T minus 20
The year is 2005... Anakin turns to the dark side, YouTube makes its debut and we’re all couch-jumping for Maria, McDreamy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo…
T minus 20, rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with Joe and Mel.
T minus 20
Summer programming - Batman scales Buckingham, Saddam goes to court and more!
We've saved some of the biggest stories of 2004 for our last week of summer programming.
Protesters, dressed as Batman, scaled Buckingham Palace. Protesters, dressed as construction workers, broke into British Parliament. And Saddam Hussein, dressed as Saddam Hussein faced his first day in court following his capture.
We dissect the conspiracy theories around Eron's Ken Lay and his mysterious death, George W Bush covers Eamon's "F**k It (I don;t want you back)", Fat Joe leans back and we provide a long awaited update on Aussie reality music TV sensation Selwyn.
Plus our favourite film, Napoleon Dynamite, turns 20 and we put in a few calls and chat to people in his home town.
Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.
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The year is 2004. Your polyphonic ringtone habit is sending you broke. Yeah, George W Bush is sworn in for a second term, and in spite of everything going on, the most controversial thing is a wardrobe malfunction at the Superbowl. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Mel.
3 minus.
The rest is history.
You know what? I'm very forgetful 20.
Hello there stop trying to make fetch happen if I.
Here or we wait.
You walk, which is it harder.
Went Steph.
Than I thought it would be.
Fellow Americans.
Hello I hope you're having a great summer. If you're over in Australia, if you in America, you probably haven't a dismal winter or one of those other countries on the other side of the world, but I hope you're having a great whatever it is.
While we have a little break in indulging our summer programming on T -, 20, the podcast that normally rewinds to this week in history 20 years ago with your host Joe Mel. Hello Mel.
Hello. We are rewinding to the best bits of. 2004.
That's right. It's it's we're reflecting on the entire year and this is the last week of it before we crack on and get back into business.
So what's happening this way?
Yes. Ohh, probably the biggest. Song of 2004.
We unpack that lean back.
Ohh well, the biggest song in your mind.
Me back. Well, it's now my ringtone like it's my today ringtone and I never answer my phone.
You certainly love.
So I thought is, yeah it is.
When I've finally taken my phone off, silent after probably about 15 years, but I still don't answer it because I I like listening to lean back on on the ringtone. It's great.
I don't think anybody answers their phone anymore. You remember back in, in the, I don't know, the 80s in the early 90s when you're a kid in the home phone used to ring. Ohh wasn't that's a race your brothers and sisters to answer it.
Not exciting. Push him out of the way, tripping over so you could pick it up.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Yep, Yep.
Now it's like.
And then it would just be someone selling Encyclopaedia Britannica and.
Yeah, and now it's like don't answer the phone.
You right.
Everybody hide.
What else?
No. What else have we got? Ohh remember Batman?
Batman, Batman and Buckingham Palace the the protesting Batman who didn't pack his lunch too well.
Ohh that Batman. Yes, you wake. You wait till you see that.
Woo, we might have to put that.
Well, you won't see. 1.
We'll put the picture back up on the socials.
I think everyone needs to.
That's a good idea. I mean, we do describe it in.
Have to unseen that.
It's described in very graphic detail as well, so you you probably close your eyes and I'll take you there.
Yes. You. You painted beautiful picture through your description so.
Ohh ways as they said in radio school when we started out all it's.
That's pretty ****.
Theatre of the mind. Some rubbish like that anyway.
I nearly said a bad word. What else?
You did. Ohh what else have we got?
Our cell 1 cell one.
Yeah, we, we we tracked him down. We found out what.
That's right.
He was up to in 2004.
Was he pushing trolleys or was somebody knew pushing trolleys?
Hey, no, he. Was discovered after he was pushing towards. He was booming, remember?
That's right.
Booming Boomin and Vajay Jays.
Boom. And that was his song boom. And then.
Ohh what else have we got?
This year.
The Ken lay mysterious death. The Enron guide that was interesting.
Ohh yeah.
Big conspiracies abounded from that. I don't think that we started any of the most I think we're legally.
I think no, no.
Quite safe well.
Allegedly. And probably our favourite movie. Of all time. It's just one of those movies where if you've had a bad day, or maybe you haven't watched it for a a year or so, you put it on and it's just so comforting, so heartwarming.
So fun Napoleon Dynamite was released.
That was one of my favourite things that we did this year actually because we just got up.
Sort of the week of it. And we were talking about it then. We just decided to ring Napoleon Dynamite hometown Buster.
This random random people and they were all so lovely and accommodating and actually happy to speak with us.
And then I was like, that's pretty amazing what you can getaway with when you phone someone and cold call them and say, hey, we're in a podcast from Australia and we want to talk to you.
This is amazing.
You may have already won. It was incredible. Anyway, strap yourselves in as the ****** radio DJ you normally say and sit back and enjoy.
I've run the news for the week of the 12 to 18 September 2004, studying with 13th of September. Well, Batman breaches security at Buckingham Palace. Batman a Batman got in. Jason Hatch was our Batman. He he was a member of and probably still is, the activist group of Fathers for justice.
I'm Jason Hertz. I am the night.
They campaigned for father's rights, particularly in relation to family court decisions and child custody arrangements.
I am vengeance.
Ohh, I shouldn't probably my jokes about that. Yes, that it's very difficult. This is I mean. I understand why fathers they do in some circumstances get the raw end of the deal when it comes to welfare, sometimes good dad's end up getting a bad deal with this out of a divorce.
I think for anyone.
Yeah, not getting to see your kids would be horrible.
It's awkward. It's awkward and I think you know there's there's a big movement for men's mental health and all of that sort of stuff.
Absolutely horrible.
And and so this bloke Jason's found himself in a situation where his marriage hasn't kinda worked out. Probably hasn't seen his. Needs discovers this activist group called Fathers for Justice and they're like, hey, Jason, we've got a great idea for you.
And he's like.
I'm all is.
They're like you should put a Batman costume on and scale Buckingham Palace. That'll that'll help you cause. And he's like.
No worries.
Yes, he dresses up in a full Batman costume, complete with a Cape and mask. And he busts into Buckingham Palace. He scales the front gate and he makes his way up to a ledge above the building's main entrance.
Once he gets on that ledge, she unravels a sign he had a sign with him.
A big banner that read Super Dad's of Father's for. Justice obviously drawing attention to the group's cause.
He didn't only unveil a banner he unveiled a few other things as well. Let's just say that the costume that he was wearing.
He didn't position the at Andy's too well, it's yeah.
Yes, yes it looks. It's like it was like a cut lunch. It was like meat and one vegetables and then the other part of vegetables were just underneath the the the why front.
Was very visible, wasn't it? It's very visible and very unfortunate because he's on a a high up ledge and he's gotta use one hand to sort of keep himself on the ledge.
Yes, yes, yes.
The other hand holding the banner, so there's no room for readjustment.
It's not like you can sort of pick it out and sort it out.
That's just gotta say, it's just there.
You can't. You can't repack the cut lunch, so to speak, and it was.
Just there for all to say. No, no.
And you know, you've gotta also think about the fact that these are fathers for justice. So this is Batman in Dad fat where it's like, you know the.
In his dad's face, sitting on the couch in the Bat cave with the remote resting a beer on his belly.
Well, I think it over the fence and he. Caught up onto the ledge.
So he's pretty.
Dad's a very agile dad's job.
He's pretty nimble.
When push comes to shove, dad's have cat like reflexes and they are willing to put themselves at great risk high up.
It's very high up, very dangerous and I'm a bit suss on the timing actually because.
Yes. Yeah.
What are we? Probably 2 weeks post book week.
Uh huh.
Ohh you think? To put it on a.
Maybe he's just, maybe he's just borrowed the kids costume because it was a bit illl fitting.
Booklet talks to you?
Now that I. Think about it. It's very suspicious timing.
Yes, well, that would explain a few things. It let's just say, I mean you don't wanna have that kind of constriction. Down there, you need to you need a bit of air and yeah, and all of that sort of stuff you need to allow circulation and look as far as circulation goes, his circulation in that cut lunch was restricted for about 5 hours because that's how long he was on that ledge for and it during the time he's in the Batman costume.
No. Found out it's beyonc�.
And ohh look at that.
It's Batman up on Buckingham Palace.
Ohh it's.
Batman, Can you believe it? And he's up there and he's waving to the crowd and he's holding his banner, not Bruce Banner. Cause that's the Incredible Hulk we're talking about. Bruce Wayne, Batman. Yes. And despite being surrounded by all this heavy security, he stayed up there for that five hours. And then they brought out this crash mat for him.
All the inside with main complaint.
And then this security security around the on the balconies adjacent and they're like alright Batman like the the jig is up like you're supposed to fight crime, not commit crimes and yeah.
Casey got tired and self. We how many?
Yeah. Surrender, yes.
So he was coaxed down by the police and arrested, and he wasn't actually charged with. Any major crime, and I think the queen at the time was on holiday somewhere else.
She was yes, yes.
She wasn't in Buckingham Palace.
So the incident was pretty embarrassing, though for the security forces responsible for protecting Buckingham Palace.
Yes indeed.
Because middle aged Batman and his son's book week costume got in pretty easily, so it highlighted some pretty serious vulnerabilities in the arrangements. Raise security.
You know you fell.
It is meant to be one of the most secure buildings in the world.
It will exactly. It's where the queen leaves.
Yeah, they got all the. Guards out all the time.
With the horses that Bility busy getting their photos taken with people, obviously they can be quite rude, though some of those guys when you've got.
Maybe they'll distracted.
The fact that.
He got in and he could stay in there for that long. Raised a few questions about security.
Ohh. Since like when I look at the gadgets and he climbed up, he I wonder if he had that ascending gun like but he had to climb up and because I reckon he's like dad bod.
Ohh, I've loved that gun.
Of Batman. Maybe he went over the weight limit for the Ascension gun.
You're ready.
You know, it's just like, not not not being able to take.
This thing can't get you back down.
He's like one at a time, please.
Just gonna have to stay there.
They had to have a pretty big security review after that, although no major changes were publicly disclosed, it was widely believed that security was tightened as a result of the ink. And then obviously achieved the intended purpose because it did draw. I remember seeing it on the news here. It drew significant media attention for fathers for justice.
Well, it's not everyday that Batman is perched on the side of Buckingham Palace, even with, you know, half of these cod hanging.
And their forwards.
And international news headlines. And I think one of the other father's for justice was on the ground and he was dressed as Robin and he was having a chat.
He was rubbing, yes. Yes.
That's right.
You know all this projected to produce a blueprint that lays out so certain guidelines for family law in the 21st century. The government don't seem to want to look at that. So we will, we will do these high profile stunts and make people aware of what we're doing.
Yes, that was Robin there.
Those, Robin, I think Robin got arrested too.
Totally high profile stunts, Batman.
He did get arrested and he was the one that was doing all the talking to the press while he was up on the thing.
They the father's for job.
Yes, she was just quite.
This look, they don't muck around.
They've done this quite a few times.
No, you.
They've actually got a little show real together on YouTube that you can check out of all their stunts, but they've done a whole bunch of high profile things like the Batman costume has been trotted out on several occasions.
Yes, yes. Moving.
Is it same person wearing? What do they share it?
I don't know, and if it's a shared costume, my goodness.
Ohh and.
I mean you basically. Yes, you you wanna do the dishes after that?
If they they love a landmark, they've scaled the Tower Bridge and the London Eye as well.
Yes, yes indeed.
And it really became a bit of an iconic representation of early 2000s protest.
Ohh I. The test on a landmark yes.
And you think you? Think back to early 2000s and that was the thing to do. If you had a cause that you believed. In.
This climb up something jet on a gap.
Get up a landmark, hang a banner, paint some words, throw some things, keep you like yourself up their, handcuff yourself to it was really big early 2000s.
Yep. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
I don't think we've seen any recently.
Well, they like that when they used to climb up trees. You know the Greens are climb up trees, but it's kind of a more urban version of that.
Yeah, that was like that was very 70s.
80s, yeah.
Where they instead of living in a tree house, they just perched themselves on the side of an object like a. Yeah, I don't know roadside billboard or.
Like you.
Like Quinn, Stevo got up on the Billboard for SeaWorld. There to protest SeaWorld, for example.
Yes, yes.
There's been lots of stuff. I think the Opera House with no more thing.
Or perhaps you talk about that from 2003.
Yes, yes.
The Eiffel Tower, also in 2003, I think that was related to, I think that the G8 summit was was going to be there and it was about corporate power and inequality highlighting issues are.
Ohh yes.
And that green pace also protested against the war by scaling Big Ben. Yep. Uh. Statue of Liberty as well.
See, that's a high risk manoeuvre. Statue of Liberty back in 2004.
Of. We because it was close.
You'd be lucky to get yourself shot, hmm.
Yeah, it was closed down too. So I don't even know how they they got up there, but that was against the war as well.
Yep, Yep.
I think in 2004, yeah, mid 2000. And four was that one.
If if you were going to scale something to protest right now.
Sky something.
What would you do?
Just you. Know I have to.
Do. Have a cause? Or can I just choose something that I'd like to scale? Do I?
It's up to you. What? You want.
Do I need a course?
Ohh you could climb something just because if you like.
But yeah, I don't think I have. Any causes that? I feel that strongly about right now.
Yeah, maybe the big Marino.
Big Marina is styles and Big Marina. Why?
Scale the. Big Marino.
Cause you're offended by I mean this is, you know.
Dorset don't have to have a problem with it. Was just the first thing that popped into my hands, and it felt like, but it feels because it's so big and it it just feels like it would be a safe thing to climb.
Cause you can climb up on the. Inside of the Big Marino for free, yeah. Put yourself up on top of the Big Marino to protest.
Feels a bit. Well, the brawn, the big. Prawn in Ballina, various other could give it a lick of.
The big brown.
That would be a good thing if corner.
Paint cause it's a bit faded.
Yes, it wasn't as orange as it could be as sort of scale the big avocado.
Last time I saw.
No, the big avocado, big avocado, and then you can sit in where the seed came out that be like a big chair.
Yes, yes, you could protest.
That'd be a comfortable protest.
I right? You could protest hipsters with the big avocado, or or.
The price of smashed avocado on toast. There we go.
Perfect. I knew we'd get there eventually.
Cost of living. Cosy lives sit in the middle of the big avocado. And you can just relax. Yes, you wouldn't have to perch. No, and you could adjust your cod piece because you're just sitting there in the whole where the seed came out.
And if you. I you can take a six pack up there and get smashed, you could be smashed on.
Alright, there we go.
The big avocado would be perfect.
Done just.
Parliament is suspended in the UK after Pro Hunt campaigners. That's right. Pro Hunt campaigners broke into the House of Commons. This is fantastic. So there's people that obviously like the the pastime of hunting and.
That's very big over there.
It's very big.
Well, the Royals, the Royals, do.
Fox Hunt with the hounds.
It don't they?
Yes, yes, I think there's like an annual Fox hunt or something like that and they all get on their horses at Tally Ho.
Say Buckingham Palace would have. Been on board with.
And then off they go.
The dogs, they sounded like seals.
What are the dogs? The.
Then it didn't.
I watchdog pointed hair.
Ohh no, they haven't speeches.
Ohh yes, yes, yes yes.
Chasing foxes?
So they were going to the Labour government in the UK. We're going to pass the Hunting Act 2004, which aimed to ban the hunting of wild mammals, including foxes.
Ohh. Which I believe.
Chief or a pest with dogs? So you will no longer allowed to hunt with dogs.
I'll say you could still shoot them.
Bit of the dog seemed to this. Episode as well. No. Well, there's very contentious. So you could hunt foxes with dogs. So the dogs would run the fox down until the foxes are absolutely exhausted, and then they ride up with a horse.
It's a very gruelling thing.
It's a big chase. It's a it's it's a long process. It's not quick to hunt a faults, so they're saying that it's cruel because the foxes obviously clearly extremely stressed after being chased by a multitude of hounds and a bunch.
Yeah, she lies into that. Tides. Tides.
Landed Gentry on horseback. Going Kelly Ho get after his boy.
That sort of thing. Yes, they're not.
They don't like.
It's very contentious, particularly in rural areas where fox hunting was a traditional and culturally significant practise, very important to their culture, which is and it's you gotta be careful here because it is probably the culture of white middle aged males.
Ohh culturally significant this ohh.
Let's face it. And that never goes well for anyone, especially the white, middle aged males.
What's the so?
They tend to get kind of cat on from a great height anyway.
So what was? What happened? What was his purchased all?
Well, there's 8 blokes.
About this.
These 8 blokes are like this is both. I mean, sorry, they're listen Booth. And we would like to hunt our foxes with our dogs anytime we wish. So 8 men enter the palace of W.
Minster disguised as construction workers.
Ohh, so suspicious timing. Six weeks after Book Week phone the builders.
Well, at least they're all this construction workers. I mean, if there was one that was an Indian and one of the policemen and one dressed in leather, they would have thought was a village people.
It's like.
They dress up in builders outfits, including hard hats and fluro jackets isn't thing.
That's gone name only, all in.
If you in full theme right and if you plan, I'm telling ya Neath exactly.
If you've got hyvee on, you can go anywhere. Hyvee is like a backstage pass these. Days, isn't it?
Completely. There's two things if you've got a hyvee on and you have a very expensive video camera on your shoulder, you can get into any.
Yes, yes.
As well as someone who's worked in video production, if you've got a video camera on your shoulder, you can Mosey into anything without a lot of questions being asked, which is really weird. A Bunny.
And I love you can just buy Hive, visit Kmart too. It's not like you need to prove that you are in that line of work.
Person perfect, right back off.
You just go. Buy it at Kmart for 10 bucks and you're in.
I'm in construction.
You're in the House of Commons.
And there's an actual trading there going that's stolen. Fallout.
Let's see what?
You're not in construction at all.
Look at your hands. There's no calluses at all.
So they wanted to blend in.
Get off it. High visibility, yes.
They wanted to blend in with the legitimate workers who were carrying out renovations on the building at the time, and there was actually a reunion where they all got back together and they talked about this.
And there was some work going on in the House of Parliament at the time, and we were disguised as as builders and architects and surveyors.
And but it was as well as sticking up for our beliefs because at the end of the day, if it's not hunting, it's gonna be shooting.
I'm by myself.
It's going to be racing, it's going to be eventing. It's going to be horse using horses to ride. Or have you know the? The the the the hard end animal rights activists. I don't think they'll stop at anything so. And you know the the, the, the standing up for what we believe then we we just we're with first nail I suppose but there's a lot more. Nails, probably to cover. Did you get?
Any inside help? I didn't have any inside help. No, no, no, no. Walked in very casually. In fact, I didn't think we'd get in, so I I sort of hadn't told my wife. I haven't told anybody I was working for an hour at the time.
Who? Who said it's all very well, Robert, if you want to break in and do these demonstrations, I support you. But keep your phone on. I need to talk. To you and. But we when we when we did. Sketched out one of the thing. I remember very clearly is Luke. He we went to the entrance, into the, into the Chamber of say like that, but Luke was going so fast that he couldn't stop. So he carried on round and he came in through the front entrance and and it was just like John Cleese arriving. It's all arms and legs and then and then the thing that probably shocked him as much as I was that there is no one in there, their debating something that we all consider very important and there were no MPs in there.
Hilarious. So they went. They went in, they went through this elaborate scheme and then after.
Nobody cared.
Because obviously to pass that motion about that hunting good didn't even show up to. Vote for it.
And I like that they've they've done the construction outfits. I've done the hives and.
The hard hats, but they've still allocated roles within there.
Yes, yes, yes.
There was a surveyor. There was a builder.
They gave him back story.
There was a like each of them had their own.
What's my?
What's my motivation for this scene?
They had their own specialisation.
Yes, yes.
That's a lot of efforts.
And they still kind of cocked it up. But like what you hear, the guy he was like so convinced that they were gonna get caught. And he's like, Ohh, didn't tell my wife. She's like, well, it's probably for the best, mate, but you know, they all went out there to get their point across.
The group was known as the Westminster.
That's what they'll call the Westminster.
That's sounds very Ave said.
Yeah. Yes. They go, they go in there, it does.
Actually it's sounds sounds.
It does sound very easy. The Westminster 8. Yes, much more nefarious than what it actually was.
A little bit worse.
Than yeah, in Harvey.
It's just a bunch of guys who wanted to hunt foxes that decided to disguise his construction workers and break into parliament. They made their way into the public gallery and from there down into the Chamber of the House of Commons while the debate was taking place. But there was ****** all people there because no one was really interested in it. Once inside the Chamber, they disrupted the proceedings by shouting and attempting to address the Mp's.
Cause Illinois.
We won the hunt, fox.
And do construction cause we're surveyors?
Let's see that you could drop character now, cause you're at the actual protest.
Yeah, you're in. You're in kiss.
Yeah, carved out.
Tell us what you want. So they were apprehended by House of Common Security and police officers quickly escorted out of the chamber and arrested. Yes, they were actually part of what was called the Countryside Alliance, as well as other pro hunting groups who were.
We have the Countryside Alliance or we are here. To do construction.
Proposed to the.
Act we are pro hunting.
And they believed the ban was an attack on their way of life and their rural traditions.
This ban is attack on our way of life in rural traditions.
It was. A. One of the most significant security breaches that feel like I'm there.
Holder holder.
This is why I'm just trying to do dramatic reenactment. I know, right?
It's just amazing.
Uncanny. This is one of the most significant security breaches in the history of the British Parliament after one of the most significant ones at. Buckingham Palace two days earlier.
Thanks for that.
This is.
Didn't think I'm Batman.
Did they just take all the security over to Buckingham? Allison and no one was over in Parliament that day like it's going on.
Ohh really devastating.
Jesus Christ. What awake? 1st we got Batman. Then we got freaking Bob the Builder. It's.
So they also had to have a bit of an investigation as well.
So there were. Yeah, I don't know if it was the. Same investigation but. Everybody was concerned about the adequacy of the parliamentary security.
And with and, both of them were the sort of, you know, middle aged white males.
And they definitely drew attention to their cause, but.
The Act still passed, so they didn't prevent it from passing.
It was passed by Parliament later that year, came into force February 2005, effectively banning fox hunting with hounds in England and Wales.
You know it's. We've got a hound who? Loves. Sniffing out and chasing after foxes.
Found myself anything.
It's it's ridiculous. It's kind of what? What? She's predisposed to do, but you know it is an old school thing to be doing.
It's very archaic now.
Reminds me Mary Poppins. Remember, they went on the remember they went on the fox hunting man.
Hunting foxes.
Ohh yes.
Yes, I think so.
All things are you still. I grew up thinking it was fine because it didn't. Mary Poppins and was like a cartoon.
Ohh if course that's right.
It was a bit of fun.
What's wrong with that?
And I think that would have been their argument. Look, it's in Mary Poppins and move.
Bloody hunt foxes.
You really like that?
Anytime we bloody well wants supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
Sure, since.
Starting with the 30th of June 2004 and we've got former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein appearing in court for the very first time since he was captured by US. Forces in December 2003, these preliminary hearings were held in Baghdad, and it was a significant moment in Iraq's post Saddam era. The proceedings were part of their effort to bring him and his top aides to justice for crimes committed during his regime.
I like how you said former Iraqi president now when he took the stand, they were like Ohh, who are you?
Hmm, state your name and business.
And he's like. And he's like, I'm the president of Iraq and they're like, listen, buddy, you could probably guess again. He say his hands were cuffed when he walked into the courtroom, but they took the. Michael's off him and it was only 30 minutes. The the place that he was out was called Kemp Victory. Just to rub his nose in it a little bit more, which was one of his former palaces too. Now it's called camp victory.
Ohh wow.
So get that up here and and it was on the outskirts of Baghdad. So it was a 30 minute hearing. Like I said, he looked a bit thin and downcast. I'm not sure if he had started or he was on a hunger strike, but he does.
Ohh yeah did.
There's it all becomes.
Have I think that was a little bit later?
Quite dramatic and he he plays up to it.
He's he's he's into the theatre of the whole thing. Saddam, while this is happening, he looks a bit better than what he looked like when they actually pulled him out of the foxhole or whatever it was.
Hmm, there was some kind of hull, yeah.
Was that a foxhole? Is that what it? Where? Where the fox? That hole anyway, that's the so. So he was very, um, combative. During these proceedings there was a lot of to and fro with the judge and it was a fairly intense half hour.
Earlier this aft. Hussein was brought in an armoured bust to a very small court. Room on the grounds of a former palace which is now an American military headquarters. A very small group of witnesses, Iraqis and Americans, including three reporters. I was. One of them. Had waited only a few minutes when Saddam Hussein walked through the door.
By now.
He looked quite distracted as he sat down in front of the Iraqi judge.
He wore a suit but no tie. As you can see, his handcuffs had been removed. The judge asked for his name.
The latest move?
They have like. Emma.
Have I am Saddam Hussein, the President of Iraq and your mother's name? Hussein made his first challenge. You, Sir, are supposed to introduce yourself to me throughout the entire half hour appearance.
Ohh turnout.
Hussain lectured the judge on the subject of Iraqi law.
Hey, how do?
He could see the four television cameras he was talking to the judge, but his words would be heard by all of Iraq. Saddam Hussein had had his first day. Court.
So he asked the judge, the judge, brother's name? City.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Ohh my gosh if.
Who's your mum mate?
Yeah, he was.
It was very theatrical. He put on quite the performance and he continues to put on a performance throughout the whole course of this trial and subsequent trial.
To me.
Didn't he make some statement around it being all theatre designed by Bush?
Yes, that's right. To win the election.
He called.
Yes, that's right.
Yeah, yeah.
He called out Bush throughout it. So in terms of the charges that he that were presented, war crimes and crimes against humanity, so he faced several charges, including the gassing of Kurds in 80. 8 the invasion of Kuwait in 1990 and the suppression of uprising by Kurds and Shiites in 91. He was also charged with massacres and torture, the massacre of 148 Shiites in the town of Dujail in 82, among other atrocities. And his defence?
He, like he said, he was quite defiant and he actually questioned the legitimacy. Of the court. And like you said, asserting. That he was still, in fact, the president.
Yeah. And and that it was the will of the people that he was the president he and like you heard in the news report he was well aware of the camera's being there. And definitely I think put on a show for the cameras. He refused to sign a legal document confirming that he'd been informed of the charges against him, even though. Who? It was all in front of the cameras and they were reading the charges that he's like. No, I haven't that that. They didn't say anything about that and he said, how could Saddam be tried over Q8 when Kuwait said it would reduce Iraq women to prostitutes? He continued, referring to himself in the third person. Which is, you know, that's a bad sign.
Like, that's a red flag. Girls, if you're, if you. If you've met someone on Tinder and they talk about themselves in the third.
Then it's like this, Saddam. Ohh the Chad. You know, it's just not a good thing he defended Iraq's honour and revived its historical rights over those Kuwaiti dogs.
That's what he called them and the the the judge was like, let's just keep it all civil here, said he. He rejected all there authority. He rejected interim governments. He said that they were products of the US occupation and he didn't want them to talk about the US occupation because he found that insulting and it's like, mate, you're your brought in in handcuffs but like, what are you talking about?
He was informed of his right to legal representation as well, but he didn't immediately appoint a lawyer. I think he did fury. The down the track, though the conclusion of the hearing 2 guards approached him to lead him away. Take it easy, he told them. I'm an old man.
Yeah, he was really bugging it on like, and I mean.
Yeah, it just.
It was kind of pathetic, really, and I think I think a lot of people revelled in seeing him in that situation. He was quite thin, like he didn't look very.
MMM hmm.
You'll see. Um, you know. But he was. Wearing a suit and stuff without a tie. So you know, it was like my spend casual Friday in court, but yeah, it was. It was a good thing to see the man get his day in court. He certainly deserved to be brought to justice and it was all starting to happen. So I don't know anybody that was disappointed to say, I mean, you'll probably see some Vox pops on the Internet for like he would have had some support as I'm sure.
But a lot of them would have. Been under rocks. Probably. What's that anyway? Or rubble July 7, when we talked about Enron way back.
God, when was that? It was like over a year ago. Okay I'm sure.
I think some drama went down, but the actual scandal was in 2001, the accounting scandal, largest bankruptcy ever.
Besides a long time ago, yeah.
At that point in time, has probably been more since, but.
Well, on July 7, the former Enron chairman Kenneth Lay is indicted for his role in the company's accounting scandal that unravelled in 2001, which was the largest bankruptcy ever at the time. And just a very quick summary of that scandal, in 40 words or less, the Enron scandal involved the American Energy company Enron. I feel like we've wasted a word or two by saying Enron so many times anyway engaged.
That's exactly 40 words.
Well, there you go, engaging in widespread accounting fraud to hide its financial losses, the company's executives manipulated financial statements leading to its bankruptcy in 2001 and the dissolution of Arthur Anderson, its auditing firm right on July 7.
Thank you for clarifying.
Kenneth Lay, the former chairman, is indicted, included charges of conspiracy, security fraud, wire fraud, bank. Fraud, making false statements, which is also fraud. He was accused of misleading investors, also fraudulent and employees about Enron's financial health, yes.
He pleaded not guilty and maintained his innocence, claiming it. But I didn't know anything about this.
I don't know. It's talking about.
Not aware of these fraudulent activities. What are you talking about? The indictment was a significant moment in the aftermath of the scandal, representing accountability for corporate misconduct.
They. CEO of the company accepts responsibility for Enron's collapse. As I've said before. However, that does not mean I knew everything that happened at Enron. I have instructed my legal team. That I want to speedy trial and I hope it will begin and by early September this year.
The speedy trial.
Please booking it in.
Ohh yeah, we.
Can we please have it by September cause I've got plans in October?
It wasn't.
Can you hurry up?
I just love it too. He's like the CEOI accept responsibility. But I didn't know what was going on.
I don't know. I don't know anything about that.
I don't know.
What's going on?
Ohh I don't do the math.
Just cause I'm see. Yeah. What are you expecting to know?
Alright, I don't care about the money.
Everything. Just because I'm at the head of the organisation that's responsible for all of that energy and all of that sort of stuff, you expect me and I think I'm busy, that stuff to do.
I'm a busy guy.
Very busy.
I've got sewing to do.
Let's Co.
What do you?
To take care of.
What do you mean? That includes knowing what's going on in the company owner charge off.
Don't be ridiculous. He died in 2006, actually.
She's just weird. Gets interesting. So he's on vacation in he's got a house in Aspen.
Colorado still got his holiday.
It's not doing bad for someone who's.
House. Still got some cash.
Yeah, she still got time for a holiday in a.
Been but July 2006 is 3 months before his scheduled sentencing.
That's how long it took. Remember, he said he wanted it to happen in September 2000.
Gemma Collins and busy.
Six, yeah.
I'm busy in October. So the preliminary autopsy reported that he died of a heart attack caused by coronary artery disease, and he's death resulted in a vacated judgement.
So obviously he's not.
They didn't.
He's not sentencing.
They didn't sentence him.
They've just that was it then.
He was on vacation and so was his judgement.
Conspiracy theories regarding his death surfaced, however. Ohh. That he's death was faith.
Maybe there was an autopsy.
Well, potentially really.
Yes, they they, they're. Look, I'll admit the the conspiracies theories are. A little farfetched, but I do. Love a conspiracy theory?
Ohh yeah of. Course I'm happy to be indulged in.
The conspiracy theory.
Yes, with with one person saying. I think Ken. Lay pulled the two park on all of us.
He pulled the two. I love that. That's a thing. You pulled the two parking fade to death.
OK, there was also an autopsy of him as well.
Shocked to Tupac? In. He's he's enjoying his retirement in the hills of Sweden or on a beach somewhere, said a posting on the site live journal.
Yes, I didn't know about live journal, but that's somewhere on the Internet where you can just go and write journal entries for everyone to read, and then they can comment on them.
Ohh God, that sounds horrible.
Desiring dead diri, right?
Yeah. No. Well, it's basically, I mean, people do that crap on Facebook as well.
It's great.
It's pretty much. Isn't it? Yes.
Yeah, exactly.
So helping though fuel the theories was the fact that he was cremated. So there's nobody.
Ohh, so we'll never know.
There's nobody we didn't see pictures of the autopsy. We just got the autopsy reports.
Termite cremations are fairly normal thing. To do, though were.
1. No, the other. The other part. Of the theory I loved this part of. This is where it gets a little bit hectic.
Yeah, you. ****.
It was apparently a little bit too convenient that former Secretary of State Colin Powell was treated for altitude sickness at the same Aspen Hospital where Lee was pronounced dead the day before.
Ohh why was that?
Conspiracy theorists think that he was in the resort town. Two, bring lay passports and other ID and hatch his escape plan.
Ohh really?
Kung pal helped him finds instead.
Why would you?
Why would you have someone as high profile as Colin Powell? Go in there.
I know, but I just love this.
Why would you have the?
Why would you have the Secretary of State smoke like you could have anyone.
You could have a nondescript person that people have never seen before in their entire life. Why would you have someone as high profile?
No, because you to.
Because people like you would go. Why would he do it? That's just too crazy.
Of course, they'd never do that.
See, that's why he didn't reverse psychology.
There was also gotta be legit because there was also a website selling T-shirts emblazoned with his photo and the words Ken lay lives for 1499.
Yeah, yeah.
Was Colin Powell hiding a TV up?
He's asleep. ****.
I that's the most ridiculous conspiracy theory.
I just love that Colin Powell was dragged into it.
So yeah.
But imagine if it's true. Imagine if they come across him somewhere.
Will it?
It's not strange.
We don't know. We don't know for sure.
We never will.
Colin's take in the secret to his grave, as has Ken. Maybe they're both sitting somewhere on an island.
I read or heard something. There's there's research that's been done and in uncertain times. We love a conspiracy theory. So conspiracy theories are actually really popular at the moment.
Like I read something.
Where something like I can't remember what the percentages were, but you know, like something like 60 or 70% of people believe in at least 2, if not 3 conspiracy theories at the moment because when the world goes to poop, conspiracy theories offer us some certainty. Well, so people love him.
But what happens when they that's proven to be true?
And like.
Remember UFOs? In Area 51 and all of that stuff and how that was like, ridiculous and preposterous and just the conspiracy theory and now.
Ohh yeah.
People are saying it's real, so.
Well, they've admitted it have like they the official, they have said.
And said yeah, yeah, we we we.
Ohh yeah, it's true. But you know, we're so stressed.
Were trying to cover it up.
We're all so stressed with everything that's going on in the world that we just don't have the bandwidth for aliens and we've all just gone. Okay, whatever, let it happen.
And even.
Ohh sure, but what else?
Yeah, whatever. I haven't done anything.
What else have? You got for us.
I haven't done anything thus far, you know.
I know. I just love that we moved on from that so quickly all these years of conspiracy theories and the like. Ohh you guys were actually right and now we're like, yeah.
There's, like Ken Lion, Colin Powell and a couple of aliens giving each other probes on some island in Majorca.
Thy lins.
Or. Something. Moving. Over to the world of technology now and a huge acquisition for Google which gave them eyes on the entire planet.
Googs yes, as if they couldn't see all already through our search histories.
Uh huh.
27th of October they acquire Keyhole, which is a company that specialises in satellite imagery and 3D mapping techno. Energy, their flagship product, was a product called Earth Viewer.
I remember earth fewer.
Where's fella?
I remember it.
You'd have to be only the broadband, not the.
I don't think.
Dial up for Earth viewer.
Anyone, anyone really had the the computer with the right specs to run it correctly?
To run and Stella 9.
But I do remember a few.
You could view satellite imagery in 3D maps of Earth, and you could then zoom in on any. That was the exciting.
And what's the first thing you're going? And I thought.
What? What are you gonna zoom in on on the planet?
Yeah, your house.
We have your house.
Every time, every time I wanna see your house.
We wanna say you wanna see if it comes up well on 3D images.
Yes, from the air.
We see what the aliens could.
Yes, yes, I when I look at our house from Google it, I could see our son's trampoline in the backyard and, you know, really. Yeah.
Say. They're zoom.
Can see the BBQ too, sort of.
So is it also? It's like real time. Is it Google Earth?
No, it's not real time. That's that's like a snapshot.
There's. Straight.
It's like Street View because Street View of our house was before we had.
Yeah, the yes.
It's any shrubbery out the front straight these very olds.
Yeah. So the front the front yard is the front yard is is not as established. The cordylines are still there.
I love that we both know what we look. Like on Street View.
It is.
It's like when you get a new pen and you have to write like you write your own name. When you get a new pen, you jump on Google Earth or Street View.
That's right.
You look yourself up.
And we and we take it for granted now, because back then it was so hard. Like not hard, as in a difficult task.
It was just it took forever.
It took him an ever to view anything on Google Earth when it first came out. So they acquire this thing called Keyhole, and that underscores their whole effort to widen their search capabilities beyond web pages. Now you can go and have a look at the planet and any destination on that planet, which is a big deal.
Ohh hmm. Hmm.
$35 million they paid for Keyhole in 2004. Extremely strategic. And gives them the opportunity to integrate keyholes, cutting edge satellite imagery and 3D mapping technology, which becomes the backbone of what Google Earth is today.
That shows these beautiful 3D renders of Earth basically from satellite imagery.
And then I mean.
That's informed things like I don't necessarily know if it was Google Earth, but like Microsoft let's simulator. And although those sort like games like that where they've used that imagery to.
Kind of, um, create maps that you can fly. Planes around in the comfort of your own lounge room, which is completely delightful. And it's funny, because 20 years after the fact, I've gone onto Microsoft Flight Simulator and what's the first thing I've done flown to my house?
It also ultimately led to Google Maps and. Google Street View.
I also landed A747 on top of Bunnings. Melbourne.
In goulburn.
Yes, you want to save the big Marina was there.
Why did you go to Goulburn? You will land on the big Marina on it.
Yeah, little little flight.
That would have been a difficult landing.
Instead, it was, but I yeah it was.
The Big Marino. Be so were you aiming for the big Marina? B ended up on Bunnings.
Yeah, I have a shot.
Or did you just go? That's a big flat roof. I'm going to land there.
Overshot the Marino and just blamed it on the roof of Bunnings.
Hmm ohh, it could be worse. Everyone's I. Yeah, I love Google Maps. I love Google Street View. Remember the man and I just whenever you say Google Street View all I think of is the man at the Grand Canyon. Remember the man at the Grand Canyon?
He was on Google, was a Google Street View, was Google Street View cause, but I don't know why the Google Street View car was at the Grand Canyon. That doesn't feel like some of the Google Street View. Without that, it was there.
It's probably a straight left or driven right hmm.
Must been straight Grand Canyon and there's a man. And he's wearing cargo pants. But that the zippy off he cargo pants, these are the Grand Canyon and he's a bit hot and he's zipping his cargo pants and he's turning them into shorts. And that moment of him turning his pants into shorts was captured by the Street View car and his forever.
You go and look at the Grand Canyon and as a man turning his pants into shorts.
Yes, Scroll down the picture I posted the picture for your viewing pleasure.
Is that enough?
That's still there. Did you wow?
Scroll right down.
Ohh, look at that.
There he is, unzipping his strides.
Even that incredible turning them into care.
That's that's.
They're short, but where else would you turn your pants into cargo shorts besides the Grand Canyon?
That's just perfect.
We'll live.
That's very practical.
It is practical, he thought ahead.
Need a pair of pants like that.
He thought ahead for his Grand Canyon trip because it is cold there in the morning, but it can get hot during the day.
Yes, it gets I I need pants like that cause it does get yes and yes.
This is not amazing. Isn't that amazing?
Ohh love that.
So Google Earth has already performed a massive public service because it's inspired me to get some of those pairs. That I can zip the legs off.
You could style steel thanks to Google Earth.
And I I think I'm at the age where that is actually quite fashionable. I think as you fast approaching 50 pants and shorts in one with with removable legs.
Pants and shorts in one. Takes up less wardrobe space.
Yeah, just practical. And that's all we want in life.
Yeah. Yes.
When we get to our age.
Video was a significant. And expanding Google's geographic information capabilities, ice, spine and everybody and revolutionising the way that people interact with maps and geospatial data, put the Gregory's away. Forget MapQuest, get on your goodness.
Start revolutionising the way that people interact with. Pants.
And now it's time for personal development with $0.50.
Why does the man sleep with the woman if they just wanna be friends?
Because it's good.
And this like you know, before you buy cars, sometimes you want to test drive.
I don't fancy just pull up a pants, do the Rockaway. Lean back, lean, lean back. Come on, I said. My don't dance. Please pull up pants and do the Rockaway. Nelly, lean back. Lean, lean back.
Come on.
Ohh love.
Just that's got Fat Joe in it, right?
That song. Sorry, it's a group called the terrorist squads, which is a hip hop collective.
We've seen hip hop collectives before.
Ohh right, yeah.
It's a bunch of hip hop artists. Not necessarily being in a fish group, but they just sort of coming together as a project.
Like like West Side Connection or something.
Who's West side connection?
That's like ice cube and some other things, yeah.
Ah, OK yeah. And who was the other one? There was one with like EVE and. Like was it Rough Riders? I didn't, but they they do that sort of thing, yeah.
Yeah, I think it was rough Fridays. I'm sure that's a brand of condoms, but any? Um, not that I mean Rough Riders.
A good name. That's a good that's a good name for that. That ohh, actually no, it sounds like I'm feeling.
It doesn't sound very comfortable.
It's got UTI written all over it. If I'm being honest, but we're not here to.
We're not, we're not.
Talk about that. No, we're talking about terrorist groups, yes.
We're not. That terror squad. You pop collective. Who and feed you right quite right, features Fat Joe. Remy Ma is the female vocalist rapper on on this track as well. It was produced by Scott Storch. And it's characterised very much by the distinctive Middle Eastern inspired strings and bays.
Or I can hear that I can hear the Middle Eastern St there was a Middle Eastern in spite.
Very, very pleased.
Isn't that interesting in that this war in the Middle East there's all these things happening, but we're getting a lot of these Middle Eastern sounds creeping into things like hip hop and rap and and dense regular baby boy beyonc�.
Ohh yes.
Holly the Lance baby boy.
Yes, Holly Valance, this this.
Yeah, and now leave back. Ohh holly Valance. Yeah, Turkish. Turkish. Yeah, she was in the kebabs and P days.
Ohh yes.
U But this is interesting.
In this time, that is very true. You make a good point.
Maybe, and I don't know if there's any kind of connection with it. I just thought I'd throw it in there for somebody.
That's nice.
So when you're listening to the podcast, you pick yours up. Go ohh and then probably not give it another thought.
That's interesting.
That's interesting.
Yes, yes.
You think that's interesting for like 10 seconds and? Then you forget about it.
And maybe in conversation he could be like, well, did you know that there was kind of a lot of Middle Eastern sounds that started to creep into like some of our modern popular culture post September 11, you know, around 2004, with songs like Baby Boy Lean Back and Kiss kiss by Holly Valance, and people go. Ah, anyway, let's talk about something else.
How about those Raiders? I don't know.
**** yes, a few Fat Joe is overlooked as far as early 2000s music goes a. Joe for a second.
But it's pretty hard to overlook a fat guy.
I feel that.
What's love was the song he did with Ashanti. Cause he referred to her as ashante.
What's that?
What jah?
Had to do. Got to do that one, yes.
Yes. And that's pretty much all that people think of Fat Joe as, but he featured.
Sorry everybody. What do you mean to do that? Yeah.
On so many songs. And he did little bits, and then he did this. This song lean back, iconic.
Yeah, iconic.
I think that Joe, I think it is, I think it is and I think.
That's a big call. You. That that song is iPhone.
This is the reason for many millennials having back problems right now.
For leaning back, she's that really.
From the DFS, leaning back, lean back too far and you slip in someone's vodka cruiser. Ouch.
Ohh then you do something to your coxics.
I think that Joe needs more recognition is all I'm saying, yes.
Really. Why? What for?
Ohh, I just think that everyone thinks Fat Joe is just what's love, but Fat Joe is leaned back. Fat Joe is so much more.
Which which is in Europe. Union right.
Iconic, iconic it has a dance.
OK, it's not.
I'm sorry, but any song that has a dance is iconic unless it's the chicken dance.
It's like honey OKOK.
But that's still iconic cause you.
Do it at the wedding.
Well, if if by definition, yes nut Bush, chicken dance, Macarena bus stop, lean back.
Not. Macarena. Exactly.
Okay sure gotcha.
Iconic. Iconic. Fat Joe has recounted in many interviews at the Beat instantly caught his attention because it was different from the typical hip hop production of the time, and I think to we're seeing a lot of dirty, Dirty South hip hop at this stage.
Yeah, yeah.
So nearly ludicrous passed that kind of sound.
Out, yeah.
So the Middle Eastern sound of this was very different and he said as soon as he heard it, he knew it had the potential to be.
That was more pop, wasn't it? Really, you know.
A hit.
Right. Well, he was correct cause it it's it's a hit.
It's in the charts.
And it has a dance, Remy. Ohh was very very significant for Remy Ma's career and she was widely praised and helped establish her as a prominent female rapper certified platinum over 1,000,000 copies sold in the US and the dance move, so it's good.
Laying back was yes. What is the dance? What is the dance? It's. This is what it's making it a so iconic like I should know what is the dance?
I wanna know what that is.
Well, The funny thing about the dance is it was kind of, it was kind of ironic because it was just like. Laying back and avoid dancing to energetically so he just he goes something something to. Do the rock away. Lean back, lean and all he does is just sort of move his shoulders like it's a very it's a very low key. Lean back, lean back because it's like, don't go too crazy, just lean back.
Are you are you actually? Are you seated?
Now you're not seated. You're standing up and you lean back so you.
Not seated. Well, it's a good thing to do.
Just lean back.
You know the in the chair. Remember in school, if you lean back in your chair.
You'd fall off it.
Swinging chair and be like ohh you could you could break your neck doing that.
Will depend on what chair depending on the whether you had the chairs that had the the legs where the front legs joined the back legs, remember those ones they.
Like a sled based, yeah.
Were like sleds. So if you leaned back on the sled chair, you were screwed. But if you leaned back.
Slide up me.
On the chair with the four legs, you're alright for.
You're right, I reasonably safe, reasonably safe.
Still about a right angle. Once you've got to the right angle, you're gone.
Ohh yeah.
But no lean back. It's like really low hey.
Okay so just very slight, just a very slight movement.
So you move.
On shoulder back, lean back, lean back, lean back.
So it was ironic that was like, don't go crazy, just lean back. But then it becomes his big hit. And this big dance on the dance floor.
But that's not it.
Everyone was leaning back.
Seems everyone is just like like ohh everyone goes from busting moves on dance floors and you know.
The dance cries. You put that on at a wedding where there's millennia. Most.
So you go from doing like the sprinkler or the running man, or like the lawn mower, the shopping trolley, or whatever background in it, and then just to lean back or it's.
Lean back. Lean back.
Whatever. Back.
Just like you. Just slightly dippin stuff.
Lean back.
Do the Rockaway? Yes.
You know what, right? That's actually a dance move that I can get on board with.
It's kind of a bit like you're stretching. Stretching.
What's that?
What's that?
Muscle across your back that you need to.
And I don't know if it's like just slightly, you know.
Stretch out before you go to bed.
Yeah, I like it.
Yeah, well, stop.
Pulling a muscle when you changing lanes, you limber it all up by leaning back.
I know you wouldn't be able to do it since if I'm like if I moved to suddenly with my head or my shoulders these days my the nerves in my neck pinch.
That's what I mean.
So yeah, so just kind of mean back.
You limbering them up by doing the lean back.
Almost like physio.
Ohh yeah, that's sorted it out.
Lean back into me. Physiotherapy.
Yeah, that's good.
Lean back. Yeah, I'm feeling it.
That song.
I like it.
Good song.
I'm doing it.
The song almost ended up getting Fat Joe knocked out by Roy Jones, so there's a there's a distract Jeru member Jarul.
How could I ever forget the herpes of music?
Famine spoken about?
Jeffrey Evans speaking about him for. A while, haven't we?
Ja Rule.
Ja Rule.
I thought we'd almost get through all of 2004 without mentioning Jar rule, but here he is.
No, no. There.
Well, there's a just like herpes coming back.
Distract. Come and ride there.
Coming right back and stinging.
Yep, just when you think you've done, just when you think you've done.
You stinging you when you do away girls come back in 2004 there was a diss track that he did. Against $0.50.
Uh huh.
Um in Fat Joe was on it. So, so Fat Joe's not friends with $0.50.
Is this?
Alright, I'll just take everything back about said about him.
Take it.
It's okay.
Take it back.
Thank you. Better, yeah.
Um, so there's a diss track and Fat Joe's on it, and Fat Joe says something. I don't know. Something to the effect of I'm bringing the. Me back. Even Roy Jones was forced to lean back.
The boxer said he's talking about Roy Jones junior, the boxer.
And when he lost, did he get knocked out or something?
So he's leaned back in, getting knocked out.
And then that's not a good that's. That's a bad move on Fat Joe's behalf, and he told the story on YouTube on Vlad TV.
Roy Jones came the knockout fat joke had his getaway plan and everything he got.
Okay that's.
It's. I'm ****** was gone in half a minute, man.
You know, hit you in the balls, OK?
I had to tell him. Please don't knock me out, man. The boy, do you know that?
That's the story.
Yeah, that's the story. The story is I was telling them yall, it's just hip hop and he persisted and persisted. I said your word. Look, you gonna knock me out? No question. You gonna knock me out? You see them 150 guys over there, they're not going to be cool with that, and nobody's gonna fight you. And he looks to the side. He sees 115 years. He looks at me. He goes. So it was just hip hop, I said. Even at that, it's like you're right.
I'm that's.
It's just hip hop though. Like you know what I mean? Like.
So he funny, but he's kind of.
Threatened him with his entourage. He's like, yeah, you're gonna knock me out. That's OK, but then all of these dudes that are around me are gonna mess you up. They're not gonna fight you. They're gonna tear you to pieces.
Wow, don't with Fat Joe.
In Australia, anyone is still #1.
What upset? Tell me at presents. Now. Might as well. Go up now go up his busy. You, you, you OK? I don't want you back. What I said. Don't now.
Once again, I know we spoke about Condoleezza Rice doing that last week. George Bush should have done it at the. What I said it don't mean **** now.
When he asked him what happened in November.
He's Tony Blair. We invited him out. Call your questions. They don't mean Jack.
**** you, you hoe.
We're still in Iraq.
Um, we have some exciting news. It's been a while between Selwyns been wondering what?
Ohh really?
Like, not the snowfields, not the the cell.
The snow fields.
When the early 2000s, what was he? What does he? He was a pop stars show winner.
Stars 2 Pop stars 2 #2 pop stars.
Yeah, Selwyn.
So I think it's time for her.
Ohh so weird status update.
Update, update, update.
Ohh that's good. That's really good because we spoke a.
Thanks. Thanks.
That him, the last year or the year before.
Ohh, it's an oldest merged into one.
I can't even remember speaking.
I think it was no because we were like, whatever happened to Selwyn and we we we we did.
About him, to be honest with you.
Ohh yeah did. Determine what happened to it.
We did. And would you like me to? Do a recap.
Just a little one, yeah.
Ohh, do a recap for those that didn't listen to.
Yeah, sure.
That episode.
We've got time.
So he's on pop stars. #2 is a contestant. He didn't make it through to the final group line up, and then he went back home to Perth. And then he was pushing follies in Perth at the shopping centre and he was singing while he was pushing the trolleys in Audi.
He was at Charlie Pusher.
It's the. Heard him singing while he was pushing trolleys and. Today I I'll produce an album for you. That's good. Singing trolley guy and he went sure.
And then a couple of years ago, Selwyn tried to relaunch himself with a song like in 2019. And then end Dizzy 2770 wrote on a YouTube comment that he loves Selwyn since 2002, when he was in year 7.
He was a fan. Hmm.
What? It was his first year in high school and his balls. Drops there were all caught up. Now remember the guy who's balls dropped to selwyns.
Thank you.
Yes, I think that's important for important context.
Yep, I I'm across it now. My memory has been jogged, right?
So that was that was. Part of the sewing update. So we're all. We're all up speed now, so this week, 20 years ago, he releases his album.
So what's he done now?
One way for his second album, and it had a one way sign in the background, like an Australian one.
One right. Ohh, because clever art direction.
It always feels funny.
Such but it's.
Just feels funny. I I think we're not. I'm not used to seeing Australian artists album covers, and when you start seeing Australian signs in the background, it just feels jarring. I don't know why.
Does it really?
I don't know why it was just like a one way sign. I was like, well, I don't know.
Didn't do much for you.
I don't know, it just didn't like it.
He found it jarring.
It wasn't very easy on the eyes.
Don't know. Hi. I just did it, looked out of place.
What's for?
It's very directional.
It is very yes, it's clear.
You know, one way there's no other way except for this way, according to Selwyn, right?
It's very it's very clear. It's everyone.
So was released in Australia, the USA and South Africa, and it had one successful Aria Top 20 single, this one Boomin.
Like you've been born.
I will go and get.
Only hit the floor a real soon soon.
Everybody, do you wanna join? Sweet. She likes when the thing love.
Hey man.
Go away, woman. Boom.
Boom Tumblr naked.
Make your booty boom boom. I'm gonna hit the floor real soon soon.
Well, that doesn't make you balls drop. I don't know what does it also.
Make your booty boom boom. I'm gonna run the red light camera soon. Soon.
It also spawned an unsuccessful single called Satisfaction L.
Ohh but is that even a word?
Satisfaction, baby.
Two do not feel.
So stop me.
And you love me things.
So yes, satisfaction to buildings, but some Boomin was successful and potentially successful because it was promoted through the clothing store J.
There you go, selling, just making up words. All right.
Sorry guys, I like to call them for Joes.
So they just be running on that on the in House.
For think that's funny.
The I miss you buddy.
Gonna go to Vijay Jays and get.
It is. It is.
A get a. T shirt to get a knock off fan shirt.
It is because the people who work there. Are a bunch of.
Now, are they not?
I'm just kidding.
Say that.
I'm just kidding.
They're staff are lovely.
That's a term of endearment in Australia.
They help you find an they help me find. A yellow sweatshirt once. So don't say that. Um, are you would get a physical copy of Boomin. So is CD single not the full album?
If he spent $40 at Vijay Jay's and for $40 at Vijay's, you could get a lot.
Is there price points around, you know, 10 bucks as you can get four shirts and a Selwyn single.
Yeah. Like 4. Yeah, that is pretty.
That's that's a good shopping trip.
Boomin sounds like an activity that would be performed by people of the generation before ours.
Are you ohh the four hours?
Ohh, so that's like whales airing.
So when boomers get on Facebook and whinge, that's booming.
Booming. Yeah, they're. Yeah. You know when when they're like, when when they don't understand like Internet abbreviations and they think like, you know, LOL means lots of love instead of laugh out loud.
What's all this? Ritz. Yeah. Of. Yeah.
And then somebody says, hey, you know, rest in peace Grandad and they're like and they just post LOL that's booming. Yeah.
The best grooming. Thank you. So when thank you, that's. Great for the wake of the 19th of August 2004, Boomin was the most added track to the playlists of Australian radio stations.
Ohh, they would have been bribed.
Let's discuss. I knew you were gonna say that.
Ohh what a man bribed.
But who gives a **** about it?
They would have been bribed.
I reckon there are some good prime idea what's going on there.
Yeah, I go into.
Selwyn would have been trotted around to all the boardrooms of the radio stations here, Selwyn.
Cocaine. Cocaine for the metro market and alcohol for the regional.
The yes, yes.
Yeah, absolutely.
And I'm sure that was all very satisfactory.
I cultural phenomena was unleashed upon cinema on the 11th of June.
Growth only one boyfriends who have great skills, you know, like nun, Chuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills.
Our school.
Worst day of my life. What do you think?
What kind of bike do you have?
He says.
Sledgehammer ever take it off any sweet jumps?
I know.
What are you driving? A lot.
Girl, what's your Liger?
My favourite animal as like a lion and a tiger mix.
That everything that desire.
But why are you so sweaty?
I've been practising some dance moves.
You do.
Is Trisha here?
Set my five way.
That's when I ride.
So great. Ohh I where do I even begin?
Let's start with the first time we saw this movie, we were staying with big listener of the podcasts on our first ever episode, Ray.
Yes, I'm very good friend.
We always stay at Ray's house with Ryan Mill, and Ray says I've got this movie you have to watch this movie with me.
Right. Staying at his house this.
It is the greatest movie of all time and you know when someone says that you go in your mind.
Ohh here we go. Sure, it's gonna be the greatest mom. And that made us these delicious nachos. And they'd set up a couple of stable tables in front of us. So we're sitting there eating, eating our TV dinners, watching Napoleon Dynamite and Ray had already seen it, probably 10 or 20 times.
It's like TV dinners. Yeah. Hmm.
Yes, and I.
So the problem with watching it with Ray was he would start laughing about two minutes before the joke.
Before The funny thing happened. Yes. And the opening set. We raise beer, came out his nose and he nearly choked on his nachos. And when you were in for something wonderful and it. Is such a.
And he was right. It was amazing and I I'm sorry I doubted you may cause it.
Each time I've.
It's one of my all time favourites, he does.
Don't doubt Amy. He knows what he's talking about. This this is a comedy film directed by Jared Hess and and written by Jared and his wife Jerusha.
And it's just so great. It's follows the story of Napoleon Dynamite, who's an awkward high school student living in rural Idaho with his older brother Kip, and their grandmother. And the llama named Tina.
He likes tots, he likes lagers. He has mad skills. Hebrew friends knew student Pedro and helped him run for class president against the ever popular summer weekly.
And everyone would know the vote for Pedro shirts.
It premiered at Sundance Film Festival on the 17th of January in 2004, was released in theatres on June 11, this time 20 years ago. Very low budget, only $400,000, which sounds like a lot, but really is chicken feed.
Chill for many, yeah.
Get it? Chicken feed the whole chicken saying.
Ohh, that then John's Howard's.
It did. They have giant talons. Yeah. And and it was very it had that indie feel. I love the way it was shot. It was. It had a lot of 1980s and 90s Americana. The muted colours. Very symmetrical compositions the shots.
Ohh it's the. Countryside and just the locations and the shots are all very beautiful.
Lots of static wide angle shots showing awkwardness in all of those idiosyncrasies of the characters and their environment. And it's not afraid to have these uncomfortable or lingering pauses that you can. Kind of. You know, you get to a point where it's like it's either funny or it's it's weird, and either way, it's great. And and I think that's the best thing about it and it is one of those films that you either get or you don't or you love or you hate.
You're not really.
And if you don't like it, that's OK, but it's for me and I think for you too, Mel, it's one of those movies that we have seen so many times and it's if I'm having a bad day, I'm putting Napoleon dynamite on to make me feel better and it instantly makes me feel better.
It's just it's one of those movies that it's like.
But it.
All of the characters are wonderful and they are all wonderful for each other and two each other, and the outcome is fantastic. And the thing about Napoleon, I think it and why he's such a wonderful character and a wonderful role model is he's just himself. He's uncompromisingly himself, and he doesn't he like. He gets bullied and all of those things, but he doesn't.
About what anyone thinks of him.
Yeah. And the use of the real locations and the minimal set designs also added to that authenticity. And isn't it the hometown of Jared's? Didn't he grow?
Yeah, Preston.
He grew, he grew up.
Preston in Idaho, yeah.
There and I think when he went to film, he was talking to the locals, many of whom he knew and you know, can I film in this location. Can I use this House? Hmm. And a lot of the locals were extras in the movie and they all got credited in the credits as well. They're all listed in the credits. And it was just it was just a really beautiful thing for the town as well. And I think you know, there were some people in town that didn't like it and felt maybe it was an unfair representation. But I think on the whole, they really embraced it and to the point where they celebrate it.
Well, it put Preston on the map and I think that's just a wonderful thing. And I think Jared Hess and his wife, Jerusha, will writing a love letter to their hometown when they made this movie, it's just.
Ohh it's so good. I mean just the the quotes, the quotes in the movie are just so great.
Well, it looks like you don't have a.
So why don't you get out there and feed Tina?
Why don't you go eat * ****? Wrote a piece of crap.
What did he say, Tina?
Is it night or something?
The first time it was out with the second time was ham.
Ohh that's right, because I'd run out of food.
Tina you. Fat, lard. Come get some ham. Yeah, Tina, the llama.
And Tina, I think was owned by his mother. That was his mother's love.
Ohh, it's Jared hisses.
Yeah, I think so.
Mother's llama. Yeah. Amazing.
Like spared no expense.
And Napoleon. What you do last summer? Again, I told you I spent it with my uncle in Alaska. Hunting Wolverines. Did you suit any?
Yes, like 50 of them. They kept trying to attack my cousins. What the heck would you do in a situation? Like that.
What kind of gun did you use? Guy.
It freaking 12 gauge.
What do you think?
Exactly like it's a stupid question. Like it's like that. And you know what? You can bite Napoleon all he wants. He doesn't care.
He'll just.
He'll just give it to you straight, I love. And I also love like he, there is a very obvious love interest in the film, but the relationship is so.
Innocent and understated. And it just kind of evolves overtime and and and Napoleon, I mean he he doesn't really have much game but the game that he does have his game enough.
I see you're drinking 1%. Is that cause you think you're fat? Because you're not, you could be drinking whole if you wanted to.
Ohh, Sarah Mason.
Yeah, yeah.
You see, you could drink.
I I'm with Nepal. Mel, you could drink a whole whole fat milk, no problems at all. If you wanted to, you're very welcome and his relationship with keep is also great too.
Ohh, thank you, that's really sweet.
Keep and the Fonda, you know it keeps cause you know there's the whole thing with his his bro.
And keep he's he's he's.
You staying home all day, talking to babes on the Internet?
Yeah, he's online. He's online and he's got this relationship online and you're thinking that that's not gonna materialise.
You're thinking it's a catfish. Yeah, or a scammer.
La Fonda and it's not, which is so beautiful.
Ohh no. Spoiler alert, but hey, you know, you should have seen it by now.
See, women need all the freaking chips, Kip.
The point? Don't be jealous that I've been chatting online with babes all day.
Besides, we both know I'm training to become a cage fighter.
Since when, kid, you're the worst reflexes of all time. What?
Try having a Napoleon, I said. Come down here and see what happens if you try and help me.
Little love keep I love the whole thing.
Can you bring me my chapstick?
No Napoleon, but my lips hurt real bad. Just passing from the school nurse.
While some.
I know she has like 5. Sticks in her drawer.
I'm not going to use hers, you sicko.
See her.
No idiot.
Ohh Napoleon, he takes it so harshly, but it's just wonderful and and the the, the the highlight of the film is the iconic dance scene at the end where the Pedro is running for school presidents.
So Pedro's a new kid at school and he's just walking the corridor and he goes up to the teacher.
Ohh, this a new kid and he just takes Pedro under his wing, but they have this kind of interesting friendship where they just sort of sit together and talk but don't talk and don't really quite interact.
In parallel, perhaps? Yeah.
Yay. Yay.
And then and then he realises that Pedro and and. Pedro, so confident. I love that about Pedro and when he wanted to invite someone to the dance. So I think I'll just beat a builder.
Yes, fill their cakes.
A cake and he asked. Her and she says no, but he doesn't care.
Just moves on.
Pedro doesn't give a ****.
Yeah, either from the phone.
He's just so confident they he decides what I'm going to run for President and Napoleon's like, you know what? I'm going to support you biggest cheerleader.
Hey, well, you and you work out. You work out. Why Pedro doesn't give it when you see the rest of his family because they're all like *********** and stuff.
I it's this.
And the whole that that was my favourite part about the film is when he's running for president.
And it's like these, the kids getting bullied and Napoleon's giving them the key chains. That is it, Deb.
Yes, there's yeah.
The Debs making and and he goes.
Is it boondoggle?
Yeah, the the little boondoggles. Yeah. And he's like Pedro offers you. His protection and gives him the boondoggles. And then the kids are going to get bullied and the guys rock up in the Lowrider and they look at the bully and they just shake their head and all of a sudden nobody's getting bullied. And that's pretty much how Pedro gets voted for, except for the fact when they're doing the, the and this is the best scene in the film, obviously.
And the most iconic scene in the film when the. They are doing the pitch to the rest of the school to to get them to vote for them as the school president and summer Wheatley is one of the people that's running and she's running against Pedro and they're like and now she'll do a skit with the Happy Hands Club and they do their little skit to the Backstreet Boys and Pedro. And and Napoleon are backstage getting ready for Pedro reach. And they're like, what skit are you gonna do when they like? There's a skit and they're like ohh ****.
Like, there's no skit. And so, Pedro, does this speech and he's just like, you know, if you vote for me or your wildest dreams will come true. And then he walks off thinking. Ohh well on beat, but Napoleon has been practising dance moves for the for the duration of the film. He's in his room practising dance moves and stuff and he gives a tape to the audio visual guy and the auditorium and he's like doing the skit for Pedro Sanchez and he basically comes out and dances to Canned Heat by Jamiroquai and it's amazing. And he gets a standing ovation. And it just helps win the crowd and win the school and Pedro gets voted and everything ends happily every after. I'm sorry that I spoiled the movie.
For you but.
Really, even if you haven't seen it and you need to go and see it because it is. Just it's a story about, you know, friendship and people caring about each other. And not really giving a **** about what anyone else thinks about them. And that's the beauty of Napoleon Dynamite. And the other thing that's really beautiful about this is we've managed to speak to some people from Preston, Ohio in the lead up to the anniversary, the 20th anniversary of Napoleon Dynamite, and we've got on the line, Barry. From the bowling alley, Pumpin pin poppin pins. Barry, you're the owner of one of the most iconic venues in that film, The Pop and Pins Bowling Alley in Preston in Idaho.
Yes, that's right.
So how did you come to own that venue? Have you been? Have you been running the place for Long, Barry?
No, we we purchased it about six years ago. We had been in the restaurant business for quite some time.
We do Hawaiian food and we decided we wanted to kind of expand and.
Ohh, you have the time. The bowling alley was up for sale, and so we went and looked at it and purchased it and we were we were looking at it more as a restaurant than as a bowling alley, but.
Right. And what you were you aware of the history of the venue at the time when you were going? To purchase it.
Ohh yeah. Ohh yeah it was the because we we live probably about 1/2 an hour away on the on the Utah side, just across the border in Utah.
Right, Yep.
And so when we when we bought it, we decided to leave it. As retro and as old as old school as we could, so we didn't touch anything. I mean the bowling alley. Is. Just as it. Looked in the movie 20 years ago.
Do you have any artefacts? Or keepsakes, or any mementos from the movie in the bowling alley.
We have a number of original photographs that were taken during the during.
Filming um and so there's quite a few with Rico and kits, and there's a few there.
When when Napoleon came over just to hang out and watch the. Filming.
Yeah, well.
The director and and and the writer of the film, Jared and Jerusalem. Jerusha. Excuse me, Heath, they they have a place up here in Idaho. And so they bring their kids in frequently into bowl still. And so they've, they've signed our wall with a a marker and we have a picture of. Them. And we still have the original. A bowling ball that Uncle Rico used.
Ohh, amazing.
The blue one. Yeah, we don't know which pink. We have a number of pink balls still that most likely one of them was used by kit but. We just don't know.
For sure. Which one was so?
It is a real chance if you went there and had a bowl, you could be touching the ball but was bowled by kit.
Right. Right.
Yeah. Yeah. And you say it is a traditional bowling alley in that it still does have all the retro fittings.
And I think that's the most beautiful thing about that venue. Is it? It's it's a throwback. To those old school bowling alleys. And it just it looks so wonderful and it I know when we watch it on the film, it just comes up on camera so great. But you are moving more towards the restaurant. So what's the ratio? Do you get a lot of people that come there to bowl or is it more about just the experience these days?
You know, we we still have a lot of local leagues. Boeing leagues that come in Mondays, Thursdays, Saturdays we do.
I still have people coming. From all over the world, my big thing is I collect licence plates and so when they come in and bowl, I usually give them a bowling pin or something and and just say hey, if you get a chance send me a licence plate from your country.
So I collected him from India and Denmark and all over the world people are nice enough to send me a licence plate to hang on the wall.
My we'll have to track 1 down for you.
They've kind of fun, yeah.
So you get one from Australia as well.
Yeah, you bet. And it and I don't know if it's OK to. Throw out if. If you go to popping pens dot. Com.
A lot of those original photographs that I talked that I mentioned that we have on the wall are on the website as well.
Absolutely. We'll share a link to them so that people can go and check them out. That'll be wonderful. And we'll throw them across our social media as well.
So were you living nearby? Just across the border when the film was was being made and when it was released 20 years ago.
No, we were actually living in Hawaii at the time. My wife grew up in Hawaii and so we were there and then when we came back to Utah, we moved back to Utah.
Hmm. Wow. Ohh.
You know, it is still a huge craze so.
Yeah. Yep. Do you get lots of tourists? Still coming to the town?
We do, we do and. It's. You know, it's those people that grew up during probably 20 years ago or in high school that are down bringing their kids, you know, saying this is my favourite film and and it's kind of fun to watch him get out there and. To see the parents were excited than the kids.
Yeah, absolutely.
You know.
What's funny?
We watched the we've got a 10 year old son now and we watched the movie with him for the first time just last night and I think we were more excited about the film that he was as well.
So I totally get it.
I have to ask you on on the menu then for for some of these big events coming up, will you be adding tator tots?
Oh Oh yeah. They so the restaurant that's in the bowling alley now, I don't run that restaurant anymore. I just have another restaurant running. They have tater tots everyday and and people that people are that are from Utah or Idaho.
Ohh fry sauce is a must if you have tater tots or French fries and every every, every like what is fry sauce and it's mayonnaise and ketchup mixed together.
Fry sauce, right?
Where are.
So it's orange now speaking, yeah.
Alex's delicious. That sounds really good. Now obviously with your with you be doing or being from Hawaii there I'm I'm assuming it's all Hawaiian BBQ with you guys, right?
Yes. What? What we did was Hawaiian bar. Q And the restaurant that's in there now they. Do smoked BBQ so more of the.
Mid Western yeah BBQ.
Yeah. Yeah. So I'm I'm really interested in Hawaiian BBQ. I think like and obviously you've got another restaurant, so you're welcome to give that a plug, but I'm assuming there's there's a lot of pork involved with that.
Yeah, a lot of you do the kalua pork spam spam.
Boosie, which is kind of like a, we call it a poor man's sushi.
So it's a slightly spam rice and and seaweed and.
And we do the it's it's.
I like Hawaiian cuisine because it's a mix of Korean, Japanese, just everything. It's every it's a melting pot of cuisine, you know.
Yeah, it's absolutely delicious. I've I've Elaine. I've done it probably a very feeble attempt of it over here.
One Christmas for my family where I did a a pulled pork with a a special Hawaiian rub that my my brother in law brought back from Hawaii. I and it was just the most amazing thing I've ever cooked and I've been chasing that flavour ever since. So I know that if I ever come to Preston in in Idaho, I'll be seeking out your restaurant.
Well, we hope to see you.
Barry, this has been so wonderful. Thank you for letting us put you on the spot and have a chat to you.
Are. Alone.
And and we certainly wish you every success with obviously the business with long may it continue because it is a fantastic venue and it just looks so wonderful. We've been admiring it from afar, from the last 20 years. Every time we watched that. Dome and we hope that you have a wonderful time celebrating all things Napoleon Dynamite in the next month.
Well, we thank you so much and you'll have to come to beautiful Preston ID sometime and enjoy the rodeo and everything else.
If anyone out there has any licence plates, yes, from Australia, because I I don't know a short of stealing one from my.
Labour. And it's like if you if you know where I can track down a licence plate to send to Barry and pop and pins, that would be amazing.
Cause we just randomly tested Barry and said will you have a chat to? She's like, yeah, sure. No worries.
Yeah. When and we were like, how does how does now sound?
Ohh you freaked out.
And he's like, yeah, sure.
Yeah. Yeah, exactly.
Wonderful. Wonderful.
Amazing. Amazing. What a lovely guy.
So good.
Yeah. So Preston ID is in South East Idaho, sort of near northern Utah. And I think there's only around 5000 people that live there.
And it became so popular in 2005. So the year after the movie was released, they held their first ever Napoleon Dynamite Festival to because the film was so massive and tourism just completely went through the roof.
Really. So Mel, we're gonna put another call through Kimberley. Cannon is the organiser of Napoleon Fest. They're celebrating all things Napoleon dynamite over in Napoleon's hometown of press. In Idaho, Kimberly Cannon is the at the heart and soul of this she's running the whole shebang. Kimberly, how are you?
I am great. Thank you for having me.
Ohh look, it is an absolute pleasure.
Why is Napoleon Dynamite so special to you?
Ohh my gosh, it's just. It's been 20 years and it is the most relatable movie even now in his hilarious. Hey, so quotable the one liners in that show. I I just don't don't be part of our culture forever. I think they're just, they're so classic.
What's your favourite?
OK, my my favourite for years has always been when he's throwing. Napoleon is throwing the casserole at Tina and he says, you know, Tina, eat your food, you fat large. But I just rewatched it. That's that's in my go to, but I just rewatched the movie because John Heater and Ethan were there is actually came to a neighbouring city amongst go and we watched them every. Yes, there was. So fun. Um, my new favourite quote is when Uncle Rico is trying to sell the man and woman the ship in the bottle and she just. Leans over to her husband and. She's like, I want that.
Yeah. Ohh.
Dear Leo.
South, my new catchphrase.
Yes, I.
I don't want that.
Want that?
I love that scene.
I love that scene where he's trying to break the Tupperware Bowl as well. He's. Is like and can't do it. It's the. It's a wonderful more importantly, what has the film meant to your town of Preston?
So from what I understand, I didn't. Live here at the time that they were. Filming it, but from what I understand everything really happened. It was Jared Hess, the producer. It was his brother that called him from school and said bringing my, you know, my lips, my we bringing my chapstick, my lips, her real bad like his own brother actually said that to him.
And then like like Co organiser, she grew up here and she told me that about 40 minutes. Way, there was a man that actually had liggers and one day they got loose. And yes, I I just found this out a couple of weeks ago that that there were leaders in our area. Oh oh, but, like, really everything is based on, like, you know, the comedic value is obviously super high and movie, but it's all kind of based on these things that really happened.
Yeah, right. And like Preston, is a is a smallish town. It's like population of 5000, right? So and and I understand I can relate to that.
Ohh yeah yeah.
I've grown up in small towns all around Australia. I've moved around a bit when I was a kid, so I understand how that small town culture works and if something, if there is a significant event, it certainly becomes etched into that urban folklore. So if you combine all of those events that happened that were then put in the film with the actual film being shot in the town, I mean, that's just a recipe for all things magnificent.
And. So.
It's just sounds like amazing.
Hey. Hi.
Yeah, it's an all the. Truth are, you know, word locals from the town. In the movie, most of them still live here. Yeah. So yeah.
Ohh wow, so do you know anyone that was in the field?
Ohh. I know a couple of people. They were in the wedding scene at the very end, and yeah, they wait.
I'm proud of it. They they they can claim it.
Amazing cause I think they did put everybody in the credits as well. If I'm not mistaken from from the town. Who? Who were extras?
Yes, yes, I think they did.
Which is. Just. Lovely. So you said you weren't there at the time?
I would really like to think it was that the trigger Napoleon Dynamite was that the trigger for you moving to to Preston ID.
Wish I could say yes. Ohh what? Waiting. We could always just gone that my my husband's gramme. Parents have a farm here and so we have family.
And. The.
That was actually in the movie as extras too, so yeah, of course I would.
I would love to say I was such a fan of the movie that I had to move to Preston ID.
Well, I mean, you've certainly put yourself at the centre of it now.
Does does the farm involve any llamas or eggs or chickens or anything like that?
My actual farm.
That's chickens and cows.
I have been trying to find a Loma for a couple years, but I am very particular because I want I.
I really like a balaclava. I want Tina.
So what? She was down the road for me for a while, but she she passed on.
Ohh look Kimberly, I have to ask.
**** that.
I do have to ask, do the chickens have giant talons?
They might if you bring my I.
You you also run boutique, I believe in Preston, Olive and Joe and I was. We were stalking you on the instead, of course, I saw an amazing Napoleon display in the window. So are you selling Napoleon merch in your store?
Ohh dear you. Well, I opened a little gift store here six years ago and the video store that was in the movie, she had some Napoleon. T shirts and memorabilia. But she closed down and nobody in our town was selling anything. And so I I just kind of ran with it. I was because I just think it's such an important part of the history that we have here and I love it and I have had people. I haven't had anyone from Australia, but I. Have had visitors. I'm from England, um, Canada and all over the United States as far from Florida. And they're not just. Passing through, I've had people that are there specifically coming to Preston to see the Polian Dynamite movie sites, which I just think is amazing.
Yeah, it's extraordinary. When we were doing a bit of research for this, I did notice like there is a a big Napoleon dynamite tourism thing happening in Preston to the point where if you go to the local gas station there they'll give you a map to show you around to all the locations.
Yes, yes, yes, they do have a they do have maps there and. For our event next month, we're gonna. We're gonna run like an official tour to and get like. A school bus. We we have the school that's all lined up, and we're gonna drive around to the movie sites. We might even hang some little toys off the strings out the windows.
Ohh cycles. Ohh yes.
That sounds ohh. My God, it sounds like I wish we could.
I know, I know.
Be there for it.
I just like it would be like Mecca for us to be going to Napoleon Fest.
Ohh my gosh.
Yes, somewhat.
Like I said, it is just we. It doesn't matter how many times you've seen it go home and put it on and you can just celebrate the triumph, the. Is everyone in that film? It's so much fun. I wanna know more about what's happening at Napoleon Fest because it just sounds like a place where I would love to be on the weekend of 26th and 27th of July.
Ohh God ohh.
So what have you got in store for people if they come to Preston Kimberley?
We have been having so much fun planning this and we're having like a tater tot eating cotton contest, a Liger drawing contest trivia night. But I'll tell you the ones that I'm really excited about, we're going to do glamour shots by Deb.
Oh Oh yeah.
That one I think it's gonna be hilarious. We're gonna have a dance class where people can learn Napoleon dance, and then we're gonna follow that up with us.
Thrift store calm.
Ohh so cause the actual thrift store is still there and it's it's it's pretty much in.
It is.
Yeah. And and so are they involved in that? Are people. How is that gonna work? How does the thrift store prom work?
It's going to be. Next door to that, because we have an empty facility that we could call that right. But we're gonna ask people to buy their their problems here. They're dresses, their outfits. But yeah, just that kind of like. Go find. Go find the funniest dress you can find from the 80s or and we're just gonna have fun with it. We're we're going to have. Ohh it's going to be a blot.
Ohh please tell me that there will be a photo gallery afterwards for us people that can't make it cause I would love to see the glamour shots.
Ohh yes.
I'd love to see the prom outfits. It just sounds like the best time.
Yes, I will definitely make sure that that goes on the website.
Ohh, you know what else I'd love to see on there and I've had a look at it the the Llama photos. You tell me that's still happening.
The llama photos are happening. Thing, right? Yeah.
Yes, so I. Yes, there, we're making it happen. It's still in the works, but yes, we've gotta get we've we're getting along a it's going to be black if we can't get a black one, we might have to name it. Tina's cousins there will be not.
That I think that's fine.
Ideal llama.
I I think that's perfectly acceptable. So I'm assuming there's a bit of a buzz about the town at the moment in anticipation for this wonderful weekend that's happening.
Ohh yeah, kids kind of funny because for the most part it's just kind of a sleepy town and but we've had we've had, you know, the news from the Salt Lake City's probably are. Or just the nearest large city to us in Salt Lake City, UT.
Yep, yeah.
But we've had news crews come up from Salt Lake City. The first flight pictures did a flash mob at Sundance Film Festival this winter as like a 20 year celebration kick off so.
Um, yeah, I think there's a lot of heights going on for this 20 year anniversary. And then the actors have actually been going on tour around the US, doing like a Q&A with the showing of the movie.
I have seen bits and pieces of that now. Are any of the actors from the film coming to the town for the festival?
We are in talks with a few.
Right. Ohh.
I hope that we can announce that officially, but we are in talks with the view and we have got fans that, um, have. Already called in and wanted to sponsor. That's off.
We are getting people just, they're just offering us money. Just get the access that we'll pay for their plane ticket. We'll pay for the hotel. And so we're we're in talks with a few of them to try to see if we can get them to come back.
We are kind of in the. Middle of nowhere so.
Yeah, yeah.
Well, Pedro offers you his protection anyway.
Yes, he does, but he does.
Look, I I I I see I think regardless of of of who shares the town itself and if you look at the movie in the cinematography in the way it's got, the town itself is as much of A star as of the film.
Stunning man.
As the actors, it's a it's a beautiful place and it's a real credit to you guys that you putting this on. We stumbled across it and we just think it's absolutely fantastic. You're you're shocked there your store. If you wanna give that a plug, Kimberley, where can people find you online? If they wanna checkout what's going on over there in Preston.
Oliveandjoe.com. Come and I will start posting about the Napoleon Fest on there as well in case you could find you'll be able to register and find out more information at napoleonfest.com, but I will also link the information over at my website whichisallofanjou.com and I my store is actually going to be set up as the headquarters of the little festival where people can come and get their itinerary for the the weekend and.
Ohh I'm.
Super excited to meet all the people.
That's excellent. You've heard it straight from the llamas mouth, folks. Thank you so much, Kimberly. Ohh, we really do appreciate you taking the time to talk to us and we wish you every success.
Yeah. Thank you so much.
We can't wait to see what is happening over in Preston on the weekend of the 26th and the 27th of July and just just for taking the time to come and be on our Teeny little podcast right over the other side of the world. You're amazing. Thanks so much.
Ohh I am so happy to do this and to be a part of your show. It was a lot of fun.
I wish I W. There are really do. I would love to go bowling at pop and pins and try some of that BBQ.
I want to go to the happy hands masterclass.
Well, yes.
Have my photo taken with a llama.
That's amazing. Like it just sounds like a very immersive and wonderful experience and 20 years on.
Um, I'm just so happy at. Thank you, ray. Thank you very much.
So happy we found that film. It's it is just an absolute joy and you can't say that about many movies these days. And there you have it. Summer programming for 2024. While I was gonna say Slash 2025, but we'll do some programming at the end of 2025, but there's some programming is done and we are back with a brand new T -, 20 season as of next week. So please make sure you stick around for that.
There will be a new intro.
And we're talking about some things. I can't remember what they are.
We we're talking about some things that obviously happened in the first week or not the first week, but the first month of 2020.
First middle bit of of 2005.
5. Not 20/25/2005 G where's on Rusty? I need to practise.
We also in the coming weeks hopefully have a very big should I tease it? Ohh, I won't tease it cause what I don't wanna jinx it.
Don't know. We don't want Genesis.
Something big might be happening, and if it doesn't, then this conversation never happened anyway. Come and find us on the socials. Facebook. Instagram. Tick Tock, search for team. 20 Podcast We love you. We will see you back with a new show. Tell your friends. Bring your friends along. They gonna be like ohh. They're gonna be so much better than what they have been over the they're not, but please join us. Thank. You.
Thanks for taking the time to rewind. Join us next time for another week. Fit was 20 years ago. In the mean time, come and reminisce on the socials search for T -, 20 podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Tick Tock.