always think that when you're kind of monitoring this, I mean, there's such a disconnect between it because it's so far away. But the guys at NASA. 

Come from. 


In the control room, always have a way of making it a sound exciting when they're doing the reports on it, but be getting excited when just the tiniest little thing happens and you've gotta have an appreciation for their enthusiasm. 

It's 9:05 PM Pacific Daylight Time. The Soi Burn is approximately 92%. And we expect. To track Doppler now through the end of. The burn. 

The Doppler has flattened out. 

OK, we have burn complete here. 

For years, for this moment. 

Four years, four years it takes for that tiny little. And how exciting does it sound when it's got that dramatic music and everything behind it? Thanks very much. Now. Yeah, that is it is a. It is a very long time. 

Draw. You've waited four years in your job for that to happen. That's a long time to wait for something to happen in your job. What would you do? Yeah, while you're waiting. That's a long time. 

Ohh and spend a bit of time on all homes. I don't know but. But The thing is too. With Cassini when it was going to enter the orbit, it's like if it misses. If it doesn't get caught into Saturn's gravitational pull, it just hurdles off into space, and that's the end. So. So there's. Can you imagine the mathematics and the calculations from the time of launch to where it actually meets up with the planet, like it's and then needs to be. 

Game over. After waiting five years, yeah. 

And within proximity of the planet enough to be pulled into its gravitation. You know, field or whatever you wanna call it without obviously being drawn right into it and crash, landing into it or anything like that. Or I mean, it's just there, the science and the and the mathematics behind it is extraordinary for that. 

So you can understand why they're excited. 

And the brains far beyond. The two idiots that are hosting this podcast right now, talking about rings and piles and all sorts of things. 

The same. They they would have been Devo in 2017, though, because the spacecraft made its final approach to the planet. Yeah, and this time it dived into the atmosphere, sending data for as long as it could. And as long as its thrusters could keep the antenna pointed towards Earth. Soon after, though, it burned up and disintegrated. 

Hmm. Yeah. 

In the skies above Saturn's clouds, that's quite a sad ending. After all those discoveries and all that effort, all that time. 

Yeah. A sad ending, but a very heroic, a very heroic ending. 


Disintegrators just did a fiery phoenix. 

Yes, but train. 

Admitting right up until the moment of, you know, combustion. Yeah, it. Look, I think it's quite impressive. I mean, you know and then back down here on Earth, we're just like. 

Gone the ends. 


Playing sport, we're going to Wimbledon, we're going to the Wimbledon Championships on Earth people over there. I mean I I think the elation of the NASA scientists probably matched some of the fans that were at Wimbledon when they're watching the championships, which the a whole bunch of big matches like the single finals for men and women. Roger Federer defends his title successfully. He claims his second Wimbledon. 


Model again. And his third overall Grand Slam when he beats Andy Roddick but Maria Sharapova is the big story of Wimbledon. She was 17 years old and she defeated Serena Williams. 

After winning the first set 6/1, she has a chance to finish the match in the following game. 


The 17 year old Russian defeats the two time champion Serena Williams with an incredible display of power, grace and maturity beyond her years in her first Grand Slam final, she stuns the tennis world with her Siberian charm. Another golden moment of. Hold on. 

Another golden moment, indeed Siberian charm. That's interesting, isn't it? There was a massive upset that. 

Ever was one. 

I think they would. 

Of the biggest in history of Wimbledon. 

17 year old Maria Sharapova from Siberia comes in to take on the juggernaut that is Serena Williams and does it in in a very short amount of time actually and completely shocked the world. So good on you. Maria Sharapova from Siberia. 

Ohh, we're going to the Worldwide Developers Conference or the WWDC on the 28th of June 2000. And four. 

I'm glad we had some sport in between that other nerdy segment and this one. Otherwise it'd be too much nerdiness. We needed to break it up a. Little bit so that's. 

Well, the WWDC is an apple thing. 

The WWDC. 

Yeah, the Worldwide developers conference, it's run by Apple. It's not, no one else is invited. It's just so I'd I'd feel that's a bit misleading. That's not world wise. 

Ron. That's like when it's no. That's like when Americans win the Super Bowl and then call themselves world champions. Yeah, so the you're the only people that play that sport. Exactly. It is misleading, but. 

Sapphire white, with the Apple Wide Developers Conference. Very misleading, very misleading. That's where jobs he. Does his keynotes right, and he did one at the WWDC. 

At the. Uh-huh. 

It's held annually at Apple Park in California, and the idea is to showcase their new software, their new releases, their new gadgets, all the. 

Yeah. Hmm. Hmm, look at what we did. 


This year, yeah. 

Yeah. Yeah. So we had a new operating system, 10.4, tiger, tiger. 

Yeah, tiger, tiger. Much easier pronounce easier to pronounce than Jaguar. Yeah, that's good. Tigers. He can wrap his tongue around a tiger, Steve. 

Well, we go. 

From Jaguar, Jaguar moved over to Tiger. Yeah, he learns. 

Jobs could not really a jagwire as he would put. 

It tiger introduced spotlights that was where you could find your files. Remember spotlights you still use that because you don't file things very well. You need something to find them. You don't have a file. You don't have a folder structure. 

Ohh, still use that yeah. Ohh use that quite often yeah. 

I'm I'm pretty good. I've just got. I've got. That is absolute garbage. 

I've seen your email. 


I've seen your inbox. 

I don't you spotlight on my emails. No. My emails are a mess. Stay out of my inbox. 

Ohh my God. Please no. Well, it's only because you never answer the emails. And I said, you see that? No, I didn't get that. So it's it's in your inbox. 

You know, just if we could just pause for a second. Do you know why too? It's it's frustrating because every single shot you go. 



Into it's like would you look this one up for our loyal? Programme. Or if you go to. 


Blah blah. Whatever card. 

Carlos just say no. 

And you do and I do. And then it's just like all I get sent is advertising. And then I always miss important stuff. Like when Book Week is or, you know. 

Thanks. You can say no. Say no. Thanks. Say no thanks. Yes, ohh, how convenient that you. 

Yeah, well, it's that's not convenient at all because then it's like you're up in the middle of the night the night before sewing costumes. Aren't you all of those things? 

To get book week. From grazing days. Well, you need a spot like lens on your Gmail. 

I do. My other files are very good. I do. I do agree my emails are a little bit catastrophic. I do. Yeah, I do have to unsubscribe from a lot of stuff. Yeah. 

Stress stresses me out. It's not in the minds. Yes, you do please. Dashboard was also introduced which was a new interface for many applications at this. 

I will, OK. 

Stage, they're called widgets. 

Ohh widgets, yes, the widgets and it's such a cute title. A widget. 

Remember the widget. Automator, which automated repetitive tasks without requiring programming skills. What does that sound like? 

We're like unsubscribing to, you know. 


Spam email. 

I used to have an app that overlaid over my mail and it would do a thing once a week and it would go. I see that you've got all of these things. Do you mean unsubscribe? You and. I'd say yes. 

That's amazing. 

Yeah, but Gmail doesn't let you use it. You have to use it on like another. Email service. It's very good, very good. 

Well, that's really annoying. I well, I I I sort of tried to automate a lot of filing for my emails, but then I missed. 

You need that. 

More stuff. So it was all just filed immediately. 

Yeah, you just moved it all to. 

I was like this. 

Trash, didn't you? 

This is amazing. I never have to check my email again and then I missed way more stuff. So it was actually worse, being more organised. 

It wasn't just tiger that was announced at the WWDC the cinema display. This is where the cinema display first came out. 

Vagar no. 

It's now time to talk about displace Apple. Apple has the best displays in the industry, bar none. Our competitors buy the panels we reject. It's true. And so for viewing angle, colour, purity, they are the best in every respect and we make a 70. One inch and we make a 20 inch and we make the industry-leading 23 inch cinema display. This is the hottest display in the industry. 

He actually goes on to whip out a 30 inch slight. Yeah. So. And look, you know, you're in for a really good party when Steve Job kicks in the door and he says. 

Yes, yes. It goes even further. 

It's now time to talk about displays. 

The 30 inch. Remember when we got our first IMAX? So the cinema display is kind of what the the, it's the iMac where it had that little stand thing built in and the cord went through the the hole in the stand and. 

Yes. With the aluminium, yes, the hole in the back, yes, it's all very minimalist. 

It was. It was. Pretty stunning. Remember when we got ours and the first question any other Mac person had was. Did you get the 27? Inch. Remember that and. 

Yeah, yeah. 

You were like, yes, because we did. And you thought you were so cool cause like your graphic design friends were asking. 



And that would that. 

And they're like, welcome to the. Club. It was like this. 

I know that was. 

Exclusive thing that if you got the 27 inch was it 20? 7 inch it. 

Yeah, it was like one of my nerd friends. I'm like, yeah, we we've been on PC for years, and it's like, oh, we finally. 

Was 27 inch. 

Got a Mac? And they're like haha welcome. 

That is such. 2010 thing. So, So what? Here's your little laminated card. You're part of the gang. 

Still can't sort out my email. Anyway, yeah, so he did that and he what? He had a like a BMW. 

Ohh, this is where Apple integrated with with the Beamer. It was yeah yeah. Select BMW's. Not all of them. They could play the iPod and play list. 

IPod as well, that's his thing. Then they put iPods in BMW's. 


Through the stereo. 


Well, that's just. The plug that you plug. In really, isn't it? 

Yeah, yeah, it's like and it's, you know, there's somebody you used to get the little cassette that you could put in the cassette deck and then plug it into your your disc and headphone Jack. 

I'm gonna buy a BMW just for. That. Because Seth. And hooked up to your disman. And then you'd go over a speed bump and it would just ruin it anyway. It's dumb. I mean, I'd. I'd just. 

There, yeah. 

Put a cassette in. Stick with the cassette. 

Well, you know, it's more more. More fidelity, higher fidelity on it. 

Until you go over a speed bump. 

Yeah. And then you go and listen to your compressed MP threes and you and your BMW, you can do lossless audio. Now, though, it's great. It's wonderful. 

And iTunes 4.9, which was the first version that Integrated podcast. 

Support that was a. 

Yes. Big deal. It is a massive deal. We should just started podcasting back then, you know, early adopters, we might actually have gotten. 


Somewhere. Now we're just sitting here, you know, with our wonderful listeners. But there's not many of them, but they are all wonderful and we love them dearly. Yes, yes. So he demoed 4.9 iTunes as well. It was. It was a riveting time. You can go and every single keynote that he's ever done, they're all available and. 

We love you all. We love you all. I love that you can go back and watch them all. You can just watch him progress over the years as well. Gets a little bit more edgy as time. 

I I yeah, I kind of couldn't get past it's time to talk about displays. 

Goes on. 

Anyway, and you know what, though? This year, if if you'd have gone to it in 2004, you received a a grey T shirt with an Apple logo on the front and it was tour merch and WWDC 2004 on the back. 


Oh, giveaways. Ohh, how much would that be worth since? 

Bit of mercy. Whenever you go into a conference like you wanna pick up a bit of merch. You know, whenever you go to conferences or showcases. 

We can find. One on eBay. No. Well, no, cause I used to work in promotional advertising and we used to make all the products for the conferences and stuck a sticker logo on it and it was all she passed. 

Right. Yeah. So I want a koozie like a. Yeah, I want a stubby holder. Get. Of course it was, but. 

And everybody loved it. People are so. 


Scabby. When it comes to promo. 

They do and. 


They all go for the USB sticks. The USB sticks always go. 

Ohh yeah yeah, it used to be mouse mats before USB sticks came out. Mouse mats were like Primo and certain coffee mugs, coffee mugs with gold prints, gold prints. Yeah. And and odd shapes. 

First, yeah, yeah. 


Really, right? Actually, yeah, I do remember working for a company and we did coffee mugs as a promo product at Max. They were the hot ticket item at the trade show after the USB. 


Yeah, yeah. Sticks and then they brought out. I remember little little brush things to clean all the finger crud out of your keyboard and it's stuck with Velcro onto your screen. That was handy, yeah. 

That's a good idea. Well, otherwise you could just tip your keyboard up upside down and bash it on the desk, yes. 

Well, have you? 

Ever done that and seen what comes out? 

It's amazing. It's incredible. 

So disgusting. So you got a T? Shirt. You also got a backpack. 

Yes. That's a great item. 

Which was big enough for your Powerbook. Your 17 inch, not your 30 inch monitor. 

17 inch 780 inch powerbook knife you can put a 30 inch. Display there. Yeah. And then the the the remote desktop 2.0, where was that? 


Yes, and Jimmy Eat World plates. 

Yeah, they're they're crepant. Yes, Jimmy. Well. 

They had a performance and you were driven there by. 

Bus. Yes, you got to catch the bus on the Apple campus, like free shuttle for all the attendees along. And that's that's when you got all your you, I'd say. I reckon they would have handed you all that stuff either as you got on the bus or on the way out. I mean, I'd probably suggest that they should hand it to them on the way out, because then they wouldn't be fidgeting with it otherwise. 

And free shuttle free. To the campus. Ohh, clicking the pen, flicking the pen. 

Otherwise, he doing his tea now, when you hear people clicking pens and. Yeah, zipping and unzipping the backpack, you know it would have been nice to see them all walking around in their in their tiger T-shirts though, or you don't. You don't really want to wear the merch of the band of the concert that you're going to see. 

Ohh, so annoying. So annoying. 

No, you have to wear. It afterwards, how much are they worth? Let's see if we can find one on eBay. I I reckon there would be one. 

Are you serious? You reckon they'd be selling them? WWDC 2004 T shirt, yeah. 

Let's say. 

Oh, it's getting serious. She's taking her glasses. 

Off I can't read up. They're my far away glasses. 

Right. OK. 

Not me. Up close, glasses. OK. 


Do you have my up close glasses? 

I don't. Have you got a wallet? 

I'm on the Australian one. I need to be on the. American one don't. 

I no, it should do eBay. No, it should go for everything, shouldn't it? Eagles farewell tour 2004, Black T shirt $16.00. No. Vintage Simpsons T shirt $139 I. Can't find any. 

There's a world developers T shirt. Oh, no, that's brand new. That must be a fake. Alright, there's 1 from 2000. It's a ohh. It's a large $58 pre-owned. That's OK. Ohh, we've got a vintage 2002. 


It didn't. It wouldn't fit me. 

Two thrashed collar conference shirt. So it's kind of like a it's saying thrashed collar but it's more like a grandpa collar. So you've just got a round neck and you've got three buttons. It's white and it's embroidered and it's reduced from 5988 to 3892. Ohh, and we've got a rare 2312 disc set for $399. 

Right. There is a a vintage Apple shirt, adult large white. We got game open GL 116 dollars. Ohh, there you go. So there is stuff. There's stuff there's just not. 

Yeah, there's a ohh there's a shoulder laptop bag that's always popular at A at a conference. That's from the WWDC $2375 pre owned very good condition. 

Ohh, here you go. Here's a bootleg T shirt of Steve Jobs. Ohh no, that's actually a photo of Ashton Kutcher from the movie. Music time, Mel. 

M let's start with the Australian charts #1. Here in Australia, every time Britney. 

Things feel so small. 

Need you baby. 

Still in the bottom of the bathtub. Hmm, well, she she was number one in Australia. Lost. No, she wasn't, was she? Was she? I can't remember. I think, Frankie, I feel like, yeah, I feel like he was maybe spiderbait Frankie Brittany. But they kind of switch around a little bit. 

Thought Frankie and Ferb or spider baits. 


I think Brittany was number one in the. UK think that's what you're getting confused with. 

Right. Yes. I mean they all look the same to. 

Me. Well, she's not number one in the UK this week. We've got a new entry into the UK charts, a song called, obviously by McFly. 


When she keeps dragging me in and I never will be getting enough for. 

That it's that sounds like I don't know. Green Day meets the Bay City Rollers. It's like there's it's like pop punk. 

Sounds a bit. Used. 

It well, I don't know. It's #1 the UK loved it. 

What are you? Thank. Well, they were #1 recently in the UK with their first single. So that's their second single. Their first on that 5 colours in her. Hair, remember that. 

Ohh was that those guys? 

One, and they're the ones that are. Friends with busted. 

Ah yeah. 

And I think the guy from Busted helped write this one, so obviously it's called second single from their debut. 


Album Room of the third floor was the name of the album. 

Once again, they all look the same to me. 

It was one of their most popular songs and contributed to their early success. And the music video features the band members daydreaming about various scenarios where they try to win over a girl who's out of their league, including humorous and exaggerated scenes that complement the song's theme. 

Ah. The dude from busted his name was James Bourne. Not to be confused with Jason Bourne. Yeah. 

In case you cared. He's like the Payless version. 

Yes, he's like wish.com Jason. But you know, you know what's funny about all of this is I'm wowser ring about them like they're a new band. 

They're #1. 


And this is 2015 years ago. 

So it's like you're double wowser ring. How Gen X have you? 

I I just. I I I don't feel great about it. I really don't. I don't feel good. I don't feel I'm reaching around for my wallet. Ohh dear. 

Put your ankle socks on and part your hair on the side and off you. Go. Where's your wallets? Let's move over to the US towns then, yeah. 

Ohh, we're gonna do that. Let's do that. 

I don't want if it ain't you. Reason for me to change you. 

He's. She got one on the way. 


Gotta let it go. 

Two, that one and two, it's a back to back ursher. Attack. 

Burn #1 Confessions, part two. Number two was staying still in there with the reason. At #3. Yeah, Alicia Keys if I. 


Ain't got you #4. 

At least, yeah. Alicia Keys. Adding a bit of dignity in class to the top five in Billboard land. 

And the new entry in at #5 a song called Slow Motion by Juvenile Feat Soldier Slim. 

Breaking that back, I don't know how to act slow motion for Mac. Slow motion for back slow motion for her neck and her back hurting like a brand new version. Now for me. 

I don't remember that song, but I don't mind it listening to it now. I quite like it. Yeah, it was the single from juveniles album. 

You don't mind? Hmm. 

Juve the grapes. Southern hip hop. I think that's why I like it, because the Southerner like. 

Like similar to like, well, ludicrous and and and also outcasts. Yeah. 

Luda. Nelly, The Dirty, Dirty South. Yeah, I do like that Southern hip hop sounds the song is about enjoying life and the appeal of a slow paced lifestyle. Ohh. Completely sold. Like a slow paced lifestyle. 

Yeah. And what's no? It's not. No, it's not. 

About focusing on the slower movements in dance and everyday activities. 

That's that is not entirely. Be true, and would you like a bit of a lyrical breakdown of slow? 

Ohh really? 

Show. I'm just gonna. Well, OK, so it's like slow motion for me. Slow motion for me. We know that he says that. 


Quite often. And then it says. 


Ugh, I like it like that. She working that back. I don't know how to act slow. Motion for me. Slow motion for me. Slow motion for me moving. 

Yes, slow it down. Slow pace lust. 

Slow motion for me. Ugh. I like it like that. She work in that back, etcetera. Then we get into a verse. Hmm. I'm a thrower. Her neck and her back hurting cuz. Roda have you like a brand new Virgin? It's like once you get used to it. Ohh sorry, once you get used of it then you start serving. Hop up on top and start jicky jicky jerking slow down for me you moving too fast. My fingers keep slipping. I'm trying to grip that. 


Keep being hard headed and I'ma make you get off me. Got human enough disguise, but my face is a doggy if you lovin my bark let me bury my bone. I got four or five bad married. I got four or five bad married. 

That's clever. Very clever. At home? Yes, it's a slow pace lifestyle. 

One of my teachers fell in love with that out. Like that outside. Keep them hose sick like though I like it like that. She working that back, etcetera. Absolutely. Absolutely. That is the juvenile version. Slow motion song by juvenile and soldier swing. 

Are you reading the right song? Are you sure? Is that a juvenile version? Wikipedia said it was about a slow paced lifestyle. 

Well, there ain't. Well, I don't. I don't think having 5 married at home is a very slow paced lifestyle. 

I'm sticking with that. Well, maybe it is for juvenile. Maybe he's calmed it down. Maybe he had 20 at one stage. 

Especially if one of them's got that outside. I don't even know what that means. I don't know what any of that means. 

Soldier Slim, whose beach is on theirs dead and was dead when it was. 



Well, there you go. He probably. 

Is a posthumous appearance. 

Maybe he caught an SD off one of his married that was into the. 

No, he was drugged. No, he was murdered. Some respect. Please, please, RIP. 

Outside. Ohh was he right? I've no some respect. Give me a break. 

He was tragically murdered in November 2003, shot multiple times in what was believed to be a targeted attack. 


He was from New Orleans and he was quite influential on the scene. He. Yes, he made a a significant contribution to the genre of bounce music. 

Was he? Did he? I tell you what, they didn't make a significant contribution to in literature. OK, well, the English language, for that matter. 

Bounce music. 

Music. Soldier Slim was signed to Masterpiece, No Limit Records, but parted ways and then found his own label and was then tragically murdered. And I think part. Part of that is the reason why the song did as well as what it did. It gave it a bit of legacy well because and because he's already dead and he's quite an influential dude on the bounce music scene, I don't know what bounce music is, but it might have something to do with the the bone or I don't know. 

Because he died. Yeah. 


It goes to #1 and it's actually the first number one single for the cash Money records label, which is the label that juvenile is on. 

Good, excellent. Yes, I just. 

We all feel better for knowing all of. 

That now, with a name like juvenile, he does sing about some very adult concepts. There is an album out as well. This is I'm hating. I'm just hating the music sequence. 

One of your favourites. So much this week. 

So long. I have nobody for my own. Solo. Mr Norman. 

That is the song lonely by Akon from his debut studio album, which was out this week 20 years ago. Called trouble. 

I still to this day can't wrap my head around this, and I remember being very frustrated. 

Were you were confused by Akon? 

Yeah, back in the early 2000s when this came out, I like acons. OK. I guess in general, but like that song in particular, I'm like, so in the 80s, when we were children, there were novelty records by Alvin and the Chipmunks, but nobody could take seriously. And this comes out and everyone's like ohh.