T minus 20
The year is 2005... Anakin turns to the dark side, YouTube makes its debut and we’re all couch-jumping for Maria, McDreamy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo…
T minus 20, rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with Joe and Mel.
T minus 20
Bin Laden drops a mixtape
We kick things off with the tragic story of Ricky Hendrick, NASCAR's rising star who soared to victory on the track but tragically crashed out of the sky. When his plane went down in 2004, taking nine others with him, it was a devastating loss for motorsports and the Hendrick family.
Next, Osama bin Laden pulled out the ultimate villain move, dropping a video like a sinister mixtape 📼🔥. In this eerie 18-minute rant, he finally admitted responsibility for the 9/11 attacks and threw some serious shade at George W. Bush for his slow reaction to the crisis.
In sport the Boston Red Sox shattered their 86-year World Series curse, sweeping the St. Louis Cardinals in a historic win ⚾🏆. With this victory, Red Sox fans everywhere could finally retire their conspiracy theories and breathe a sigh of relief.
We also revisit the release of Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, where chaos reigned supreme in the streets of virtual California. The infamous "Hot Coffee" mod sent parents into a frenzy, but let’s be honest—what's a GTA game without a little controversy? ☕🚓
And let’s not forget the Finnish rock legends Tehosekoitin who brought the house down with their nostalgic jams 🎸. Plus, we geek out over GWAR's thrash metal comeback, complete with alien warrior costumes and all the satire we didn’t know we needed.
Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.
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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke. Yeah. George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel.
Oh, 24 October 2004.
T minus.
The rest is. History. You know what? I'm very forgetful 20. Hello.
There. Stop trying to make fetch happen.
You're fired.
When we're waiting for.
This is harder than I thought it would be.
My fellow Americans.
Let's roll.
Look, if you're a history buff who's really got a lot of attention to detail, this probably isn't the podcast for you. Let's be honest, but if you're into history and you're into what happened this time 20 years ago and you kinda like reminiscing on those things and you think it was a better time, let me tell you right now, probably wasn't just a different time, but this is t -, 20. This is the podcast that's all about. What happened this week in history? 20 years ago with your host, Joel, we're very grateful to have you on board. Stick around. Hi, Mel.
Hello. Yes. Thank you for joining us. We're rewinding to the 24th to the. 30th of October 2004 this week.
12:30 yesterday afternoon, the Hendrick Motorsports Beach 200 disappeared from the radar trying to land at the tiny Blue Ridge Regional Airport outside of Martinsville. Among the 10 killed in the crash, John Hendrick, brother of Rick and president of the company Ricky Hendrick, Rick's son and retired NASCAR driver a.
And Blake Silver track now.
I. Tragedy that shook the world of NASCAR to its very core this time 20 years ago.
I'm here today as a parent and a senator. And along with my colleagues and so many of the advocates from around the country, we are determined to stop a situation in which video games with pornographic and violent content are being peddled to our children.
Well, we can't be peddling those sort of things to you too. It's always the video games, isn't it? It's yes, that, that it was Hillary, Hillary Clinton and they they've been singing from the same songbook for more than 20 years. Let me tell you.
Ohh, the video games ruining the children? Yes, that was Hillary, wasn't it? Hillary Clinton?
Earlier today I was informed of the tape that is now being analysed by America's intelligence community. Let me make this very clear. Americans will not be intimidated.
I love George Bush when he does his cowboy speeches, his press conference let me make this very clear. He was making things very clear this time 20 years ago when a a tape of Osama bin Laden served.
Yeah, very soon.
First, nothing like a tape surfacing.
I mean, you know, last time a tape surfaced, it was Pam and Tommy. Thankfully, we didn't have to see that with Osama bin Laden. But anyway, I mean, that's terrorism takes it to a. Whole new level.
Really early 2000s leaked to tapes is always a bad time, yes.
Yes, Speaking of leaks, look, I don't. I don't really know how to start this conversation, but I think it's a conversation that should be had. And I I I have to admit, it's a very embarrassing conversation that I'm about to have with you.
Do we need to think of the children? Do we need a warning?
You don't necessarily need to think of the children, but if you're having a snack, maybe just put it to the side. OK, as I've discovered, as I've gotten older. OK, so how in control of your bowels do you reckon you are? As you're fast approaching 50?
Are you asking?
Me. Sure. It's a hyper. It's. I'm asking everyone.
I've had one incident in my entire life, one incident and it scares me to this day.
Yeah, right. Yes. Yeah. I nearly had an incident and that incident that I nearly had cost me $544.00 the other day. 540 and and three points off my licence. Thank you very much. I was driving to drop our son off to school, which is on the other side of town. It's a it's a. It's a. It's a good 2530 minutes in traffic and then same again on the way back and.
That's an expensive incident.
A fair drive.
I had been through the morning routine. It's always quite hectic in our household. It's like have you got this? Have you got that as your backpacked and we got the lunches, everything sorted, everything's in place and ready to go. And I just. I remember when I was young.
It is.
Yeah, I'd be able to hold on. Not even, you know, like when you were a kid and you go to school and you'd be too scared to use the toilets at school. So you'd hold on all day.
You'd hold on the whole day? Yeah. Six hours. Yes. Easy. No. Yeah, no issues whatsoever. Umm.
All day. Probs. No problems whatsoever. So I'm on the way to the school drop off and I'm feeling a bit of a stirring. I was like we.
Oh, that's not good.
Yeah, had a had a meal. That was probably a little bit rich the night before and I was feeling a bit of a stirring in the in the lower colon. And I was thinking ohh that's that's I better deal with that when I get back home and so drop the son off at school. Bye bye. You know all of that and then I get to the first set of traffic.
Yep, Yep.
Flights on the way home and it hits me. It's just like the most sudden urge that shook my body to its entire court. And it's like, Oh my God, I have to.
Go number twos like pretty soon, pretty soon.
We are we Prairie.
Dogging at this stage.
We're getting close to Prairie dogging. We're about, we're about probably 25 minutes away from. Yeah, we're about 25 minutes away from home, and we're at the first set of lights.
At the first set of lights. Did you start doing breathing or you know some? I think sometimes when you move around, you move a little bit you.
Did a lot of. Things. Did a lot of things shift position kind of go forward in the seat and and and and I'd also like to stress this with we just bought a new car, we've bought a brand new car. So it's driving the new car so.
Can kind of sort of. Move things back up a bit. The clenching. Ohh you were driving new car and it still has a new car smell. Please don't take.
The stakes. The stakes were a lot higher, and I'm like, you know, I mean, I might be able to just, you know.
New car smell.
Expelled a bit of air, there was a bit of pressure down there, you know, and hopefully we can carry on. And I did that a couple of times and we're getting closer and closer every set. I felt like I had every red light on the way home, every red light on the way home. And then we.
Did you ever? Ohh.
Gosh, yes.
The last red light, the last red light which is on the on the corner of the main road near where we live.
So that's about two minutes from home ETA 2.
Yeah, if that ETA 2 minutes and and I'm. I'm coming up the hill and I'm thinking ohh. I don't know if I'm gonna make it. I don't think I'm gonna make it. And I've never.
Minutes. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You thinking I'm I'm good. Ohh.
Ever, ever in my life had that sensation and it was one of the most traumatic and terrifying experiences. It was a very temporary experience, but at the time nothing else was more important than me making it home and getting to the bathroom. And and we got to.
Got to that stage.
Well, we, me and whatever was still on board, I was in the. Car by myself. I've given it a name. It's become my travelling companion, yeah.
You need one of those stickers. Yeah, baby on boy.
Yeah, baby on board. Alright. And so, so I I'm coming up the hill and the the urge is getting really, really urgent at this stage and there's a red light camera there.
And it's an.
It's a fairly new red light camera.
Yeah. Yeah, it is a fairly new red light camera and it's been very controversial this particular.
It hasn't been there long.
Hmm. Ohh they all are.
Red light camera. Yeah. And I'm like, well, you know, the the the light is green and I'm watching all the traffic go through and the car in front of me. It goes amber. When the car in front of me goes through. And I hesitated.
Ohh, cause like the rule is if you cross the line after it turns red, that's when they get you cause if you.
Yeah, it's like flash and you'll see the flash.
If you go. If you can get over the line while it's still orange, you're good. But if you just.
Edging over that line in any way shape or form and. It's red.
Yeah, I was edging alright. So so it's it's the the the lights gone amber and this and it's been amber for I guess a while I kind of was.
Bye bye.
And paying too, but at this stage I'm like.
Yeah, that yeah, yeah.
Like breathing, you know? And I don't know if that helps at all. It probably makes it worse and and so. And the cars gone through the amber. And I'm like, I'm just gonna tailgate this guy and goes through the amber as well. But before I crossed the line, it's gone red. I I'm I I wasn't sure actually. I. But I it it it definitely went red when I was on the intersection.
Yeah, well, he's gone. Yes.
And I, you know, I was like, alright, well, I'm safe. I've got a couple of seconds to get around this corner and everything will be OK. And and at that stage like the the thought you have to understand the thought process. So the thought process is this it's.
OK, there's a red light camera there. I know there's a red light camera there. What are the consequences of running the red light camera? Alright, I reckon that's about 500 bucks. Maybe give or take and a few points off my licence. I've got an impeccable driving record. I haven't received any fines or or any of that stuff.
Yep, Yep.
They're in, like over 20 years, over 20 years. So I'm like the thought process and it's happening in a matter of seconds is it's like it's 500 bucks and a few points off the licence.
You know.
To not in the car.
Or it's tainting the new car smell.
Or it's just.
Car detailing.
Stop and go and like a car detail for that sort of thing. Like a deep clean of a brand new car.
Ohh human waste, that'd be thousands.
I reckon it would be about a grant. I reckon I'll be looking.
More they'd have to get the hazmat suit on.
At about. A grant so as so as the as the the thought process is happening.
So you're doing. You're doing the diaphragmatic breathing.
You're weighing up your options and you're trying to hold it in at the same time. That's a lot.
Yeah. Yeah. So I I gun it through the intersection around the corner, and then there's another set of lights, and thankfully they were green. And I make it to the roundabout round the corner and into the driveway, and you probably still see the footage on the surveillance camera of me.
Going on for you at that point?
You went through.
Ohh and check the camera. So did you park the car in the shed? Or did you park the other phone?
No. Out on the driveway, out on the driveway basically fell out the door and scrambled my way into the house. It was very quick and I made.
Yeah, OK. Yeah.
That's quicker than trying to steer into the shed, yes.
It. Yes, I was so happy. I was so happy and and I for a while there because the thing with these fines is right. You don't.
You never quite know with the red light camera.
Yeah, it's like, did I or didn't I? I'm pretty sure I did. And I told you, and I told you straight up. I was very honest about it because it's it's humiliating to to get a when you when you've got an impeccable driving record, that's humiliating. It's not as humiliating as losing control of your bowels in your brand new car, and probably then discussing it with all and sundry who listen to the.
Oh, it is. Yes.
Podcast. But I do think it's important as we get older to look after our bodies and get yourself checked and do all of those things, you know, regular colonoscopies and all of that. Sort of stuff because you start to.
Maybe have a towel in the car.
Maybe have a towel in the car that that could be a good solution. Anyway, you're never quite sure, but then two weeks later it's come in. The fine has come in and I'm like alright.
Maybe we should do that.
Can I go for leniency here and I I so.
You definitely can with things like parking fines, so you know if there's a tree in the way of the sign or if you didn't read the sign properly or if the parking machines broken. Yeah, you usually can write a letter and they're like, Yep, no problems. That's fine.
Yeah, yeah.
So. So with this particular fine, it's not one of those kind of fines, if you if you're gonna go for leniency, you need to have a lot of evidence or you need lots of evidence like. Well, if it was, say, a medical emergency, which I'm not sure.
Ohh. Can't write a letter. You need evidence. What kind of evidence to run a red light? I think that's pretty close to medical emergency.
Well, I don't think it would fly. Float so.
But how do you have evidence of that? What sort of evidence are?
Right. Yeah. Well, you know, I mean the car. Yeah. Well, it did. The evidence all got flushed away. Thankfully, that's wonderful, but yeah, so it's. It's gone. But so. So you you can't when you go on the website. This is for NSW. It's it's really scary like their language is quite intimidating and it's like you need to provide evidence and stuff.
They asking for.
We didn't hang on to.
And then I was like ohh look, I'll just write a letter and then I'll use the letter as the evidence as well as the attachment. I was like, I was sitting there, right.
Getting it and just suffering.
What angle did you take? Do you take the angle of like, I'm really sorry this happened. Or do you make it a bit jokey, like, you know?
I I started going down the path of. This is really embarrassing, but here was the situation and I I just. I was. I was humiliated. I was humiliated as I was doing it. I'm like, I'm not gonna go through.
Ohh yeah, heartfelt honesty. That's good.
So it hung over and I'm like, I'm gonna have to pay it. Like I'm just gonna have to copy it. You know, I'm gonna have to cope the fine and the demerit points, but.
That's a lot of money.
I. Thought I'll just give him a call. So the.
Next day I gave. Him a call which.
Isn't that more humiliating than writing out a note? Actually, having just tell someone over the phone, did you?
Well, no, because I didn't. I I didn't identify myself, so I didn't tell them. I I and I think they might have thought it was a joke at first. I'm like, look, it's not a joke.
But did you tell them the scenario?
Did did they laugh?
They they thought it was quite hilarious, but they just reiterated everything on the website and I kind of. Wasted everybody's time.
So did they? Did they give? You a straight up. No. Or did they say you could still try? What was the outcome?
No, it was pretty much no like unless you've got some kind of evidence from a doctor, like, it's not happening.
You are getting older and what's a doctor's appointment these days? 80 bucks and you get what you get about 60 bucks, so.
100. Yes.
There's 40 bucks you could. Probably go to the doctor.
And claim that you had, I don't know, Gastro.
And and tell the story to someone face to face.
Well, tell them that maybe you you had a bit of gastro and maybe maybe the doctor would help you out and write a. Letter.
Yeah. No, I don't think so.
And then you could submit the letter. You know, if I was the person reading the submissions.
And if someone wrote a letter. I think if they did it like funny, they wrote a funny letter about how they were like that whole story about weighing up in your mind. Am I gonna go car detail? And we're gonna run the red light. Like explaining the dilemma. If I was the person looking through those letters, I'd let you.
Let him off. Off I think it's a split second.
I'd be like, yeah, that's fine.
Is a split second judgement call and I think I made the right call. I don't think that they.
Well, what's the alternative? You get out and take a dump on. The side of the road.
I mean, God, that would get you arrested pretty quickly, I'd think. As well, I don't know.
We like the poo jogger.
No, I don't think that would fly. So I just I I copped it. I paid the fine, I've got the demerit points. It's three years before I get those demerit points back and I kept thinking, you know, if this was a a rental vehicle, maybe I would have had some evidence because you get to. Keep a log book. I don't even know if that's got anything to do with history or whatever, you know, but there there you have it. That was, that was the most vulnerable, I think I've ever made myself to an audience there. Yeah, I I don't. I actually just want to go and rock in the corner for a little while. But no, the show must go on. We must do the hatches.
A bit traumatic revisiting it. Yes.
Matches and dispatches clue. Let's get back into the history stuff, alright? A celebrity who was this is a a wedding.
Ohh Matt. Yes. Nice.
Celebrities or celebrities who got married that said this?
He's the ultimate musician. He's a.
Little father, did you have good baby dreams?
And a hopeless romantic.
She's an incredible woman and an awesome mom. She was Miss USA and she's an amazingly talented actress. We're getting married.
And we're starting our family.
Ohh, isn't that lovely? We'll find out who they are. At the end of the show.
24th of October 2410 people including NASCAR driver Ricky Hendrick and four family members are killed in a plane crash. He Ricky was a rising figure in NASCAR, both as a driver and a team owner. He was the son of Rick Hendrick. Who is the owner of Hendrick Motorsports, which is one of the most successful teams in NASCAR history? Ricky began in the NASCAR Truck Series in 1999, won his first race in 2001, becoming the youngest driver at the time to win the series. He ended up retiring a few years later due to injuries, but then transitioned into a leadership role at Hendricks Motorsports.
Yeah. So 24th of October, this happens.
12:30 yesterday afternoon, the Hendrick Motorsports Beach 200 disappeared from the radar trying to land at the tiny Blue Ridge Regional Airport outside of Martinsville. Among the 10 killed in the crash, John Hendrick, brother of Rick and president of the.
Black Silver track coordinator.
Company Ricky Hendrick, Rick's son and retired NASCAR driver. The crash site near Virginia's Bull Mountain, so remote crews were forced to mount their rescue on ATV's.
We had a state police helicopter in the area we picked up on the transponder signal from the aircraft.
Team owner Rick Hendrick was not on board the flight, skipping the trip because he wasn't feeling well. His team filled some of NASCAR's best known drivers, including Jeff Gordon.
But that's at the start for the slide.
His drivers at yesterday's Subway 500 not total the crash until after the race. The winning car was one of Hendrix and was allowed to skip the Victory Lane celebration back in Concord, employees covered the sign at the entrance of Hendrick Motorsports, waiting until nightfall, when the team returned to the shop. Staff huddled like a family in mourning. For 90 minutes, returning home, taking the condolences of the NASCAR family with them in Concord, NC, I'm John Romero, NBC News.
Thank you John Romero for that detailed report that that it is a real tragedy. And how's the guy?
Members and members of the same families too.
Well, how's the guy that's like ohh, I'm. I'm not gonna take the flight because I'm not feeling very well. I'm feeling a bit sick. Like it's that's just one of those sliding door moments. One of those decisions. So the the crash was actually caused by pilot error and the visibility was quite bad. They failed to properly execute an instrument approach and they missed the approach. And then.
Who's the dad? Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Hit the mountain. Hit that mountain called Bull Mountain near Stuart, VA, because of the fog, there was heaps of fog around. And alongside Ricky, as they said there was nine other people that were killed, including members of the Hendrick family, John, Rick's brother and his twin daughters, Key Hendrick Motorsports employees and close family friends. Just awful. And they were going to a race when the accident happened and they still the team still raced. But they didn't tell the drivers until after the race because they didn't want it to affect them. So.
Them, yeah.
Just a horrible tragedy. I mean, you look at that, you look at the story of like Kobe Bryant as well.
Terrible news.
Yeah, I mean, these things happen, I guess and it's it's just one of those freak accidents, but you would. Expect, I guess a NASCAR driver to probably go out in a different way. You know. So yeah, a real tragedy there. Let's go to the 29th of October when Arabic news network Al Jazeera broadcast an excerpt from a video of Osama bin Laden. It's Osama as funny as time videos where he admits responsibility for the September 11 attacks.
Yeah, yeah, that's true.
This is A and it's like it's an 18 minute video, so that's a long time to be talking for. For Osama. Yeah. Yeah. So it was produced by al Qaeda's media wing. They have a media unit in Al Qaeda. Yeah. Yeah.
Lots of words. That's a long script, yes. They have a media unit, yes. I wonder what sort of gear they have. State of the art.
Yep, they're they're called as sahab. That's the name of the media unit of Al Qaeda. They were responsible for distributing the videos and statements from bin Laden and other Al Qaida leaders. They're like the propaganda wing of al Qaeda.
Yes, they distributed this one to international media outlets, obviously including Al Jazeera, which was the network that initially broadcast it. In the 18 minute video bin Laden was wearing traditional attire with a white turban. He was seated against a plain brown backgrounds and speaking directly to the camera, addressing the American people, he appears calm and confident and explains the motivations behind the attacks he criticises. US foreign policies, particularly in the Middle East. He criticised US leadership, especially President George W Bush, for causing harm to the Muslim world and warned of further attacks if the US continued in the way they were going at the moment his message was intended to clarify his role as well as the motivations in the attacks.
Earlier today I was informed of the tape that is now being analysed by America's intelligence community. Let me make this very clear, Americans. Will not be intimidated or influenced by an enemy of our country. I'm sure Senator Kerry agrees with this. I also want to say to the American people. That. We are at war with these terrorists. And I am confident that we will prevail. Thank you very. Much.
Thank you.
George Bush seemed pretty agitated there in that press conference, I think. And according to the translators, bin Laden told American voters that your security is not in the hands of Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry or Bush or al Qaeda. Your security is in your own hands that his message was intended to influence public opinion and further solidify. His role in global terrorism? It's kind of weird, it's. Like because I don't as much as he's trying to address American voters, I don't think they ever got to really see the video in full, no.
No, no. There was just a few excerpts pulled out and this is the first time that we've heard from him in more than a year and is the first time where he's actually accepted responsibility for the attacks previous.
Yeah, yeah.
Videos and broadcasts of him. He was praising the attacks, but he wasn't taking responsibility. But this is the first time that he does.
But but.
This time, when he does take responsibility, he said, they would have been less severe if George Bush had a more, more vigilant and. Acted more quickly. Which is just like. It's like. Well, yeah, we did it, but it wouldn't have been as bad if you had done something about it. It's like what?
I think he he he actually. Referred to the fact that there was was it 7 minutes when Bush was at that school in Florida? Ohh.
Yeah, with the book.
And bin Laden made a reference saying that if he'd acted more quickly, but no. Instead he continued listening to a little girl's talk about her goat and its butting. That's how it translated to.
Ah. So he was reading the children's book at the school, yes.
It was the go, yes. And that was. And he did. He did get a lot of criticism for that because there was, I think it was a 7 minute delay from.
That's right.
When his security leaned over and whispered in his ear, and then he when he then actually moved out of that classroom and he stayed in the school to make the announcement. But there was that 7 minute delay, which he was heavily criticised for, and I went back and I watched it today.
Yeah, Michael Moore. Yeah.
Hmm and. Watching it retrospectively and and the look on his face, I I I really remember the look on his face, but just seeing and he's just sitting there and you can see that he's trying to kind of tell himself to be calm, but he's also thinking through the implications. He was probably taking that 7 minutes to kind.
Visit Phillip Price is happening.
Of work out.
What am I gonna do? What's next is there? Is there another attack? Am I in danger?
What? Yeah.
I mean, he's the president. Mike Michael. Michael Moore crucified him in his documentary about that. A lot of left wing pundits definitely took him to task on on that particular moment. But one of the teachers actually talks about it retrospectively as well and and tells us her version of the events.
And everyone knew he was.
At that school too.
A lot of a lot. Of people did. Yeah, yeah.
Well, I knew something was wrong because that was not supposed to happen. And the mood went from we're having a great time. He's emotionally involved with the classroom. To him, leaving us spiritually, mentally and physically. He left the room and I knew I had to continue teaching because I had my 16 students in front of me. I had the classroom full of cameras and the President was there, but he left me and I didn't know why.
No, nobody. Well, of course you didn't know why, except I mean, how would you be, too? You're just in the classroom doing the thing. And then the Secret Service come in and whisper in the president's ear.
Are you like, have we pushed off the president?
And he gets this ash and look on his face and it's like.
Well, did we read the wrong story?
Yeah, maybe we should have gone with.
As a kid, pooed themselves in the classroom and the smell offended him.
Let's not go back there. Shall we? I'm still not comfortable with.
But you would.
You wouldn't you?
Would just be going what's going on and I think the child cause the book was called my Pet Goat and I think a child was reading it maybe and I or or there was a child involved in the telling of the my pet goat and I think they reflected on it and they were really concerned that they had offended the president.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, maybe they should have, you know? Should we have chosen a different book, different life, maybe? Where is the green sheep? You know, Grug, maybe a grub book, something like that, but no, it was the goat story. And and thankfully, the the goat story was fine. That wasn't the problem was the fact that the world was under attack.
Or or read the words. Wrong or what have we done? Yes. Yeah, good story. Good story. Ohh yeah, everyone loves Greg. That was a Today show interview with Sandra Kay Daniels, who was the teacher that day, and I scrolled down through the YouTube comments cause I was interested to see if there was still that point of view of how dare he just sit there for 7 minutes while we're under attack and again looking at the comments that.
The. Yeah. Yeah, right.
Now retrospective. Only a lot of them were on the along the lines of I used to mock him for his reaction, like most people, but now as I'm 20 years older, I see it from a different point of view. He kept his cool, but at the same time he's in shock. He was very professional. Another comment I literally get chills in a cold sweat when I see these clips. I couldn't imagine keeping that kind of composure in front of those kids. After hearing such news. He'd only been president for eight months at that point, and then 30 minutes after that was told he had to address it live. There was no better way to handle this and people were saying he was remaining calm for the kids as well. It's an interesting one. It's really interesting and it's really interesting to go back and just watch that footage and just just look at the look on his face.
Hindsight. Hey, I I just.
But imagine imagine if that was you like, what would you do? What?
Ohh well I'd I'd wait until I got further advice. He's got a lot of people around him helping him.
But I I.
I'd probably excuse myself though, probably.
I I don't know that my feelings have actually changed on on Bush that much, except for the fact and, and I think history is a lot kinder to George W Bush looking through the lens that we have now.
Especially given the devolution of of kind of the office in the United States.
With what happens? Motion is, yeah. Yeah, yeah.
And and so history I think has been a lot kinder to him as a result of of basically the way it is now. But I still maintain there were a lot of missteps that happened there.
Ohh yeah yeah.
And and I mean. He's just about to go up for another election with the the because this video.
So the video from Bin Laden, I think it was just a matter of days before the election, which is why I think he referred to both Bush and Kerry in. Bin Laden referred to both of them because I I think there was speculation that it was deliberately time to influence the outcome and there was a lot of discussion and the thing was the discussion was around, well, actually, is this going to help or hurt bushe?
Right, yes.
Campaign because if bin Laden, like the most evil person ever, is condemning Bush.
Yeah. Yep.
That's probably going to work. In Bush's favour, right?
I and I think it did. I actually think that press conference where he comes in and he's like, you know, let me be clear.
Americans will not be intimidated like the timing of the release of this video, a couple like a week or so out from the election is curious, to say the least.
It is a bit, particularly when we look at the events and and we'll get into this more next week because the election is in next next week, effectively 20 years ago. But it's interesting. When we looked at everything that sort of happened in the lead up to this election, particularly when we were looking at the 9/11 Commission, yeah, the weapons of mass destruction that actually weren't there. So there was a lot of negativity around the decision to go into Iraq. But then this pops up and then he comes back all firm.
Like, no, we're not going to back. Down it kind of almost makes up for all of those things that have come to light in the months prior, in a way.
Yeah, he gets to be a tough guy again, and that's what everyone wants.
And it's it's the proven track record, isn't it? You know, he he. Yeah. Yeah. He handled it last time. And if there's more threats coming, he's going to know what to do.
Yeah, yeah. Mission accomplished. He's gonna TCB. That's that's take care of business. So Elvis used to.
Ohk. OK, right.
Do that, yeah.
Let's take care of some sport now. Some sport while all this stuff was happening in the states, the World Series of baseball was wrapping up as well, and this was a very historic World Series of baseball. When the Boston Red Sox won their first championship.
Some sport business.
In 86 years against the Saint Louis Cardinals, they swept him out in four games.
Back to four Red Sox fans have long to hear it. The Boston Red Sox are world champions.
Like all sporting teams that haven't won anything in a while, there's a bit of Hoodoo on the Red Sox they thought they were cursed. This there was a superstition that's right that that had been around since they sold Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees in 1919, and the Yankees were kind of the enemies of the Red Sox as a result.
Voodoo, the curse of the Bambino? Yeah.
Because they traded babe Bruce to them. Babe Ruth obviously being the greatest player of all time. They beat the Yankees. The game, I think before, or the series of games before they played the Cardinals and. That was a big deal for them as well. So by the time they got here the the, you know, the tension and the nervousness was quite palpable for them. But before they sold Babe Ruth to the New York Yankees back in 1919, they had won five World Series titles, and then afterwards 86 year drought.
Six years. Wow. There were a lot of new near misses as well in that time, yeah.
I know, I know.
But yeah, Boston's dominant pitching and clutch hitting were apparently key to the sweep. I don't know what. Any of that means, but it sounds good.
Clutch clutch is where you do something really good in the sort of the dying minutes of the game to seal the deal that like that performance was clutched. Like if you score a try or a touchdown or you hit a home run right when the team needs it, that's clutch, yeah.
Right. Sounds a bit like fetch. Manny Ramirez was named the World Series MVP and obviously became a landmark moment for the Red Sox fans. Fine.
Yeah. No, no, it's nothing like that. Yep. Yeah, like making it making it. Home like after 30 minutes of turtle heading in the car is and and and not pooling yourself. Is clutch. That's a clutch performance, yeah.
That's clutch. Let's watch.
Let's do music. Let's listen tunes.
Leah, let's start with the top five in the US.
Don't dance. Just pull up my pants and do the rock away. Lean back, lean back, lean back. Come on.
We were younger.
Nothing much going on there. It's just a bit of a shuffling around just to shuffle around. I think my Boo was number one last. I mean it was, it was a long time between podcast records, but I'm fairly certain that that my well I was going to but.
Was my very number one last night. Oh, that would make sense. Ushers. Listen, listening. I can't really remember. Are you going back over the? Notes. Well, I'll recap while you go back over the notes. So my Boo usher feat. Alicia Keys, #1 goodies. Sierra #2. Lose my breath. Destiny's Child, #3. Lean back. Terrace scored #4. She will be loved. Maroon 5, #5.
I. Don't. OK, you do that.
Some interesting news on Fat Joe. Actually. I saw the other day it was on $0.50 Instagram accounts.
Oh yeah.
50 and Fat Joe, we're doing a show together and I'm confused by this news because.
The song remember the song where Roy Jones was going to beat up Fat Joe, the one where where Fat Joe said even Roy Jones was forced to.
Lean back not. Really, we talked about this and he came over his house and he was a good you commented on what a good storyteller Fat Joe was. So how?
Really. But I yeah, I know. We've talked about it. Yes, but I don't. Remember the song? It was a it was a good story. He's Fat Joe. It's yes, yes.
Did you forget that?
I didn't forget the story. I just don't remember the song. Hmm.
You just it just. OK anyway. So that song. Yes, is a diss track. No, it's a diss track with Fat Joe and Ja Rule against Eminem. But Eminem is like cities best mate. And so now fat tile 50 performing together.
For $0.50. Oh wow. Yeah.
Was very perplexed.
Well, they buried the hatchet. Obviously. That's nice.
What I don't know that you can do that, but particularly with. The the jarrol beef.
Why not? Why can't you squash? Beef just nothing wrong with squashing beef.
I don't think you can. I was just very surprised. I was very. Look, I'd go to it. It'd be a. Great concert, I.
Was just very surprised by this news.
Yeah, they could call it like the squashed beef tour. That's a great name for a tour squash beef. I'd wear a.
The squash beef tour. And then they could hug it out. They could hug it out and then perform. OK, fine. So was.
T shirt that has that horse, hmm.
It number one last week.
No, it wasn't. My Boo is is shot to #1 this week. Yeah, goodies, goodies has been bumped off. It's per or out of the jar. They're still.
Brand new #1I.
Thought so? I thought so. Not it was British. Yes. OK.
In. The jar? Yes, in Australia we had delta with out of the.
Brand new number one.
Blue. Ohh yes.
Out of the blue.
Can't see you without you.
And this just.
In the UK, we had call on me Eric Pride.
So the charts are looking very, very similar. Yeah. And I think in Germany, it was one of the same, it wasn't anything different, but I was going through our statistics the other day because we had.
We had an anomaly. I don't know if it was a bot or if somebody just decided to download every history, every every episode in the history of forever, but there was, like, a day where there. Was like hundreds. Of downloads and I thought that's all.
Really, this could be a stalker.
Well, that's really. Odd, but thank you. Thank you for to you.
I reckon the store the store I reckon. I reckon the story I told at the beginning of the podcast this week.
Thank you for you.
They will re upload those episodes and and give. Them back. So we'll get. We'll get minus. They'll put the episodes back up into the cloud or something.
We'll scare the stalker off. Yes, yes, exactly like that. Be like I can't. How can I possibly? How can I unlisten to this? Yes. And you can't. You're very welcome.
Take these back.
Take these back. Yes, have them. I don't want them. But I did go through all of the countries cause I'm just to see where this person was from and I yeah, I don't know where they're from. The somewhere in Australia, but there was some. One from Finland downloaded, I think it was our 19th of September episode, the one where we talked about the Garfield phones washing up.
Oh, a failed person. Yes, maybe they're like listening to it while they're having a sauna or something.
On the beach, I think fan of Garfield.
They're from Helsinki in Finland, so I thought, why don't we visit the Finnish charts? There's nothing much. Going on on the other charts. So let's respect our new listener from Finland well.
Well, what OK, why not?
Them I don't think they've listened actually since the 19th of September, but maybe they will come back now, maybe. The algorithm will.
Well, they've got some incentive. Again, they still need to get past that story at the start.
Declined because they're just saying.
Finland, yes. So number one in Finland, a song called Lupan by can you say that the band? I can't say that.
Sorry about that. Yeah. Hmm. Ohh wow. To host Quinton to host Clayton to host Colyton.
Tear hose Clayton.
My daughter.
Now they're a they're a rock, but they're a Finnish rock band, right? So it says that they made mainly traditional rock'n'roll, but also incorporated jazz, Blues and ballads. I'm not even sure what Lupan is, but they released their first 3 singles to to host. Quinton released their first 3 singles.
That's nice.
Yes. That's nice.
The vinyl and they were playing Finnish style punk.
Now, that doesn't sound like Finnish style punk to me. No, but yes, yes, the more traditional rock band they made their first album, which you know, in the spirit of being a traditional rock band, was called Rock'n'roll. Hmm.
Very diverse, but more they change their style after that. Rock'n'roll. That's good. That makes sense. What you see is what you get. They got a nationwide profile in Finland in 97 with their single. Come on, baby. Yeah. And then went on to release. You have to. You have to have those inflexions. Come on, baby. Yeah. And they went on to release several more singles.
Come on, baby.
They translated their lyrics into English and toured Europe and the UK. Under a different name, though Screaming Stukas.
Stuffers they're the they're the dive bombing planes that from World War 2 that the Nazis used to.
Ohh well, probably because nobody could say the other.
Use. Name yeah, to to to Quinton Quinton, Quinton, Royton.
Duka is that it stooker that's a lot easier, isn't it? Yeah. But the door wasn't very successful, but.
Stucco. Yeah, stucco. Well, with the name like screaming stokers, I'm not surprised.
In. Yeah, in Europe, too soon. Too soon, 2002. They also released an album in English called Alotta Rhythm.
Time does. Hmm. Right.
Under the same.
Under the same name Screaming stokers a lot of rhythm.
And the band members are Otto Grundstrom on vocals, Hannu Hanski, Kiki on bass.
Matty Mikola on guitar, Taro Sundell on drums and ya.
Paula on keyboard, that's wonderful. Excellent.
Well, I just think we've gotta. Go all in for our new listener.
Just profiling them well, they're single weapon from 2004, became the last T host Kochan record, published with the band played their last gig in August 2004. They did. They were gonna do a reunion tour in 2009, they announced. But with Otto Grundstrom as that lead vocalist on a single called.
UM says.
Rackhouse repi midot topolinski.
By the finished punk rock group Paquis in 2012, and another reunion was announced in 2019. I mean, does anyone care?
I guess the finished field.
I like. I like that. Song. I think it's nice you. Put it on again? Sure.
I like that little. That little roof on the piano at the end there. Did they have a keyboard player who was the keyboard player?
Yes, yes, yes. Yeah, the keyboard player.
Ah, you are a cupola. There's the clever. He's just like tickling the ivories there, Liz. I've got something that tickles me music wise.
You have worse job.
The state policy by other means you're like endanger. This is the blasting of black marble. There's no time to stream.
Ohh what a great band Gwar were. They released their album War Party in 2004. Very outlandish band. You've seen Gwar now. What was your take on it?
Yes, yes, it's a sound wave, isn't it? That was very interesting. They were. They were in costume.
Yes, yes.
And what were they? They were aliens and I.
From outer space.
Just thought the whole time it must be very difficult in the cause it was summer.
To be in those costumes in the heat cause it's an outdoor things outdoor festival and to also be playing instruments at the same time in the costumes. I was concerned that they were gonna get.
Yes. Yes, not.
Dehydrated to be honest.
Indeed, there's lots of latex and fake blood being sprayed from fire hoses out in the crowd.
They're a bit of fun.
Bit of fun.
Yeah, that's right. Yes. I didn't wanna get the blood on me. I. Didn't wanna ruin my T shirt.
I think they decapitated the queen and possibly.
Ohh yes, people bird. Yeah, I understand that was. Ohh yeah, there was a few moments where people like I think it's gone.
And and 50 of George W Bush as well, I think. Yes, and that this was at the time where the the singer, Dave Brockie was still alive. He played the character odorous Urungus, who was the lead singer of Gore and I. I'd seen them on video clips, but seeing them live was was something else, actually, because he I didn't realise that odorous had this appendage called the cuttlefish, which he, which he would get out.
A bit too far.
During the show and and it would spray blood all over the crowd as well it was. It was very confronting. They were formed in 1984 in Richmond, VA and they combined like this humour and shock and political commentary. It's pretty it's, it's comedy, it's basically comedy. There are a bunch of alien warriors whose sole mission is to destroy Earth. That's their job.
So war. Party was an album that they made that got them into the more thrashy heavy metal they they'd kind of done a little bit more rock'n'roll and it was very politically charged because it came out during the Iraq war. So it's like it's as much as it's comedy and stuff. It's just kind of reflective of the mood of some of the creatives in the world at the time. And they they had a very satirical.
Take on war and government and society and stuff. The track that I played then was called bring back the bomb. There's another one called Cross sticker, which very critical of of politics and stuff, without actually doing anything kind of. Constructive or proactive about it, except for being stupid and funny and a little bit gross as well. But I I I thoroughly enjoyed Gore.
I thought that was fun. I just didn't want to get the blood on me. I didn't get on my T shirt. I didn't wanna get in my hair because you like. You don't know what it's made out of. And it's like it could tint your hair because being a blonde, if you.
I've been.
Yeah, and I think.
Get things like. That in your hair. Sometimes it can stain and I didn't wanna gloss stain in my hair. Well, especially for like corn syrup or something like that. Like.
40° day with that sticky crap all over, though one of the early.
Bands as well.
And I was pregnant at the time, too. So you need to know what ingredients are in the fake blood before you go getting it on you when you're.
Yes. Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. It's it's like, you know.