T minus 20
The year is 2005... Anakin turns to the dark side, YouTube makes its debut and we’re all couch-jumping for Maria, McDreamy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo…
T minus 20, rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with Joe and Mel.
T minus 20
Bush beats Kerry, Google conquers Earth
🗳️ This week, we’re time-traveling to the 2004 U.S. presidential election – where Bush edged out Kerry in a nail-biter that had it all: missing WMDs, National Guard gossip, Patriot Act debates, and a whirlwind of controversies. The result? Bush grabs a second term, thanks partly to a campaign heavy on security and “moral values” … and Kerry's reputation as a professional flip-flopper. 😆
🛰️ Meanwhile, Google’s out there snapping up satellite-imaging tech with their $35 million purchase of Keyhole – the OG app that put “Zoom Out” on the map and paved the way for Google Earth 🌎. Imagine a world without Street View fails… we can’t either.
🎶 Music hits hard too! Delta’s dreamy “Out of the Blue” is topping Aussie charts, Ja Rule’s “Wonderful” is heating up the UK, and Nelly’s country-hip-hop collab “Over and Over” is sparking controversy. P.S. He’s relaunching Apple Bottoms – nostalgia overload! 🍑
🎬 Plus, we dive into Pixar’s latest hit The Incredibles, with our fave suburban superheroes – and take a peek at the “Shall We Dance” craze sweeping Aussie cinemas.
Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.
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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke. Yeah. George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Super Bowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel.
Week OHH 31 October 2004.
The rest is history. Very forgetful hello there.
You know what?
-20, you're fired.
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
When we're waiting for. 20 20.
This is harder than I thought.
It would be Americans. Let's roll.
If you're the type of person who's only a fan of jogging when it's your memory, this is the podcast for you. It's team -20 where we rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with your host Joe and Mel hey.
Mel. Hello, we're t -. 20 into the 31st of October through to the 6th of November. 2000 and.
Yes. And look, I wasn't even gonna show up this week after I was a bit traumatised by the story I told. So if you're back after that too, thank you very much. But lots to talk about this week.
Ohh. You.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this. Message.
Yes, George W Bush does approve this now? Well, not necessarily. This message. Yes, yes.
We endorsed why, George, shall we watch the endorsing team -20? Lovely.
Yes, we should have got him to endorse the story from last week. But anyway, big news over in the states with the election taking place over there 20 years ago.
The original source of Google Earth was a software called Keyhole. Earth Viewer, developed by a company called Keyhole, Inc.
How exciting.
Google was Googling and buying things and doing stuff.
Google were in into acquisitions and remember I remember when Google Earth came out and we're like, I can see my house from here, but it's gonna take me probably 4 days for the content to download.
Was very sorry, yes.
It's kinda funny how you right back there.
Yuck. Another reason why you weren't gonna come back this.
Yeah, Ja Rule.
Been a while between Jar. Rules, hasn't it? He's back just when you.
Ja Rule the herpes of music as I call him as a.
Thought it had cleared up.
Reared his ugly head, doesn't take much, doesn't take much if, but if the conditions are right then.
Hopes up again for another round hit that little. That little tingling like ohh he's back, yes.
There he is. There he is. Get some Zovirax or whatever else you need under that.
Now you took me. To a special shop today. What was it called? I can't remember, was called.
Yeah. Ohh the IT was the vintage and collectibles Canberra. Whatever shop out in Fishwick.
That's a great it was. A great shot. It was a great shot.
Yeah, they've, they've got all any any toy that you had as a child.
I walked in there and went. This is my bedroom from the 80s, yes.
They've got any toy that you had as a child? They've got memorabilia from the early 2000s. They've got choose your own adventure books from way back in primary.
Yes, they had Castle Grey skull, which my my brother had. Yeah, they had the little people playing, which I think my sister had that.
But I'm just looking there going, have my parents just sold all of my toys to this shop because I just feel like I'm home. That's great.
Yeah, yeah, they had retro gaming consoles and games and.
That's, that's where I spent the most time looking at the console because over the years like you've had so many iterations of the consoles. But then you've also had the peripherals and you can tell which peripherals are more popular than others because there's there's a backlog of certain peripherals in that store, so.
So impressive. Yes. Uh-huh. Yeah.
You know, like your bundles of your PlayStation with Singstar, had the original Nintendo Entertainment System, they had the superness.
Yeah. Yeah, they have the the Namco Bandai Geocon light gun that I used to play time crisis on the PS1 with.
There was lots of guns. There's lots of guns that they had the Nintendo 64 with Golden Eye. Gosh, that reminds me of like 90s.
Yeah, yeah. And they even had the old store displays for those consoles as well, like an Xbox and a Nintendo and PlayStation ones. That's great.
Game boys, but then the peripherals and this is where it gets interesting to things like.
It's immaculately curated that store too. I just have to give them credit for the way they cure. Their collection of stuff because it's.
It was very logical. It was a logical flow, wasn't it? Yes.
Very well laid out. I mean, you got so much junk and they've just they've organised it and catalogued it.
They've organised it well and it didn't have that junk smell. You know, when you go into a like a second.
Hand shop you're.
I think there's a lot of disinfecting happening there, yes.
Just like Ohh didn't have that. They've done well. They've done very well. And so then bruising the the gaming areas, there was a lot of. And it just it just. Took me back to early 2000s when you were playing your PlayStation, but there was all the peripherals. There was all the heroes. It was like the Guitar Hero, and there was rock band they had.
Yes. DJ Hero with the turntables? Yep.
All of that.
Well, DJ hero, yes. And then we all thought we could be DJ, we all thought we could sing. We all thought. We could play the guitar.
But something that's happened so DJ Hero we bought.
That and.
I think we played it twice.
Yeah. I didn't really enjoy it. A bit of a novelty, yeah. And then when you step out of your basement or your closet or wherever you've come from after you've been playing these games into the real world and you. Try and practically practically.
Try to use it. DJ Hero Skills in real life.
Apply the skills that you've used in real life and realise that you hang on. I've got this and it's like, no you don't. You are rubbish, you are deluded.
Step back, everyone. I'm a I'm a DJ hero. No, you're not a deejay. Very. It's not hard to Jay.
But more recently, they've they've it's not for PlayStation, but they've released a similar sort of all in one kind of console that is akin to the DJ hero. So it's like, yeah, for you to kind of practise on with the the wiki Wicky thingies and the buttons.
Right. Like a Fisher Fisher Price, my first wheels of steel.
Pretty much and it's got all the buttons with the samples and you do the wiki wiki and I found the other day. I think I have found the greatest composition on a DJ hero S peripheral.
Yes, yes.
I think it's called. Everybody shut up in this world.
Yes, by DJ PAC man.
Everybody shut up in this world. Everybody, shut up, everybody, everybody. Everybody shut up in the city. Everybody shut up in the state.
Everybody shut up in this world. I mean, my sentiments exactly.
I think he's just. I think he's just articulating how the whole. World World feels so he's. I don't know 9-10 years old and his aunt, he's given him this new version of.
He you know what he is? He's the future. That's what he is.
He is the future. He's got this, this DJ here at.
Everybody show up in this world.
Done. Amazing.
He's got the DJ hero for his birthday. He's unwrapped it, he's got it from his auntie and auntie and mum have gone into the other room to have some lunch and they've come back in and he's gone. All right, DJ PAC man on the.
What's the first thing DJ PAC man's gonna tell the world?
Wheels of steel. Hmm.
To shut up.
Everybody shut up in this world.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
Amazing. I think it's been doing the rounds on the socials for a while, so I think I'm a bit late to the party, but I just think that's wonderful.
I do too. I I do too, and I think he's got a bright future in front of him. Speaking of bright futures, well, well, I don't even know that's a terrible segue. I'm not even sure this person didn't have a bright future in front of them because they died this time 20 years ago. It's the hatches, matches and dispatches clue. We're gonna tell you who this is at the end of the show, but this is a very famous person who, tragically.
Oh gosh.
Very tragically passed away this time 20 years ago that said this.
When I'm up the big football field in the sky, just want want people just to remember, I told. Deserve.
Oh gosh, he was even, ah, talking about him not being here any more. Oh.
This guy, this guy. Is an absolute Aussie legend and I had the pleasure of meeting him only probably 12 months maybe. Ohh, maybe 18 months, maybe two years before he passed away. So we'll find out who that. Is at the end of the show. It's time for the news, the 2nd of November we're jumping to.
And it's big news because it's in the show opener and you know it's going to be a big week when something from the show opener is part of the content. So we'll be all ready. We've been waiting all year. The presidential election. Yes, I think it was the 55th.
Yes, I agree. Yes, I'm strapping myself in. The the 55th quadrennial.
What does that mean? Ah, OK, so. So it's still the 55th election.
Every four years. Yeah. Yeah, like a a biennial or a BNL is every two years.
Why did you need to add that? Because we know it's every four years, which is sort of the 55th.
Court perennial court perennial every four years because it sounds presidential. Official, you know, like.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
Alright, so just move.
OK. He's approved it. So it's quadrennial it.
On yeah, yeah.
Is, yeah.
He's obviously the Republican ticket, the incumbent President George W Bush, and his running mates incumbent Vice President Dick Cheney, narrowly. Spoiler alert to facing.
Hmm. M.
The Democratic ticket of John Kerry, senator from Massachusetts. Yeah. And he's a running mate, John Edwards, a senator from North Carolina. That's not the crossing over. John Edwards, is it nice? OK, good.
I don't think so. I don't think it's the guy that talks. I don't think it's the guy that talks to dead people, although I think he would be really, really handy with Joe Biden these days because that man is practically a corpse. Yes, exactly. So he'd be like.
Good to clarify though. No. OK. Really. Right now, yes, yes. Get get us the John Edwards. Yes.
I see dead people. Do you want to hear the the ad that that the message that Bush approved, cuz it was a campaign? It's a campaign about John Kerry. So when when you listen to the the voice?
Ohh that was an ad right?
Cover for this the footage that they have is of John Kerry. I think you know in the Hamptons or somewhere, windsurfing, windsurfing on a lake, going back and forth. Well, he's, you know, he's windsurfing at the same time that George Bush is running. The country is kind of the message that they're trying to get across. So here.
Rich. Windsurf.
It is. I'm George. David Bush and I approve this.
Message in which direction would John Kerry lead? Kerry voted for the Iraq War, opposed it, supported it and now opposes it again, he bragged about voting for the 87 billion to support our troops before he voted against it. He voted for education reform and now opposes it. He claims he's against increasing Medicare premiums, but voted five times to do so. John Kerry, whichever way the wind blows.
See, because it's on the windsurf, whichever way the wind blows since yes.
That is. Wind so far.
Look, as a librarian, I support that I support. Your right to change your mind balance.
Well, look if. If anything, they didn't spend a lot of taxpayers money to make that commercial, which I think was was.
And a windsurfing president that's kind of new. That's something a bit novel, isn't it?
It is. It is. Well, I mean, you know, it's it's it's widely accepted these days it's.
Better than golf. Like God, they all play golf. That's boring. Like you'd expect them to play golf. But a windsurfing president.
Yeah, this breaks this wind surfs. Yeah. Windsurfing off into the distance, you know.
I think that would be difficult for the Secret Service. You'd have to follow him on windsurfers as well. When if he became president. So it's probably a good thing that he didn't become one because the windsurfing budget it it it, you know.
I do hate when surfing though. Full disclosure.
Would be sort of rude.
There is an expensive craft, expensive watercraft and it just I hate it, but I just think that's novel. I I would have. I would have approved of windsurfing in his case, not in mine.
For the. Hobby, yes. Yes. Yeah, it's nice. It's it is a weird thing. It's like I'm going to combine the art of surf. Thing and sailing, hmm.
And wind in the lead up to the election. There were several significant controversies. We had the scrutiny over invading Iraq and the missing WMD.
Yes. Oh, with all the inquiries and stuff we've talked about, that too, we're blue in the face, yes.
What does the one day?
We had the.
Discussion around the. Quality and potential manipulation of Intel to support the war efforts Informance.
Well, yes, we've had lots of chats about that as well.
The info. Boom boom down maybe being wrong.
No, that's not. It's not the snow song.
OK, challenges, yes, to John Kerry's war record and medals earned during his service.
Ohh, stolen valour. Is that what they're trying?
That was there was a discussion around that.
To. Say from the windsurfing candidate.
Yes, the windsurfer alive. Abu Ghraib prison scandal. That's obviously a big thing. The same sex marriage debates. Remember Bush coming out in OHS? That address. Was it the nation that was one of the big addresses that he does?
Ohh that was a big piece of news this year, yeah.
Yes, very, very conservative. Yes, it was a very conservative stance.
And we had the stuff that was happening in Massachusetts and he was not impress.
That it took, yeah. No.
The 9/11 Commission, obviously and all the testimonies that went with that, there was also challenges around his record. Remember, there was gaps in his National Guard service allegedly. And then there was the guy from the news who had the files that the files were wrong. And then.
He resigned and stuff.
Yeah, this basically a reservist if he's in the National Guard. Anyway, I don't wanna get to him. I don't wanna offend any people that are in the National Guard. But there were gaps in his service, apparently.
Really. And the renewal and expansion of the US Patriot Act, that was the surveillance.
Ohh yes, we're. Basically, they could look at everything and invade all your privacy. Isn't it funny when you think about the Patriot Act and how everyone was up in arms about it today? And like I was, I was listening to the news earlier this week and talking.
Thing. See what you doing?
About all the cameras and.
Well your are dubbing you in now.
Cars. Yeah, like, you know, the Patriot acts not only in full effect, but it's happening right now.
Through accounts, yes.
As we speak everywhere. Anyway, Bush won by a very narrow margin, in spite of all of these things, he won 35 electoral votes, securing 286 electoral votes to carries 251. He took 50.7% of the popular vote.
I'm humbled by the trust. And the confidence. Of my fellow citizens. With that, trust comes a duty to serve all Americans. And I will do my best to fulfil that duty. Every day as your president.
I don't like the way he says. Duty.
Otherwise, it always makes me laugh when they say they do their best to fulfil their duty. Duty. Yeah, and he should be humbled, really, he said he was humbled by the trust. He should be humbled because it was practically a line ball 50.7% of the.
Doody, like Doo Doo.
Vote. Having said that, he did sweep the South and mountain states very much, so he swept the South and the mountain States and took the crucial swing states of Ohio, Iowa and New Mexico. It marked his second term in office. You know, the first one was pretty man. That's a big first term, really big. Four years.
I if I was him, I'd be retiring. There was a that was a lot. There's a lot going on. I'd just be like, this isn't the job for me. It's too much. I thought it was gonna be easy. There's there's.
Well. The other thing.
Too many things happening.
This election at the time, had one of the highest voter turnouts in the history of the United. Right.
Which is interesting and I think there was the view that perhaps Kerry would win be purely because of all the stuff going on in Iraq and the backlash against that was really starting to build over 2004. So I think there was a lot of people that were quietly confident that he would not get back in.
I think I said something a few weeks ago about Bush being the safe option, though, like track proven track record.
Going with what you know in times and and we saw that here in Australia as well, going with what you know and particularly you've got, we spoke about it last week, bin Laden coming out going, hey, this is not over. I'm still, I'm still gonna.
Yeah. Hmm. Ohh Howard. That's right. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Come at you. Then you start to think. Well, you know, he he did an OK job with that. He kind of knows what he's doing. Even though he took that 7 minutes to hear about the goats, he still acted. And these other guys out windsurfing. Does he really? Does he really have the mouse? Does he really know what he's doing?
Yeah. Yeah.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
You're doing a great job running the propaganda for him. I think you're paying too much attention to the commercials that we're playing in the show.
I am I should have been on his marketing team, shouldn't I? She nice look. Yeah.
I the why did he win? Why did he win? I mean, I I think to again last week that the timing of that Bin Laden video was.
This is still a threat to our country. He's had the he's had the work experience, he's it's on his LinkedIn. He knows that he knows how to.
Pretty sauce. It's like I know. We got one we got.
Deal with terrorism.
Yeah, we got one week till the election and we're trending down in the polls. What can we do to save it? Let's throw an Osama bin Laden video up there and then I'll do a press conference where I.
Oh, asama. Yes.
Get to do the cowboy. We won't be intimidated. Stuff.
Ohh, so you're saying you're saying it was? Fabricated the video.
I'm just. I'm just putting it out there. I'm not saying a video was fabricated. I'm seeing that the timing of the release is very convenient.
Well, do you think they sat on the video? They sat on the video.
There are other factors, though, contributing to his victory.
Curious. Curious. Obviously he's focused on national security, he's handling of everything that happened post 911 and he did focus a lot of his campaign on national security and that he could be trusted to be tough. And again, like what you were saying last week was the way in which he responded to that clip. And it was tough. It was.
No nonsense. It was very matter of fact and it was. We are going to fight this.
Yeah. And then there was the conservative moral stance, obviously with the same sex marriages, which really appealed to like the mountain states. And, you know, and the southern States and his campaign was really good at mobilising people in those swing states like Ohio, which, like Ohio was a big decider. Yeah.
I'm getting the voting turnouts.
And then John Kerry couldn't really differentiate himself on any key issues. And it is like the windsurfing commercially kind of flip flopped on a few things like a rock. And so, and that's exactly what they put him out there as they had a really good campaign showing Kerry as a flip flopper and what America probably wanted then for better or for worse, right or wrong, was somebody that would be decisive.
And the stability tiny ear underscore, 61, brought a very good point of view on Reddit.
Ohh God, you went to Reddit. Ah.
I was on. I was because a lot of people in.
Are you OK?
It was interesting and it, and I think similar to here in Australia, I think the sentiment we had was that he wouldn't get back in and similarly in the UK.
Is interesting.
I think that.
Was the desired outcome, and I think we've been consuming lots of stuff from people like Michael Moore and yeah, dude, where's my country bowling for column, all that sort of stuff, it was like.
That supported our maybe our view or yeah. And then the celebrities were starting to. Pile on at. This point as well, we had the American Idiot album released. We had Michael Moore at the Golden Globes. Whatever.
Yes, Dixie Chicks. Yes. Yep. M.
And I think the UK were also very similar in their views. They thought that that Kerry was going to get in and and someone from the UK posted on Reddit and then all of these American posters were like, we actually don't know anything. And so tiny, tiny year underscore, 61 says. Very early in the election cycle, I remember hearing it Democrat spokespeople defending John Kerry by saying he bought gravitas to the serious work of being president. Right then, I knew he couldn't win. When your candidate is so dull that you can only defend him in Latin, you're not going to win an election in America. Thank you, Tony, you're 60 when you make a good point.
Then Vt. He came, he saw. He didn't take 1004, though, was when they had those allegations. This is, and again, these echoes of what happened with with Trump's election a little bit, although not as extreme voting irregularities, particularly in those battleground states. They were basically saying that there were issues with electronic voting machine.
Malfunctions, long lines at polling places, voter suppression tactics and the purging of voter rolls like they're basically. Saying without saying that the election was.
Was rigged. Yeah, there was a lot of talk about that. And I think too, because in the 2000 election, Michael Moore talked a lot about the rigging and particularly the electronic systems, and that was featured throughout. Was it Fahrenheit 9/11 that?
That documentary that he did so they were also feeling that that was happening this time around.
Yeah, there was some kind of vulnerability with the actual machines, the electron.
Well, I do actually know someone who is a big deal in the hacking world and they went to a hacking conference overseas over an.
Right. Hmm.
America and one of the things they had to hack was the voting machines.
And were they successful? Wow.
Yes, they said it was very easy to hack the voting machines and these were the the voting machines from early 2000s. So there were several issues around vulnerability that cybersecurity found cybersecurity companies found, but there was also something to do with the company that manufactured the SYS.
Very easy. Do. Interesting.
Dems throwing money to into Bush's campaign as well. They backed him too. So yeah, #spawn.
Ohh really? They sponsored him.
Well, I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
Yeah, they #spawned him. So I think that was also a little bit of a controversy as well, bit of a conflict of interest, but because they're electronic as well, they didn't have a paper trail, so they weren't able to then verify or prove otherwise.
In terms of recounts and things like that, which we've seen happen again.
Yeah, and isn't it? Well, it's it's almost like history repeating. I feel like it it was much more extreme this time. I mean I, I I've spoken to friends in the states who had who had to vote at the last election when when it was pretty mission critical for a lot of people even like cause obviously it's not compulsory but a lot of people.
Showed up to. And the obstacles that they faced during COVID as well, I believe it was ridiculous like this, this friend of mine had to drive. I think a couple of hours and was essentially in line for somewhere around 6 to 8 hours waiting to vote.
That's right, yes.
So there's a lot of hope about that, yeah.
In a confined space during COVID and they were like, in spite of all of that, it was actually really heroic seeing people turn up to vote under those circumstances because they.
They still turned out, yeah, yeah.
Thought that they had to do something about the current situation. That wasn't as much of a thing back then as I think what it was now, or at that time, but there is a there there is a I guess it's starting to trend that way, isn't it like that air of desperation? It's like we're not happy with.
Yeah. Yeah.
The status quo and the way things are.
I don't think I'm George W Bush and I. Approve this message.
I don't think he's a fan of that.
It will be interesting to see what the voter numbers look like this time round this year. Coming up with November, isn't it this time around?
Yeah. Look, I think they'll be huge, I think.
It'll be interesting to see if it is. If it is the same, you've got the same number of people voting. If there's that same, I guess, passion and drive this time round, or whether there's a bit more.
Yeah. And look, you can watch your pundits and all of that sort of stuff. You know how they call it. They call it when the when they go to the polls, I'm calling it early. Right now, Kamala Harris will be America's first female.
Yeah. Yeah.
Black president, you called it. That's to be called be called.
Yep. Yep, mark my.
Words. I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
If even even George reckons it's OK. Moving over to the world of technology now and a huge acquisition for Google which gave them eyes on the entire planet.
Googs yes, as if they couldn't see all already through our search. Uh, 27th of October they acquire Keyhole, which is a company that specialises in satellite imagery and 3D mapping technology. Their flagship product was a product called Earth Viewer.
I remember Earth viewer, I remember it.
Let's see you. You'd have to be on the the broadband, not the dial up for the viewer.
I don't think anyone, anyone really had the the computer with the right specs to run it correctly, but I do remember a few.
To run their sewer. No, you could view satellite imagery in 3D maps of Earth, and you could then zoom in and then that was the exciting one.
And what's the first thing? You're going to go for.
What? What? What are you gonna zoom in on on the planet? We house your house. You wanna see? You wanna see if it comes up well on.
Yeah. Your house every time. Every time I wanna see my house.
Yes, from the air. Yeah. Yeah. So when I look at our house from Google Earth, I could see our Suns trampoline in the backyard. And, you know, yeah. And see the BBQ too, sort of.
D images. We'll see what the aliens could see when they're zooms. Really. So is it ohh so it's. Like real time? Is it Google Earth?
No, it's not real time, they. They take a snapshot.
It's like street. It's like Street View because Street View of our house was before we had.
Yeah, that's.
Any shrubbery out the straight? These very old.
Yeah. So the front, the front yard is the front yard is is not as established. The quarter lines are still there.
I love that we both know what we look. Like on street. View But it's just it's like when you get a new pen and you have to write like you write your own name when you get a new pen, you jump on Google Earth or Street View. You look yourself up.
That's right.
And we and we take it for granted now, because back then it was so hard. Mud like not hard, as in a difficult task. It was just it took forever. It took forever to view anything on Google Earth when it first came out, so they acquired this thing called Keyhole, and that underscores their whole effort to widen their search capabilities beyond web pages. Now you can go and have a look at the planet. And any destination on that planet, which is a big deal, $35 million they paid for Keyhole in 2004. Extremely strategic. Acquisition gives them the opportunity to integrate key holes cutting edge satellite imagery and 3D mapping technology, which becomes the backbone of what Google Earth is today. Mm-hmm. That shows these beautiful 3D renders of Earth basically from satellite imagery. And I mean, that's informed things like.
I don't necessarily know if it was Google Earth, but like Microsoft Flight Simulator and all of those like games like that where they've used that imagery to kind of. Of create maps that you can fly planes around in the comfort of your own lounge room, which is completely delightful. And it's funny because 20 years after the fact I've gone on to Microsoft Flight Simulator and what's the first thing I've done flown to my house?
It also ultimately led to Google Maps. And Google Street View.
I also landed a 747 on top of Bunnings in gold.
In Goulburn, why did you go to Goulburn?
Yeah. I wanted to see if the Big Marino was there.
You wanna land on the big Marina?
Yeah, little flight. And it was. But I yeah, it was.
That would have. Been a difficult landing the Big Marino, but you say, well, you're aiming for the big Marina, but ended up on Bunnings. Or did you just go? That's a big flat.
Yeah, overshot.
Roof. I'm gonna land there.
Overshot the Marino and just landed it on the roof of Bunnings.
It could be worse. Could be. I I yeah, I love Google Maps. I love Google Street View. Remember the man and I just whenever you say Google Street View all I think of is the man at the Grand Canyon. Remember the man at the Grand Canyon? He was on Google. Was it Google Street View? It was Google Street View. But I don't know why the Google Street View car was at the Grand Canyon. That doesn't feel like somewhere the Google Street. Your car would go, but it was there must have been a street Grand Canyon.
There's probably a streak that must have. Driven there. Hmm.
And there's a. Hand and is wearing cargo pants, but they're the zippy offy cargo pants. These are the Grand Canyon, and he's a bit hot and he's zipping his cargo pants and he's turning them into shorts. And that moment of him turning his pants into shorts was captured by the Street View car, and he's forever. You go and look at the Grand Canyon and as a man turning his pants.
Short yeah. Scroll down the picture. I pasted the picture for your viewing pleasure. Scroll right down.
Immortalised is that and that's. That's still there. Did you? Wow. Ohh, look at that. There he is, unzipping his strides.
Isn't that incredible? That's that's shorts. But where else would you turn your pants into cargo shorts besides the Grand Canyon? That's just perfect. Perfect. It is practical, he thought ahead. He thought ahead for his Grand Canyon trip because it is cold there in the morning, but it can get hot during the day.
Well, that's very that's very practical I. Need a pair of pants like that. Yes, it gets I I need pants like that because it does get yes and yes. So Google Earth has already performed a massive public service because it's inspired.
Isn't that amazing? Isn't that amazing? Love that.
I need to get some of those pants that. I can zip the legs off.
You can style steal thanks to Google Earth.
And I I think I'm at the age where that is actually quite fashionable. I think as you're fast approaching 50 pants and shorts in one with with removable legs. Yeah, just practical. And that's all we want in life when we get to our age.
Pants and shorts in one, yeah. Takes up less wardrobe space.
The deal was a significant move in expanding Google's geographic information capabilities, IE spying on everybody and revolutionising the way that people interact with maps and geospatial data. Put the gregorys away. Forget MapQuest, get on. Your Google Maps.
Also revolutionising the way that people interact with pants. And now it's time for personal development with $0.50.
Why does the man sleep with the woman if they just wanna be friends?
Because it's good and this, like you know, before you buy a car, sometimes you want to test drive.
Crack out the tunes. Let's look at the music that was happening this time 20 years ago.
Yes, music was happening. Delta still #1 here in Australia out of the blue.
Me, your love. I can't see you without you.
And there's just no way.
Wonderful. Wonderful. Are you talking about the UK? Number one, were you?
Talking about Delta wish I wasn't.
Dad left me here. Are you right back there? Would you still be calling me? You'll be loving me.
No Ja Rule with America's favourite sex offender, R Kelly and R Chante.
Chante, that was the lead. Single wonderful. It's number one in the UK this week. 20 year. That's the lead.
Single from his. 6th studio album he did crank out the. Albums in quick succession early 2000, so like there was one a year for a while and that was from his sixth one called RULE. And remember that I'm still, I'm still not quite over the the the Jlo song at the beginning.
Yeah. Yeah.
And and jarur goes.
What's my mother's?
Name and then she goes. Are you LE? And I thought she was saying are.
You early, but it was.
Just her spelling RULE for rule.
And do we even? Do we even know? Because he's put periods like full stops?
Yes, he's gotta spell it out. So it's RULE. That's how you say it.
In between. Does it? Does it stand for any? Is it an?
Acronym. No, it's just so you say each letter RULE. So instead of going ohh the his sixth studio album rule, it's his sixth studio album RULE. OK, or are you early if you say it?
Really fast. I think it stands for really. Early. Unnerving lyrical.
Yes, perfect, perfect.
You like that? OK.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
It tops the UK Singles Chart, reaches #5 on the US billboard Hot 100 peaks at number six in Australia and new. England becomes a top 20 hit in Denmark, Germany, Ireland, the Netherlands and Switzerland. Great einon puto. Very habit herpesviral.
I don't think he actually has herpes.
I was defending him in Latin, yes.
Were you? Ohh why. Why Latin? Ohh. Because of the. Yeah. Because of the John Kerry thing. It's excellent. That added a whole bunch of gravitas to the message. When we do the charts in the states.
It's like with with Terry. Yes, I thought, you know.
Warm the pimps in the crib. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. When the pigs try to get at you, park it like it's hard park. It like it's hard.
But you will.
You and we were younger.
It's I I'm so starved of content that I'm actually excited. This is from the perspective of the American charts that I'm actually excited that there are some new songs in there this.
Week there are, yes, yeah.
My Boo is still #1 usher, and my breath is number 3, but two new entries drop it like it's hot, Snoop Dogg, #4 and over and over. Nelly #5.
Yes, the goodies are in the Jarrett #2. Yeah, yeah. Yes. I love that Snoop Dogg song.
When the pimps in the crib, MA. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. When the pigs try to get at you, park it like it's hot. Park it like it's hard. Park it like it's hard. Get attitude. Pop it like it's hot. It like it's hot. Pop it like it's hot.
I like that. Yeah, I like the. I like the tongue clicking, but we're not gonna talk about it this week. Certainly that content for next week. We've got 2 new songs. We'll just do one this week and then talk about the other one next week.
Great. OK, sure. Good. Alright. And we'll talk about drop it like it's hot next week.
So I'm sorry I chose. Nelly this week get.
Of course you did. You would choose Nelly. Yeah.
Love. Nelly. Did you? Did you get that?
Song to me no good.
Because it's only think about it because it's all about.
Yeah, a crossover, a country music crossover.
With Tim McGraw.
Yes, second single from his fourth album, suit. Remember he did the double album. There was sweat and there was suit.
Yes. OK.
And so so it was a. Bit more chill. Ah it.
Was quite unique for the time actually there wasn't. There wasn't a lot of that.
I agree the the the only other time that there's been a black person sort of involved with any country stuff was like blazing saddles, the. Mel Brooks film.
The music video was directed by Eric White and Nelly. Nelly helped direct it and during the video Nelly and Tim, seeing individually on split screens so they have like these lives, these parallel parallel lives on.
Yeah. It's like a zoom meeting. Yeah, it's like. Ohh, hang on, Tim, you're on mute.
Sorry. Yeah, not yeah.
Millie, I can hear you eating your baskets. It starts with them both waking up at 5:30 AM and they both take a shower and they both leave their hands in the split screen in their own houses, getting into their vehicles. And but this is where it's interesting. So they have photos.
Not together separately in the split screen and then the split screen. Thing. Yeah, yeah.
Of their women on their night stands. So Tim obviously has Faith Hill, his wife.
Ohh yeah, he would. That's right. So he's the dude that was in the 1880 twos. The Yellowstone thing? Yeah. Hmm. They were great. Yeah. Yep.
In the movie that's on the movie, the show with her, yes, I love them as a couple. I really love them. So she's on his night stand.
Nelly. Has a photo of. Sierra on his night of death.
That's scandalous.
But as in goodies in the.
Jar. Yeah, he's where it.
But. Like.
Gets even more interesting. Parentally, originally in the photo frame on the night stand, was achante.
Everybody shut up in this world.
Every what? Shut up. Yes, it was Ashanti, but apparently, Irv Gotti got the. Because I think Ashanti and Nelly were kind of secretly dating. But Ashanti's on got his label. Nellie's got his own label. They're. Not friends got he's got.
Bits and he's replaced the photo with Sierra.
Really. So Gotti replaced the photo in post production. Is that what happened? Nelly had to Scotty, cause. Well, Ashanti's off singing songs with Ja Rule and America's favourite sex offender R Kelly.
Well, not Gotti. Nelly had to cause. Ashanti got in trouble.
And got yes, but, but that of Gotti's label cause ERV is the boss of drool. Yeah OK.
Uh-huh. Right. Yes, I understand. Yeah.
So ERV is like Ashanti, you can't be on his night stand and ashanti's like, sorry mate, can you Take Me Out? But I think they were dating on the DL.
Yeah. You gotta be careful. You gotta be careful when you're talking to hip hop people and. You say. Can you Take Me Out?
Ohh OK. You Take Me Out of the frame. Take my photo.
OK. Yes, you've got to be very specific or you wind up in like ozone park like the other goddy people.
Out of the frame. Yes, good points. Good point. So then Sierra was was slipped.
Isn't that interesting? Isn't that interesting? I think that's fascinating. And now?
So to speak.
And now they're actually together so.
Oh, are they?
She is in the night stance.
Asia Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti are we still, what are we calling her these days?
We know Ishant and Nelly.
We'll go with.
The Fat Joe pronunciation of our chante, which sounds good.
OK, so she's with Nelly now.
You know that she had the baby and he was out gambling. Remember the Derby dird?
Ohh that's right and they found the the eches on him. The thing is and the yes so. But so she was in the photo.
Frame she was in the photo frame.
She got taken.
They got.
Yeah. Ciara is in the thing. OK, Sierra, Ciara, Ashanti, Ashanti Ashanti.
A shandy. I could go with Shandy right now.
It's like a shanty like you.
Know how good a shandy?
A shandy, lemonade and beer. Do you like that? Do you? A shandy? I was thinking more like a shanty. Like a sea.
But be with them. And I I love that it's delicious, yes.
Shanty like farewell to Old England forever. Farewell to my rum calls as well.
Oh, OK.
I think I prefer the being one.
Anyway. Anyway, I just think that was I think that. Was very interesting because.
Very interesting. And people in Nellie's label. Yeah, they thought he was a bit crazy at the time for doing this #collab. They were like saying, are you trying to ruin? Your career because.
No, it's genius. Genius. Yeah.
He was on the up and up and then he did. He did the club. I don't think it was meant to be.
Biggest the big one of the biggest musical markets in the United States, aside from Christian music, is country music. It's.
A country needs it.
Astronomically big, bigger than probably the Billboard charts.
I just didn't. Nellie was that smart. Is that good? The document.
And his great business acumen. I reckon somebody else told him how the.
I think so too. But that song wasn't gonna be released as a single. So then when he wanted to release it as a single, they're they're doubling down. Going. What are you doing? You're insane. But he's like, no, just trust me. Just trust me.
Hmm. Just go with it and look at it now look at it now. History will be kind to him because he basically wrote it.
And we've had some pretty good hip hop country collabs, thin.
Ohh yeah.
My heart. Till I can't no more take my heart. I'm gonna ride till I can't no more.
Hat down cross town living like a rock star.
Yeah, that's probably one of the most recent ones. Old Billy Ray Cyrus.
Well Nas ex and. Ray.
Sounds good. Was a good club.
Ohh I liked it. OK I thought you. Did too. Not really, no.
OK, you don't you've turned into Cartman. OK, I thought you. Did like it. Snoop Dogg did one with Willie Nelson.
Well, I mean, did he or did he just look for an excuse to go and smoke a whole bunch of weed with it as somebody who can? Smoke as much weed as he can.
By my medicine, by my medicine. By my missing. Yeah, they say you can't buy me love, but you damn sure can buy new. Girl, my loves don't land just as much.
Ohh my God, you can barely hear Willie Nelson in that. He's doing backup vocals. It also had Everlast playing guitar, you know? Yeah, it's very ****** Ford, very ****** Ford sings the Blues from from that time as.
That one? Yeah, that one. Probably not so good. Oh, that did sound like Everlast he didn't.
It yeah, yes.
Did one with Jason Aldean.
The street we love.
And I'm feeling like $1,000,000 stacked up, all $100 bills got a whole 6 pack on ice, but I'm riding on the hottest wheel seat back and I'm curving, swerving with my pedal to the metal like.
Run DMC did one with Colt Ford. OK, OK.
Don't mind it, it's it's pretty rocky. I actually really like this one. I've I've you come. I've become a big fan of Jelly Roll. And I think I think I've been. I've been beat up by TikTok and social media because Jelly roll just seems to be all over the socials.
Love this guy? You've been playing him in the kitchen, speaker.
All the time, there's always videos of him getting posted, but this song unlived that he does with Yelawolf is awesome.
I had that thing in there two half, but I hit that dude from the light flash. Look around, sit down and write that. And Yellow Wolf took off on white trash.
Roots running deeper out of sea needles. The things I've done is something that you can't.
Yeah, I like it. I get I did get a bit annoyed with yellow, like in there trying to kind of give you more this affirmation while he's singing. He's like, let's go Jelly. Yeah. And it's like, just shut up and let him sing. Just let him do his thing. He can hold his own Jelly roll. Needs a lot of space.
That's pretty cool.
Him some space to making him nervous.
He's a big.
Guy, he's a big guy, isn't he? He's an interesting life.
Heart of gold, though.
Yes, it's quite the life. Can can we circle back to Nelly for so on Instagram it was about a week ago at time of recording. So it.
Sure, let's do that.
Was a little while ago. There's a picture in his grid of an ARF.
In his in his grid, right.
Of an arm, nothing jeans.
Certain pair of jeans with a caption don't call it a comeback. Want to see what I've been up to? Make sure you sign up for behind the scenes access and our first big kick off.
Very cryptic, right? What's what is the first big kick off?
So you read the.
Writing on the **** in the genes, it's got it embroidered in the brand name.
He is relaunching Apple bottoms, a brand he initially debuted in 2003.
Looking at.
Talk to me about Apple Bottom jeans. What do they? Look like.
Well. Thought I so I didn't know this. I when I heard that song, I just thought it meant that chick had. An **** that looked like an.
Apple, like Apple bottom jeans. You got tight jeans, you got an apple **** and I was like, OK, great.
Yeah, that's right. Donate the core. It's poisonous. Got arsenic? Yeah. Sonic. Arsenic. Cyanide. One of those. I don't know. Whatever the.
Great. Cyanide. Ohh. Other. Arsenic.
Urban legends, though.
Someone said the other. Day you should eat them. It's good for you and there's not enough to. Kill you and then unless you ate like.
Great. Excellent.
Seven apples a day or something. I don't know that stat I made up that stat on the spot. Apple Bottom jeans is a brand. I didn't know it was a brand. I just thought it was a shape of ****, but it's not. It's a brand and it was in in the early 2000s. It was the 6th most Googled brand of jeans. So it's like #6.
But Apple bottom jeans they it's not. That's not it. Yeah. Well, I mean. Boots and boots with the fur would be Uggs, but lyrically Apple bottom jeans Uggs.
It doesn't work.
Well, well, this is the best bit about.
The post right, so he's poster. Don't call it a comeback, blah, blah, blah. And we're all like. And then I was like ohh apple. Bottom juices bread. Ohh it's his bread. OK. This makes so much more sense. The first comment on his post is from at Ugg.
You know what comes next?
Ah, boots with the fur.
That. Social media manager for at Ugg pay Rise. Genius. Genius.
Except, except I think that if you were to suggest that a sheep had first.
It's no. Yeah, it's not real. Fur is as.
I foe fur.
Be racist. It wasn't just the Ugg comment that was gold. You scrolled through a bit further and someone put in there. Please, Nelly, with this re release, can you bring out a higher rise tummy control version?
Ohh you could circle back to Jelly roll. Over to the big and the small screen movies in the USA, the number one film is still the grudge which we discussed last week, and the number one in Australia is still, shall we dance, which we also discussed last week. But there is some movie news on the 5th of November, Pixar have released their new.
As for last week's episode, so let's go. Back and listen there.
Animated feature film.
On November 5th. From the creators of Finding Nemo after 15 years of retirement, he's twice the hero he used to be. Walt Disney Pictures presents of Pixar animation studio Stone.
Honey come to dinner.
Maybe just a salad?
The Incredibles rated PG in theatres November 5th.
Everyone knows the Incredibles, everyone knows the Pixar movies. It was directed by Brad Bird and it follows the PAR family, the group of undercover superheroes who are living in a world where superpowers have been banned. What I find interesting about the plot device for this is they've obviously read a few comics like the Watchmen and and things like. Yeah, the.
I'm going to say that sounds like the boys and heroes and they'd like to have you here. Your powers anymore.
Boys. Yeah, but obviously. Much more family friendly version, so Bob Parr, Mr Incredible frustrated by his mundane life, wants to go back to being a hero.
Yes, more.
Though when he's called back into action, the entire family need to join him to fight that bad guy syndrome, who was who was played by the dude who did. My name is Earl. What's his name? Jason. Jason Lee. And yes. Yes. So he he was. And his voice was very distinct. You could be. Anyway, I did really well, $633 million.
Gross worldwide, Pixar's Mad Money Spinners, the one of the highest grossing films of the year. Of course, praise for its animation, humour, family centred story.
Kids, families, parents, you could take your kids to the movies and make it a wonderful day out. Also won the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature and Best Sound Editing that year.
I visited TV news, we had a premiere Nanny 911.
Every Thursday, welcome to a new kind of wild Kingdom.
Three brave nannies will attempt to tame these families.
You will try my way. Family is to control.
See what a difference a week can make.
I can't thank nanny enough.
It's three full hours of Nanny 911 every Thursday, beginning this Thursday at 87 central only on ABC Family. A new kind of Fair. Blake.
I just don't think this is family entertaining.
It's like Cesar Milan for kids.
Yes, a team of British nannies led by head nanny Lilian, who assists families. It's really nanny, Nanny and Lillian. Yeah, they struggle with unruly kids and chaotic household routines. I think the the this is where the voyeurism factor of reality TV really hits home, because it's like the the, the, the. I think it's the.
That's such a nanny name, isn't it?
The dopamine hit that you would normally get from watching a child have a tantrum at the shops that it's not your child.
At least at least, that's not my kids.
And you're just having a good old gawk at them and silently judging them. Or maybe just tisk tisk thing out loud a little bit too much, but you're booming at them. You can take that and enjoy that in the comfort of your own home. That's what Nanny 911 is giving you at the moment.
Booming at them? Fantastic. Helpful. Is this pre or post supernanny is it feels very supernanny doesn't it and.
All right.
She was UK too, wasn't she?
I think it may have. Something to do with that and and if it did, I think one of them should probably attempt to take some legal action out on the other.
It be inspired by.
Through the other, yeah, potentially.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message, yes.
Thank you, Mr. President. Good, good. Thank you.
Features one of the nannies observing the families dynamics and then implementing a strict plan to restore order and discipline rules, boundaries, limitations, season the line was. On to something.
Very yes. All you got to do is put a slip collar on them and if they misbehave, just.
The. And make them walk on the floorboard.
Give it a good old.
The shiny floorboards, when they're stairs, yes.
Girl. Yeah, use flooding as a technique as well. Make them face their fears head on.
Yes. Choke choke, not choke. No choke.
Prong colour from colour yeah.
Change. Ohh OK great. So highlights the challenges of parenting and the importance of structure and consistency. And I googled, I say, can you please tell me like, who was the worst kid? What was the worst kid on the on the episode? I, I'd like to know. I'm interested because, you know, this sounds interesting. And it said to me it was like.
The shows not about who was the worst. It's about helping people through the struggles of parenting, and it has a positive focus but trouble. I think I looked that up on chat TBH like basically told me off for asking like who was this kid? It's like that's not what it's about. Can you stop being such an *******?
All right. So is it like this? No such thing is. Wow. You got chipped by AI. Wow. Can you refocus and stop being a jerk?
Yeah. Can you be a bit kinder to people? I was like, no, I can't. I wanna know that there was extreme tantrums cause like, well, at least tell me.
What happens?
Well, I'd love to see like a. Where are they now for the children? Perhaps that would be great.
Yes, stream tantrums, defiance. Physical aggression towards siblings.
I actually, I don't think this is going to date very well because like you know, the fact that it's extreme tantrums and all of those things, I think we've come a long way as a society and I'm being serious here. We've come a long way as a society as far as the way we look at certain behavioural issues.
And parents.
And that we we are a little bit more inquisitive and we're like well why? Why is this person? Why at this particular way and it's not so much as so people can make excuses for their behaviour so that they can work out ways to help them better navigate through life and cope with the.
These things and and I feel like this probably throws us back to the. Stone Age a little bit. But you know, you've made it as far as a TV show goes when you're lampooned on South Park.
Parents of America's help is on the way. Tonight, ma'am, I need another energy crank. This. Year old son of a single parent just won't behave. And Nanny Stella is selected to set him straight.
It's time for Nanny Stella to show Eric Cartman his ways are not going to be tolerated anymore.
Mom, are you deaf? Somebody's at the door.
Yes, I think it's the nanny poop chickens.
Killer. I'm gonna be on TV now.
You know, though, you know the advantage of of having a British nanny. Is that bath times only happen probably once a week. Ohh, this'll raise the bar. A book we haven't read a New York Times bestseller. Hey.
Northern Lights by Nora Roberts.
Is is this a murder mystery?
I think so. I think Laura is known for that kind of thing.
OK. Right. Well, if that's the case, I'm going to go to another one on my go to copyright free background music power music factory, because we've got some murder mystery music. Here we go.
That's good, yes.
Yeah, it's very murder mystery. The town of Lunacy. Alaska. Yeah. Was Nate Burke's last chance as a Baltimore cop. He watched his partner die on the street, and the guilt still haunts him with nowhere else to go.
On brand.
Interesting name for a town lunacy, Alaska.
I think it's a legit place. Mm-hmm.
He accepts the job as chief of police in this tiny remote Alaskan town. Aside from sorting out a run in between a couple of motor vehicles and a moose, he finds. His first few. So the job are relatively quiet, but just as he wonders whether this has all been a big mistake and unexpected kiss on New Year's Eve under the brilliant Northern Lights of the Alaskan Sky lifts his spirits and convinces him to stay just a little longer. Meg Galloway, born and raised in Lunacy, is used to being alone. She was a young girl when her father disappeared and she has learned to be independent, flying her small plane living on the outskirts of town with just her Huskies for company. And after a New Year's Kiss with the chief of. Police. She allows herself to give in to passion while remaining determined to keep things as simple as possible. But there's something about nates sad eyes that gets under her skin and warms her frozen heart. And now things in lunacy are heating up. Years ago, on one of the majestic mountains shadowing the town a crime. Curd that is unsolved to this day, and Nate suspects that the. Still walks the snowy streets. His investigation went on Earth. The secrets and suspicions that looked beneath the Placid surface, as well as bring out the big city survival instincts that made him a cop in the 1st. Place and his discovery will threaten the new life and the new love that he has finally found for himself.
Also, uh-huh. One star right. As an Alaska, I was offended by her portrayal of Alaskan women. Woman.
Wow. Wow. Wow. When Scott, when Scott one star?
Garbage, including the narrator and his idiot imitations of women and children. Ohh.
It is harsh.
D1 star it has been many, many years since I read my last Nora Roberts romance.
Ohh, she's out of the blue and into the Goodreads. Lots of. Sorry.
I recall them being sweet and fluffy in the hot sex scenes. This book was beyond boring. Even the sex scenes barely got an interested eyebrow raised from.
Seeing the romance is practically non-existent, just a series of ill timed sex scenes.
Wow, that sounds like my early 20s. Uh-huh. KTM two stars. Her behaviour did not feel real, EG to jump into bed with someone just after a brief encounter with no feelings for them apart from connecting with his sad.
Delta was just there for the sex scenes. Wow.
Is not a romance, it's irresponsible and risky. Again. Sounds like my early 20s. Uh-huh.
That's how you get therapies. Christian 2. Does the heroine is an Alaskan Bush pilot Roberts manages to use that phrase with an absolutely straight face throughout the novel.
I think the cop is more of a Bush pilot. By the sounds of this. Ohh wow. Cheap and lazy. Five Stars 5 stars. From cheap and lazy excellent love scenes, mainstream level of detail as opposed to ******, some very damn hot the shower scene is particularly memorable.
Five stars.
Because there's a. Twist so they get in the shower, but they end up having sex.
Wow, there must be a few sex scenes.
Jane Stewart, five stars. The love story between Nate and Meg could have used more relationship development started with Meg wanting casual sex and later they sort of realised they were in love. It was OK but could have used a little more. Shizzle Jane Stewart goes on to give us some data.
Again, this just sounds like my 20.
Data narrative mode said person story length 635 pages.
Ohh, OK, we're just. Ohh good yeah.
Swearing language, strong sexual language. Miles. Number of sex scenes. 4. Total number of sex scene pages.
10-4 sex scenes are covered in only 10 pages.
I'm sorry.
Again, sounds like my.
Early study. Sorry James Stewart. Uh, as you're getting the data. So like you're reading the book. And they're getting it on and you're like.
Sex scene #1. Like you. Are you ticking off the sex scenes? As you. Go and counting the pageants.
She could be she could be. But I think that that is incredibly helpful, incredibly helpful.
Thank you for the data. It is helpful because if I'm wanting to read about sex scenes, if I'm wanting to hold the book by the spine and see all these pages opening up to me in these wonderful sex ****** scenes.
10 pages of sex scene out of 300 and of no 635 pages of book is not a good return on sex scene investment. 10 pages out of 635. That's 625 pages of no sex.
No. However. However, if you are going to invest in said book, you can read Jane Stewart's review before you go out and buy it so that when you you don't have to have the conversation when you get to the bookstore and you say does this have in it?
How many pages of thing does it have? 1010 pages?
Exactly. Exactly. Ohh that'll do. I think that meets the that meets the quota. One more. The cat's mother. The cat's mother gives it five stars. But the review is this a warning for animal lovers? This does feature the murder of a minor.
That's enough.
Character's pet dog, although it is not described and the killing of a bear, admittedly in self defence. So yeah, it's OK to kill the beings and offending yourselves, yeah.
But it was. Only a minor characters pet dog anyway. Why are you getting your knickers in A twist? Cat's mother.
Well, let me tell you if they'd have factored some bestiality into the sex scenes. That's bad reeds. Bring it home. Let's bring it home. The hatches, matches and dispatches segment. Clue at the start of the show. Like I said, it's a it's a dispatch. It's a death of, of, of, of an icon, an Australian icon in fact. Who said this?
When I'm up to the big football field in the sky, I just want want people just to remember I told you so.
If you said Johnny Warren. You would. Correct. Now, if you were also thinking right now, who the hell is Johnny Warren? I mean, like he is an icon, a legend of Australian soccer football.
Well, listener from. Finland might not know. Sorry to explain.
Maybe not. Although Johnny Warren was renowned the world over, so he passed away on the 6th of November 2004 at the age of 61. He died of lung cancer, which was just so sad because it happened very, very quickly and I attended a book launch with him. I think it was like a year maybe.
It is, yeah.
Two years. Fire. He released a book called Sheilas **** Poofters, which was about soccer in Australia and and how he was he was one of the founding fathers of the sport in Australia. Like he tried to bring the world game to Australia. He had so much passion for it and what they used to refer to them as when they were playing that sport because it wasn't rugby league or union.
AFL or anything like that with Sheila's walks and pooped. And one of the first things that they did when they formed the international soccer team, they had to go and play in Vietnam and they played in Vietnam right before the Vietnam War.
There's always smoke. Ohh, we'll we'll send the soccer if we lose a few of the sheilas walks and pooped as it won't matter. You know that sort of attitude. And it was a fabulous experience and that's where we were born. And that was the basis of the team. Which eventually qualified for Germany seven years later.
Yeah. So he basically galvanised the team that that trip to Vietnam where they had to play soccer under those circumstances, he played as a forward for Saint George Budapest and he captained the Australian national team, the Socceroos. As I said, one of the founding fathers of the Socceroos. So the 1974 World Cup, he helps Australia qualify for their first ever FIFA World Cup. Up and that that it's a long time between drinks like we've been to the World Cup since, but we were chasing it and chasing it and chasing it. And he was so passionate about us being able to have a presence at the World Cup now. When he retired, he became a coach and then he was a commentator and he was an advocate, massive advocate for the growth of the sport in Australia. Nobody has been able to pick up the mantle. In the way Johnny Warren did for the sport in Australia.
He he commentated on the ABC and SBS. And it was really. SBS, where he made his mark appearing on a number of football analysis shows, including on the ball and the world game. Yeah, he famously wept openly on TV in 97.
I remember that game. It was against Iran. It was a World Cup qualifier. We thought here we go and it was a draw and that meant we wouldn't go through. So Iran went.
Yeah, with a run. Yeah, two 2 draw. Yeah, yeah.
And he wrote that book. I remember too. And I I don't know if we interviewed him or Les Murray, but it was. Remember the Mr and Mrs Soccer, a book about him as well. I remember that too.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Les Murray and Johnny. Johnny Warren were really great friends. Very close. There's a fantastic documentary that the SBS did about Johnny Warren, which I highly recommend watching because he was just a a magnificent character. When I got to meet him, he was.
Because they commentated together, didn't they? Yeah.
So wonderful like he was publicising his book, but there was nothing that he would not do. Like we we went out there and we interviewed him at the book launch and he gave us like probably 10-15 minutes of his time at the book launch when he's signing autographs and stuff. He did a speech and stuff. He was just a such an accommodating.
Hmm. No.
Person and the passion that he has for that sport after representing his country in it and still pushing for it to be soccer in Australia, would not be what it is now if it wasn't for Johnny Warren and it needs to be better than what it is now. Now, but I think a lot of pundits are saying, you know, it won't be until we we actually win a World Cup that people will, you know, really jump on board, which is just. And it's like, well, bloody hell like, is that ever going to happen? Anyway, he passed away and it was so sudden and it was so shocking. I think he, he had he had lung cancer.
They will get interested, yeah. Hmm.
And I say I say it happened pretty quickly, but I think he only went public with it very late and he was commentating right up until pretty.
Yeah, yeah.
Much the the weeks before he passed away, so it was just a it was a great tragedy for him. Such a wonderful human being who had had some amazing stories. His book is incredible. The documentary is great, just a real icon of the sport in Australia and you know, we really don't look at football or soccer that well. In Australia and it is the world game and we've got lots of players now, I think you know. In this day and age, like I would have loved for Johnny Warren to be alive, to see the Matildas at the World Cup, you know, getting through to the the semi finals and and and at the Olympics and and all of that sort of stuff, because I think he would be, I don't think he'd be satisfied with the state it's in. But I think he would be.
Yeah, yeah.
Proud of how far it has come, and it was just a great tragedy to lose him. So you know Violet Johnny Warren, who was on the 6th of November. He's only 61 years old, so young anyway, that's it. That's it. Let's wrap it up. Wrap it up on that very sad note. Sorry about that.
We don't have anything really planned for next week, do we?
No, I think I haven't thought about that. I've been too busy, so.
Not at this stage. We'll get to it. It'll be a surprise. I will say happy birthday to Matt and happy Halloween to everyone for this week. You know, trick or treat, go and get eat some lollies or you know I I can't do the lollies for Halloween, I can't do.
Ohh yes, good. Yep, good points. Them I'm really disappointed that when you go and look at the Halloween outfits, that's the 90s is now a Halloween.
Outfit and the early 2000s. That's what we've become, we've become.
Ohh really? You've become Halloween costumes so you could dress up as your favourite. He goes, Joe.
My life, my life is not an outfit or a costume.
Ruth. You can go with your rule. Yeah, my culture is not a is not a costume. I agree. But I can't be trusted with the lollies in the house either. As soon as there are lollies in the House, I eat them.
Very offended by this. I'd buy lollies in case kids come and they never come because I think it's because we're the we are the ghost slash junk house in the streets. We've got lots of weeds out front and things are a bit like the, you know, the the the driveway is a bit cracked and we we have the junk house and the kids are just like.
Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.
I'm not going trick or treat there because a real ghost might come out and get me.
Well, I've attempted to do it. On several occasions and we haven't had trick.
Or treaters? No, but I buy the lollies just in case you never know, cause I don't wanna end up giving them like a wheat bix cause that's all we've got.
In the cupboard. I'm not that kind of person.
I agree, and I think it's, I know it's not an Australian thing, it's a, it's an American thing.
You just gotta just in case you've. Gotta have some lollies.
I think it's unaustralian to stop people from having fun, and it's that's fun for them. But it is a little bit incompatible because it's daylight savings and it usually falls on a week night. And yes, you know, it's not dark enough to go and do the trick or treating thing. So I'm just kind of this year I think I'm going to be get.
From having. Yeah, that's booming.
Off my lawn.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
And that's all we have time for this evening. You can go and find us on the socials, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, search for t -, 20 podcast and we'll have all sorts of fun and frivolity. Next week, I assure you. See. Ya bye.
Thanks for taking the time to rewind. Join us next time for another week. That was 20 years ago. In the mean time, come and reminisce on the socials search for T -, 20 podcast on Facebook, Instagram and TikTok.