T minus 20
The year is 2005... Anakin turns to the dark side, YouTube makes its debut and we’re all couch-jumping for Maria, McDreamy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo…
T minus 20, rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with Joe and Mel.
T minus 20
Summer programming - Shaun of The Dead, Britney's wedding, x-rated Tetris and more.
We're halfway through our little sabbatical and getting ready to come back with our biggest season yet. In the meantime enjoy the tall tales of Malice at The Palace - the biggest brawl in NBA history, the time Britney married K-Fed and Mel's adventures with porno Tetris. Plus we've got shaved mouse mats, tornado chasers getting sucked out of ditches and we see whether or not reality show The Biggest Loser stands up against today's moral standards!
Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.
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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke, yeah. George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Superbowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel.
20 You know what?
The rest is history.
I'm very forgetful.
Ohh 20 hello.
This stop trying to make fetch happen if I. When we waiting?
For 20 years and I thought it would be.
My fellow Americans, 20, let's roll.
Well, it's still, it's not really 2004, but. It's not really 2024 and it's not really 2025 for us yet because we're still in summer programming. It's t -, 20, the podcast that rewinds to this week in history 20 years ago, but not so much this week with your host Joe and Mel. Hello Mel.
Hello we are still on summer break and could you? Be anymore relaxed. How far back is the chair?
Hi I'm just living my best life.
It's like a banana lounge.
I'm really enjoying the break to be honest with you.
Yep. You're in the muscle T shirt.
I'm Yep.
You're leaning back.
Yep, Yep.
Lean back, lean back.
Ohh, I feel like the king of the hill.
And yeah.
Just you know all I need is a beer to just rest on my belly and I'd be very happy right now. We are having a little bit of a break though, but that does not mean that the fun needs to stop.
In fact, it's given us an opportunity to reflect, maybe even self reflect and look back at some of our best bits for this year.
What have we got in this week's episode?
Well this. Don't let this one was. It was really nice because our son got a. Gameboy for for.
Ohh yeah yeah.
Christmas and it came with Tetris and I just got that Tetris tingle all over again, like the the as soon as I heard the music. Soon as he fired it up it. Just brought back. That feeling of the late 90s when I got my first Game Boy back then and took it down to the beach. Probably around this time of year when we go away to the beach for a couple of weeks. And I had to go and I was pretty good. Still pretty good, still got the the Tetris trigger fingers going well, but we are reflecting on not the legit Tetris where the selecting on the X Tetris and that was that was quite the reflection as well.
But well, I was gonna say this is not really suitable for children this popular test.
Remembering back when my mum was playing it when her game was my gameboy that she borrowed and then it broke and then my brother downloaded X Tetris on the House computer and we had a grey.
Ohh yeah.
Chat about that, yes.
This is certainly changes your perspective on filling gaps in clearing lines.
Last year.
Hmm it does.
That's for sure. There's a whole bunch of other stuff as well. What else?
Shrek the sheet Shrek.
The shape that was a good one, yeah.
Remember that guy needed a needed a bit of a shave and it was massive and it took them ages to find him.
Gay, like something like a 30K fleece.
Then he became a national hero.
Yep, Yep.
And then he died.
You know the country that which you loaded the ring still felt the need to televise the live shearing of a. Sheep.
Yes, that was a good broadcast.
For the 30K fleece, yeah.
Ohh the guys that got sucked out. Of a ditch.
Ohh, the tornado was tornado season in was it Nebraska?
Nebraska is yes.
Yes. And the guy's got sucked out of the ditch by the tornado. They barely survived. That was a very interesting story where we probed to the deepest depths of which. I don't even know what I'm saying. But there was a probe.
Princess Diana had a fountain and everyone got tinier from running through the Princess Diana Fountain.
Yes, yes, that's that's right. Get out of the bloody fountain.
You count.
Else are the biggest.
It's a memorial.
Biggest loser? That's an interesting 1 to reflect on. 20 years later about, you know.
Yet be something that would air today. And how would we feel about it if a rerun came on?
To see with you.
Your New Year's resolutions in full effect.
I I don't know. I don't know that we embrace it, and as we did 20.
No, no.
Years ago, good chat. Hmm.
And we, we did discuss that at length. All the moral obligations that need to be adhered to these days with weight loss and dealing with people that are perhaps.
The base and have to do that.
Speaking of which, you know, it's been very challenging in the last couple of weeks because I, I, I started up at the gym probably about six months ago and it's the first couple of weeks in January.
You're always very interesting cause it's news resolution time, so the gyms always packed with people that do not know what the hell they are doing.
I'll give him a break. That was you six months ago.
Alright, alright, I agree.
It was me.
Six months ago.
But it's it's it's.
That and put a cap on membership, so it's always very hard to navigate your way through the gymnasium during the busy time.
It's a bit busy.
It's the same thing.
Well, now you've got the noise cancelling headphones.
Two seasons. Don't even know where you are.
And I'm very good at enforcing the rules. Just please wipe the equipment when you're finished and.
That's fair enough. That's gross. When someone leaves half their DNA on the stairs.
And look, I'm not here to motivate you and say go to the gym. In fact, if you're not feeling it, don't show up. It makes more.
Room for everybody else.
Anyway, let's get into it.
I have now got up close glasses and far away glasses.
I now need to wear a mouth guard to bed. And what else happened? So I rearranged the fridge.
Well, that how old are we? Wow.
I bought some mom container some clear acrylic containers and reorganise the fridge.
Yeah, that is that a metaphor, really?
And I shaved my mouse mat. No, no, my actual mouse matter was getting a bit linty and I shaved it. And it just it feels good. So much has happened. I feel like I needed to bring everyone on the journey. Yeah, glad to be back.
I Are you sure you're talking about? Ohh cause I wouldn't mind having a look.
Let's go to the 22nd of May. We've got some weather cause when you're old.
It doesn't really matter. Ohh you worry about is the weather, you know.
We had a tornado that ripped through Nebraska, devastating the town of Hallam.
It initially formed during one of these kind of outbreaks where you've got lots of tornadoes forming and it started near Dayton in Nebraska, travelled NE before dissipating near.
Palmyra, Palmyra.
Yes, it was long lived on the ground for more than 100 minutes.
That's a really long time. Let's they tend to, like, make landfall and then reach a bit of destruction and then gone. So for almost over an hour and a half, yeah, it was like I'm gonna wreck as much stuff like him.
Station. Without anyway guys.
But it was also really big.
Yes, I think they call it a long track. Tornado covered 52 miles, which is around 84 kilometres.
Uh huh.
And it reached F4 intensity on the Fujita scale, which means the winds exceeded 200 mph, which for us is like 333 kilometres per hour.
Mate, that's crazy.
That swung nuts. That is that like we get, we get cyclones and stuff here, and they're pretty scary and and I guess in in the northern hemisphere their hurricanes, but then these the Tornadoes that you see like I've seen Twister, but I've seen.
But I've also seen those tornado chasers shows, and I've seen footage of this particular one go and eat. Ease. Apocalyptic. It is one of the biggest things you'll ever see. Like it's like I think the width of this one was like 4 kilometres, 4 kilometres wide, so it's like how many football fields is that?
I don't know. It's a lot.
But that was, I think, at the time it was the widest ever recorded, yeah.
Yeah. Ever. Ever imagine having something 4 kilometres wide blowing in a circle in a big spiral at 300 kilometres an hour, coming straight for your house like white?
Ohh no thanks.
Why would you live there?
I just it's terrified.
Which is.
But I guess you do because that's where you're from.
So you said you you've watched them tornado chasers in there were tornado chasers chasing this particular one? Wasn't there?
There was actual footage of people driving around listening on the radio to where abouts it was and trying to get there.
Yeah, these doesn't.
Really quickly to see what was going on.
And this is the stupidity of that film. Twister is it probably encouraged a whole bunch of people to take up the craft of tornado chasing craft, and I just I I mean I it's just as far as locations go.
I've just.
I don't understand.
Like I wanna be tornado chaser.
No, thank you. No, thank you very much.
Read Timer is the tvn storm. Chaser, but he's got. All the kit he's got the car. It's all decked out with all the.
The armoured car yet?
Yeah, it's got all these buttons and gauges and you know, he was out amongst it, wasn't he? And and in the aftermath.
He was, and he ran into some people that were also amongst it.
This is unbelievable and.
Isn't that just for?
Map do you want to head West and see what's out?
See what's broken down.
After he's asking people if they can only help.
All the that way down power lines everywhere.
You guys OK?
Yeah, we were in the dead. She came a mile from us, almost sucked us out of the ditch. The larious trees everywhere. I'm. We and there's power lines down. The tornado went right through here.
Unless you can't sit.
You guys explained. Like we almost got hit by two. We were right here on South, yeah.
Ohh you're right here.
We got.
We're flying South.
Well, they're reporting another one this way, and then the tornado that just went through must. Went N huh?
It was starting to take out.
So you guys in your car?
Damn truck off the road.
You were. We got out.
Are you serious?
Of the truck you guys got out.
Of the truck and the ditch.
We got out and ran in the ditch and it just about took us.
We were holding on to the damn fence.
Place you. Me.
Hold on my.
Not sure you guys are OK.
Ohh yeah.
Ohh yeah, he's one hell of a team experience. You guys need a ride anywhere? Ohh it it's good.
That's fine.
We're just looking.
We might be hit with.
It's good to see you.
And like, they're having a great time.
It sounds like a just. Looking really got sucked out of the ditch.
And look, there's probably worse ways to go than getting sucked off in it. I mean sucked out of a ditch. Some believe that sound.
So excited.
They're thrilled by the whole thing.
I mean.
I just.
My SIS stay in the car. Like supposed to get out of the car.
Ohh I don't know, I don't think so.
I wouldn't even know what to do in that situation.
Looks like, well, obviously took cover in like in the window across the ditch and and and they had to hang on to the ditch in with each other in the ditch for dear life for fear of getting sucked out.
The ditch? Many got ****** **.
Ohh that.
Um it?
My goodness, there was.
I mean The thing is, I mean, that sounds like they're all like, whoa, amazing.
Did this not drunk or on something? No.
I think there they were very high on adrenaline.
So like.
I think they were very high on adrenaline.
Where have MMM.
I think it would be a real thrill. I could imagine. I mean, it would be an experience. Let's face it, I don't know that I'd wanna do it more than once, but just to witness a tornado would be something else. And these guys do it all. The time but is as funny as all that sounds. People lose homes. People die. Things. Hmm, you're getting hit with something that is 4 kilometres wide, travelling at 300 kilometres an hour. That's you're not gonna. There's there's no winners in that sort of situation.
And and it was welcomed as a wide when it hit the town of Hallam and most houses in the town were completely demolished. Farmer Clipper was tossed around. There was a coal train. I saw that footage a whole train was upended and on its side of the off the rails.
Fortunately, while I mean, unfortunately for this person, but fortunately, only one reported fatality, which is really surprising. That was surprised that more people didn't, didn't lose their life and.
Yeah, that's extraordinary.
That's it.
That lots of injuries as well.
Was an old person too, although an older person, I think they were in their 70s or something.
Was it were they sacked out of a ditch?
I know that there are sucked out of a ditch. I I mean I I you know, I mean they'll probably scared they probably had a heart attack. You know, I don't know. I mean, I'm not exactly sure as to the circumstances of how that person died. Good. But they were old. OK, so they'd had a good life and you know.
And we have a little bit more about what's the impact was on on the town of Helen, Don't we?
I don't even know how to describe it. It's horrible.
It was a Saturday night that forever changed SE Nebraska.
House was born and all of these buildings were gone.
The Helen Tornado would go down in the history books at the time, the widest one ever recorded.
I didn't go to bed last night. I just watched the sun show up and it's pretty amazing when Mother Nature can.
Of. It bulldozed building. Four down trees and left behind a mess. Of mangled metal.
Every area was really hit pretty hard, but this is the worst.
At its peak, it was. 2 1/2 miles wide. That's 44 football fields stretched end to end. It was on the ground for 52 miles, terrorising communities for one hour and 40 minutes.
They have basically.
Rated an EF4, Winfried topped out near 260 miles an hour.
It injured 38 people and killed 173 year old Elaine.
It's funny as it sounds it, he'll really lucky and a lot of people lost everything and we still have some. Some of our. Stuff.
Yeah, like I mean.
Sing along.
And so all jokes aside.
Like, I mean when you watch the tornado chasers like these. Guys are insane and and that's kind of funny. And you're watching these blokes high on adrenaline and it's all very amusing. But it you've.
When you say the devastation and it's just, it's so heart breaking to hear people talking about losing everything, isn't it?
I mean. Well, let's you know, we see it here. We we don't have tornadoes, we have bushfires, you know, and they do the same thing and it's awful.
Which financing?
Yeah. What?
And I I don't know. But again, like Nebraska, I mean insurance is a big thing in America. It's very expensive. I don't know that a lot of the people there would be in. Good. I imagine if they were, their insurance policies would be insanely expensive and I just think they're obviously very resilient because they live in tornado country and they have to.
Then you know rebuild all the time.
It's and I think the reason why the casualties were so low is because they do prepare their homes, have tornado shelters and all of that sort of stuff exact.
Probably used to it. Yeah. Yeah. Well, they go underground and. Really, it's we so bad that it prompted a national disaster declaration, which allowed for federal assistance in the recovery efforts.
And it wasn't an isolated event. Like we said, it was part of a series of tornadoes around South Central Nebraska across May. So pretty devastating time.
It does make me wonder how those awnings that I put up would with standard Tornado, they're very secure, they've.
No, no, no, no, they wouldn't.
Let's go to July 6.
And we've got another memorial. The Queen unveils a memorial fountain to Diana, Princess of Wales in London.
Of course, there were difficult times, but memories mellow with the passing of the years. I remember especially the happiness you gave to my 2 grandsons. Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Charles, William, Harry and all my family and of all the Spencer family with us today, I have much pleasure in declaring the Diana Princess of Wales Memorial funding open.
Yes, that coin Elizabeth likes.
Interesting that she opened it. Yeah, everything.
While she addresses the elephant in the room too, you know, like she she didn't shy away from it.
Whose bad times here wasn't all great.
Rice. Yeah.
It was a bit of a mess towards the end there, but you know, those things fade with time and I'm happy to remember her, which is nice.
Yes. Yes.
I I guess well.
Ohh yeah, although she doesn't really say that she liked it very much. She's like she was really good to my grandchildren.
No, she's good to her kids.
Yes, yes, you know that was anyway. ******* mother.
The fountains located in the SW corner of Hyde Park, just South of the Serpentine Lake and east of Serpentine Gallery.
The cornerstone for this one was laid in September 2003 and it was officially opened on the 6th of July 2. 1004. It was.
It's not much of A fountain.
The more.
It was designed by American architect Catherine Gustafson.
Of a water feature.
And it features a unique Oval stone structure with water flowing from both ends, symbolising Diana's inclusive and open hearted nature.
£3.6 million.
Five £3.6 million water feature.
That's what that is the.
Very expensive. Diana's younger brother Charles was there. Her ex husband Prince Charles, William and Harry were there. Prince Philip. Lady Jane Fellers little I think it was the first time.
Yeah, they're alright.
They're all ohh.
The Windsors and the Spencers had come together in seven. Years, in fact, so sort of quite the reunion.
That would have been that would have been all teeth bit awkward.
But I just.
I just can't get past the fact like a fountain when you think about. A fountain? It's not really a fountain.
Looks more like a Creek.
Yes, you think of jets of water spouting high up into the air.
Yes, yes.
Something soothing. No, this is more like it. It's more like a concrete water slide. People are walking through it and so yeah. Around it just screams tenio to me.
I went to the Diana Memorial Fountain and all I got was this lousy tinea.
Especially with the British that don't bathe as often as we do.
Yeah, I'd never walk in a communal.
No splash, no to no yuck.
Park that's dispersed.
Yeah, baby fungus.
But yeah, it did it seem more like a splash park actually than yeah.
Well, surely after the opening there were three hospitalisations caused by people slipping in the water, going **** over ***, and the fountain was closed.
Get out of Lady Diana's fountain.
It's your own fault for carrying on in Lady dies. Fountain has some respect.
Stump awaiting around in Diana's waters.
Just look at it.
That's that's inappropriate.
Yes, this is this.
Have some respect. Exactly.
Is not wet and wild water park.
No, this is memorial fountain.
I know.
Don't throw bloody coins in there, you idiots. They don't need any money that costs £3.6 million.
We don't need anymore actually.
Well, maybe they need to fund it.
Maybe we do.
They should put like a little wishing thing in there and then they can take the coins out at the end of the day and then pay.
Yeah. Take to make the money back. Back I was reopened in August. And had a fence. Because they didn't want people walking or running. But now I think you can. I think entering the water entering her waters is once again permitted at your own risk, at your own risk.
Right. Wearing yes.
If you injure yourself or get tinier, that's your own problem.
Yeah. So I went. I went to the Lady Diana's Fountain and all I got was this lousy fungal infection.
Already said that.
No, I was just saying that could be the concept for a T shirt though. Or something like the souvenir vendors are go nuts.
Ohh okay so.
Let's move over to some less serious news, please.
Ohh, let's move into Animal News because that's what they do right in the news.
Yeah, we need like a we need to.
They we need a pan to start.
We need to panda story. Yeah.
Well, this isn't a panda story. This is a sheep story and I say that you're still in this document and you've changed the date to SUB.
That'll move.
So I don't know what the date is for. This story, but it doesn't matter.
That was, though, that wasn't me.
That was you.
There was a date there in April, you see.
Hi checked documents see this is what happens when you breakdown the silos between agencies.
Look. Yeah.
No, but your head your head still there. I can see your heads in the nose.
I can see your head.
Its and it's you. It's not me. It's you, but we haven't.
Sorry everybody.
We have a sheep story for our friends in New Zealand. I think we've got 22 listeners in New Zealand.
Two week.
Ohh excellent.
Thank you.
It's welcome.
Well, this is for you.
Welcome friends.
Strap yourselves in.
Do you remember? I love this story. Shrek the Marino sheep from New Zealand. Like the the sheep with the longest. Is it close?
Fleece. Fleece at a big fleece and abundant fleece.
Fly close please.
Do you remember Shrek?
I remember Shrek.
Yes, French maid story.
Shrek is a. Great. Shrek hadn't been shown for six years because he was hiding in caves in around the South Island of New Zealand.
You hmm.
Growing his hair out, yes.
He was in exile. He was like the bin Laden of sheep, but he didn't do anything terrible.
No, I didn't do anything wrong.
No, it's never haircut, that's all.
Come on. Please don't take Shrek. And Merino sheep and known for their ability to survive in harsh environments.
Yes, they're very sturdy.
So he was able. He was able to hide from the sheer. And in caves, in the rugged terrain.
And I think they normally. Get a haircut once a year.
Yes. So they need to six years is a long time and it would be quite painful for poor old track to be carrying well.
Six years is a long time. Think of the Dags which do.
Think of the ohh yuck. Yes, lots of gags on cheap and and also like the weight of the fleece would be quite heavy.
He'd be jacked under that fleece, tearing it around today.
You'd wanna hope so.
Ohh Gee Lisa.
Tell you what. Imagine, imagine once he got it off.
Like today. Ohh I should be very muscular.
I feel like he could fly. You could feel weightless being incredible.
Looks like a Hulk.
Incredible feeling. So they couldn't find him. They they tried to find him for years.
I remember there.
Were stories of like ohh, we've seen this shape with this massive flakes.
Yeah, he was like a fugitive.
We need to capture.
It was an ongoing story for some time.
He was like that. He was like the ace of Spades for shearers.
Seven for a good month or so.
It was like there's this sheep.
So they get him like they get him after six years.
It's big sheep. We need to catch him and they do.
The big ball of wall was found. He hadn't been cheered for six years. So the Kiwis looking to make some television history cheered him live on the telly more than 3 bags full there, a book about Shrek was written and it stopped the school from closing.
You're weak Welsh cross special cover.
She's going on in okay.
Stay in the shade, but we gotta see a naked, naked Shrek.
There you go. So. So put him on live TV. They made a book about him in the funds from the book, obviously kept the school open, which is wonderful. Well done, threat.
That's not all.
Hmm, it was.
Called the great shearing the televised event. The the Prime Minister.
Attended Helen Clark at the time. Yes, she did.
I love that.
Yep, I I've got nothing better to you. I'm gonna come and watch.
It's Shrek, it showing.
New Zealand. Yeah, exactly. Isn't that my?
It's not the money you have all this.
Other things to do with the Prime Minister. Surely with everything going on in the night, I'm gonna. Go watch him.
Answer you that just thought you'd cinematic masterpieces like Lord of the Rings and then spread live TV over there.
Get a haircut.
We're going to go and watch this ****.
They're gonna see Shrek the sheep. I mean, don't they do the R BT show as well?
I love that.
That's a great show.
That's good.
BT Yes, New Zealand RBT show, yeah.
The drunk people. Ohh my gosh. Ohh nice.
I feel like that probably encourages people to get drunk and drive in case they so I can get on the telly now being on the telly seems like being a bit you and he's young.
Guarantee they. Let's chat of the baton reality. It's like playing on the idle or or maths really isn't it?
So so so.
So yes, Helen Clark was there. They the fleece. They waited 27 kilos.
So underneath all of that, he would have been jacked.
27 kilos.
That's a.
That's a.
That's big, significant weight loss.
27 kilos.
Yeah, that's what I'm aiming for. €27.
I can dead lift 30, but it hurts.
Maybe your haircut? It's good you know how when you weigh yourself, you like you'll you'll if it's way in day, you've.
Ohh I always take my hair tie out and like only.
If you're gonna die on, strip down to nothing.
I need every. I need every gramme I take everything off, I take the hair tie out.
Strip down to nothing.
It should take.
The earrings out do a massive wee.
Yes, but you could do it too.
And and possibly a #2 as well, and then go away yourself.
That's helpful.
That's that's.
That's a good hundred grammes.
I did it the other day. Actually I am. I had a weigh in and I wasn't satisfied, so I went for number 2 and then I came back and it was 200 grammes lighter than what I was the first time.
And I'm like, but that's quite the achievements, not really.
Very good yield rather, I don't know if I should share.
That with people on the podcast.
Well, you just have. Thank you very.
Much. So Shrek was a celebrity and he did public appearances.
And then he died.
Well, that's.
In 2011, at the age of 16, I think that's good for a sheep, isn't.
Good evening, Sir Shay.
That's particularly one with the Big Fleece running though.
Yeah, well, Lara can carrying a 20. And Q fleece for six years would probably take a few years off.
Your life and according to the article I read, despite his fame, his story continues to inspire New Zealanders, symbolising the importance of determination and the ability to overcome obstacles.
As a national hero.
Termination and the ability to overcome obstacles like excuses.
The ability to overcome of ability to avoid a hat. Cat.
He went to the barbers.
This particular incident in sport, it was thrilling.
Yes, yes you would have.
It was engaging. I was hooked for 6 minutes. I watched 6 minutes of YouTube.
It was.
It was very exciting, wasn't it?
Was great.
I loved it as well. I loved it also and it harked back to like Friday night Smackdown.
Is that Megan's bad people?
It's smackdown even on Friday night or Monday night, Raw or whatever it is.
Yeah. Yes.
Does it make us bad people because we enjoy seeing a good brawl in sport?
Like some farms.
Absolutely not.
Bring back the beef.
Even in basketball, they even.
Boss, that's the last place.
Don't expect a bit of a beef.
To be honest, yes and no.
There's a lot of egos.
I expect you a.
Little shoving, but this was just 6 minutes of ohh.
The NBA. The NBA. It was madness. Malice at the palace was a massive altercation between the Indiana Pacers and the Detroit Pistons, which escalated to the point where players were going into the crowd and fighting with fans. Here's some of the mayhem for you.
The picture that played this very intelligently in tonight.
Then Wallace is fouls and Wallace did. Ohh. Why do I test this? Has potentially serious if they don't get between. While it's upset players trying to hold each other on. Stephen Jackson achieved whilst trying to be peacemakers that Jackson.
Oh oh.
While still going, you need the coaches in there to get him away. Jacksons challenging Derek Coleman. Some of them should just get Jackson out of quickly as possible. The problem is if Wallaces ejected, I'm not sure he'd have to walk past the pacer bench to go now. Our test has jumped onto the scorer's table and is trying to get down to the bench. Our test is in the stands. Ohh, this is awful. Fans are getting involved. Stephen Jackson from the fans. Rusty Wallace going into the stands, the security tied up somehow. Restore order, fans and players are going out in the players trying to help each other. Out good.
Sorry. Can we just take a moment?
Incredible say.
Can we take a moment for the commentators?
Just kept going.
Let commentators made that. Even more exciting than what it actually was, it was.
Say commentated as if it was still the game and it. Started to sound like.
It was a riot.
It sounded like wrestling. They could put that on their LinkedIn and.
I I agree.
Get a job with the WW E.
I agree all I needed to do was smash someone through the Spanish announcers table.
Well, the fact that he went over the table, they mentioned him going over the table and.
Would have been on.
That's right. Yes.
I thought it was. This isn't a wrestling story.
It was extraordinary.
This is phrase.
It was extraordinary, especially. Eat with all. Of the emphasis that has been placed on security at public events in the United States since 2001.
In 2004, we find this happening 45 seconds to go in the match and the Pacers are leading 9782 and Ron Artest commits a hard foul on Ben Wallace.
And Wallace doesn't like it, and he shoves our test very hard to the point where he falls over.
And then they start to throw down. So they say there's push comes to shove. With them and.
They was it.
It was just little pushes, but.
With a little shopping, there's a bit of a girly slap.
In them, and then they coaches are sort of Sonic, you know, separates. And it's just a bit of. Like, yeah, just a little ****.
Fight, wasn't it? Was like I push you and push you back.
I push you and push you back.
Yeah, it wasn't anything. It wasn't anything. There's not like the fights you see in. Origin, But it's out.
But it looked ignire. It's not a rugby league fought with people trying to knock each other's teeth out, but it escalates so the coaches get involved in the suits are coming in trying to.
No, no.
It's like little guys in suits trying to break big, tall guys up in basketball uniforms, and the team coming off the bench, they sort of separated.
When coming down, they separated them. Them and then someone chucks something from one of the the crowd started throwing drinks.
Through drink and I and it hit him and he just went.
Yes, please.
And it hit him.
Do you mate?
Cause he knew who it was.
Any. Yes. And he went up into the crowd and he flogged this guy. He belted him.
It was amazing.
And then the crowd turned on our test and started fighting him. And then his team mates come in and tried to help him. And then it just all hell broke loose.
It's just a massive brawl.
It was amazing.
Up in the stadium in the stand.
So good it really devolved into this. Just horrible. All in brawl between players and fans. And as I was trying to mock the amount of drinks being thrown and.
Hmm, I'm sorry.
As soon as it was such a waste of food, I saw some really nice hot chips. Flying in the. Air. And I thought ohh. Gosh, that's the way you want expensive.
Yes, Shannon, Shannon.
The food is that those games too.
Ohh yeah yeah.
That one thought have been like 10 bucks worth of chips.
Will shout out tomorrow.
My mate John, who's currently working with the Indiana Pacers, he's on the road with them.
Ohh, I wonder what he's.
It's the.
Ohh well, I'm gonna message him and just say hey, just remember, just in memory of the thing.
So yeah.
Say to the players for us, I mean none of them would be playing now, of course.
But the they they took him back to the locker room and and.
They are the Pacers. They moved them and but they had to go through. What do they call it?
What was it?
The tunnel. The tunnel thing where you.
Was it not the Pacers home stadium?
No, it was the other one.
Wasn't. It was the other one, the the the the Pistons Detroit.
So they're in Detroit. You always mess with people from Detroit, yeah.
Yes. You.
Well, yeah, that's a good point. So they're walking them through. What? What you call the tunnel, but just basically out to where the locker rooms are.
But that ended up being a US focal point, yes.
And so all the crowd merged. All the crowd merged to the to the side. By then started throwing things.
And it just rained.
Yeah, it was raining hot chips and coke and Mountain Dew and that sounds amazing.
Licker and popcorn and ships in pies and God knows what else. Hot dogs.
Just quietly.
It does.
That's a really good party. I want to take a big tray or a bucket and try to catch some free food, but they had to stop the game obviously as well as soon as all that gets on the court, they've gotta clean it like it's not safe for them to play.
Yeah. Hmm.
I mean, it wasn't safe for them to play anyway, so they actually stopped the game.
I think the funniest bit was they got to the they got to the locker room.
I called it.
This was reported like a few months later and Ron Artest sits down and looks around the other players and go.
Hmm. The. Hmm.
Do you think we?
Can get in trouble for this.
Oh, oh, oh, yes.
Got in trouble.
He's got in big trouble.
He was suspended for the rest of the season, which was 73 games, the longest suspension for an on court incident in NB.
That's a lot of basketball still happening played.
A history. So yeah, a little bit of Trump, Ron.
And I honestly think if he didn't go in and if he just had a copped it suite and taken the drink from the fan and justice went about his business, it probably would have been fine. But I think because he actually assaulted a fan, it just that's a massive line that was crossed there.
Yes, yes.
So Steven Jackson received a 30 game suspension. Jermaine O'Neil was initially suspended for 25 games. He got a redo. Mission due to good behaviour, yes.
This thing babes on appeal.
He said sorry.
And Ben Wallace.
Write letter.
Ben Wallace, who was the one who was shoved.
So that's the one in the original pushy shovey bit, yeah.
Yeah, he was suspended for six games, but it didn't go that like it. It wasn't just left on the court or within the realms of the actual sport itself. They actually there was legal consequences because fans are involved of assault and battery and five of the Pacers players were charged and five of the fans who were fighting with the Pacers players also charged.
Hmm. Who?
I think a lot of them, they got a bit of a slap on the wrist. It was just probation and community service.
That would have been great if they had to come on accordion like ankle bracelets or something the next game, but the NBA really will like. Ohh, we've gotta do something about this.
Yes, if I don't have to.
So and you, I mean, when you look at me NBA games of basketball like people are sitting right at. The side of the course.
Ohh, you know it's.
Yeah. Yeah, you need that control over the crowds.
Yeah, I'd be so scared of being hit in the face with the ball the entire time and you see footage of people that NBA games where they're on their.
Yeah. So would I.
Fine. And then and they completely oblivious in the bowl comes along and just takes him out in slow motion. It looks wonderful because their faces contort and the shock and all. Ohh it's wonderful. It's really great.
I was reading the comments after watching the six minutes. It's just amazing. Go and watch it.
A highly recommended and. Is. Just go to YouTube and look for malice at the.
Palace, yeah.
And then read the comments, because there were people that that would not necessarily there but were watching it live and including David Mitnick.
Remembers it well, he said. I remember watching this live at a donut shop stoned out of my mind. With my best friend. All of a sudden, out of the corner of my eye, I see what looks like a giant riot erupted during a televised basketball game. We were mesmerised and laughing hysterically. The old Cambodian guy that owned the shop burst out laughing too. We walked back to my friend's house laughing the whole time. I miss being young.
Yeah, man. Me too.
Thanks David.
Mitnick 868. I miss being young all. No.
This is a bombshell.
And look at this could have gone at the end of the show in the Hatch match and dispatch, but I just felt like, no, it's newsworthy news.
This is a defining a defining moment defining moment.
Newsworthy. It's top culture.
Yeah, yeah.
Yep, Yep.
Iconic, iconic early 2000s moment on the 18th of September 2004 Britney Spears marries Kevin Federline my.
I'm huh. Huh.
Yes, I know.
Ohh my God.
I know, right?
Everyone was like ohh my God Pearl. Kevin was quite maligned. I mean, he's a bit of a deadbeat.
Ohh did you see when he had the corn? What do you call a corn?
The. Rows, yeah.
Yes. Did you see that? That Kevin he deserves, he deserves everything he gets.
Yeah, that's cultural appropriation.
It is as if Chuck a bin tank singlet on him. He looked like he just find a bar.
Ollie yeah.
I do think he was mooching off her.
Do you?
Yes, absolutely, absolutely.
Hello world.
I think he's a deadbeat. His wife with.
She's pregnant.
Persona pragna.
He left his pregnant wife.
For Britney Spears, but didn't he sign a pre? Nup.
Did he?
Ohh. I don't know. I don't know.
But she was paying a lot of cash for the kids and he was getting annoyed because they were turning 18 is gonna get the cash anymore.
Didn't. I think it.
I think the Conservatives is ship is in place with Brittany because I think that she is a shopaholic, like legit shopaholic.
Kevin's Deadwood.
Think she is addicted to spending money?
Yeah, but then you say the dresses that she. Buys and Mike?
Ohh, it's still she buys.
Lots of money.
She just buys a lot of things, I think.
That's yeah, but.
And when they lifted the conservatorship, wasn't there something like she had 30 million and she'd spent like 14 of it. Like she'd spent a lot anyway.
So Britney Spears marries Kevin Federline on the 18th of September.
2004. So we need a bit of a recap, I think to start with.
All right, yes.
So here's the timeline Britney and Justin split 2000 and.
Two, yes. Brittany and Colin Farrell have a fling. Early 2003, they went to the movie.
That was it. That was a good sleep when he was playing Bullseye.
I liked that.
You Electra as good flinks.
And then she went to the red carpet premiere. What was the movie was? In.
Yeah, Alexa was bullseye when he played the bullseye.
With that one. Always that one.
Does. Bus stop.
OK, alright, I thought it was something else.
No, I don't think so.
Now is that OK?
Yeah, I think it was bullseye.
Then we get to January 2004 and we did speak about it earlier this year.
She marries childhood friend Jason Alexander in Vegas 55 hours later.
Now that's right.
The main audit.
Yeah, I like we're drunk.
We didn't know what we're doing and then the Jason goes like, but wait. And she's like, Nah.
And he's like ohh yeah.
So ohh. Ever. Then she does her I CL or something during her Onyx Hotel tour, and then cancels and her and Kay fed start dating cause I think he's the backup dance sat the dancer.
Ohh yeah yeah.
Is a dancer, is a dancer, not a backup dancer.
Just a dancer.
A dad.
Wasn't the backup, but it's all like ohh one of the other dancers is injured.
So all these that offensive I was not the understudy, as on their CL.
Let's get the backup dancer.
You're up again. Alfie, get Kevin, can you take the corner without first, please?
Yeah, used its dancers.
Bad aesthetic bathetic.
And all the girlies say he's pretty fly for a white guy.
They start dating the the time this where the timeline gets a bit sketchy cause there's no official date, but it's around May, June 2000.
Titan, you?
4. Then, and we've spoken about this, the engagement was around June, July 2004. We don't know if she asked him or if he asked her if she asked him first and then he said no and then he asked her. I don't know, but they're engaged at this point and the wedding.
And this is where I'm a bit the wedding was meant to happen on the 16th of October. On my B day.
Now and instead they had a closer to mine, yeah.
Not to be on my birthday at the posh Bacara resort in Santa Barbara, CA, but.
But we get two September 17, 2000 and.
Four, which is a Friday.
I am waiting.
And she has a Bachelorette.
To get married to Kay fed.
Spa day with the girlfriends, right? And Kevin has some friends and plays golf and had a dinner, dinner, golf and dinner.
Right. Boring.
Then we get to September 18 the next day. Fast forward one day, 27 guests turn up to what they thought was the engagement party at his Studio City.
Uh huh.
Ohh right, yeah.
Hi however upon arrival, guests receive custom wide invitations that read.
Surprise wedding it is with much love that we welcome you to our wedding ceremony tonight.
Even mum dad's little sis. Who's a zis? Jamie Lynn. No idea.
No idea, she said.
I don't want to have that big old wedding. I just want me and Kevin to run off and I'm like, no, no, no, no.
We can do it. We can pull this off bread, I promise you. How's like? Let's just do something really small and quick and fun.
We've toned it down within like 2 weeks. We cut it down to like 30 guests.
Just our immediate family and that's it.
I think my mom was dumbfound.
I'm not surprised.
It's upstairs, no.
Fences troll.
She couldn't believe what was going on. And then when she realised. It. Yeah, she was so cute. She didn't know what to say.
I think she was a little nervous at first because it wasn't the big traditional wedding, but then once everything fell into place, I think she got it, you know?
I think if Mum was stuff that was her mum at the start of the grab.
No, but she went and she went and cuddled. Kay fed.
Well, see what's happening, did you?
I I got it. I got very invested in that episode and I watched the whole thing. She went and gave me. He was walking around in a singlet like my dad's good singlet, that he offered you to wipe the car with and you said no.
What? The.
Now puts.
And you rejected. You rejected the good things that well Kay fed thought. The good thing that was good enough for his wedding and he hugged his mother in law in the in said singlet.
That's that's the advice. That's the advice for the wedding night Kate fed. Take the singlet off. You put swell marks in the paint. But it mum wanted a big traditional wedding. That's what she wanted.
She was happy.
That's what she was saying, that she's happy.
Was. She was happy in the footage.
Well, it only took 15 minutes. It was a non denominational ceremony, didn't it?
Yeah, it only good thing.
And I think they because I wanted to keep it a surprise. So that the person that was talking at the start about helping her arrange at all, that was her friend Felicia.
Felicia's mentioned throughout the book.
Really, she's mentioned throughout the book. She's kind of the personal assistant to really help her out during those tumultuous years. There's lots of references to her in the book.
That was her talking.
Full of her.
But she that's every year is tumultuous fit.
What tumultuous is offensive? Beauteous, every every single one.
She arranged to have the pre fitted dresses and tuxedos delivered. Yes, and she had a $26,000 strapless silk gown by Monique Lhuillier.
Lulia lulia.
Julia Julias, lulia Silas.
I think that age is rather than the H is doing some.
And Kay fed got undressed from the single. Maybe all the singlet underneath, but when the ceremony happened? He had a.
I had a talk.
So you put a tax on.
Black tuxedos.
Well, that's classy. That's go down, Kaiser. That's very classy.
No, I mean not as classy move as leaving your pregnant wife to marry Britney Spears, but classy nonetheless, yes.
No, I said. I'll say it gets classier. So after saying I do, she changes into a short, sexy lace number for the reception. They had a tent in the back. But I think the house was just someone that. Felicia spoke to. Actually, it was somebody who was helping with. The party planning.
They borrowed a house.
And Felicia's like.
It's can we use your house?
Chloe, we need a venue and the person's gone.
Just use my hands so they put a tent in the backyard for the after party.
It's kind of my house.
Sure. Beautiful.
I think it was a very elaborate like a mock.
Was a nice.
It's a marquee the market.
Tense. It was an expensive tense.
It's like kennards hire, you know, style Kennard tile.
Yeah, coast to coast. The golden rose.
It's goes to golden, right? You've picking up what I'm putting down.
Yeah, that's a good time.
Doing the catering.
Yeah, really.
That is a good time. And it wasn't close to coast, the Golden Rose. It was Southern Comfort food, though. Chicken fingers, ribs, mashed potatoes, French fries, crab cakes.
Which is.
Basically just just don't advice exactly. Yeah.
Coast to coast. The got no. The Louisiana edition. So yes, for Felicia actually caught the bouquet as well.
Good on you, Felicia.
Always, always the bridesmaid.
Ohh I reckon that was reached for sure.
Apparently um and one of Caf's brothers got the Garter Kasey wondering.
Ohh sorry.
Then they had the after party and this is where we started. To see the photos the next day. And I remember these photos on the cover of new weekly.
Well, they would.
Who Women's Day?
I don't.
New idea.
The puncher darts, weren't they?
They had custom juicy couture jumpsuit. Remember the valuer jumpsuits where you had the dye.
Empties on the.
Were they smoking? They must have been slowly because they're smoking.
Thou snaking? Absolutely hers, said Missus Federline across the Lynn. But. Mum had hot mumma across the of hers and the bridal party members had the maids.
Yeah, yeah.
I remember the maids tracksuits. Ohh like it was yesterday.
This is this.
Is the spending money stuff I'm talking about, right?
And and this is and this is the the classy K Fed you're talking about.
He's sweat suit had the pimp.
That, that's that's that's not okay on his ****.
But dazzled in Dimonties the pimp and his groom's men were the pimp.
Really. Wow.
So his leader, who's the pimp leader. Of pimps.
The Lazy King of the pimps.
Wow, that's really bad.
So why?
Say classy.
Why did they not go for something more? I mean, it's still seems elaborate in a trashy way.
I think.
So why didn't they go for anything bigger like the more the more full on wedding?
I think. Britney was saying it was because it was just getting too much and she was just getting to the point where. Was like ohh let's just. Let's just not even do it. She was kind of, you know, it's stressful. It's just there's lots of things to think about.
Like, where's everybody gonna sit? What are you gonna eat? Your dietary requirements.
Right, right.
All of that, that's a lot.
A lot of effort, but I think. Too that this. Is the time when the paparazzi. Are really sort of. Turning on her because she was.
Ohh Massey.
She was America's sweetheart.
She was comforted a lot of grace.
And then we had the break up with Tipper. Tipper Timberlake and then she became a villain.
And then everyone was life. Well, then, she's like with Colin Farrell and live in a vest life.
She's trash, remember? There was all those articles about her being trashed and leaving a cigarette butts next to the pool.
She's like, OK, so I'm.
Only back in Leighton Memorial commemorative ashtray.
So I'm going to play up to that audience.
So, but maybe she's.
Like you know, everyone knows it's gonna happen On this date. I just couldn't be bothered.
Maybe it was to trick the paparazzi.
Well, possibly.
I don't know.
I'd still feel like it was elaborate.
That's all.
With the pimp tracksuits.
Yes, I know this sounds like the cheesiest thing in the world, but finding somebody to. Hey, now share your life with what I can do and what it really means and how you should. Embrace that in a big way. I feel like I'm a completely different person for the better. It really does create miracles and all those things you try to look for, but it's all about love.
Yeah, yeah, baby.
We can't argue with that.
Ohh, so young, so happy.
Hi nai.
Ohh no. And then the team for charms into the and he's like, yeah, fantis basically drops a big juice over the entire thing.
Give me your money. Give me your money, lady.
Now there's a pre nup. Sorry and a conservatorship.
Good luck fella.
I'm still not OK with The Tonight.
I'll be naughty girl.
Ohh wow. Remember how we discussing how it sounded like new? Ohh I called it new Tetris new called.
And I.
It for night Tetra.
***** Tetris. Yes, what's the correct title?
I found it. It's actually called X Tetris called X Tetris.
It's Tetris, Chris.
And I found it.
Yes, as in X rated Titans.
You can download it.
So I was.
I was a bit. Scared to put it on the House computer, cause I didn't know what. Would happen so.
Dad needs. I anything could be a virus.
Why know?
I mean, you know, I I actually, honestly, I think that playing X Tetris is probably safer than being a Medibank private customer.
Well, yes, it could be. Any kind of virus?
So it doesn't really matter.
Everyone's got your info these days anyway.
But I did. I did find instead of downloading it on the House computer and ruining the House computer, I did find basically screen recording of it on YouTube. So I watched it and I.
Yeah, okay.
Was like ohh yeah. Yep. Yep, Yep, Yep. And I've got. I've got a copy of the recording.
Yeah. So for anyone who remembers fondly or has fond memories of excetera, this is what you sound like.
It's extras.
Ohh, what's?
It's not.
Oh, oh oh.
I don't know. I feel like there's some bonus points with that last one, but it's just like.
So you no, because that was like 3-3 lines in a row. So it's the same concept as Tetris, but their people and their people in different positions and you rotate them and they fall from the sky like the.
Then naked. Then yes, blocks yes.
Tetris. Box and you can rotate them like. The Tetris blocks. And then you make them fit together like the Tetris blocks.
And when they find and then yes.
But they have to fit.
Weather in it, adult physician.
And then and then when they fit together in the adult position, they go. Who in their right mind is playing that with the volume?
My mother wouldn't know how.
Only her defence didn't know how to turn the the sound down on the House computer speakers.
Ohh it's not OK.
I mean a bit.
But yet but.
She's not like, she's not just, you know, trying to pass the time at the doctor's surgery whilst hang on.
No, no it wasn't. My house computer is at home because Tetris on the Gameboy was one of the game boys broke, so she was playing on the House computer my grandma was playing the other Gameboy.
See, that's not OK.
It wasn't broken.
So where's where's Mum? Ohh she's in there. She's in the study on the computer.
Now the computer was in the in the main room.
I mean. Right.
The computer was in the dining room, actually. So you could hear it in. The lounge and while you watching Matlock.
Well look like.
It's very interesting. But you know what you're saying like that? That one where there was. Like a lot of us all at once.
So yes, yes.
It's like with Tetris. You can kind of build up your wall and there's a big gap and then you get the the perfect block that fills the big gap.
It feels the big.
It's like 3 rows.
Near. Yeah, that was a bit.
That was a big gap being fields.
Yes, that's why that was like multiple ooze.
Milk. Milk.
Is the big gap and then they disappear, much like the Tetris block said. Just they.
Ooh, and then disappear.
I understand how Tetris works OK Now I now I.
Some great game.
Great game.
Well, you were just confused as to why there was like a synchronised Earth, because it was lots of lots of.
All right.
Rows of months.
I'm like Maria. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna know, OK, but if well, we need to circle back because the reason why the conversation started in the 1st place was because of beyonc�.
I think we've got something very special.
Okay just casually dropping it.
Which sounds like.
In in Noriega.
It stitches.
Sounds like, you know, tonight I'll be your naughty girl. And that's really gross. But but but I bring you. I bring you the naughty girl X Tetris remix.
I'll be.
I'm coming.
Ohh, we're going to stop.
Yeah, I know.
You anybody?
I'll be alone.
Ohh comma.
I see you.
And then sex.
Hey. Hey.
I think that works so much better.
The big gap at the.
End there was a big gap that was good. It was filled, though a fantastic film debuts premieres in the USA this time 20 years ago.
Do you ever think?
The most.
That modern life is not for you.
Do you need the same dead end job everyday?
Is your love life dying on its feet to?
A wonderful mum.
Ohh, have you ever felt that you're turning into the world zombie? Maybe you're not alone.
Hmm said.
It's although no one official is prepared to comment, religious groups are calling it Judgement Day.
It is vital that you stay in your home.
It's always full.
Physical contact with the assailants.
Ohh Shaun of the Dead, the British zombie comedy film or otherwise known as Rome Zom com romantic zombie comedy film directed by the Fabulous Edgar Wright.
Ohh for homes on com.
He's one of my favourite directors, starring Simon Pegg and Nick Frost. This was the first film in the Cornetto trilogy from Edgar Wright. Where are and do you know why they call it the cornetto?
Why? Yeah, I was just about to ask.
Because in every single one of these three films. So there's Shaun of the dead, and then there's Hot Fuzz.
What size?
And then there's The World's End.
Ah, yes, yes, yes.
And they all have. A cornetto at some stage in the ice.
As in the ice cream with the the the chocolate line ship, it's a cone.
Yeah, that's right. So they call it the Cornetto trilogy.
I love that.
They feature that.
What flavour?
We don't go.
Vanilla means I like the mint 10 K.
Into that sort of detail that's that's. Yes, I just, I think you just gotta go with some vanilla cornetto.
Yeah, probably no.
You know, it's not a drumstick. Don't be a head. And OK, so so it's a parody.
It's a homage to the classic zombie films. It blends horror and comedy in this this wonderful way. Sean is a down on his luck electronic salesman. He hates his job. He hates his life, but he all he doesn't hate his life. He loves his friends. You just hates his job.
Hmm hmm.
He's got a slacker best mate named Ed and they find themselves one day in the middle of a zombie apocalypse in London where they have to save Sean's girlfriend Liz and he's. Mum and others, by taking them to hide out in the local pub.
The Winchester, which is great because the Winchester is obviously like also a lever action shotgun.
So there's some homage to some of the old zombie movies as well. There it was really, really well received by critics and stands up to this day. It's a fantastic movie. It's so good. It's very witty, it blends a lot of genres, as I said, first film in the Cornetto trilogy, followed by Hot Fuzz in The World's End, and the critics absolutely loved it. 92% from critics, 93% from audience.
It was great and you actually.
Got a bit of a backstage pass so I I this is what we're on the radio doing breakfast radio and ohh we've done some event at a club and I caught something and.
I was sick.
We were all safe.
I think everyone got sick.
It was very mysterious, very mysterious.
But I I couldn't get out of bed. And I remember I was so jealous because it was the day where. Okay, you got to go and watch the movie before anyone else at the movies.
Yes, I got a media screening.
Think you watched it by? Yourself.
I was in the cinema myself.
By yourself. And then you got to interview them.
Yeah. And I was proper bricking it because these were like I'd seen the movie. So I'm like ohh. And then and then I've got to speak to the people that.
But you are also a massive fan.
Are in the movie don't.
Of that genre as well.
Well, yes.
And I was like, jeez, I hope they do a good job of a, you know, I don't know what to expect.
Yeah, yeah.
I hope they don't take the **** out of something that I kinda love, and when I saw it and realised how lovingly it was created and how much of A tribute it paid to all of the genre, I was just thrilled and so.
I got to do a radio interview with him and I've got the three minutes that went to air, but I was on the phone to them for a good probably 45 minutes after that.
I remember you. You telling me afterwards cause you were so pumped and you're like.
Just chatting with him now.
I was just chatting to them for ages.
Yeah. So look, I back when I was a baby. Here is my chat with Simon Pegg and Edgar Wright.
We watched a lot of Richard Curtis films and we thought that more people should die in them. Now will it's kind of that, but it was also we we wanted to you know the big kind of export of British cinema is the romantic comedy. And we thought on one hand, we wanted to pay tribute to George Romero and with big horror fans and big fans of the zombie genre, and on the other hand, we literally wanted to do a zombie.
And we know our backyard.
So the idea then came later, eventually filtering through a zombie apocalypse through romantic comedy. So it was. Like a, you know, a whole kind of. There coagulation of all sorts of ideas basically could work.
So now you guys obviously are saying that you are fans of Romero and and his films as well as a few of the others in the genre.
I I noticed a few subtle nods to them, like I think we're coming to get you. Barbara was once from night of the living dead, alright and everything else moved very quickly for me.
So I missed a few of the others, but there's a few like. On a second, I remember that from dawn of the dead or day of the dead, or whichever one it was.
Yeah, we definitely we put in a few nods to to the Romero films as a way of wearing your heart. On your sleeve.
He knows, like, not not not on only the title, obviously. But yeah, the we're coming to get you, Barbara, in the reference and night of the living dead and some of the deaths kind of like sort of, if, you know, it's all paid tribute to kind of day of.
Bed and Bob's Pizza, which is next to the shop and Bob with the famous zombie in day of the Dead and Mary the zombie and the garden works for a shop called Landis which is after John Landis. Ken Foree, who was in dawn of the dead, his surname is the name of Sean's electronics shop where he works. Local little things and like.
That we had the two biggest geeks ever.
The sensor you've got all these accolades from the likes of Tarantino, Sam Raimi, who of course did the evil dead movies as well as the new Spiderman. Ones Robert Rodriguez. I mean, how has that been for you?
Man, it's just mind buying. It's kind of they've kind of trickled. Through over the last six months. I mean the Romero. 1:00 we we shared it to him way back in April. As soon as we finished the film and it was a bit of a gamble because we thought, I think he would dig it and I hope he gets a kick out of it and he did and he really loved it. And that was. That meant so much to us because. You know on on paper for people who maybe don't know what we've done before, kind of Shaun of the dead. Sounds like a scary movie type film, so it was really important to us to kind of get, you know, to look like the thumbs up from the big man himself.
So that would say from Daddy to zombies. Zombie godfather.
Yeah, the zombie codes.
Simon Sean shows a great deal of skill with the cricket bat throughout the course of the movie.
I know you.
Unlike a lot of other. Englishmen. The.
Perhaps it was his performance that should be credited for inspiring the Poms victory over us.
The other week.
I did. We win, I.
Got to be something that did it. Either that or or non Julian. Yeah. Well, I'd like to think that it's very nice. It was good to finally make some headway with a bit of Willow. Do you know what I mean?
Yeah, for sure.
And I think, Edgar, you'll probably, the first Englishman I've I've heard from that doesn't know that you actually won.
I didn't really.
Care. So I'm so not up on sports and stuff, but I like to. I think what is funny though, is in the states because the film is going down earliest. Add cricket bats have now become like sort of a a sheep item for kind of geeks to get. But even Tangina said again, when I get one of those cricket paddles.
Ah, well, that would be the trademarks thing. Like Jason with his machete and stuff like that, I guess.
And of course, the last time I don't think a cricket bat was used.
In a film was in Spinal Tap, right? Yeah.
Exactly right here. Right in vain.
You would just the perfect person to do that interview. Even listening back, I could just write. It takes me right back to 20 years ago and you just coming home just so pumped and so excited for getting to talk to them and you really knew your stuff. And I I I distinctly remember cause I was sick. And I remember you did that interview on your own.
And then we will listening back to it today. Me and there's extra love tracking their, shall we say?
Yeah, yeah.
And that particular person wasn't even there when you recorded it.
No, this is now. It was actually really disappointing to hear it back because that was that was one of the things that I had done by myself and I don't have a lot to to show from our radio career like and and you and I, This is why we do this.
It's so great now because we've been doing the podcast for probably more than we've been on. We were ever on radio too, which is great, and we worked with other people.
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
That kind of ruined it for us. And one of the things that really ruined that interview. For me, when I found it was having to hear this guy, so the guy wasn't in on the interview with me and it was prerecorded.
You know, you are clearly remember it's.
Just you, yeah.
And then we played it back live to air, and I can remember being in this year. You were off sick at the time.
And he he. Would he turned his microphone on and he was doing like noddies during the prerecorded interview going.
Yeah. OK. Uh. And laugh. Thing and I was just like, this isn't urine if you, but like, you weren't even here. And that's just like a little bit of a a window into kind of what working in that industry can be like from time to time.
But on the lighter side, like I said, I've got to speak to them for much longer than what that little snippet goes for, and we we were acting out scenes from Spinal Tap over the phone.
Ohh my gosh.
It just happened. A good outlaw, and they actually ran overtime and. I would just. Two of the nicest guys and one of the coolest interviews I've ever had, and it was just a shame. Again, commercial radio, it was like I was pushing my luck to get a 3 minute conversation with them on the air cause we needed to go to an outbreak, but that was.
Let's dig through the many days. I reckon we've got the full 1 somewhere.
I'd love to try and find it if I can.
Gotta be somewhere.
Yeah, yeah.
And that would just make me feel a lot better about because the PTSD started to kick in a little bit. Now I'm just gonna go and rock in the corner. And of course, The funny thing about that is there are some people that we've come across in that industry that are still in that industry that are very much zombies then. These days there was another fantastic TV show.
Fantastic. Do you think do you think it's still could be referred to as fantastic these days?
I loved watching this show with snacks. Lots and lots and lots of snacks.
The 19, the October 2004 we had the debut of the biggest loser.
Cheasels popcorn. Cheeseburgers.
The weight loss reality show that focuses on overweight contestants who compete to lose the highest percentage of weight relative to their starting weight in order. To win a cash prize.
Sorry, I did talk over you a little bit. There we are talking about the biggest loser.
Stop. Yes.
I really hate my midsection.
I despise my thighs. I hate my upper torso, my gut man *****.
Chubby belly chest. My legs on.
The chin, belly. Breasts.
Normal double chin, stomach.
Dammit, chest waist.
These twelve people have one thing in common. They're fat.
I weigh 330 pounds 300.
175. Pounds.
I weigh 436 lbs teams.
Go ohh.
Stop this.
Trainer, Sir.
How life are changing?
How bad do you want it? I like to push people. Go, go, go. Very hard.
I have no interest in drilling them into the ground.
Ohh that's what I'm telling about two diets.
All cars must stop Sunday morning, beep.
The proper things that you can eat more of.
If you check. Don't lie.
One goals lose weight for face elimination.
It's time to cut the fat.
I could usually. Be the one who goes home tonight. I would like to think I won't be the one because I wanna stay. I I need to stay.
And now you.
Other God.
Was that nickelback that sounded very nickelback didn't actually ends.
No, I don't think so. I I so already I'm seeing some red flags that it has an age. Well, like these, all these people all have one thing in common there.
Their size.
Wow, I don't remember that.
And just people picking apart their bodies too, like the well, this is the American one.
I don't remember that that that.
So I don't know. Maybe we softened it when we got the Australian version.
Ohh, I doubt it, I doubt it.
I'm not sure. So season 112 contestants, divided into two teams. The red team in the blue team, the Red team, was trained by Gillian Michaels.
Yes, she is my favourite trainer.
The the blue team was trained by Bob Harper and like Bob I I I loved Gillian and.
They use the soft touch.
I don't know. I'm a little bit too him because I bought her workout DVD off the back of watching this show because I liked her style. I liked. I liked her shoutiness and I liked that she was. Very matter of fact.
She kick your ****.
It's clear she's very clear and he didn't like it.
Yep, Yep.
Go home.
So fine.
Yes, very direct.
But you know, you don't have to be there. And so I bought her her DVD range. Yeah, the cardio kickboxing and the the weights, the cardio weight thing. Yeah, it was great. They were great workouts and she'd yell at you. And you'd go? Sure.
Yeah, I'll take it.
Julian, I'm gonna try harder because you yelling at me.
Yes, you you screaming at me.
She made a good point. She's like we're doing the hollow man one day, which is an apex is very hard and. There is.
Everybody talks about wanting this six pack, but nobody wants.
To do the work.
You've got to do the work. And it's so true.
Got to do.
The work of course.
It is.
That's the truth. If you wanna 6 back, you've gotta do the work.
Yeah. Yes.
I'm sorry, but it's true.
Yeah, it's like which version of Apollo do you wanna be?
Yeah, exactly.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Exactly. The six pack of polo plays. So they follow a low calorie. The show says nutritionally balanced diet but.
No, that's BS.
We'll we'll hear a little bit more about the calories as we we we go thru.
There's no way.
This they, they alleges customised to the needs, carefully monitored caloric intake to promote safe weight loss while providing necessary nutrients.
Intense exercise programme combining cardio, strength interval workouts and where lots of people that fell. Off the back of the treadmill, many.
Ohh yeah yeah and this.
Stacks. Lots of bombs.
Lots of bombs. I liked it when that happens.
When the yeah, they just have a good old chunda when they exercise so hard that they chunda.
Remember when we used to do boot camp and and Brenda used to say do it till you.
Hi I have I have.
Exercised, I have exercised to the point where I have chundered. I have done that and it's it's very liberating, it's.
Puke. Do it till you puke and you know it's. A good workout.
It is.
It feels alright.
Yeah, you feel a bit lighter when you go a bit faster after you've just loaded it.
It's better out than in. Usually at that particular time here.
Exactly. Exactly. Pushing people to their limit several hours a day work.
Out now, several hours a day for somebody who's morbidly obese.
Yes, yes.
She's never, maybe. Worked out or hasn't worked out a lot in their life.
That's a lot.
That is a lot, and you're also restricting the calories at the same time.
That's a lot.
So they're probably eating half of what they used to eating.
Yeah, I'm just wondering what kind of cause you know how litigious Americans are? I've just wondering what kind of physical they would have had to have gone through before.
What waiver did they sign?
Well, yeah, big wavers before they even went into there. Yeah.
That's the cash prize was caught beak. So they probably saw it say everything away.
There was significant, yes.
Season 1 winner was Ryan Benson, who lost 122 lbs, which ended up being 37.25% of his body weight because it's based on your body weight to to make it to make it.
Hmm, that's a loss. That's a loss.
A bit fairer. And he's total. The total weight loss for for season 1, so all added up together, 1150 lbs was lost across the 12 contestants.
Yeah. That's a lot. Hmm.
But let's put our 2024 glasses on.
Alright, if we must.
Have a bit of a sink. Yeah, have a bit of a reflection.
It's not. This doesn't pass the 2024 test, does it? This show it doesn't.
Let's let's start. OK, let's start with some methods. The methodology so the extreme weight loss.
Yeah, it was very strange because how long were they in there for? 12 week.
Give me it. Must have been because I kicked one out each week, didn't.
Yeah, 12 contestants, 12 weeks.
So you've got people who are having probably a calorie dense diet and probably not exercising.
Yep, lots of sugar.
So you pull them in there.
Lots of carbohydrates.
You're cutting the calories and you're making them work out for.
Uh huh.
4-5 hours a day.
Do you reckon that school?
Well, they've, they've, they've gotta have something in the tank, but they're they're obviously encouraging them to go into their fat. They're like dromedaries. You know the going into their fat reserves for.
And you heard well, you heard in that you heard in the the intro they cut carbs cause this is when we're still doing carb.
This is Atkins diet territory, no carbs.
Yes, no carbohydrates, carb, free zone, yes.
Carbs are the devil. Carbs are evil, no carbs allowed.
I think we've changed that for you, haven't we? So trying to drop weight that quickly for people who aren't.
Used to that. Yeah, there was a lot of discussion around. Muscle loss. Because when you are doing it that quickly, you're not just losing fat, you're losing muscles, particularly if you've got this caloric restriction, it's you're slowing down your metabolism because you are shocking your body so quickly.
Yeah. Yep.
Things like eating disorders but also injury as well, because again, these are people that haven't been doing this sort of activity.
Yeah. You need protein. You need so much protein to repair and and regenerate whatever you've done to yourself the day before.
You also need rest days rest Michael.
Yes, yes, yes.
Well, I mean, that's supposed disaster to someone who's a habitual eater.
Every day's birthday. Several contestants from different seasons reported and. We saw this as well. Even with the Australian ones, they gained the weight back after the show because who's got time for that bit?
Well, yeah.
Who has got 4 hours a day to train?
Well, and well, not only that, it's if you don't take that person standing over you, screaming at you, telling you to stick to the plan and you're left to your own devices, chances are you gonna fall back into old habits.
Yes, you're gonna do it or.
But I look I can understand that too. I did the 12 week Michelle Bridges thing back in the day.
With Mish, yes it is.
Yeah. And I lost like an extraordinary amount of white and got down to. A wonderful 85 kilos and I was so thrilled and happy. But that happened in 12 weeks. It was a really quick period of time that I lost that weight and I held on to it for a while.
Like I I was. I was OK for a while and then I because I was going to the gym so much to maintain that I did myself and I kept injuring my.
Self. In various ways, every time I like, once I got onto that, that that cycle of one injury turned into two injuries turned into something that I needed to maintain until the I just kind of gave up on working out and eventually I ended up in a worse position than I was when I first start.
Hmm. Hmm.
But remember when we went? To the after party, after the 12 weeks of dieting, there was no food.
Ohh yes yeah, there was no food there and when the food deep came out, they were all the.
Was a few canopies. We're all like, cause we're all starving. Cause I did it with you.
Call the reformed all the reform fatties were like seagulls on.
We're all starving.
They didn't even get out of the backroom.
Every time.
They come through the doors and everyone.
Was like ohh this.
Yes, it's like the the people bringing out the canapes, the people bringing out the canapes need to be dressed in riot gear.
We're all hungry. We've been starving for 12 weeks.
So they wouldn't get torn to pieces.
Before you met her, which can.
Yes, that was weird.
What did she say?
When I met Michelle Bridges, I was like, hey, this program's really great, you know, it's changed my life.
What did she say?
And she looked at me. And then she went. I like your hair and your beard and then walked off. And I was like I was. Like, what the **** just happened?
Cause it wasn't.
She was on the biggest loser, Australia. She was the Australian one, so and then I did a weight loss thing, yes.
In yes. And then she went off. And did her twelve week body treat like she then went on and had this whole? Fitness empire off the back of that.
And you were so excited. She was doing the rounds and then I just. Yeah. And then that's what she said. And then she kept walking. Said you must have been told to say 2 nice things.
That's fine.
To everybody in the room.
Must have been like some rule, say 2:00. Nice. Things.
Hello I like your hair and you beat.
To everyone in the but the problem was it wasn't enough food, but. There was a lot of alcohol.
And they were all munted.
Ignore it, it didn't work out very well that night.
Everyone was munted. They did not have a very good constitution. A lot of those people.
Without the night, I woke up the next day with the cheeseburger and the bed.
That's right. We were so hungry.
Yes, cause we're so.
Outfit have shell bridges thing and ******, hungry and drunk. And we went back to the hotel and and we ordered room service and then we fell asleep.
Yes, got the burger. Well, let's sleep with my burger.
And then you rolled over several times. You had a beef Patty stuck. Hair and and and cheese and a square of cheese.
I did a David Hasselhoff.
Didn't know.
Over your left breast, it was.
Think I might have still eaten at the next day, cause I was still hungry.
No free slipped on it, so I was warm.
I was cause whenever we got show bags as well, we've got show bags and they had rice. Crackers in wood. Desperately eating the rice crackers on the walk home.
To try and line our stomachs.
The very strange as I do understand how these biggest loser people felt very strange.
Well, you can thank the Americans and their bloody show for all of it.
It's very odd, I stress competitive nature. Hmm. So Kai Hibbard was a contestant. I don't think she was in the first season, but she came. Not quite recently to talk about the show being not so great, I think, and I quote it was a fat shaming disaster that I'm embarrassed to participated in.
Traumatic, yeah.
She said that they did 4 hour long workouts. They were told to get up after collapsing. Their calories were actually less than 1000 per day as 1000 per day.
Wow, that is, that is really dangerous.
That is nothing that is nothing.
Very dangerous, yeah.
And then when you think about, well, what would they have been consuming pre? Thats like that is a really drastic.
Probably about four times.
Yeah, really.
Because Michelle bridges. Was making us do 1200 a day, and even that was not. That's not.
1200 so 1200.
A day, yeah.
That was not enough.
Yeah, it wasn't.
I was so hungry.
Yeah, I was hungry and angry all the time.
That's why I.
Fell asleep with the cheeseburger.
And you and what it actually has the opposite effect. Do you get obsessed because you're always like, I can't wait till the next meal?
And then you binge.
What's it gonna be, you know and?
And heaven forbid you instigate a cheap day because if you do instigated, they're gonna cheat so hard, yeah.
Saliva and she also said that the bulk of the food was actually provided by this show. Sponsors with little nutritional value, things like. I can't believe it's not butter. Spray craft fat free.
Then it's like I can just see people like getting. Off the treadmill. Like just spraying it in their mouth?
I'm kind of.
Ohh, can't believe it's not butter.
She's just like it, right?
Wow. Uncanny craft fat free cheese, Rockstar energy drinks.
Ohh that'll.
So they were on energy drinks and. Jello jello, she said.
Yeah, that that'll be good.
Her hair started falling out, her period stopped and she was sleeping 3 hours a night. By the end of the show, she was running on 400 calories. 400 calories and 8:00 to 9:00.
Hour workouts everyday.
Because obviously when they start, yeah.
If you're getting closer to the end, yeah.
So I need to like fast track it so because they need the shot they need the money shot for the big reveal at the end.
Now it's time. 400 calories. That's not that. That's a bowl of oatmeal.
That's one meal. That's a bowl of porridge. A day. Yeah. That's like a third world diet that's like living in poverty, basically.
But to then on top of that, be doing a 8 to 9 hour workout in 400 Cal.
Please, Ryan, who was the season 1 winner that we mentioned earlier?
He said that. After the show, he was so malnourished that he was urinating blood, which is a sign of kidney damage or kidney failure.
Wow. Yeah, that's not good.
Even in some cases.
You kind of need them to live.
He gained back all the weight and was disowned by the show because he gained all the weight back.
Ohh really this season 1 we know I couldn't celebrate him because. He's. Where are they now? Ohh no, we don't wanna go there.
In 2009, two contestants were hospitalised.
Geez, you know, that's bad too, cause in 2000, like with those two, they're hospitalised, you know, cause hospital food, is it? But it's probably better than what they were getting.
It'll be more.
Yeah, apologies to anyone who works in a kitchen in the hospital.
Yeah, you probably wanna be, yeah.
I'm sure your food's quite good and adequate and you know you're doing. You're doing wonderful things for sick people, so soul and you're amazing.
Hospital cooks that listen, actually, yes.
So thank you.
See you soon.
So we.
So we get to 2014 in June and Jillian Michaels, probably the most famous of the trainers, she quips.
And it's just.
For the third time, I think she'd sort of quite a few times, then come back. But she's officially quit because she was deeply concerned about the show's poor care of the contestants.
She didn't. She have, wasn't she obese as well?
And she had a yeah.
So when she was younger, yeah.
And I think she had an eating disorder. I think she revealed later in life. So. So for her, I think a lot of it was that lived experience as opposed to I don't know that she's she was officially a nutritionist or a. You at the certified trainer at the time, but then obviously became one throughout the show. But I saw an interview with her as well, and she was talking about. It's just talking about the psychological aspects as well. So often she would criticise people for not having wilpower, and she took about where why you here?
She was a massive heart. Ross on the show.
Do you wanna see your kids grow up? Where's your will power, you know?
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Come on, you need to do this. And a lot of people took offence to that, but then she was talking in this interview where she spoke about one of the contestant. And often during the show they go back for break because they usually film the show when it goes over a Christmas break and so they let them go home for. Christmas and they come back.
Ohh, that's a bad idea.
And more often than not, they come back having put on it cause they do the way when they come back.
Yeah, cause they're like, I've only been eating 400 calories a day. I'll have a whole Turkey.
My Christmas exactly.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So they weigh them when they come back and there was one guy that came back and he and I think it was one where there was father and son contestants and he, him and his father were doing really well.
Ohh Yep.
And then he came back after the break and he put on. All this weight. So she was grilling him. She's. Mike, what happened?
You had the eating plan.
He said IM grilling.
But he then told her that he got home with his father and his mother, who was also morbidly obese, seized both of them and they've turned their lives around and lost all this weight and they come home.
Any. Yeah.
And she is devastated because that was like their commonality.
Was that they were fat.
Spell. Well.
Also that she's like now. You guys have been through this? Are you gonna leave me because I'm not? I'm not the same as you.
Ohh really?
And then food was like their common bonds.
That's what they came together over food.
Yeah. And so then he felt really guilty while. He was at home. And so then he would he then just went back into his old habits and eating with his mum. And then I think that was kind of a turning point for her. And she's like ohh, there's this whole underlying psychology. Nicole. Sociological all of these other components that we don't even touch on and we're not qualified to touch on.
Like ohh this. Is a bit trickier than calories in calories out.
Have you seen? Have you seen the UFC fighter? Paddy Pimblett is like he's fights as a I think he's done like lightweight or featherweight or whatever and he gets quite jacked and and quite lean.
But when he's not training for a fight and he's not cutting weight, he actually. Blows right out. It's probably quite dangerous as well to have fluctuating weight like that, right?
But he. They asked him, like, you know, do you do you like being fit or do you prefer to be out here eating and having these blowouts? He's like ohh. Course not. I'd rather be fat and happy than fit and miserable. And he's sitting there eating like hamburgers.
For something.
That meat pies and all that stuff in the mean time, he's just like, you know. Yeah, like my body looks great when I'm when I'm cutting weight for a fight and I look Jack and like, you know it sound. It's like I look really good, but I'm incredibly unhappy, you know, and food does make.
Yeah, yeah.
You happy?
But it was also, I think, to the biggest loser put so much focus and energy on the number on the scales and how much you could lose to the point where there were.
Well, it's a competition. So you need this stat.
But there were people that were dangerously underweight.
Yeah, no. Yeah.
As a result. Whereas now I think we're we're rethinking the number on the scale where instead looking at, well, let's look at your ratio of fat to muscle.
Let's look at how your clothes fit and your body composition and where. The these bodies going to carry you through to old age so that you can do the activities of daily living without fair like the we're starting to reframe that thinking.
It's more practical.
Not. It's not the number on the scale, it's about the composition and what your body allows for you to do as opposed to.
Yeah, no.
Yeah, yeah, of course.
Much more practical. Like actually, it's like using the machine or the tool to perform the task as opposed to and like what do I need to?
But I've gotta be this particular number.
What shape do I need to be in to perform that task as Oppo?
To how am I gonna look like?
That's kind of reserved for influences and other thing is these days.
But even the how I'm going to look is different now because it's not about necessarily being super skinny. It's about having the muscle and the like. Even when you look at the body composition, quite often people are weighing more because of the muscle as opposed to being super skinny. So even the look has changed somewhat although. Think I think we might be heading back in that dangerous territory with Ozempic and a lot of stuff that's happening around that now so.
Yeah, like if you if they could measure the depth as to how far their eyes have sunken back into their skulls, that might be a good benchmark as opposed to standing on the scales. Zoe's saying yes.
Sorry, I didn't mean to put words in your mouth for anything for that matter, don't eat at all.
Say this this, but I just I do.
I do just think it's it's quite interesting because I feel like we have shifted from that and we are starting to focus on things like like longevity is a buzzword and probably a problematic word to use. But we are focusing on. How can we set ourselves up for later in life, and what are the things we need to be doing now?
No, I just think that's us.
Just safeguards.
I think that's us freaking out, cause we're gonna be. 50 soon, yeah.
Yeah, but I think I think the conversation has shifted to that more and it's about it's not about these goals where it's like I've gotta drop weight within this unrealistic time frame and this diet that's not sustainable. It's about what can I do that's sustainable?
What sort of activity can I fit into my life in the way that my life looks right now?
And what? Where do I wanna be 1020 thirty years from now? And how can I support that? So I think it's a healthier conversation, but then when you start looking. At all the celebrities that are starting to look the same from ozempic then I'm like ohh God, maybe we are gonna go. Back to this. Kind of weight on the scale sort of view.
Yes, Empik is a terrible thing.
Yeah, yeah.
But there was an interesting study done. It was published. It was in one of the Harvard journals, I think it was done by the journal called Obesity. And they actually followed contestants from the show. So legit biggest loser contestants during and after. Their appearance on the show, and they checked things like their metabolism and their leptin levels.
What's leptin said?
Leptin, a hormone to do with how you maintain your weight on a long term basis, um and what they found was that the drastic weight loss through the biggest loser.
So losing what was it 37.5% of your body weight in 12 weeks?
Fat. Hmm.
Closed your leptin levels to go down and it slows your metabolism so a slow metabolism is.
Not what you want.
Cause it's like ohh you're not giving me any food. I'm gonna have to hang on. To what's here?
Yeah, yeah, of course.
Exactly like feast or famine. Kind of situation.
That makes perfect sense.
So they're constantly hungry as a result.
And their metabolism slows. So then they they tracked these contestants over six years and the effect of the hormonal changes actually made them.
Just from that 12. Sing.
The effect? Yeah. The effect of the hormonal changes made them regain a lot of the weight, but the shocking part, according to this journal, was that they gained the weight back, but their leptin and metabolism levels never rebounded.
So when they were overweight, their metabolism was a lot faster and it slows when?
Yeah. Ohh.
They drop the weight. But they then put it back on and then they never recover.
See that freaks me out because I I basically did this as a 12 week programme that I paid for.
So they're actually in a worse situation.
I just didn't go on a stupid show. Hmm, so that's. Kind of what happened to me.
More potentially attentionally.
Great. And I'm I'm finding it out right now in real time as there are recording in front of all of our subscribers. Wonderful. Alright.
Yeah, cool.
But look, I don't think the 12 week body transformation was quite as drastic.
Now certainly wasn't what I was working out for about two hours a. Day though, like I was.
And I mean, yeah, the calories were low.
And it was 1200 Cals.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
The calories were low and no alcohol. No fun.
Ohh, I still drank.
You cheated.
You cheated on Michelle. That's why she only liked your hair and you beat and had nothing else to say.
What about my beer gut? How good's that?
Or is not the weakest link. This is a girl that is physically capable, that is strong, that doesn't have injuries.
That is athletic and yet everybody perceives her as the weakest link.
Why her behaviour? Do you know why they feel this way? Because you have the ability to work out like this, you have the ability to shut up and focus and do the work. But you don't 99% of the. Time. You don't. They feel this way because you feel this way and this is when you are projecting. You have to wake up.
That's what I really enjoyed about the show, like watching her tell people off because it reminded me of when you see like a parent at the shops and they've just had an absolute and gutful of their kid misbehaving and they they've got him down in the corner.
Hmm hmm.
And they're standing over them while the child is crying.
And they just, Adam, they're just going, Adam. Ohh, I'm sorry, it won't happen again.
I wouldn't want to be yelled at by Gillian, but I mean, she herself has had some controversies over the years and said a few problematic things. She upset the vegans.
The G what?
Well, she upped.
The vegans are very.
Well, that's not hard to do.
They're easily triggered.
She told the vegans that they need to. Eat meat.
Yes, yes, that's right.
They didn't like that.
Stop eating the food of my food and she.
She made some comment. About Liza as well, which was. A bit bit, yeah.
Really. Well, well, that I don't know.
Been upsetting up then.
Like Lizzo has it turned out to be not a very nice person anyway.
Ohh that's right yes.
Ohh 2004 was a big year for video games. Grand Theft Auto and this one.
Four years have passed since the mortal races banded together and stood united against the might of the Burning Legion. Though Azeroth was saved, the tenuous pact between the Horde and the Alliance has all but evaporated. The drums of War Thunder once again.
That's good.
Copy, isn't it?
The drums of War Thunder once again. We're talking about World of Warcraft.
I had mad Fomo with World of Warcraft because it was a MMO RPG.
Was. Basin.
Massive multiplayer online role playing game and it was on PC and it was all consuming and I think it's still is. It was wildly popular. I can remember. That I think a whole generation was lost to World of Warcraft.
My cousin was mad into it and he's like, super clever and he built like.
Fake Warcraft people.
Likes bots.
He got banned from it.
Yeah, cause he was mining.
I think he was mining.
I don't know what he was doing.
Expert well.
I don't understand, but he got banned because he was too. Smart for World of Warcraft and built like.
Well, yeah.
Well, crafty thing.
So the fake Warcraft he thinks, is interesting. The This this game just swept the world by storm and it was developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Huge cultural phenomena and it's set the standards for all that followed because it had this huge Openworld, massive storytelling, lots of social interaction and mercy. Gameplay so he could form guilds and you could go off and perform the quests as a team with your mates together, which is wonderful bringing people who wouldn't normally have friends because they're stuck behind their computers together to make friends online and do stuff still sounds nice.
While stuck behind your computer, it took a long time to complete as well didn't it was like hours and hours.
And then they'll be more content that would come as well. So players create characters from different races and classes, and then they align with factions like the Alliance or the Horde. The good guys are the bad guys set in this world as Ross. And it allows them to go around and do quests and fight monsters and interact with other players and build experience points, XP and loot, and all of that. Sort of stuff. And that's that's where the real currency of the game is. Like people I remember in I think it was China had there were whole factories of people that were on war craft mini. XP and loot and then and then they would sell the accounts to people for a premium.
That was their job. Ohh, so they'd get them to a certain stage and you just buy.
Yeah. So that they didn't have to do the grind cause that's the grind, right?
That's smart.
You have to work slowly to chip away at stuff and that's why it becomes very addictive and that's why World of Warcraft was so successful as well, because it is very addictive.
It's very smart.
It's cooperative, but it's competitive and at the end of the day, you wanna level things up so. You can complete certain tasks like if you are a level 12 dude and you go to try and fight a level 25 dude, you're probably gonna lose against the level 25 dude because you're not at the sadness.
What is it?
What? How do you fought?
Well, let's see. I don't know.
Do you have the solves?
I don't. I didn't have it. I didn't have it.
Do you?
I don't even understand.
I lost a lot of friends to it.
I've got no idea.
You know.
It was mediaeval.
It's. It's fantasy. So you know.
It's like laughing.
Orks, humans and elves, and all of that.
So they'd be swords, and they'd be those things that you soon around with this with you.
Sort of thing.
Yeah, it's swords and bows and arrows and menaces. Magic.
With this. Yeah.
Morning stars.
The thing with the spot?
Yeah, all of those things, all of those were actions. So easy.
Armour, whichever Shields, they'd be a shield.
So you do like will you do like dungeon raids and player versus player battles and allsorts? Of different things. There was a bit of variety, but it was very successful. First day in North America, 240,000 people log on within a year. Over a million people are logging on and then worldwide at peaks at 12 million in 2010. I think it's still going. I'm not sure.
Would you have been one of the first games where you are playing online in that kind of way?
In it.
I mean cause like Xbox is got this stuff that you can do online, but I just I feel like this is sort of next level kind of.
Halo and things like that, we just combat.
Connecting people around the world and joining together.
I think I think that you could, yes, I think you could do role playing games, but not in this, not with this kind of technology where you had the freedom to explore an open world like a Grand Theft Auto style world or anything like that.
So it was new in that and it was very it was game changing. It's the most subscribe. Game and still one of the most influential games in gaming history. But not without controversy. And as usual, the wows has come on. And it's funny.
Like we're talking about a current affair going after Don Burke, and that's all great, but then the current affair also go after video games, and this is a very young Ben Fordham investigating some child's addiction, apparently was destroying his family cause he was.
Addicted to World of Warcraft?
Pizza world of fantasy and fun.
But for 16 year old Cameron Sandler, this is more than a game. Going out, it's an addiction and an illness.
I'm addicted to the game, but I'm not fully addicted like I can quit whenever I want. That's really kicks ***, doesn't it?
It all started 18 months ago when Cameron discovered World of Warcraft this.
Ohh, now I'm going to kill. You all.
Never ending computer game is played by millions around the globe.
From America, Germany, China, all of Europe, England.
And you've got friends and all of these places, yeah. And that's what you refer to them as your friends, yeah.
Let's start with that Ben Fordham.
My friend's ****. Yeah, have any friends. Are you got Ben Fordham?
Hmm. Phone.
Probably heaps, yeah, but that that, you know it was. I mean, it was addictive. You wanted to.
There's nothing wrong with that, though.
It's everything's great in moderation if if his mum's concerned that he's spending too much time on.
Hmm. Games like maybe, just maybe, she's like, exactly like, just do some parenting.
This Marilyn nothing. Take it off him, Terrence.
Yeah, you know, hang out with him.
Get to know him.
Ask him how their day was. Perhaps get them to tell you a story for a change. Instead of preaching at them, you might actually have a conversation. They might feel interested, but at the moment World of Warcraft is far more appealing than being lectured to by her and Ben Fordham.
Rakoff Ben Fordham. I I don't know anything about it, so I. Went to read it. Hmm. See to understand and on.
Yes, good that you can find out.
Like the bread, it's.
Not bad for finding stuff out.
Read it's helpful. Read it.
Just just don't believe everything you read on them.
It's good for the opinion. It's good down to stand the opinions.
Opinions are fine.
Raise a CR O jumps on Reddit and raises euro.
Hmm. Hmm.
Started playing wow this year.
Ohh God.
Yeah. So 2024 has a crow.
Wow, indeed.
And dared to drop this comment on Reddit. I started playing World of Warcraft a few weeks ago and the more I play, the more I wonder why this. Game. So popular. So levelling is really boring, repetitive and generic, as mostly every other MMO.
During levelling, I rarely met another person. I'm like the only one playing the most popular MMORPG ever made.
That's quote unquote there too. Yeah, that's it. He's throwing it back in their faces, yeah.
Chase, when you finally reach Max level, you ditched campaign quest and start doing everything else. World quests. Events hunting rare and PC's dunge. Rare 6C.
Most of the time I found myself doing dragonflight rares and events solo. I felt lonely. Yeah, sorry to hear that.
Well, yeah.
Raise the crow achievement system is it's safe.
You're playing a game 20 years after the fact, mate. Like no one's there, the lobby's empty.
It's system is is not great. Many achievements cannot be achieved. I have approximately 80 to 100 hours in game time.
Icy to 100 hours to wonder why the game is so popular. Buddy.
So he puts that in there.
Ah, forget it with Visa.
And of course, that's the response.
You see.
Many years too late, man, you mentioned this game being like other games. It's actually other games are like this game.
Very true, very true.
You haven't even started the game and you think you finished it.
Ohh wow.
That's elitist.
Yeah, sure.
Many achievements cannot be achieved. This is not true. And then it went into like about 500 paragraphs of why it's not true.
Is like every every reply is by the comic book guy from the Simpson.
The way you are supposed to enjoy well is to join a guilt and do myths.
Quote unquote, yeah.
Plus dungeons, raid or maybe even PvP at end case.
You sound sexy, doesn't it, hmm?
Well, from what you said, it sounds like you either didn't participate in or didn't enjoy the major parts of endgame playing wow for the first time in 2024 will never give even 1% of the feeling of playing for the first time between 2005 to 2010. Back then, it was revolutionary in terms of scale and Polish. And I love this last comment 100 hours.
So you just started man?
100 hours. Ohh I I've played games that have taken 100 hours to play and I just I don't have time for that.
100 hours. Ohh my gosh.
I love gaming. I love it.
It's the.
The most.
Just wonderful thing to do when you want to empty your head out of everything else and justice focused on a single task. And not be concerned with what else is going on around you. It's such a great way to disconnect, but 100 hours when you're 48, these old work, a full time job and are a pair.
Donna was.
Rent is nigh on impossible, like only I would pay. And games are expensive these days and I just bought the new Call of Duty cost me 140 bucks cause I got the deluxe edition cause I wanted some nice skins and stuff which don't do anything is a complete race.
Skins over that, like hair DOS or something you paid 100 bucks.
So money outfits. Yeah, yeah. Cool. Anna moates. Just no, I paid. That's the whole game, but there was an.
You paid extra just to make your guy look cool.
Extra. Little bit extra. No, I gotta game pass thing. And it's like, I don't know, like you.
You are very vain gamer.
I'm not and it's really hard to explain to somebody who's in a Luddite.
Someone's got better, a better cargo print on his cargo pants.
And it's not even about that.
His camo is a bit nice, so he's got the the deluxe camo.
Don't have.
What do you get? I'm intrigued.
I don't actually.
You know what? I actually don't know. I don't know what. I paid for.
But do you know why?
Get a nice vest.
I don't know what I paid for.
Cause you keep on 100 hours.
It's time to play the game.
Well, that's it. That concludes another week of summer programming.
Rest assured, we will be back shortly.
Still another week go.
We got one to go, 1 to go.
So yeah, still lazy. But you know that it's good to reflect. It's good to reflect and maybe if you've never listened before, it's a good introduction to to the show, or maybe you're driving down the coast.
Ohh I agree.
Yes, of course.
Cool summer. Something to fill the time between Canberra and Bateman's Bay.
That's the it's actually perfect. You could probably get 2 episodes of the podcast in if that was the case where you poor things.
Ohh and you be good, but it is good to reflect. Hopefully we'll figure out what we where we went wrong at some stage and figure out how to improve it. I'm not sure if it's gonna happen in the next week, but rest assured one more week of summer programming and then we're into a whole new season of T -, 20 for 2025 or 2005.
So once again, thank you for all your patronage. Thank you for supporting us. We're still doing stuff on the socials even though. Who we are on a bit of a.
A break bit of a hiatus.
Well, it's not a hiatus because we're still doing stuff.
You know, it's not like who, who who? What were those, those bands that took a hiatus in the early 2000s? I can't even remember now.
Ohh insync, when Timberlake went away and then they're like, oh, we don't have a band anymore.
Ohh and sync yes. Not like that.
We still have a podcast coach today.
No, that we still have a podcast.
You haven't gone solo and my friend behind.
Our bet what would I do if I went solo?
I'd be rubbish by myself.
Be 10.
Enable anyway and we'd be rubbish without you as well. So come and see us on the socials Facebook, Instagram. Tick Tock, search for T-Mobile 20 podcast. We'll see you next week. One more week of summer programming and then we're back.
See you.
Thanks for taking the time to rewind. Join us next time for another week. Fit was 20 years ago. In the mean time, come and reminisce on the socials searched for tea -20 podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Tick Tock.