T minus 20
The year is 2005... Anakin turns to the dark side, YouTube makes its debut and we’re all couch-jumping for Maria, McDreamy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo…
T minus 20, rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with Joe and Mel.
T minus 20
The best of 2004, blogs, Britney and Bush!
It's our best of the best for the year 2004 where the internet’s favorite new words take center stage 📖, we find out who Time’s Person of the Year was and look at all the hot topics that were trending on Google search🌟.
On the music charts, there were epic dance tracks 🕺, soulful ballads, and funky throwbacks dominating airwaves. Over on iTunes, fans downloaded pop hits and rock anthems that are now karaoke classics 🎤.
Gamers embraced groundbreaking releases, from a crime-filled sandbox adventures 🚘 to a timeless Nintendo handheld console 🎮. At the movies, superheroes, ogres, and wizards ruled the box office 🍿. Meanwhile, bookshelves overflowed with conspiracy-laden thrillers 📚, sparking debates that were just as fiery as the reviews.
On the tech front, Mozilla Firefox gave web browsing a slick new look 🔥🦊, Google introduced Gmail 📧, and The Facebook began its quiet revolution—back when “poking” was still a thing.
It was a year of cultural firsts, seismic shifts, and digital beginnings that still echo through our lives today. 🌍✨
Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.
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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke, yeah. George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Superbowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel.
Ohh 19 December 2004.
Environment which you know what.
The rest is history.
I'm very forgetful on.
Ohh hello there.
Stop trying to make fetch happen.
You're fired.
What are we waiting for?
It's harder than I thought it would be.
My fellow Americans, 20.
Let's roll.
Well, 2004 is almost in the rear view mirror. While it's 20 years in the rear view mirror for most of us, but you know what we do here, we do it each and every week. Team -20, the podcast that rewinds to this week in history 20 years ago with your host Joe and Mel before we get into summer programming. We got one more to go. Hello Mel.
It is the last one and it's kind of a best of we're looking the best things of 2004.
So we can. Look at the best in music, the best in movies, albums, toys.
That's right, yeah.
All of the things.
We're gonna do like 2004 rap, but I think it another music company had already taken that from.
So we don't want to get in any trouble for that.
Yeah, that won't do.
So we're gonna look at all of those things. We're gonna look at stuff like this.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
He was an important person back in 2004, and we're gonna look at other stuff like this.
Umm yes.
What do you think Dad does for a living? Well, he's not.
Is management. The line of work.
Are you in waste management console?
Yeah, we're going to look at a TV show that was big in 2004.
That one was a massive 1 and a person. This person, a beautiful morning.
The president has blessed our voyage.
Nobody speaks like that. Imagine waking up. It's somebody's a. Morning residents blessed our voyage.
What's wrong with you?
What are you talking about mate?
It's wrong, wrong.
We'll find out what he was talking about a bit later on in the show.
I love at the.
End of every year we get the word of the year. It's been the word of the year's been going.
Other word, yeah.
I think it started pretty much 20 years ago or a little bit longer than 20 years. What do you think the word for to have you have you read the word for 2024? There's a few words, actually. Depends on which is your Dictionary of choice.
Ohh whether it's.
In fact, McGuire.
Oxfordordictionary.com or online dictionary, or you're on Macquarie Dictionary.
I'm mcclary. I'm. All the way. That's the Australia that's stitch.
I'm an Oxford dictionary guy from way back.
Ohh yeah, it's pushed to.
Have you heard any of the? 2024 word.
On is it gonna be?
It'll be a. Some kind of slang term that I don't know the meaning of. Is it like something some like Ritz or something like that?
Well, no, I think the Macquarie 1 is Cole's worst.
Cole's worse. What does that mean?
What do you think it means?
Collinsworth. Yeah. Honestly, I I can't even begin to get creative.
At Coles and Woolworths. It's about the I I'm. Assuming it's about the domination of the the supermarkets.
So they've matched the two. To get it.
I think it's about the like the supermarket price.
Is is that not a name as opposed to a word?
Wills and Coles were.
I didn't think the word of the your name.
Well, it depends on your dictionary as. Well. Such a dream.
Is that that Cole's worth is not?
Well, cause he lives was last year.
In the dictionary.
Yes, cause he lives as in cost of living.
Wow, that's that's not a. That's 2 words.
It depends on your Dictionary of choice, because some dictionaries go with what do people search for the most, others go for what was a really popular hash tag or term. So if you're looking at the word of the year as far as our dictionary.com goes, it's demure.
Mure, that's sensible.
Well, that remember that big. That big social media thing about being very mindful, very demure, that viral thing I mindful, I'm demure.
Being demure, yeah.
I'm can't remember the rest of it. I don't know.
Well, that's the word of the year. Demure. That's the only one you need. To know.
And Charlesworth and then I was.
And Charlesworth said. Charlesworth is the word of the year for this year, right cause that's an Australian dictionary, yes.
Meeting. That's for the Macquarie.
And then the BBC pulled out another one. And it was a rude word.
So I'm not going to replace that here.
Was it? Ohh come on. You can repeat it.
Um, no.
What is it?
I had to swear in it. No.
Ohh, that's about word of the year every year.
The word of the day, everyday, all day.
What do you think? So we had. A few floating around in 2000, all talk about one now. Yeah. And we'll talk about one later. But have you got any guesses as to what what the word of the year could have been back in? 2004.
Ohh 2004. Well, I I I'm thinking of names which doesn't really make any sense of mean. They're like Bush or WMD, which is not a word. It's an acronym.
Yeah. Uh. Collateral.
So you're going with the war angle?
Yeah. So it's game was boring this.
Ohh no, we're gonna look at the online dictionary first weren't here.
Ohh, hang on. Wait, wait.
Before we do this. And now it's time for word of the year.
Ohh, what was that? No.
It's just a bit of fanfare. It's the word of the year. I thought we'd kind of hype it up a little bit.
I felt like we're flying over the ocean.
Yeah, in search of the word of the year.
OK, it's in the ocean.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, we went down and got it for we feel like that Titanic or something. OK, alright. So word of the year 2004 blog, blog, blog, blog, and for this is for online dictionary and so they got their word from the most looked up word in their dictionary.
Blow, of course.
So that's what people.
Searched for the most within the online dictionary in 2004.
Log obviously will in 2004 blog was defined as a website that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments and often hyperlinks provided by the writer.
Blogging really sort. Of. Well, it came. Into existence in the 90s, but I think it really hit its straps early 2000s when we could all start having opinions on the Internet.
Yes, we we we spoke about this years ago when we first started the podcast and we were doing interviews and we talked to German and he had a a couple of blog sites going on. Yeah.
No, I didn't. Well, he was ahead of the times.
Always trailblazer.
Yes, very much so.
He was. Yeah. Hmm.
2004 it's pretty much a bit. Of a phenomenon. Millions of blogs were looking at things like personal Diaries, politics, tech, fashion, and we had a lot of sites and platforms that enabled us to do it easily. We didn't have to code HTML and be like computer nerds and stuff. There was live journal taught Pad Zeng.
It's like, yeah.
So there were a lot of spaces where you could just grab a template and just speak your minds.
Populate the fields in a way you go. I've blog, therefore I am you could start a blog.
If your minds.
You pick a subject that you wanted to be an expert in or wanted to promote yourself as being an expert in and away you go.
I'm gonna start a blog about brain surgery and my first surgery will happen probably next week after I do a few entries and figure. What's what?
Plugin gave rise. To citizen journalism that ordinary individuals could report on events and share opinions without relying on traditional media.
And I think probably one of the reasons why 2004, we started to see this more and more is obviously what was going on with the war. Yeah, and people were not happy. There was a lot of protesting going on.
So to make their own news, I'm gonna write my own news.
There are others that there was a lot of opinion and people were starting to go. You know what? I'm allowed to have my opinion. There are a lot of protests.
And people were feeling like. Well, my opinions not doesn't matter. We're still going to war and I'm I'm trying. To do something.
So I want to put something out there to express myself and my outrage.
Here so.
They're absolutely so. There were a lot of. There are a lot of political based. Blogs happening in 2004.
The first one ever is considered to be Justin Hall. Thelinks.net and it was this is interest shared some hyperlinks.
What? That all about. Just. Links to stuff. Here's some stuff that I found interesting, yeah.
Wrote about his life. When we Fast forward to 2004, the most popular blogs Instapundit.
What's Instapundit? Ohh he's a pundit. He's a he's an expert and instant expert.
Glenn Reynolds.
This is before Instagram, right? Yeah.
Umm Glenn Reynolds, a low professor. And provided commentary on politics, technology and current events.
As a pundit would. Yes, of course.
Powerline was another popular one.
Power line. What was that about?
John Scott and Paul. They were college alumni and their focus was conservative political commentary.
I'm noticing a trend. Yeah.
They actually pay. They they played a pretty pivotal role in there. We talked about the Killian documents.
Ohh yeah.
About George W Bush and the legitimacy of those documents.
They played a pivotal role in questioning the authenticity.
Is that right?
So there was a lot of. Discussion through their blog.
And did they then?
Around that.
Did they then get picked up by more traditional media outlets with some of the stuff that they had perhaps penned in relation to the Killian documents? Wow.
I think I think, I think so potentially, and that was obviously the that led to the resignation of Dan rather from CBS.
Because that was all the stuff about questioning George Bush's role in the National Guard and stuff as well, wasn't it?
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The documents were fake in the end, and then I don't know how to say that one as Charlton.
Yes, yes. The shotton. Ohh, I'm gonna say Ashton, just because the sharton sounds gross.
Sounds like a collection of soiled pants.
Be dirty.
Yes, this on focused on.
Liberal political commentary.
I'm more of a photographic blog. You know this eschaton. It's like it's like what is it? The raw shach designs like what do you see in this stain that I shared on.
It's so.
Ohh, I think it's a butterfly.
Maybe a pine tree? Yeah.
Is a.
1995 shot on denim.
Hmm hmm.
Quite a piece. Um, no. It was a political commentary.
It was recognised as one of the stars of.
The Blogger alley.
So same thing, really kind of an appropriate title.
So that was that was the word of the year blog for a online dictionary.
We have another one, but we'll kind.
Of hook you.
Through I think.
Well, I'll do this. Even though it's not hatches, matches and dispatches.
Ohh, I think you've done.
So, so the word, the word of the year, according to the Oxford Dictionary, is connected to, well, I'll give you an example of what the word of the year is about. Have a listen to this and then see if you can guess what the word of the year is.
Hey, I'm just looking. Coming light down to race as gold in it, so it's time to game, but for a job and that cause Miss support worker says I can get like Kim pennies if I'm registered alcohol. Some of that. So I reckon I just pretend I'm looking for a job now, cause I wanna crinoline watch with. OK, why are they? Can you watch what you're doing? Can you know what time it is mate? Looking devil side. Whoa.
Yeah. Is the word.
**** no.
Ohh okay right.
No, it's not. We'll find out what it is at the. End of the programme. It's not. It's not really news. But I.
You too lazy to make a whole bunch of. New interest for one share and that's fair enough.
Yeah, it's just for my show.
That's fair enough.
Like you know, we got day jobs like this.
Yeah, he could be asked.
It's harder at the end of the year. I'm exhausted, Mel.
I'm very tired.
So am I.
Yes, everything hurts.
So much so that no, that works. That works because this is kind of newsy, it's newsworthy and I think the news over 2004 probably helps this person's cement, their status of time person.
I want I wanna get.
Just before you get into that, if this podcast does take off in anyway, shape or form and there is an opportunity for sponsorship, I am gunning for Metamucil and Voltaire.
Of the year.
Those are the two big spots that I want.
Ohh, she's cheap products that you.
Use laws on the.
Uh huh. Anyway, carry on.
And Sarah minns.
Please put theremins.
Yes, I think they're policy.
Maybe. Maybe I could stick it Metamucil and Voltaire and sticker on my theremin. Anyway, the person of the year.
Time person of the year.
Sorry, I did take us off track.
So no, that is kind of newsy and they do it every year.
And I think the new cycle does help them select who the person of the year is.
Of course.
So 2004 time person. Of the year. George W Bush.
And George W Bush and I approve this message.
Ohh, I bet you do buddy. Yeah, he was chosen for sticking to his guns. Literally and figuratively, as as Time magazine wrote for reshaping the rules of politics to fit his 10 gallon hat leadership style because he was a bit of a cowboy and for persuading a majority of voters that he deserved to be in the White House for another four years.
You remember he won his second term in 2004, only a couple of months ago in the US election, when he defeated John Kerry and his victory was notable for securing the highest popular vote in total US.
History at that time with 62 million votes and for expanding his party's majority in both the House and the Senate, had a lot of power for the second term, even though there was a a lot of opposition and increasing casualties in the war, he was still very steadfast in in leading that invasion of Iraq.
And remember his victory speech.
I'm humbled by the trust. And the confidence of my fellow citizens. With that, trust comes a duty to serve all Americans. And I will do my best to fulfil. That duty. Everyday. Is your president.
Let's get it. Fill his duty on a shout on.
He's duty.
It's not a bloke, yeah.
But but I mean, he was very central to shaping all the post 911 Global New World order stuff that we were talking about and we've spoken about across.
It was. Yeah. And there was that comfort, I think, in knowing that he handled it before. So let's go with what we know.
We know. Hmm.
Even though there was a lot of talk in the lead up to the election that they thought he would lose and I think over here in Australia, which is often the case because I I don't think we quite. Know what's going on. We just look from the outside and we go ohh you won't get it again.
Yes. I think a lot of people that vote over there don't know. What's going on as well?
And then he got in and we were.
Just throw.
I was very surprised. But I I don't know if that was the. Case over there and.
I've been more surprised with the results of other US elections. And then kind of not surprised as well if you know what I'm saying exactly, nothing would surprise me actually these days, if I'm being honest.
That again is. Is that the the outside looking in? We we don't live there because we.
Don't know. Um.
And also we spoke a lot over the year about. A lot of issues that he kind of tied himself to outside of the war effort and the controversy with that, but there was obviously things like the gay marriage bans. Which she was.
Very much opposed to and spoke out.
Yeah, you upset a lot of people about that.
About at the. Many addresses over the year from abortion rights, faith based initiatives, and he really rallied this socially conservative voters at the time.
Any selection for time person of the of the year was met with mixed reactions. Again reflecting the. Polarising nature of of who he was and what he stood for.
It's vitamin time person of the year is not a popularity contest time person of the year is somebody who's eaten up most of the headlines.
Who haven't you had? Yeah, that's the thing. You've had people that are not good people.
The. No, this was this.
The second. Time though, that he was time person of the year. He was also time person of the year in 2000, so. I think that's a bit greedy.
Yes, but a lot has happened since then, so he cause he's election victory was a bit contentious in 2000.
There's 2000 was. Yeah, that was when he first.
Then September 11 happens. In 2001, the world is a completely different place. There's so much water that has gone under the bridge and they're just like, well, let's put him in there again.
What do you feel? It's a bit lazy because the buyer and all the background information, they could just repeat from 2000, they don't have to do any new journalism.
Well, well, if you.
OK. Who would you have put in for person of the year in 2000?
In 2004.
And four, sorry, yes, in 2004.
Ludicrous, yeah. As the time person of the year in 2004.
He's very colourful. This is an interesting guy.
Right he is. But I don't think he did. And he certainly didn't lead the free world in a war against a forever war. Actually in in instigated New World order in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attack.
But he said.
What we're all thinking about spring rolls.
Ludacris, I don't think he did that in 2004. I think there was a post 2004 comment.
Was it okay? Well, maybe time passing. The 2000 and. 6.
My time person of the year for 2004.
Here would you choose.
I mean, there's a difference between being influential and the person of the year as well. Do you know what I mean?
Like so. So Bush was influential, but I think there was also a lot of other stuff around that. That made him the person.
There was a lot of headlines, I think. So if you're looking like, say, word of the year, the most looked up thing in the dictionary when you're looking at probably the person that's most searched for and across the news and across the media.
Easily, Bush. Obviously, yeah.
I think at the time I probably would have, said Lance Armstrong.
Yeah, I would have probably picked an athlete.
Yeah, okay, but this is when we started to hate him.
Well, yes, Betty.
See, I would have picked.
Also, he won the Tour de France that year, remember?
I would have. I would have picked Lance when he got done and had to admit it because he would have been all over the media.
This is when.
Then I'd I'd pick busted Lance. That's probably still.
Well, this is what this is.
It's 10 years away.
When all the Livestrong stuff happened though, Livestrong happened happened in 2004.
Ohh livestock.
Yeah, okay.
So this is when we turned on.
Well, come close. I mean, you know, Mel Gibson released the passion of the Christ in 2004. That was a very controversial film. He could have been a person of the year, Condoleezza Rice. Maybe. Hmm, right. Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations. I mean, he was pretty busy around that time. He was very influential at. What time you could you could have had. Ohh I don't know, I don't know a not a particular name, but Al Jazeera. The people behind Al Jazeera, you know, there's a lot of interesting characters that could have, but they didn't.
Umm yeah.
With George W Bush, he was the one.
Yes, he was.
He was the one with his 10 gallon hat and his cowboy style and his amazing quotes and bushisms and.
I'm humbled by the trust.
Yes, he is. He's humbled by the trust. So there you go.
I'm George W Bush and I approve this message.
Ohh you got tabs in your browser.
We've look, we've dialled up the Internet and we we've got our fingers ready to do a search. And a search for some stuff. It's 2004, so we've got some data on Google searches, so we'll start with like overall top searches and we'll count backwards to build the tension that alright, we'll do that, we'll do the top ten, the top 10 things that people typed in.
What do you got? OK. Really. All right. Sounds great. The like you cut it with a spoon. Google searches.
The old. Fraught #10MP3.
#9 Harry Potter.
Right. That's it's pretty boring so far.
#8 Orlando Bloom.
Ohh Troy had come out. Yes. OK, now you're talking.
#7 common Electra hmm image search for show.
Now you're talking. I'm surprised she's not up there a little bit higher, actually.
Probably video search.
Yeah. Yes.
As well, because fit to strip was out.
Uh, number six games.
Nothing new kid on the block.
Just it's just the term games.
Phone and. Yeah, games.
They search for the word games in Google. Why were they hoping to find do you?
Grand Theft Auto World of Warcraft.
Well, we'll why wouldn't they search for that specifically as opposed to games?
Now they don't know how. Spell it.
I don't know.
OK, Kate, going 5 chats chat again.
Ohh that's dangerous.
That's dangerous.
Like what are you hoping to find?
You didn't.
Don't go in the don't go in the early 2000s chat rooms.
Chat, but maybe that maybe they are after potatoes.
Ohh I'm injured.
That's what they're looking for.
I'm hinged Sanger.
Some nice chat potatoes, OK?
#4 Pamela Anderson #3 kisses.
Yep, of course. Pamela Anderson should be #1 every year. On Google search.
I love you.
She's amazing and she's having a renaissance now.
She is great.
She is.
She's coming back around full circle.
I reckon she'll probably be in the top ten this year.
Do you reckon? Hmm.
I've should check #3. Christina Aguilera.
Yep, yes, off the back of the well, the notorious tape and and what not and then #1 give us number one, I need a drum roll.
#2 Paris Hilton.
Hang on, I'll put a drum roll in here.
Patron Saints.
Ohh, Our Lady of the podcast.
Wayne, Britney Spears.
Yeah, that makes sense.
Big Year for Britney.
She, even though she did her a CL.
Or whatever she did.
And had to cancel her. Too, as she got married.
Everybody's talking now, really stuff about me. Why don't they just let me? Permission maybe?
First thing.
Ohh decisions. That's my pride, say Rocketeer.
Yeah, it is her prerogative.
Don't. She released the greatest hits album. Yeah, should be you.
Yes, she did.
Maybe you for our Britney.
What about brands? Let's do brand searches. Yep.
OK, what have we got?
#5, Home Depot, or depot. If you're in America.
Maybe that's what happens, because Martha went to gaol and we all. Cut reignited without crafting.
I don't think so.
That's like Bunnings in America.
Ohh is it?
I thought it was like a craft.
No, that's not like it's not a lincroft of spin.
So I thought it was like spotlight.
It's like bunnings.
Ohh, is this this wood and nail?
I think I think, yeah.
Ohh that changes everything.
Home Depot. Yeah, 4 Amazon. I mean, you go to Amazon and search for stuff on there these days. My how things have changed #3 MapQuest.
Ohh that's how we used to find directions. Remember that and would print out. Like turn left and put. A little arrow next to it.
We'll do a little roundabout. Yeah, MapQuest deals like the the Gregory's online sided.
Show you where to go. Fancy going on to the Internet and being told where to go? Happens all the time. #2 was Walmart and #1.
Are you pink? Bathroom array means no globe customers.
Kiev train I bought on eBay.
Yeah, eBay was the number one brand search in 2004.
18 Bay.
I still love eBay. I've got a lot of time for eBay, but I'm I'm not a conscientious eBay or I'm a bad ebayer. I don't leave feedback.
Ohh meaning.
Yeah. On my, I just don't. I bought it like. Is that not enough?
Hmm, today, does it nudge you?
Money talks, money talks and ******** walks.
Does it give you a little reminder and try?
Yeah, all the time.
Cause when you.
Leave feedback on your items.
Buy things on Etsy. I think you're kind of pretty much have to give feedback or it locks you out. It's very demanding as far as we've.
Yeah, like all five stars.
Great seller.
Fast postage. Well, whatever. They put some effort in, otherwise there you go. That's the brands.
Okay we want to move on to female celebrities.
I think we've kind of. Covered a lot of these. In the top 10 actually.
Uh huh.
So #5, Carmen Electra #4 Paris Hilton #3.
Pamela Anderson, #2.
We are beautiful and never way, yes. What bring the that down? Ohh sit down. You bring down.
I just thought I'd try this increase staying here in there.
It's steam.
She brought out a line of adults.
I don't know.
If it's toys or just. Hmm. Adult things anyway.
A line of adult things. That's very broad. That could be anything.
Adult toys, right?
Like, OK, yes.
Adult toys things for adults that are toys she brought out. Yeah, I think not with Walmart or came up, but like some kind of Marty place.
Yeah, there's, like, walk into Walmart and say, have you got the latest?
Yeah. So there you go.
She put that out there.
Christina Aguilera Fleshlight is that what you're saying? Yeah.
That she did not do that, really.
She did. I don't look. I don't know how there was Lube.
And she relaunching dirty or something?
Brought out Lube.
I don't. I think I just think that celebrities should steer clear of things like lubrication. And and large chain department stores, knowing what we know now in 2024 when you've got dudes like Diddy buying bulk orders of baby oil and stuff like that, I think it's a bit tone deaf to be launching a line of lubrication that is commercially available in.
If they.
They stankus. Ohh right.
Take. Later this year.
Yeah, that's a good point.
I think she.
Launched it before the Diddy allegations, though.
Yeah, it's just it's just not a good look.
Who was now? That's. And she's only #2. But I just wanted an excuse to throw that song in there. So #1.
A plane once again.
Britney Spears?
She said.
I don't want to have that big old wedding. I just want me and Kevin to run off and I'm like, no, no, no, no.
We can do it. We can pull this off, Brit, I promise you. How was like, let's just do something really small and quick and fun.
We've toned it down within like 2 weeks.
We cut it down like 30 guests.
Just our immediate family and that's it.
I think my mom was dumbfounded.
I'm not dressed.
That's fair.
Now. On ohh.
This is cool.
She couldn't believe what was going on. And then when she realised it. Yeah, she was so cute. She didn't know what to say.
You have.
I think she was a little nervous at first because it wasn't the big traditional wedding, but then once everything fell into place, I think she got it, you know?
She had a big year. She had a massive year in 2004.
And this is when, yeah, I think this is. When the paparazzi. Really started turning on her.
Most just split from Justin earlier on and then the marriage to Kay fed and the other marriage that she had in Vegas.
And she thought she had a hard on.
And what not?
So say this is a Christina stuff.
Are you looking up Christina's stuff?
It's called playgrounds.
Give me look, I wanna check it out.
And yeah, there you go. There's intimacy essential set. She she framed it a lot nicer than what I do, yeah.
Then cooling it. Lube.
Well, she's not a bogan, clearly, but. What is she asking for? Playground is breaking in.
It's all about. That sexual Wellness that sounds a lot nicer.
Than sexual Wellness.
Adult toys.
Sexual Wellness.
Define sexual Wellness.
There's no free cappuccino.
Yeah, say it with us. It's well, see, nobody gets the free cappuccino reference unless it again.
Anyone from Canberra woods?
If you go to the adult stores in Canberra, there's one particular one adult world where you get a free cappuccino.
You get a free free cappuccino. No, wasn't it Adam and Eve?
Was Adam and Eve.
Is Adam an age?
I don't know. If one of them anyway, I don't know.
Well, fantasy lying now was Adam and Eve, and that was that was in the edge. Was like, you know, sex toys and videos and a free cappuccino.
No, that's happened, he adds.
Who would what?
Free cappuccino.
What copywriter?
Free cappuccino. Why, sure, I'm gonna go there because. There's a free cappuccino.
The thing is is when you do go to a sex shop.
Do you really think you've got quality boosters?
Ohh it's more about the fact that you it's you do not. Really wanna hang around in there for any longer than you need to? You wanna get what you need and then get the hell out of there.
Thank don't be.
Sitting down, having a coffee with friends.
Ohh might might as well grab a free cappuccino.
No, sit down here and drink it in the window and everyone can say me.
While I'm here. I mean it's it does sound very civilised. So Christina Aguilera Playground is breaking new ground.
That's it. I told you.
Say it with us. It's time we strip away stigma and step up our satisfaction.
Yes it is.
I agree decide to delight in pleasure.
It's thank you for sending.
Absolutely, shamelessly embrace sex. Absolutely no shame here and welcome the positive effects on health and Wellness we've ignored for so long. Totally level that oxytocin and all those naked love. Night naked Lib. Naked love? Water based vaginal serum and lubricants.
See, I told you.
Gentle and soothing.
Isn't it gentleman's evening, right?
Ohh yeah, at a taboo busting sexual Wellness brand. Here you go.
Good enough.
Good reads.
Foreplay for your inbox. Super subscribe to our newsletter and get your fix of bedside fantasies and relationship advice from our chief sexologist for better sexual Wellness.
Well, good for you, Christina Aguilera.
There you go.
Saved. Classy. Classy.
I'll look at her and it completely, completely different light.
We are beautiful and the way, yes. Ever since. Bring the step down.
Yes, words like vagina lubri. And.
No free cappuccino.
Hmm, that's so much more exciting than the top male celebrity searches.
Whatever goes trolls.
It really is Brad Pitt, #5 door #4 Johnny Depp. Dur Brad Pitt.
Is he piercing at this stage room? Was the pirates? No, Johnny Depp to parents around now.
Ohh. Yeah, it's no. Ohh I I don't know.
Yeah, I think there was a Pirates of the Caribbean #3 usher, Usher, #2M and M and #1.
Ohh sure.
A beautiful morning.
Besides his blessed our voyage.
Sometimes the God's bless you in the morning and curse you in the afternoon.
Do you love me, brother?
Looking back.
Would you protect me against any enemy? The last time you spoke to me like this, you are 10 years old and you just.
Ohh. Stolen father's horse.
Ohh Speaking of horses, that that was a Lando bloom speaking to Eric Banner in the film Troy. But Orlando Bloom was our #1 male searched on the Internet in 2004.
I'm closing this fire. That was. Is that the year you would stand up paddle boarding in the noon?
No, but he was in Troy. He was in the film Troy, which was a box office smash, even though it was panned by critics.
The how does that beat Brad Pitt or Eminem?
Well, it just did. Well, Brad Pitt was in that as well. He was in.
Troy, why wouldn't it?
Hey man, I don't know.
OK, well.
I don't pull these lists together. I'm not responsible for them either of you don't bring these things into question.
Who knows what people is happening?
Thank you.
The searches the top ten searches which I thought we had done on Google, so I'm confused by this category.
For tech.
For tech, the top top ten top, and we're only doing 5, that's.
Tech. Tech searches.
I'm so tired.
These are the five technology based Google searches that occurred in.
OK, this, this it's this is such an anticlimax to all the others.
Anyway, 5 Linux, Linux.
Now let's not. Ohh great.
Ohh Nerdgasm move 4th by boat.
What's this? Fine.
Ah, wouldn't you like to know number three, MP3? Now the two kazar.
Wow. That's new Napster, isn't it?
Yeah, kazar. Yeah, people were downloading stuff on Teesside a little bit, yeah.
Where are you getting in trouble from? Caesar too.
Yeah. And #1 #1 drum roll plays V top tech search on the search things that we are talking about on Google was.
There you go there.
I'm so aroused right now. Wallpaper.
Ohh God well going to subscribe to Christina's newsletter.
Um wallpaper is in like.
For your desktop. Ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah.
You backgrounds. I thought maybe remember the in the media player Windows Media Player is have the cool graphics and stuff and you just sit there staring at it for hours while your song was playing.
I do remember that man, the visualizer.
That's not wallpaper. That's not Wallpapers. Ohh sufficient.
No, it's a visualizer.
I say it's soon.
Wallpaper is like just.
Ohh wallpaper on your Myspace.
Ohh yeah, I guess I don't know.
Hmm okay.
Didn't have a Myspace? Really.
You know, I made one for both of us that had the Wallpapers neon green that not very well what?
How did? Work out. Who were our top five friends?
Had none.
Yes, that's all I know.
We had nine friends and I lost.
And OK.
The login, so it's still out there somewhere I'm sure.
I've got times in the browser.
Do you?
I got times, times, times. I've got tabs in the browser.
I. Since.
I got time. Hats, hats. I got tabs in the browser. I got tabs, tabs. I got tabs in the browser. I got tab. Tab bars in my browser always crowded on the daily, always filled with some bull. Some articles are married. If you saw the way my windows looking call me crazy, I'll be spinning tops like rabbits when they making baby. It's a maybe if you ask me if I ever planned to close them. Never, no. When if I need them so they'll stay there.
Yeah, new technology as well. There's some other technology that happened back in 2004. Big things. Mozilla Firefox was released the Internet browser that was giving all the other browsers a run for their money.
With the tabs by the Netscape Navigator. Guys.
That's right.
Hmm, Google had its first initial public offering.
That means they floated it on the share market, doesn't it?
They did, and I think the shares are probably worth about the same today, which was surprising it.
Might be worth a lot of money now.
That did surprise me. I was like ohh man should have got on to that, but it was not that significant. Hmm.
Hmm, no, doesn't matter with them. Are Bluetooth 2.0 was introduced?
Yes, Google introduced Gmail by invite only.
That's right, yeah.
Remember, remember you could only open a Gmail account with Google if you were invited to.
That's a big deal. That's very exclusive. Sony released the PlayStation Portable, which we talked about last week, and Facebook.
Launched their Facebook at that stage.
The Facebook it was at this point, yeah.
So you didn't sound like ohh you spending all that time on the Facebook. No, that's actually what it was called.
That was its legit name, yeah.
So that by the end of 2004 it had over 1,000,000 registered users. No news feed was only open to colleges, and you could poke people you still can, but you just notice.
Looks like a hidden face.
Yeah, you got to kind of drill down a little bit to poke people and and the this is hilarious. Just going back to this old interview with Mark Zuckerberg when he was just a little whippersnapper. Who really had no training in media or public engagement or being a spokesperson? He had no place being on the news.
Mark, if somebody was to put the question to you about the the magnitude of what you think you've launched, how big do you think your product or your service is?
Well, it's impossible to tell. When we first launched, we were hoping for, you know, maybe 405 hundred people. Harvard didn't have a Facebook, so that's the gap that we were trying to fill. And now we're at 100,000 people. So who knows where we're going next? We're hoping to have many more universities by fall, hopefully over 100 or 200, and from there we're going to launch a bunch of site applications which should keep people coming back to the site and maybe can make.
Yeah, maybe make something cool. I'm just gonna go check with my supervisor. Hmm yeah.
So young, so young.
Very. Isn't he? And of course, today we have the the amazing, the amazing evolution of Facebook Facebook marketplace.
I would say devolution. I feel like people are leaving, leaving Facebook in droves.
No, I think it's amazing.
Actually, Facebook marketplace is where it's at.
Marketplace is the reason to stay.
That is definitely where you should stay.
This is where you can buy breast milk soap. A hitless skunk. How to have scrolled down? I put the Hitler skunk down the bottom cause I I can't even describe it.
Ohh really?
You just have to look at you. Ohh yeah that.
Looks like Hitler and it's a skunk.
It's a statue.
Of a skunk with a Hitler face.
Ohh my God.
Very Hitler, isn't it?
Somebody's somebody's carved.
Quite the likeness. Ohh.
A skunk. And then put Hitler's head on it. That is truly bizarre.
The breast milk soaps quite. Important because the breast.
Ohh looks sorry if they've got little patents.
Thought. Carved it? Have carved it.
Got little honey bee pattern on it. Um, it's a little breast milk soap.
The bed pan guitar.
That is that that feels like a little bit deliverance.
Flavour our psyching.
It's electric. The bed pan guitar.
It's it's gotta pick up on it.
Ohh that's dangerous. So might get socks.
It's only got 3. It's only got 3 strings and it's got a pick up on it and wow, that's I wonder how that sounds. Well, like.
To probably shopping cart on water skis.
The shopping cart on skis is a sight to behold. That is, that's like, that's how you can do, like ******* on the water, yes.
Would be fun to push your friend early. And a pair of lightly shut pants that could go on the shaft on blog. Look at the lightly short pants and I put them in there.
Lightly shat pants descriptions only lightly can be cleaned.
Lightly shut pair.
Probably. And there's there's a prompt there. It's like send seller a message and it even it pretty feels it for you. So it's like hi, is this available? Are these lightly shaded pants available? Lightly shat pants is probably a metaphor for my entire Facebook profile, and history is just lightly shat pants.
Because I do things on Facebook, usually after I've had a few drinks and I'm browsing, and then there's a conversation. It's like I'm going to get into that and then and then I wake up in the morning and it is basically lightly shat pants.
I have to clean it up. Sorry, I was just too lazy to find anything else, so I just thought I'd run with the hero fanfare again.
Since flew over the ocean again.
OK, that's fine.
Yeah, this is for the top five toys. The top five toys of 2004, yes.
Ohh good.
So number one was it #1. No, it's not even a list, is it in no particular order.
Aren't even think we've ranked. I think these are just things. Yeah, these. It's just big sellers, so we'll start with Hot Wheels. The basic car assortment by Mattel.
Ohh, that's kind of boring.
Feel like Hot Wheels cars are in the list every year.
Thing injure everyone loves will we?
Hot list.
We've only really discovered Hot Wheels again through our sun, and you know how they've got. They've all got the different labels on them and they're so there's certain Hot Wheels that are obviously valuable.
And they've got colours. Exotics exotic with the green strip.
Yes, the exotics and. Yeah. So you'd.
And so I think it's all the collector nerds that are like adults.
That's right.
That goes there's a big W.
So you go to the shops for kids and you go to big dubs and there's a fully grown man there for the Hot Wheels exotics.
Fighting a child for an exotic, but it's really helpful though that they've given it a colour code down the side because what you can do because Hot Wheels takes up a whole shelf and it's got.
And I just that's not OK.
The the prong and it goes back really deep and there's like about 10 different prongs, but because it's green, you can kind of just Crouch down and you can look all the way back and you can spot them.
Then reach in and disrupt the entire display.
But it's very it's very rare for any exotics, and if there are any, it's always the same one that everyone obviously has.
Yeah. And I go very quickly, they do well.
Yes, sufficient exotics green.
Well, this wasn't even the exotics. This was the basic car. I saw your basic so we're talking like maybe Toyota Camry.
Yeah, basic.
You know. Ohh Hyundai excel, the basic car assortment.
I don't think. I don't think Mattel would do an Excel.
Really. But it's the basic car assortment, so they would have to, you know, really.
Nathan, that's like that's basic basic.
Yeah, I. Fairline.
I don't think the feeling's exotic, mate.
But your family this this I mean.
Fairline is exotic, but where I'm from, so no, it's a basic car assortment.
Near Mayo.
Cheese could be careful if you call Commodore basic, he could upset a lot. Of. People you. Know Sigma. Yeah, just yeah. Go towards the Asian cars.
Sigma without the Sigma we love a site that's a great the Sigma is a great car.
Sigma would be good. Yeah, that's a basic car haha. I.
I I'm rest.
I have no doubts, yeah.
Lights in the back.
Leather. Ask sats.
Incredible. Incredible.
Imagine if Hot Wheels bought out at Sigma. That would be great. What else do we have? We have the the V smile by VTech. What is that?
Actually do not know and as I'm reading and I'm going.
Chelsea V smile.
I'm not too sure about the baby smile.
Since we we look OK, so what's the fur?
That's great.
Let's just skip over that.
Real love Cubs by Hasbro.
Ohh God, I don't know. I don't.
Know why did you put it in there? You didn't do very much research you can get.
Because was.
I asked chat jpt what the top toys were and that's what it told me.
It didn't give me.
Real love cup. Oops, that sounds that sounds *****.
And they smile.
I'm not.
The Nintendo DS was a big one.
We know about that because we remember we had the nerds at the launch earlier.
We do.
On so out of all the features, all the things that the S brings to the table, what do you think the most interesting?
Ohh, I think what's most interesting is what companies do with the touch screen like that's why I like feel the magic *** is a really good example of like how they can use a touch screen for new features like something that games like Spiderman is used as a simple combo feature. But like I think a lot of a lot of companies like squirt eggs when they're making their Final Fantasy 3 remake. The rumour around for the Japanese version is that they've got the touch screen so you can the one flaw on the fly like special attacks and so. That, and there's a kind of cool kind of cool, something different, you know.
The that was recorded in 2004 and I I can happily report that the guy from that interview is still a virgin.
Very small by VTech is an educational video game console.
There it is.
Call cities.
There, it's chunky, called himself 9.
Of course it is, but it's nothing compared to the Nintendo DS. But then the one of the big toys I remember when this one came out.
Do you remember the robosapien?
Having your own personal robot is not science fiction.
Following just working Ohh.
The technology experts agree Robosapien is here now. Robosapien is the first humanoid robot with 67 functions and four programming modes ready to carry out your every command programme. A combination of moves and robo sapiens interactive reflex system makes him spring to life with plenty of attitude, spots of intelligent, dynamic robotics, robosapien is the future, and the future is now Robo Sapien.
Who are you?
He's here. Batteries not included from Wowwee wowwee.
Uh, it wasn't that exciting. Robosapien he could dance and he could move around and do a few things.
Like WOW, we can have our own robot at home.
This is incredible.
Yeah, but he, he. He you know, 67 commands, none of them are useful. None of them. And then remember, they made like a Homer Simpson Robosapien as well, had a Homer Simpson head.
I bought you a drive by Raptor.
Rubber wrapped up.
That, Sir, was interesting for about 5 minutes and then.
Yeah. Which was like it's the animal version of the robot said. It's like ohh, it's in this fascinating.
It was boring.
Isn't technology wonderful? Yeah.
Like he had a remote and it walked around and then.
Like ohh movie.
Okay why do I have this? What is the point of this?
Ohh I don't know. Cool girlfriend's school girlfriend.
My disposable income is clearly too high, like hey robosapien **** ** off.
I bought you PSP and then I bought you a website.
Ohh you can't because you've got prongs for fingers.
I'm sorry, I don't know.
Anyway, it was launched in April of 2004 and quickly became one of the.
Been very comfortable.
Well, yeah.
Must have toys of the year.
Particularly during Christmas sold over 1.5 million units, that's a lot and it was 99 bucks.
100 bucks each.
So that's a lot.
That's a lot in 2004.
Fur robosapien I think people.
Money. Right. Are expecting it to do a lot more. Than what it did, hmm.
Yeah, it didn't do a lot. It like it couldn't go and get me a beer from the fridge. Couldn't do the dishes.
No, no the.
You couldn't take it in the bath, which is disappointing.
Why would you take it in the mouth?
Well, forget back to my comments previously.
The ohh OK per my previous comments. We new. Yeah, couldn't do any jobs, which is what you wanna robot to do.
Jobs like give me a cup of tea rather save you. I'm sitting down here watching deal or no deal. Go give me a cup of tea rather.
I do remember the hype and I do remember thinking, wow, this is amazing.
Isn't this is future?
Home robots.
This is the future.
Yes, yes.
So they were talking about the information superhighway robots at home Global village.
Yeah. And now and now run robosapien.
It's like the Jetsons come to life. All we do this is music. We're in the music now.
The top 100 songs of 2004. Well, we'll do the top five from the Billboard charts first.
How long?
Take care.
Ohh she's. Goodbye.
No, man, anytime before.
You know people. Hahaha. But I don't want to be alone if it ain't you, baby. If I ain't got it, new baby.
To me today.
So many hours, so still burning student.
Let it go 1.
When you you screaming. Yeah. Yeah, you know.
Wood, wood.
Yeah. Yes.
What the head man coming in then in my ideas? Natural.
Take me.
Yeah. Sorry the the robot.
The robots have too much eggnog.
The Robosapien was voicing it in the he didn't like.
The robot said he's drunk.
It was just upset. He's still absorbing my previous comments and decided to just kick in a little bit too late on five in the four, and then I'd actually deleted the project and I wasn't gonna go and build it again.
So there that's there. You have it. It's good enough. Near enough is good enough. It's a free podcast and you get what you pay for, so there you go.
That was the top five over in the States, 2004.
The way you move outcast #5.
Write song.
This love maroon, Maroon 5 and another 4 faint got you.
Yes, another great song, Alicia Keys.
Alicia Keys, some three burn Usher 2.
Usher, why are we surprised?
Well, it was just the. It was the year of Asha, I'd say a time time person of the year.
We're not surprised.
Ohh sha.
Well, no.
Ohh sure, yeah.
That's why I said Luda Luda is the one that really holds. That song together.
Yes, he does make a guest appearance, so I understand he is relevant. Yes, but yeah, not yes.
Since the lynchpin of year.
Yeah. Was that was how long did we have to play that as our number one?
12 consecutive weeks it was number one, but then it was also.
That's how long. Yeah.
In the top. 5.
Yeah, for a very long time.
Longer than that release late January.
It was the first single from confessions.
And it was the longest running number one single of 2004 and only replaced by another artist sunburn.
Uh was number one on 20 different charts across 15 countries, went four times platinum in the US.
Uh huh.
Yep they do. A study on year in 2020.
Gosh, I'd like I like research and I like to study things.
What would you?
I'd like somebody to pay me to do a study on something like, yeah.
Ashes year.
Excuse me, Melanie, we know you like research.
Hmm. Yes.
Would you do a study on? Yeah, yeah.
Machine that I met. Like. You're researchers and what are you? What are you researching this year? Yeah, by Asher.
Next thing I knew, she was in the library researching.
That's my.
Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Imagine that.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
That's your basis.
Yeah. Hmm.
That's fantastic. So anyway, someone, not me, did a study on. Yeah.
And and what?
Failed that year was one of the top requested songs at weddings and parties decades after its release.
That a fact.
That's what the study found.
So you've got.
What will you do? Were you going to all of these parties and weddings and just writing down all the songs that were played and you're? There's lots of years in here.
Well, maybe, maybe.
Is that what happened? How did you study work?
I reckon they probably cold called a whole bunch of wedding DJ.
And they're like, yeah, yeah.
Yeah. What's the number one song? Yeah, I mean, you know there would be that it'll be the grease mega mix. It'll be the chicken dance.
Chicken dance, not Bush.
It would be the freaking out push. Flaunted. Leave group of people who guessed flaunted.
I don't remember.
You might take Kathy's Kathy and Dan's wedding and choppy kept requesting flaunted in the DJ got very angry at him.
DJ always get angry.
Weddings like why are you DJ then like?
That it's it.
Honestly, don't pick that job if you can't deal with drunk people asking for stupid months.
It's a. It's not a great joke I used to DJ weddings when I was underage.
Did anyone ask the flaunt it?
Not not back then, but they were always like I will pay you extra money to stay. And it's like that's OK. I really like to go now and then I get.
Did girls hit on you?
Ohh I get in trouble for not staying yes.
DJ like DJ's, get the girls all the time.
Well, no. At DJ get drunk girls when drunk girls lose sight of what the DJ actually looks like. That's what happens there. It's just not. It's not a good scene.
I went to a party once, was fancy dress and you could you could dress as well.
Greece Megamix there's another one for.
Could you dress as you could dress as either a monster or someone from the 60s?
Was very specific.
And he's specific.
It was funny.
It was such a surreal thing.
And then we were dancing cause it was my friend's. My friend who went to uni uni with it was her uncle's birthday and he chose the thing. You come as a monster or someone. From the 60s. Anyway, so we're there and we're dancing. And then my friends housemate was also there and he came and he said I'll bet you $100.00 of that DJ only has one leg.
You're like, well, that's very specific like but.
As if you're gonna win that. And then he did only have one leg.
Well, he, he clearly he was scams.
But he knew him. But then but then I went down in the lift and lift doors opened.
You've been scammed.
And you know who was on the other side of the lift?
Vince sorrenti? Really. The unbelievable guy.
I see about. I don't believe it. That's right, yeah.
And he got in the lift. So I stayed in the lift and I asked him to say it, and he did.
Have been seriously.
And he got a bit of noise.
Yes, I'm glad you didn't go down in the lift when he was in there. That would. Have been terrible.
No, no, no, no, no, not.
Not that kind of party.
That kind of cloudy.
And besides, he wasn't the DJ. So you know, yes.
No. But anyway, that was a good that was a good night. We had a good night, the one.
Legged DJ have been said to you.
I'm glad. Well, year is a thing at wedding, so there you go. You know, it was so popular that they actually in the UK it came back onto the charts again. Had a reentry AR.
Yeah, it burned up on re entry. Get it? There's another little usher joke for you there and and if you ever find yourself at that, hanging out with a bunch of larpers at a mediaeval festival like, wrap your ears around this.
What do you think?
About that fatal, the Bard called.
Isn't that nice?
Little mediaeval version of the game.
A maiden in the lane, but a harlot. In the bed chamber.
Yes, you could instead of you can hear little John going pardon Rightio.
Let's have a loose.
Ohh my God. Yeah. No, that's not a look. That's a flute.
Ohh devolution the background sound like includes, that's nice.
I don't know. There's a Luke, the guitar thing. There's probably a loop in there and ohh a bunch of stuff, yeah.
I I don't mind that.
OK, um, iTunes is a thing, so let's have a look at what the top selling songs were on iTunes.
Sure, why not?
5 started.
Haha, let's get it started here.
Let's get it started. Let's get it started here.
She will. She. 3. Down reason for me. To change, you used to be to love.
Have take care.
She said.
No, man, anytime before. Hello.
Please don't garden everything.
We should ohh DJ given the sound.
It's that.
That is just such a white guy from Silicon Valley playlist, though I did so much.
Ohh it is, isn't it? Yeah, flies.
It's any Maroon 5 are in there.
Gosh, so we had, let's get it started with the Black Eyed Peas at #5.
She will be loved. Maroon 5 at 4 and that's confusing because it's five at 4.
Hmm something.
The reason? By who was thank at three this love by Maroon 5 at 2 and Vertigo by U2 at #1. And I mean, this is a precursor to when you remember what you choose.
It did it.
You YouTube remember when you 2 automatically works preloaded in your iTunes.
Ohh, what that song on.
Was it logic?
You got it for free and it's like, yeah, but I didn't ask for it.
Yeah. Yeah, I didn't want to.
I felt violated.
I'd pay for it to be taken off my device.
I didn't like that like Bono had slid into my playlist and it just felt a bit sick.
Ohh that's big grace. The price.
Hi, back to the party where you. Could dress as a monster.
Ohh okay sure.
Someone from the 60s. I just had another great memory, you know.
Ohh God.
Your friend Claire.
But frankly.
Yes, I know, I know her very well.
She also came. She also came to the party.
She's also a friend of mine, if I'm being honest.
Yes. Well, I I will share her.
I was friends with her first and I just say that.
Yeah, of course, yes.
Anyway, there was someone there and she thought they addressed because of your monster of 1960s and someone in that, had he had his shirt with really big collar and she went up to him and she was like.
That's a great colour.
You could go Hang Gliding with that. Colour.
It's so big. Love your 60s outfit?
The guys know I'm not dressed up.
Oh Oh dear.
It's very funny.
I guess you had to.
Be there, but I just thought I'd share that.
She's a monster. Clearly, with comments like that, let's go to the Australian Aria charts. The Aria end of Year single charts and I I often Tony Arias. From a great height.
And often you do all the time.
Yes. And I stand by that. It's um, but I I just faced serious on this. I'm gonna put it out there. That I think that Australia had probably the best top five of the year.
But I said it's only now the president might as well.
Come out.
Ohh those kids.
You you don't want.
For my milkshake. Brings all the boys to the yard and they're like, it's better than yours. Damn right, it's better than yours. I could teach you, but I have to charge. My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard and they're like it's better.
Than come back. Get saying blame game. Dancing hello.
You know, I wonder if wanna know how it really feels to be back when it's cold out here. Well, maybe you should know. Just how it feels to me. That's that's fine.
Hello. What about me?
To see ohh. Take.
Now I'm gonna like I'm gonna put it straight out there. That not any of those songs really are to my taste, but I will say that you cannot deny that every single one in the top five of the Australia. In Aria end of year, singles charts are certifiable. Bangers, it really is this.
It's eclectic, isn't.
Too, like, yes, there is.
There's a bit of everything, right you've got. I don't want you back by aim on it.
#5 wasn't that a great story too? Where we found out Amon and Frankie and back and forth and then it was.
Ohh yeah, as old stage there was a massive scam, so not not a great story or not a very good ending to the story anyway.
All just the scan.
So scared. Yes, you all got catfished. Ohh I think it's.
Milkshake by Kelis Kelis.
Please what did Taylor?
Kelis Kelis. I don't know.
Come back.
Australia, that it's not freaking calise it's Kayla's in Australia.
Pilots what?
There's no a in there.
No, you're right.
What is going on?
I don't know black Betty Spiderbait 3.
Yes, just like I still can't be hearing Jack Black. Yes.
Left outside alone.
Nah. By Jack Black #2 and are nollsie with. What about me at #1?
And then we had that we had that epiphany as well with nosey. We remember the angels brought me here that he recorded, and then he didn't win and.
Ohh yes, cause the winners of the winners of.
We thought they were buried.
Little boys did the same song.
In condo and Condobolin, but they worse.
Landfill, yes.
It was a special limited edition album. That's what I'm talking about. Yeah, but not all of his out like cause he only released a few was limited edition. So you could get. That's what I'm talking about. Just regular. That's what I'm talking about. Or you could get limited edition. That's what I'm talking. About and I found it on eBay.
Did you?
So there's lots of. That's what I'm talking about on eBay, but there's only two limited edition. That's what I'm talking about on eBay that have angels brought me here. One is $8. Currently they both open for bids and the other one is $9.89 OK.
Really. Ohh, they get on it. Round it up to 10.
I bought it on eBay.
Tell me why I need another nosy single.
Yeah, it's noisy, that's why.
Yeah, absolutely. All right, over to albums and you know, I started to get a bit lazy with the production here. So I'll just tell you that the biggest selling albums of 2004 in the US was here for the party by Gretchen. Person #5I. Believe daughter of Nancy Wilson from heart. I believe maybe Ben, one of the Wilson's she's in that family anyway.
Ohh OK.
OK. And if I get it wrong, Wilson fans will be upset with me, so I'll just keep going. Encore Eminem #4 feels like home. Norah Jones, #3 speaker box, the love below such a great album by Outcast at #2 and this one at #1.
It's a black infection.
The ****?
Man thrown in.
I don't know what to. Do.
I gotta keep love my freshman.
He bought 2 Shannon.
Somebody sell it?
Mera Kara tile.
When I got that phone call.
Archer with at #1.
These are my confessions are lightly shaded my pets at the Cambridge show.
Ohh and then sell them on Facebook marketplace should have gone on to eBay instead.
Just lightly, just lightly easier Wilshire sing.
I'm getting through it. We had ticking all the stuff off the list. Is just so list it's a big list for this One South.
Hmm, it is.
We're into film, movies, TV, all of that stuff. The top five earners worldwide in the movies, what do we got?
All right, #5. The passion of the Christ 622 million.
Yes, that is such a graphic film. I I watched that again this. Yeah, I watched a lot of these films again this year. Actually, as we spoke about them and the passion of the Christ is really hard to watch, it's very heavy going.
Wasn't that they?
Go walked out and people got unwell, didn't they?
It's very bloodthirsty.
Gonna cinema? Yeah.
It's there's a lot of torture in there. It's. Yeah, it's not a good time. It's not. It's not a date movie like like you Remember that episode of Seinfeld where he wants to get quality time with his misses and his parents are staying, so they go to Schindler's List and they get caught making out in Schindler's.
This the passion of the Christ is up there with that. You can't go out and make out it the passion of the Christ. This is not a good thing.
The number four top earner for 2004 was the Incredibles, something 31 million.
Ohh yes, of course there have to be a Pixar movie in there. Spiderman 2 was #3 Toby McGuire. That's a good Spiderman movie Spiderman, and that's a solid Spiderman film. 789,000,000 bucks at the box office.
And of course, we have a Harry Potter in there at #2 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban at. $796 million.
Yeah, but coming in with $935 million total gross earnings at the box office is this one.
Shrek. Fiona. Donkey.
Look, here comes Sleeping Beauty.
Oh oh.
Hate these ball shows footballer the Wheel of torture.
You are cordially invited.
Dinner is served though.
Everybody, dig him.
Man, if I do, Lillian.
To meet the family.
It's easy to see where Fiona gets her good looks from.
Make new friends.
Me. You.
Grave for mercy from cool.
A book that.
If we need expert on licking ourselves, we'll give you a call.
And discover what happens.
Reckon donkey on another whirlwind?
Adventure after Catholic ever after. How?
Where we.
Donkey DreamWorks Pictures presents Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz and Antonio Banderas.
Ohh facial oh Oh no.
For you, baby.
I could be Shrek too.
Give me that box.
Good morning, donkey.
Staying baby shooting.
Already two stop.
Yeah, Shrek too. It was good time. All the Shrek movies are pretty good.
I think I'm a bit over now, although I did really enjoy going to universal Stu. Egos and going on the Shrek ride and getting my photo taken with Shrek and Princess Fiona and also meeting Donkey. That was pretty special.
Donkey was a ***** ****.
Donkey was fantastic, the animatronic donkey, but he was responsive.
Like Universal Studios, rude, it's very rude.
He reacted to the people. That was great. It was so cool and the voice was is extraordinary. I love seeing Trekky. I've got very starstruck. When I met Shrek at Universal Studios.
I remember you got a Shrek body wash and you wouldn't throw it out.
Yes, I liked it.
You kept the container.
I smelt like a swamp afterwards. It was wonderful how to get.
Didn't want to get rid of the container. I'm like, can we just try this? No, it's much shrimp body wash container you stood out had it on display.
Yes, that's right. Good for when you got swamp crotch and I. Look, I have to go back to our. Theramine version of. You can picture me picture me with this playing in the background while I'm washing myself with my Shrek body wash.
You're. Yourself into this if you want.
Alright, sorry, but these people might be trying to eat or they probably won't eat again.
Special there's.
Anyway, Shrek 2 was the big one. The TV programmes, let's go into the TV programmes, there's a few of these that I've really wanted to watch that are on my pile of shame, including our number one and the number 5 film.
The film TV show The #5TV show the wire. I've I everyone raved about the why this 1HBO started to put out some really cool stuff.
So and the wire is sadly one of those shows that I didn't watch. I've seen a couple of episodes recently and it's like, please can we have another pandemic so that I can sit there and binge watch the wire because it looked really good. Um. Veronica Mars was number 4 Desperate Housewives, which we loved was #3.
We watched a lot of Desperate Housewives back in.
And then #2. I actually thought this would be #1, but it came. In at #2. Lost.
Lost. How much time did we invest in lost?
Way too much and we still still quite don't know what was going on.
Ohh I I think.
We've got the DVD's. We could always watch it.
We do.
Again right now.
We've got the whole box set of that.
Ohh if you stayed. Up all night over the Christmas break.
So, like a wake, you probably get through it.
Yeah, I was going to say if you stayed up all week, he could probably get through it.
But you'd be no feet shape to do anything else.
You probably still wouldn't understand which maybe it would make more sense.
Yeah, and.
If you were tired. The numbers and the Hatch and the smoke monster and the others.
I don't know. I think as all the others, that's not the.
Others the others.
Ohh God, the others Ben remember Ben? Ohh.
Been in the others. Yes. And then the smoke monster in the Hatch and the.
The time stuff and ohh there was just so many things going on.
Maybe the website that. Started and then you went there and it. Had all policy varies and then.
All the DOMA Corporation website that was really cool, that actually, that was a really good example of of marketing that kind of crossed over from just that traditional media to the Internet.
You have and then you. Were like is this real?
Is this for real?
See like what, huh?
Yeah. Yes.
Lost was probably a bit of a trailblazer when it came to that cause they had the Dharma Corporation website where people were posting all these conspiracy theories about.
The show and it. So there was so much chatter around each episode.
It was. That was almost bigger than the show itself.
Yeah, yeah.
At one stage where it was. Like ohh my God, what is this? And they all did so well, and it was like, I feel like with lost, it was like they have a plan. There is definitely a beginning, a middle and an end, but I feel like the end, I don't know that they actually didn't know where they were going with the show. But when I got to like the the last couple of seasons, I was like. Yeah. Are we sure that these people that are writing this show remember there was a writers strike as well?
That's alright.
So loss went on hold for a little while. It was like, are we sure these guys know what they're doing here?
I feel like what happens. Into halfway through maybe season 1 towards the end of season 1 start of season 2, we all started going ohh. They're dead. They're in between heaven and hell.
It's poetry.
Yeah. Hmm. Yep.
That's what's going on. And I feel like that was the answer. And I feel like it was a DJ, the Jay Jay heard as saying.
Yeah. JJ Abrams.
That and he's like. They've figured it out and I've still got like 7 more seasons of this, so I'm gonna say it's not purgatory.
And then I'm. Gonna put smoke monsters and hatches and all these other crap in here. And then at the end, it's still going to sound like Condor Purgatory, but I'll just confuse them. So I feel like we all just shut up and none of us had said anything would have been a really clean answer with purgatory in Oregon.
We might. Got through it in about 3. Seasons. Yeah, you've gotta remember too. This is when TV shows were not just like a Netflix binge. Watch what it's like. A season is 10 episodes.
You guys for 10 week? This it was just it was like 20.
No. Yeah. And you have to wait.
Was it a Tuesday or a Thursday?
Ohh can't remember you.
Who's that's it?
Feel I wanna say I wanna say ohh. Thought it was a cheeseburger.
Was it on an amazing Thursday?
Can't remember you might have been amazing Thursday.
I think it was an amazing. Ohh no, that's Desperate Housewives.
I don't know.
Ohh it was amazing.
Race. Desperate Housewives, I think loss was a Tuesday, Tuesday night.
Big night for updates.
Back when? Back when you couldn't been to your stream it or any of that sort of stuff. But the number one showed the number one show is on my pile of shame.
What do you think Dad does for a living?
Wage management. But why not work?
You in waste management consultant. I'm an accordion and waste management business.
So what are you? Are you in the mafia?
Ohh I'm gonna waste management business 3. It's a stereotype and it's offensive.
Flustered. Ohh.
You are so simple, they.
Ohh my uncle adds to my general stress.
You may run not jersey, but you don't want your uncle. Junior, how many ******* hours that I spent playing? Catch with you.
Choosing claims about how you actually.
Ohh. Make a living. That. When you woke.
Up this morning and they must.
Look, it's impossible for me to talk to a psychiatrist.
We've seen these, it's.
Psychiatrist forgive me, father, for I have sinned.
Getting my wine and throwing your damn face.
Some kids in school says yourself.
Said for this ****, there's no mafia.
Then you were in the mafia.
You're definitely up to something, OK? Come on.
He goes to talk about his mother's mother's mother.
The mother is the wife.
Ohh for you.
I wish the Lord would take me now.
Ohh you gotta stop. You gotta stop with this. This black poison cloud all the time, but I can't.
Take it anymore.
How you feeling now?
Couldn't that and?
That would be The Sopranos.
It is on my pile of shame. It's one of the and it's. It's probably one of the one shows that I regret not getting on board for because I will. I will find a way and some time at some stage to watch The Sopranos.
How many seasons is it? Is it a big investment of time? I don't think it's that many. It's not. It's not lost. Number of seasons is it?
Ohh it is. There's there's, I think.
Ohh is it?
I think there's a round, maybe 6 these ends.
Hmm ohh okay see alright.
There's about 86 episodes, so it's a bit. Yeah, it's a bit so that you've got to work on it. So but I will find some time at some stage in my lifetime to watch The Sopranos.
Come in.
I've gotta do it. You know how you're always sitting down? This is the thing with how we consume media these days. There's been so many nights where I have gone, I'm gonna watch something tonight. And it's 8:30 and I'm going through and I'm looking at the thumbnails. And I'm like, next, next.
Hmm 2.
Next, no next. Next, almost like channel surfing but worse.
And then you'll get to 930 and you like. I still haven't found something and then you might get to 9:45 and you're like, I've gotta be. I've gotta get up to go to work at about maybe 536. OK, get ready for work in the.
During the backward math.
Morning and scrolling. And I'm like ohh it's like 945. Ohh OK, I'm going to sleep. Anna, it just doesn't happen.
It's pathetic. Yeah, 86 episodes is branded.
Next time I do that next time I cause I reckon I've done that more than 86 times. Next time you find me doing that, tell me to watch an episode of The Sopranos.
For you know what?
Why don't we?
He's an idea. Gonna float an idea.
I like it. I I'm open to ideas.
Why don't we go back to 2004 and make one night a week?
Sopranos night. No, actually two nights a week we could do, we could do two nights a week if.
Did two nights a week. Sopranos week. Your soprano night.
Yeah. Nice.
Sorry, you're not.
Don't do Sopranos week. That's too much.
So it's an hour and how many?
Yes, 80, yeah.
Episodes did you say 86? And there's 52 weeks in a year.
So if we did two nights a week, Sopranos.
We'd finish it in a year.
We finished it in the year.
I love this.
But it's.
I love this.
What we're going old school and the rules are, even if it's a cliffhanger, yeah. So let's pick our Knights. Let's go.
Let's go.
Country practise Tuesday, Thursday.
Yeah. Tuesday, Thursday. Thursday's a tough one, but I could do Thursday. I could make Thursday work. It is trivia at Walsh's Hotel Monday, Wednesday, alright. Alright.
And Monday, Wednesday, Monday, Wednesday.
Let's go Monday, Wednesday.
You heard it here first, folks.
Monday, Wednesday.
We're working out what we're doing in our personal lives on the podcast, but I'm sure it has.
This is our life.
So sort of meeting to you. Yep.
Monday, Monday and Wednesday every week at 8:30 to 9th Cause 930 is my bedtime.
Right, you old fart.
I know. So we're gonna. Put it on a country practise time. Yeah, 8:30 to 9:30 Monday.
Wednesday, We'll get through it in a year.
Really, I'm excited about that.
Miss Stewart done done.
That's great.
I'm glad we got something out of that. I don't know if anyone else did. But anyway, yes.
Thank you for allowing us.
To workshop with you all.
Appreciate it. Let's get a video games. Video games take many hours. This game took over 100 hours to complete. Anyway, I've I've spent hundreds of hours.
If you, you know, I looked at my PS5 and it tells you how much time you've played on it since you bought it, but I haven't played much on it and our Sun's spends a bit of time on it.
So well, no, because he uses my account on the PS5 like I lock most of it down, but I can't see who's who.
As he got stats as well.
Ohh say can't say what's your wants him.
And I looked at it the other day, I really fell off the couch, which is good because the couch is pretty loaded the ground, so it's not far to go. But it was 600 hours. Yeah.
In what time span?
When did I buy the PS5 that was ohh that was 2019, so it's 600 hours in. That's the by there be a lot of gamers who'd be like. That's pathetic. That's nothing.
Such a wake, yeah.
Exactly. Are they? They they they game so hard they time travel. That's right.
But OK, the bigger we're just gonna do the biggest selling the biggest selling video game. And I don't think this will come to any surprises. To anyone, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas, the biggest selling video game. I'm gonna go so far as to say when Grand Theft Auto 6 comes out, that franchise is gonna be the biggest selling video game franchise of all time of all time. And San Andreas was fantastic. We've talked about how great that was, but I think the highlight is definitely the radio stations, right.
The radio stations. Are you driving around? Their bounce FM, which is the funk station. CSR 103.9, which is R&B new Jack swing K Jar, which was the reggae star. Passion. And then they had playback FM, the old school hip off and and the ads the ads.
That's my favourites.
Ohh my goodness.
Ohh, home of classic hip hop playing back with your host forthright MC.
It's a career that lasts a lifetime. A career where you're always on the winning team. Put your skills to work in the military.
I was on the streets in the gang, shooting people and running dry.
Hugs now.
I'll make you something on myself.
I kill people and run drugs for the.
CIA and this job.
You not only help yourself, you help your country only in the military. What a teenager be given responsibilities like driving a nuclear submarine, manoeuvring a tank or dropping high ordinance explosives make a change for yourself in the military.
I was in college. Constantly getting into pointless fights I didn't understand about nebulous concepts and belief systems. I got tired of arguing about what's right, so I dropped out of college and joined up. Now I know I'm right in the military.
Where is.
Learn confidence.
I was having fantasies about stabbing people.
Now I can do it for my country.
Lives a military life. Positions are unexpectedly vacant everyday.
In fact, I'm about to give up my well paid job as a voice over actor in order to sign up and be shouted at by a lot of sexually confused skinheads. I want excitement and what could be more exciting than ******** yourself while getting shot at in the jungle? Certainly beats sitting in this booth all day. Be #1. Turn your life around, then the military.
Ohh my goodness.
Ohh, it's just I love the the writing and like that that is that ad and that whole little bit is just playing in the background while you drive in your car around like.
Yeah. One part in the background in the game, I would love the job of being one of the DJs on the San Andreas radio station.
Ohh, how much fun would it be?
So the the DJ was forthright, MC was actually voiced by Chuck D of Public Enemy.
How much fun?
Yeah, on playback FM.
Isn't that cool?
Yeah. Yeah. Well, there was another 1K dust, the dust, which was a classic rock state.
With the character by the name of Tommy the nightmare. Let's see Tommy, the Knightmare Smith. In fact, let's see if you can guess who this person is.
The here.
OK. CST. The home of Driving Rock Radio with me. Tommy nightmare Smith. Hope you're having a nice life.
The whole lots of money.
You can make fun of the way we dress. When we made this music, but the important part is that we don't remember and that's what made us famous. I'm the patron St of treason. That's the. Ohh, Mr Harvey, music is like a drug. By listening to the same thing for a couple of days and you're on the.
Dust the first part of the journey.
Now. Who do you think that is? I'll tell you he's a he's a very famous rock'n'roll singer, one of the biggest rock stars of probably the 80s, late 80s, very late 80s and and and early to mid 90s.
If you said W Axl Rose. You beat. But they had heaps of cameos on there.
Max Cavalera from Sepultura I think did did some voice overs on I think Grand Theft Auto 5 or 4. I'm not sure, but there's been heaps of cameos on that game, like just voice talent that have just rocked up and been part of it.
Ohh, how much fun.
I don't even know if they've been well.
How much fun?
I don't.
Would it be doing voice over what?
I don't even know if they've been paid a lot of money like these are people that probably sit on tour buses with nothing to do for like, you know, 23 hours of the day where they're waiting around until they do their one hour stick.
So they're like they play video games and their fans and. Ohh. I just think it would be the coolest, the coolest thing to be invited to be a voice actor on one of those games.
Yeah, absolutely.
And it was such a big game and. Like you just. You have this stereotypical image of who would be playing it in your mind. And I was shocked to learn. Probably about four weeks ago. Claire, you could go Hang Gliding with that collar. Bought a PlayStation purely for that game.
Yeah, to play GTA, it's.
Prince school Claire.
Bought it for Grand Theft Auto and he loves it.
All that.
You were giving her tips and you're like, did you go here?
I was, yes, do that.
And were you playing as this guy you're playing is she's like, no.
How do I?
How do I unlock that?
Yes. Yes.
She's not for it.
Wait till I tell her about hot coffee. That'll be interesting.
Ohh yes.
Uh, look, there's nothing that can bring out your inner sociopath like a a couple of hours on Grand Theft Auto. Ohh, the biggest selling book of the year, which is not a book that I haven't read.
Ohh you.
I read.
This one I think this is the only one.
On the list that you friends.
I read this book in like A. Hey I just like clouds or the like. Ohh.
You're so proud of yourself. Too. You. When you when you finished it, you closed it with such a loud thud.
So that like everybody within the postcode, knew that you'd finished, you know.
It's such a page Turner. Ohh it was such a wildly popular book.
Done John of Reddit.
Yeah, I did and I really enjoyed it. But in hindsight, when I when I sort of reviewed what I just read and thought upon, it reflected upon it. And then watched the film as well. I was like ohh. That was a little bit stupid, wasn't it? I'm talking about the Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.
Remember the da Vinci?
Wait, what sort of music do we need for the? Da Vinci Code.
Ohh mystery slash thriller, I think that's.
Oregon like, well, I don't have that. I've only got 80 synthwave into you because like I said, I've spent no expensive. We're getting to the end of the year and I've checked out already, so it's gonna become like this, Miami vice.
Ohh I can see you know like that meme of the lady with all the the triangle and the numbers and the codes.
Yeah, but then it's like Kevin Crockett and Tubbs crack the Da Vinci Code on the streets of Miami.
I think she'd do that to this music. No. Have they now that the. Now that the beaters dropped, no, it's irrelevant okay sure.
Day mate.
I'm going with it. You're ready. This mystery thriller, released in March 2003, follows Symbologist Robert Langdon as he unravels a complex conspiracy involving the Catholic Church and hidden secrets in famous artworks. What the Catholic Church would be during the 80s, you know, sales and impact the novel.
I this.
Maintained its popularity into 2004, spending a cumulative 28 weeks atop the New York Times. Hardcover fiction best seller list I did have the hardcover version that Everton as well when you slammed it and it had pictures which was good, but it was a little distracting.
Yeah. And because it was more dramatic when you closed it, when you finished it.
Yes, did it.
It had a map or something that didn't it?
Yeah, also thinks well. Yeah, you know, it's that that. Helped fuel the conspiracy. Ohh my God, the Knights Templar.
Must be true. There's a map.
Ohh my God.
It's printed on the money. Ohh, everything that everyone's out to get us.
His depiction fired Mr Vinci Code like mystery for Bogans.
There's a whole secret society running the world.
It feels a bit bogan. Is it a bogan's to?
It's well, yeah, cause I don't think Bogan's would understand who Leonardo da Vinci is used.
Is it a thing's bogan's like? I don't know.
It just feels a bit bogan.
I feel like that you know. Bogans, if if Peter Brock was at the centre of the Da Vinci Code and it was the Peter Brock code, maybe the Bogans would get it.
Ohh okay right. OK.
But no, no. Yes.
Ohh, I've uncovered the mystery by using this codex and.
And I did a burnout and the answer came in the tyre dust.
Well, and I'm shuffling the words on this packet of Winfield blue, and now I know how to go and find.
Me outside, down.
The next clue?
Smoke gave me the answer.
Yes, exactly.
Now, he said, the number and you turn your cigarette upside down, the number in the cigarette packet.
I didn't do that. I just used to, you know was there.
Mothers your lucky cigarette and. You smoke it LOL. Yeah, you don't open the packet and you turn the inside out and be a number inside, and then you'd flip your cigarette upside down.
Never did that.
Very bogan.
Never did that.
You never had a lucky. Cigarette.
Not as Bogan as you.
That's why you're so unlucky in life.
Clear. Yeah. Well, no. Cigarettes are lucky. Let's face it, they will kill you anyway. Let's do the reviews.
Let's yes les. I we're gonna revisit some classic Da Vinci Code reviews, and there's a few new ones. So I went and I I filtered, I put the philtre on and I grabbed some reviews from this year cause last time we talked about it was last year.
So we've got some new review. Content. But let's start.
Right. So they are winfields, not camels. They're filtered. Yes.
Say J1 star.
Ohh, the lifeguard from Baywatch Reddit.
Whoever edited this drivel ought to be sown in a sack with a rabid raccoon and flung into lake MI.
That's a bit tough. Specific just thought it too, Rachel, one star. I was genuinely confused by the stupidity of the Da Vinci Code. The two protagonists were touted as Super Geniuses or Super Genie Eye. If he want to get right you once though.
Yet kept making the most amazing. Dumb moves, they really did. They absolutely did.
Purple one star, like the Bible itself, it's a great story, ruined by horrific storytelling apps.
Wow. Ups, that's very controversial, isn't it?
Asked the poem.
Apple One stone is clearly not a Catholic.
Are we gone into the suspense? Music man, Amanda.
What weights sheets? White sheets.
Ohh yes, she only read it in the last 12 months. This is a new review from Amanda Wade, Chief.
Physio. White. She she's put. A surname in there and identified herself and I. It doesn't matter cause you won't be able to spell it based on the way I pronounced it one star. Blasphemous blasphemy. Queer guys against her beliefs, yes.
Serena won *. Wow, what a lousy book for a story. That's what's that worst ostensibly, it looks more complicated than what.
Now it's ostensibly.
It was for a story. That's ostensibly all about honouring the sacred feminine.
Yeah, sure.
Is 1 Long man's spine.
Ohh, that's actually pretty funny. Jay Alexander Wooten replies to Serena. Yes, I thought that too. Not only that, but so many of the individual scenes use a fictional depiction of mansplaining as the vehicle for further mansplaining. It was like mansplaining, seption.
I love that L Harris one star. It's almost the. Exact same book as his first one. Angels and demons. How do you even enjoy writing the same exact book twice?
Well, there's a comment. There's 2L or there's a couple of comments.
But you comments.
There's one from Julia here that says I told you not to read book #1.
Since you must be friends with Julia, but then Cam Lou jumps on with the comment as well and Cam Lou quotes part of Elle's review, how do you even enjoy writing the same exact book twice? To which Cam? Lou responds. Asked Matthew Buckley could join.
Ohh, that's a Zynga.
That's a Zynga.
That's good.
Ohh my.
I did actually buy a book, though a couple of weeks ago that I'm reading is the science fiction book. And I struggle with that because I actually want to get a hard copy book because I find that when so I'm reading it on my iPad and it's just ain't the same.
Ohh did you find?
Ohh, we drop it on your head when you fall asleep.
It ain't the same. I have nearly broken my nose a couple of times.
Have it back so much more friendly.
Just always says.
When it falls. In your house.
Well, yeah, that had covered the Davinci code hurt when I fell asleep reading it as well. But I I've start I I just I wanna read because because I don't wanna keep scrolling through those menus. But I feel like it's gonna be in conflict with my Sopranos watching now.
Now we've got said well. No, you could this is. This is where we. Go Sopranos Monday, Wednesday, reading Tuesday.
Yep, cool. When are we doing the crossword, Nanna?
Ohh Friday.
Honestly. Alright, good. Friday's crossword night. Look out, we know how to party here on this podcast. We've reached the end of the show.
Ohh no we haven't.
What? Ohh no, we haven't got one more that we.
You've there's people that have been waiting since the start of the show to find out what word of the year was.
Need to circle back. Wife. Yes, OK. OK, hang on one moment please.
Cheese. We are almost I almost neglected the Oxford Dictionary word of the year.
Lucky someone's paying attention. Oxford's.
Let's revisit our clue.
Hey, I can come in. Light down traces doll, didn't it? So it's time to came, but for a job and that cause we support, worker says I can get like Kim Penny as if I'm registered alcoholic. LOL So I reckon I just pretend I'm looking for a job now cause I wanna crinoline watch with you. Why are they cat can watch? What you doing? Can you know what time it is mate? King Devil side. Whoa.
That was a quote from Devo, the ****, and if you said **** as the Oxford Dictionary word of the year. You would be correct, this is the first ever word of the year that the Oxford Dictionary has done.
Sexy pictures.
The distinguished the distinguished. I can't even speak the distinguished publication that is the Oxford Dictionary or the Pocket Oxford pending on how you are feeling or whether you need to actually look up words on the go.
The first ever word of the year that they put forward is ****.
I love this.
Chef. It was very controversial, according to the BBC, there was a big conflict that occurred with it between middle and working class citizens, with the latter saying that the word had an offensive undertone implying stereotypical images of affectless underclass. And that is exactly what a Chavez, a member of the feckless underclass, the equivalent in our country, would be a. Shay, or maybe a bogan.
They're not sure.
Yeah, as a ****, you know lower class. Uh yeah, burner.
Arena. Would a booner fit in that well?
You know, I kind of I think I think it's there's a spectrum with with, with Buddha, bogginess, Eshaness, Chava.
This, and I think you can take it to the extreme, where you do have a very feckless underclass. Ohh you just have someone who's just a bit loose and you know just enjoys it and he's very comfortable in their own skin in their own. Culture.
You know. Yeah, and heaven help him if they win any kind of money on the lottery or the horse races or anything because they're pretty much going to spiral down into a world of absolute self destruction and they won't survive.
Which is I think has happened on a couple of occasions. There is stories about chaps over in the UK that have won the lottery and then they've just absolutely ruined it themselves.
Geordie Shaw. They'd be *****, wouldn't they?
Well, they're Geordies.
But that's the same kind of. Thing, isn't it?
Ohh, I think you need to be very careful. You might offend a bunch of Geordies and you don't wanna offend Geordies cause they can fight.
Ohh really? Ohh they can.
I'm not.
I'm not exactly sure. I think ***** I mean, Ali G he'd be a bit of a ****, wouldn't he?
Yes, you know, yes.
I mean it's it's very easy for us in Australia to sit here and kind of comment on *****, but I think our equivalent is the bogan or the Westie or the exactly right me.
Same me I was. I was born in Canberra, so that's MyHeritage. I'm a I'm a ****. Ohh.
Yeah. Well, I'm okay with that.
I I'm kind of attracted to.
I kind of like that. I like that you might be part of a feckless underclass, cause it means you got low standards and that's how I get a run. So that's amazing and that's how we get a run with you guys. You could all be part of the feckless underclass as well, so thank you chaps for listening to our little podcast for the last year or so, or however long you've been a part of it. But 2004? Wow. There you go. That's it. Ohh wrapped up.
I think it's worth mentioning something that I came across. On the socials. So let's.
Firstly, Merry Christmas everybody.
And a Happy New Year to you as well.
Will be back before noon.
Ohh, aren't we just doing best pits?
So we'll say Merry Christmas.
Ohh, we'll have to talk. OK, sure.
I think we still have to talk.
OK, sure.
Uh, so yes. Merry Christmas. Hope you're having a