T minus 20
The year is 2005... Anakin turns to the dark side, YouTube makes its debut and we’re all couch-jumping for Maria, McDreamy and The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo…
T minus 20, rewind to this week in history 20 years ago with Joe and Mel.
T minus 20
Prince Harry's facist gaffe!
👑 Prince Harry’s Fashion Fiasco – A royal costume party goes awry, and the future Duke of Sussex learns a lesson in history—and headlines. ✋ Fancy dress parties are overrated anyways, but you will be shocked at the theme for this one.
🚀 Eris, the Queen of Strife! – A distant icy rebel in the Kuiper Belt shakes up astronomy and dethrones Pluto. Goddess of discord or frozen farts? You be the judge.🔭
🗽 George W.’s Second Act – Protests, policy, and pomp at the 2005 presidential inauguration. Is freedom really on the march? 🦅
🎾 Serena Williams dominates Down Under! – A legendary comeback at the Australian Open. From shaky start to formidable queen of the court. 👑🎾
🍎 The Mini Revolution – Apple introduces the Mac Mini. Affordable, compact, and a “Switcher Box” for the masses. Tech gets tiny! 💻
🎮 Resident Evil 4’s Game-Changing Horror – Zombies, puzzles, and survival horror perfection is released on the GameCube. Pure nightmare fuel. 🧟♂️🎮
🎶 PLUS -The Soundtrack of January ‘05 – Mario’s 'Let Me Love You' is top of the charts, but Snoop and Destiny’s Child are keeping it hot. And we find out whether or not the UK really knows what there in for with Ciara's 'Goodies'.🎤🔥
Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.
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The year is 2005. Anakin turns to the dark side. YouTube devious and we couch jump from Mariah Mcdreamy and a girl with a Dragon Tattoo. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Ma.
I don't. Wait.
Ohh 23 January 2005.
3 -, 20.
I wouldn't talk. Show.
Me minus. 20 tonight.
Don't judge me yet. This is bananas.
You will my my question is who approved that?
Come home.
Do you see where this is going?
Not really. So.
I can see where this is going over a Cliff and straight into 2005 because we're rewinding to 20 years ago on the podcast that we like to call t -, 20 with your host, Joe and Mel back for a new year.
Wendy, please.
Hello Mel.
New year newer. Sorry, I'm just putting something on the socials to say that we're recording.
Ohh right.
Our first episodes to the year. I've just gotta put that little record symbol.
Up there and.
Well, that's right. I mean, if you don't post about it, did. It even happen exactly.
Ohh no, now we are.
What are we?
You gotta be. You gotta be careful though, cause the fact checkers will come after you. Now it's community fact checking.
Yeah, you gotta trust the community.
The motorist is out to get us. Well, we're not. We're a 2005 official now.
Exactly. Exactly.
It's on the gramme so it's happening.
That's right. There are a few things happening this week. We're playing a little bit of catch up.
What's next? You know, I wish I had a nickel for every time. Somebody asked me that.
The last thing that Steve Jobs needs is a nickel.
But there was a big release for Apple this time 20 years. Ago.
The fallout over Prince Harry's Nazi costume now has 25 European countries considering a total ban on all Nazi symbols.
Why did it take Prince Harry? For that to happen.
That's a very. Good point.
It's very good point.
Very good.
We will discuss the finer points of Prince Harry's Nazi costume a little bit later on.
Colin Powell leaves big shoes to fill at the State Department.
Colin Powell did leave big shoes to fill it, the statement department, and we're gonna figure out who filled those big shoes for colon this time 20 years ago. Later on in the show.
So we are looking at the week of the 23rd to the 29th of January, but we are taking a little bit of creative licence because we have been on hiatus for a while.
So it's kind of. Roughly January right to the end of January, we'll just cover off January this week.
Yeah, it's good. Let's just say January almost to the end because we'll just. And it knocked the tip off January body and the next week as well.
Yes, yes.
Yes. And look, this is a very interesting time. If I look back 20 years ago. Ohh yeah, this was a time where I had to assimilate back into office life. I'd never worked in office job in my life and I I was transitioning, transitioning from radio to.
Ohh cool front middle heads.
The office and you were transitioning to television and we were transitioning into our relationship.
Hmm. Yes.
It was a year of transitions, 2005. We we finished up on the radio, but we were still together and we'd moved in together.
We had.
And I think we've upgraded from the plastic garden furniture we bought like real furniture from yes from domain.
I think we're at the point where we're about to get maybe a dog.
Ohh that came a few years later.
I was that upset.
Was that was a poor choice.
A few years later.
It's all a blur.
Yes, but this was the the first time.
It's all a blur.
I think since school that you had to wear a tie. I remember very clearly going tie shopping for for corporate Joe.
Yeah. It was incredibly difficult. It was a hard thing to face up to and having to wear a tie, having to wear a.
Shirt and you had your first casual Friday and you went full cash. And I remember you got spoken to and you. Got told what? What was the? What would they say exactly? Casual Friday, we just take our tie off.
Though they just take. Their tyres. Yeah, I came in. And T shirt and shorts and a pair of thongs.
The more things change, the more they stay the same, though we do the hatches, matches and dispatches clue because that's the segment we do at the end of the show that we want you to listen through to, even though in this digital age you can skip forward via chapters and do other. Things like job shuttle and stuff.
It's not your point. And look, I'm glad the recorder imaging has. Come back this year. I'm glad you didn't upgrade.
I was flat out getting an.
There's a.
Lot of there's a lot of effort.
They've been to that about three years ago.
Flat out getting an intro. You know, it's funny, in spite of us having. And four weeks off, there was still a lot of work being put into the podcast, new Ways of Working and sourcing all the material you've been working at.
You easy.
He was doing things.
Ohh yes, Google Sheets hmm.
I've been messing around with production, pulling those best bits together, archiving stuff.
Daniel's been busy recording the intro.
Yes, our voice over Guy Daniel.
I wonder what he thinks when he records it. I wonder if he's just like, what is this every year is this?
As the I reckon he's just like I'm not here to make friends. I'm here to make money. Got anything else you want me to say? Anyway, let's do the clue. The clue is somebody who is having ohh no.
This was a well, mostly this was a wedding.
Match. I'm married yet.
This was a wedding, this time 20 years ago, and 1/2 of the bridal party said this.
I could say I'm the most bullied person on the world. One of them welcome.
One of the most bullied people on the world will find out who that is at the end of. The show I love. Over the news and I'm very pleased that for our first new story for our new season of T -, 20, we're looking to the stars.
You love the outer space story, thanking you.
I don't. I don't mind some of the outer space stories, yeah.
Enjoy them.
Yeah, a heist or out in the the solar system, you're happy.
Yeah, I'd say that, yeah, the it's a close second to a heist.
The star stories. So what is this star story?
Well, not so much as star. A planet on the 5th of January 2005, Planet Eris is discovered by Michael E Brown. Chad Trujillo and dad. David Rabinowitz.
Rabinowitz. Hmm, good to see. I've got my pronunciations working well already.
What did you say, Rabinowitz?
Aren't guess?
That works rather dough it rabinowitch.
Looks like rabinowitz. David, save it. Help discover it.
Yes, David, Michael, Chad and David. Mick, Chad and Dave discovered Eris.
Is that what how we're pronouncing it, Eris? They've got funny names.
Nearest Harris.
It's like, well, it's. It's the Palomar Observatory. It was. Can't even say observatory as I'm talking like I've been to the dentist.
It's. It's.
How about you pick it up and we'll see. How go?
Ohh you gonna ask me using the Samuel Oschin telescope, they were surveying the cuper belts, which is a region of icy objects beyond.
Yeah, I'm just referring to you. Uh, huh, that's good.
Shoot. Eris was she identified from photos taken back in 2003 so.
A couple of years. Ago, but this is where they discovered its motion.
Haha. Yes, it had some motion.
Then they analysed its motion this time 20 years ago, they found out things.
And they found out things. They also sparked a few debates which will get into the diameter of. It is approximately 2.3000 kilometres as which is something like 1.4000 miles, which is slightly smaller than Pluto, and if you remember Pluto got Derek. It do you registered as a dwarf planet, but not an actual planet according to a lot of pundits out there, it's mass was about 27% more massive than Pluto, which made it the most massive known dwarf planet in the solar system.
It was nearly spherical in shape as well.
And it was. Covered with a layer of methane ice. Frozen fart fart circles.
Frozen farts and the frozen fart planets eras terrace.
It's the fart fickle planets. It reflects sunlight and giving it a bright shiny appearance and must.
It's hmm.
Stink, the sun bouncing off the methane.
Lovely. The surface temperature is extremely cold around -243°C or for our US friends, that is -405°F.
Well, I feel like that would change the smell profile of the fart if it's cold cause. Most farts like. Well, yes, what's too far?
Chilled fast.
What does this chilled fart smell? Does that smell better?
So if you fart in the fridge and then open the door, but first spied, so is it the warmth that gives it the the stench?
Most parts of warmth. Most flights are warm. I I've never sampled a chilled fart. But I'm keen to attempt doing this.
I think someone needs to experiments. Yes, go fart in the.
Fridge because you can get liquid nitrogen can. You can buy that her be careful. Jeez, somebody free.
I think you should just fart in.
Yeah, it's dangerous.
The. Fridge anyway.
I don't want to freeze my **** hairs off.
Uh, how far away is it from us? It's a pretty far away, isn't it?
Ohh yeah, let's get back into the science. Let's get a children.
So as.
Well, that is science phrasing. A fart is scientific.
It's like right you one science.
They'd do that on the curiosity show.
Grow up, kids. Yes, there's.
How far away is it from us?
Uh 14.6 billion kilometres away, varying depending on its orbital position, and it takes 557 earth years to complete one orbit round the sun.
So they're very lucky that they found it when they did.
There's a bug. Orbiting around the desk at the moment.
You're. So you get a little bit expected there.
I'm just.
I'm just doing.
Will you catch the Bogo Cape talking? It's got 1 moon. Well, one moon that they are aware of, Dysnomia dysnomia, so isonomia dysnomia.
That'll do.
That sounds beautiful, doesn't it? That was discovered also in in 2005.
That sounds like a condition I've got a bad case of Dysnomia eras.
And you mentioned you mentioned Pluto and it's causing a bit of Pluto controversy. The discovery of Eris played a critical role in the decision to reclassify. Pluto is a dwarf planet.
Because Aeros was found to be similar in size and mass, and that was a dwarf planet. So that's how they made the decision, replete her.
Do you know? Do you know before the planet was called? Eras. They informally called it Xena after the warrior Princess from the yeah. So.
That's nice.
So Dave Chapman and and what's his name? Michael, we're all big fans of Zeno, I think.
They liked Lucy lawless.
Yeah. Well, I mean, who doesn't?
Yeah, it's bright.
Yet they're only human. You know the name was later changed to Aris after the great goddess of strife and disc. Cord, which reflected the controversy it sparked over the definition of a planet, and Michael Brown, who discovered Eris, has attended many lectures, and he's actually argued for having a more simple classification system. Four, these planets or dwarf planets. See, I don't want. I'm going into dangerous territory.
Yeah, I'll let him explain.
You are.
Funny thing about this whole planet debate and and whether and what you classify planets are. If you go ask any astronomer of which there are some in the room, you could go ask try this experiment. Ask them what they think about Pluto and the planet and the first thing they'll tell you is it doesn't matter. None of this actually matters, and the next thing to do is talk to for the next three hours about why their ideas are better than everybody else's idea. I'm not going to spend 3 hours telling you this, but I'll. Tell you why mine are better than anybody else's. The thing that I think was lost in this whole debate about planets was that nobody. No, astronomers argue that about the classification scheme. Let's let's ignore the word planet for a minute. The plan, the word planet off limits. Throw it away if you if the word planet had never existed to begin with, this would all been a lot easier. Scientists work by classification. Let's come up with reasonable classification schemes for these objects. Hey, I see one big things medium things. Small outer things. Small inner things. That's that is a really good classification system. In fact, to me, that is the the the classification system that explains better than anything else the architecture of the solar system. It explains the architecture of the solar system. It it makes you ask the right questions for understanding the solar system. It is a very good classification scheme.
Yes, I think it's a good classification and I think Eric would be maybe a big a bigger, a small outer thing.
Hey, things maybe small.
No, they say they say it.
Maybe I might offend them if I say that seed Sandra's territory.
They say it's not a big deal, but going to primary school now and when you're doing the science.
And remember, when you were doing the science and you'd learn about the solar system, and sometimes you'd make paper mache planets and hang them from the roof classroom.
The science, yeah.
Or maybe you draw them and stick them on the wall.
And you sort of do like a balloon and a tennis ball in a golf ball.
The different side.
Yeah, yeah.
And you'd have to learn Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.
OK. You said you're right. Sorry, yes.
Does that mean now it's Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune? So you don't actually include Pluto in the discussion, and therefore it's not one of the objects that hangs from the roof of the.
Classroom or you stick on the wall. Yes, that is controversial.
It is controversial and it's not, you know, you don't say errors at the end of World is that other planet that was out there, it was near Earls anymore.
Along with the song.
Yeah, Sedna, Edna, Sedna and Eris.
Yeah, Sedna, that's right. Said there was lovely.
Well, Sydnor in Erris kinda next to each other.
Because my parents when they. Learnt.
They sound like ugly aunties, said Marineris. Gosh said Marineris are coming over quick.
Then have a mole hand with mole hairs, yes.
Everybody hide.
But also my when my parents learnt the science they the Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, inception, it was Mother Nature stuff like there was a.
All I have to do a thing.
What do you call that where you? Have a sentence from you. Use the first letter.
The Ohh it's it's it's one of those things.
There's something. A thing? Is it a neumonic me the?
I don't know. I'm not sure.
Money and it's got.
Probably yes, but it's it's one of those things that is sent.
Like a silent N or something anyway.
To remind you what? Things and I can't remember what it is.
Yes, I can't. But no, but we didn't learn that. We just learned the.
Hmm hmm.
Names. We didn't learn the Mother Nature, but my if you ring my dad, he'll still know the mother.
Of course you would.
Yeah. And the pay is probably a pivotal point within that sentence.
So that's the end of the sentence.
So it's just.
Otherwise the starting with a fish anymore it is.
Doesn't make sense. It doesn't make sense anymore. So it is.
Controversial that Pluto was declassified.
It is very quickly. You know what else's controversial exactly.
For shut up Michael Brown's.
Well, he discovered it. I think he's got a right to sort of way, but do you know what else's controversial what?
He can have it. He can have his say.
Nazis. Ohh Nazis.
Very controversial, especially in this day.
And I answered. I ain't even know if you can say. I mean, they won't say the word planet, the P word, and then other naive.
Now, if you can say the N word Nazi. Anymore, I guess you can in the context of this story, because this was Prince.
Hmm. Big news, big news.
Prince Harry is where he got in massive trouble. He went to a costume party. He a costume party on the planet Eris.
That's what you're as soon as far as involves.
That's why it smelt like methane, yes.
They had an ice bar. No. He attended a private costume party. Yes, with the theme colonial and native, I mean, I'm.
I mean this before you even get to the costume, not agree colonial and.
Sick problem right there. That that's.
18th and you've got one of the Royals attending it.
How is that a good we had two will win as well.
Yes, I was.
They bought two brothers.
The simulator's natives will lead to shoot them or breed them out of existence.
Win. How is that?
How is that a? Good idea for a thing like really, really.
Terrible. Terrible. And on top of that, he's decided to go wearing a Nazi military uniform like it.
You just asking for trouble.
Why you'd like that? Because Nazi uniforms look very smart, they're very well designed. Boss, you know.
Very well designed.
Yes, really.
Yes, he was a German businessman. An early member of the Nazis. So. And he found it, obviously. Hugo Boss, the fashion house.
And the the aftershave and all that.
Yeah, yeah, I survived.
That that Hugo Boss.
They survived anyway. We're in Hugo Boss aftershave. Probably would have been a better option than wearing a full Nazi uniform to it, complete with swastika armbands.
Yes to the. He party about colonial and natives.
As someone and someone obviously had their digital camera in their in their little tiny hand.
Yeah. And they pulled out their their quick snap. Whatever their cannon. Yeah, took a photo and decided to send it. To the sun as you do.
And my probably I don't know, 20 grand or. Something like that.
Probably made a bit.
Yeah, that would make a little bit of money.
I remember there. I remember the front page of the sun after this happened.
Of people were outraged.
Harry the Nazi. Do you remember that across the front page?
Yes, yes, they were outraged about it, particularly in Britain, because it's a very well, it's a very offensive symbol, isn't it?
My goodness.
Ohh fair enough 3.
I mean.
I don't know how he thought.
That that was a good idea.
Well, they said he was.
They said he was insensitive and disrespectful and I'd have to agree I may not have to agree.
This agreed. Yeah.
Holocaust survivors and Jewish organisations condemned the costume, calling for greater education about the Holocaust and media around the world reported on the incident. They did over here in Australia, tarnishing his public image, cause I think until sort of this point, he was the. Key younger brother and everyone thought he's the he's the first missteps.
Does he know?
A little first.
Was this the? Controversy.
This was the first yes, I preferred naked billiards.
The first one. Because it gets, yeah, well, the weekend there too.
How to be honest?
That was harmless.
You know, he's just a bit.
Yeah, I liked that one.
Look, it was a different time and I'm not saying what he did was appropriate, but he got invited to a colony of an 80s party for started, do you?
And think about what other costumes would have a direction.
Like, we're not going the detail.
There was somebody with lower profile.
I'm sure there were way more controversial costumes being warned to this.
Yeah, absolutely, yes.
Party wheels went as well. He was in a light heart.
You were I.
Think a a leopard leotard or something?
Ohh really? So he's on the native side of things. So you, you know, does he like Tarzan or something?
I know it was. I don't know. I just know it was a leotard.
Ohh man should bear Lieutenant.
Alright, no, they shouldn't look it. There was a lot of scrutiny upon the royal family after this and there were a lot of a lot of questions raised about their influence on Harry's judgement and awareness of historical sensitivities, and just it just, I mean it it spawn.
Ohh yeah.
A broader conversation.
Which is not necessarily a bad thing.
To fallout over. Prince Harry's Nazi costume now has 25 European countries. Considering a total ban on all Nazi symbols. The scandal erupted last week over photos of Prince Harry, third in line to the British throne wearing a Nazi outfit at a costume party. Several German conservatives and Liberal Democrats in the European Parliament have urged a ban on Nazi symbols. Germany has already banned them.
I just.
I don't. I can't believe that 25 European countries are considering.
Isn't that? Did they do it? I wonder, wow, I don't know.
I mean, I I they they it certainly that you don't see those things being bandied around these days.
No, you know, nobody's got like 1A sticker, like a swastika next to their live love.
Laugh on the back of their car or anything like that, you know?
No, no.
But Harry was remorseful. City.
Yeah, he issued.
A public apology and said that he was really sorry if he caused any offence or embarrassment, that it was a poor choice of costume. He apologises in an interview. He was saying something about wanting to go and knock on everyone's door and apologise. Face to face. So I think it. I think it really affected him. The interesting thing now though, you know, he's book. Spare the one that that came out recently.
Hang on. Yeah. Yeah, but just just very quickly, he was, how old would he have been at the time? Early 20s.
Hmm. Yes. Wow.
Like, think about the missteps that you make in your early 20s and and and think about how like you learn from those missteps. Right. And it's just, it's the unfortunate thing for him is he's done it very publicly, but anyway.
But it wasn't.
This is the thing. It wasn't just Harry's.
So if you've.
Read his books spare.
He said that he got the costume the day of the party.
I mean, I do that all the time. Going, going.
Ohh God it's fancy dress.
Got it.
Ohh crap.
What am I make Dallas?
I've gotta.
And you go remember that. Remember that costume shop at the Canberra Centre where they had all the novelty hats?
Yes. Yeah.
I'd always go there the day of a costume party and pick up a novelty hat, and I think some of those novelty hats report this import taste as well from memory.
Yes, if I if.
I found out that it was a costume party. I'd usually just no show. Ohh, it's a costume party on. I'm coming.
Yeah, yeah.
If it's just a hash, I can deal with just a hash.
That's stupid. Grow up.
So he's out the day of the party and he goes to the costume shop and he had narrowed down his options.
He's like, ohh should I be like?
He's in. He's in the costume shop.
Tarzan or a Nazi?
No, it it was a British pilot or a Nazi bit British pilot or a sand coloured Nazi uniform.
British spot.
We see swastika armbands and a flat cap, so he said he's in the costume shop and he phones up William and Kate and he says to William and Kate.
Do I go British pilot or? Do I go sand coloured Nazi with swastika arm band? And they both both of them.
Said a quote.
Both of them go Nazi uniform.
Every time.
They chose Nazis, so they were. You know that according to his book spare they were in on it and so he rented it.
He also got a silly moustache.
God and he went back to the house and apparently tried it on in front of. Them and they both laughed.
Hello Michael.
And he said it was worse than. Laughed more than what they laughed at.
Ohh Harry, you look so funny as the Mountie.
Reilly's Reilly's leotard outfits.
Oh oh, you could see Willies Willy packed into that Leonard Salah's.
The flimby, yeah. They were apparently in on it, according to the book.
Wow. Wow. Alright, let's go over to the states. George W Bush. This is a big deal. He won the election. We've spoken about the election last year and today or not today, the 20th of January in fact, is not so.
Hmm. Hmm.
I don't know. Whenever you're listening to this, I've still, letter said. I'm still getting used to the whole thing of podcast thing.
It's a. Amagon him alright.
Yeah, you're fine.
Good. So he's sworn in. You is inaugurated for his second term as the President of the United States.
It took place at the West front of the United States Capitol in Washington. We've seen this, we've seen it many times.
The 55th inauguration and it marked the beginning of the 2nd and final term of George W Bush as President and Dick Cheney as Vice President.
Raise your right hand, Mr. President and repeat after.
Ohh take.
Hi, George Walker board. George Walker Bush.
Do solemnly. Do solemnly swear that I will faithfully, that I will faithfully execute. Insecure, the office of President of the United States Office of President, United States, and will the best of my ability and will, to the best of my ability reserve, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Protect from defending? Constitution of the United States. So so help me God.
God conventionally.
Ohh and fit.
So much fanfare, lots of things sound like Darth Vader was in the backgrounds, was like being in the background there.
Ohh decides. I think I don't know what it is. I think it's the they. They just had something on the microphones, obviously lots of compressions every time.
They do talk to it.
Is that what it was?
Yeah, it opened the MIC channel up.
Generally, but yes.
George W inaugurated second term president of the United States at the West front of the United States Capitol in Washington, DC the 55.
Inauguration and beginning of the 2nd and final term for him as President and Dick Cheney. As vice president.
So and then they obviously start with the the traditional things like the oath of office which you heard him doing there, which was administered by Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
And then they do parades and allsorts of stuff, but it it there were a lot of protests at this one. Because of the war, the Iraq war, there were people that were still very upset with.
That means foreign policy, and they they gathered along that parade route to the White House outside the security perimeters.
With all these signs and they chanted and criticised and did all the things that they are well within their rights to do and nothing really came of that.
I wonder if that's something that happens often though, or if that was quite unique just based on the fact that. So I think so many people thought that he wasn't gonna get in for.
Ohh yeah.
A second term after everything happened.
I think I think you might see some bigger protests at the inauguration of of the current President of the United.
Ohh yeah, good points.
States which should be happening in a few weeks time maybe, but generally it's like they respect the office.
Could you please?
They go OK, well, you know, yes.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
It's kind of a symbolic moment and quite meaningful it I I feel like protests and chance would have been something that doesn't normally.
We've been somebody's like, regardless of what side of politics you're on now are elected in a democratic process, and we respect that and we respect the office and he's a, he's our representative to the world.
Yay, yeah.
He's the leader of the free world. So, you know, God help us. All.
People were also annoyed at the cost.
Racing, yes.
Around 40 to $50 million. That drew a lot of criticism. Particularly because of the cost of the war effort.
In Iraq and Afghanistan.
Well, you know, again this is where I I call for doing it on the cheap. You know, couple of marquees from Kennards hire and coast to coast to Golden Rose for catering.
Cast to cast a golden ice.
Click when are we going to?
Get the cross right there and instead of maybe having the marching bands and what not, you just get Moby Disc for the music.
An endorsement from them. Maybe yes.
Yes, pasta salad, they do pasta salad.
I mean, yeah, yeah, I'm disabled.
Domo pasta salad.
I'm getting ideas here for like a T -, 20. Party. Yes, you know, with Martha's and 10 hours.
Well, there's something.
Something some night clubs doing like. A day club for old people.
Really coast to coast the Golden roast and movie disc just.
Yeah. Where it maybe? Maybe we should get on that. Can cater 10 past sours.
I mean, it's just, it just smells like linctus links Africa and cigarettes. It's it's really not good.
That is a. Time.
Yeah. Well, but they would have saved money. That's what I'm saying.
Yes, it would have been a better.
That's what I'm saying.
Time than the English duration.
He did a 21 minute speech.
Ohh deer gods.
21 minutes. That's all.
Sent it. Yeah, that's not too bad. Really, sort of. Dent 21 minutes.
Imagine how many slides that would be in the PowerPoints.
Ohh, offset through plenty of presentations. 21 actually, you're right, 21 minutes can feel like half a day if it's the wrong speaker and I, you know this, there's a lot of pomp and ceremony.
He strikes me as someone that would have a lot of.
Yes, on with it.
Text on their PowerPoint slides too.
Yes. Well, he talked about foreign policy promoting democracy around the world, making human rights the guiding principle, US foreign policy and what not. Except, you know, don't worry. Don't ask him about same sex marriage because he won't. He won't jump on with that one, but. Points.
What will the key points from the speech?
Freedom and liberty.
Yes, there is freedom, liberty.
So the survival of our liberty and our land increasingly depends on success of liberty and other lands.
Hint hint. Iraq framed his foreign policy as a moral imperative to promote freedom worldwide War on Terror and sensing a.
Theme War on Terror.
Did not specifically call out Iraq or Afghanistan, but did align with their justification for military interventions.
And unity and vision called for a nation united in purpose, emphasising shared values. And long term goals good to have some long term goals.
Ohh that's good.
Yes. Well, party's long term goals, I think, was promoting his. Well, was she? She was a security security minister for security, national security adviser Condoleezza Rice, national security adviser, sworn in as the Secretary of State.
I national. Adviser, I believe.
Later on in the week, the 66th US Secretary of State, in fact the first African American woman to hold the position.
As we said before, she was the national security adviser and I think that there are a lot of people opposed to her being in the position. But George was adamant that she be there.
Colin Powell leaves big shoes to fill at the State Department, but Connie Rice is the right person to fill them.
Yes, she is getting to wear Colin Powell shoes. I don't know whether he's alluding to the fact that she has humongous feet.
Hmm, spit.
As you alluded to, yes, it's a bit of a position.
So the Senate confirmed her with an 85 to 13 vote. Now that sounds that sounds like a pretty clean sweep to me, but that is the highest number of dissenting votes for a Secretary of State nominee since 1825.
That's pretty high. Rise. Yes.
And critics which?
Well, she's black. She's a woman. When they're a bunch of old fogies up in charge there, they wouldn't like that.
And the critics were primarily Senate, Senate Democrats, and we obviously had the 9/11 Commission last year and all that went down with her testimony.
So they expressed concerns over her support for the Iraq war, the allegations that she had misrepresented intelligence about the weapons of mass destruction. And it highlighted this.
It's misrepresenting intelligence. Is George himself highlighted deep?
Divisions within the Senate over the Bush administration's foreign policy. But he did praise her experience and her judgement as we heard there Condie he affectionately calls it Kandi.
Tandy. He closer. Yeah. Condi.
And he said that over the last four years, he'd relied on her council and he'd benefited from her great experience and appreciated her sound and steady judgement.
She's all business. Condoleezza Rice so from 2005 to 2009, she was focused on the Iraq war.
Baggy supporting the strategy in Iraq and emphasising the development of Iraqi security forces so that they could reduce the amount of American troops in there.
So they're thinking about getting out of there.
My goodness. Didn't that take a while? Middle East diplomacy.
She promoted democratic reforms in the Middle East and we see some elections starting to take place on.
They're now for a new Middle East. She was advocating for that and supporting that Israeli Palestinian peace process. Well, that's not going very well. Let's face it, six party talks, significant role in the six party talks aimed at denuclearising the Korean Peninsula.
Denuclearisation in Korea is probably a very good thing.
What US? India relations and strengthening those so that they could have a civil nuclear agreement between the two countries.
Okay, yes.
Hmm. Yeah, she was.
She was pretty committed to.
Advancing foreign policy interests through diplomacy and strategic partner. Chips. And look, I think the record would reflect the Condoleezza Rice didn't do too badly.
We should did some stuff.
Let's get right away from politics and politicians and all of that. Sort of stuff. Getting to sport to safe space sport, isn't it?
Ohh yes, summer time and it's just tennis.
Not really. Probably not.
Tennis Orama cricket or tennis?
Tennis everywhere.
Isn't it OK both of them?
Yeah, can't get enough. That tennis.
Well, no, we can't. The 29th of January we've got the Australian Open happening.
Yeah, this there is nothing on TV at this time of year I find, except it's tennis.
That's that's a big deal.
No, no.
So it's such.
And it's.
A hot time. Well, I think we we mentioned this every year in the podcast when we talk about the Australian Open. It's so bloody hot. So ridiculously hot time to be playing tennis at 4045°.
We nearly killing people out on the tennis courts.
Yes. And everyone, everyone's drinking. All the people watching, getting like day drunk in the sun.
This and then eating strawberries and cream and I'll just think strawberry and cream and champagne.
If not, yeah, it's dangerous. Food.
There's all curdling around in there and you're in the hot sun and you're listening to people grunt and hit balls and you the head's going back. 4th, it's not gonna end well, but it ended very well for Serena Williams.
Yes, she won her second Australian Open title, defeating Lindsay Davenport. I can't tell you the scores because you've clicked on the spreadsheet and it says Joe and Mel over the top of the numbers.
Ohh it's it's 26636 nil. Hmm.
Okay great.
Thank you.
Name the maximums.
Serena Williams produces one of the most extraordinary comebacks of the modern era and announces to the tennis world she is back. She is the champion in Australia for the second time. One hour and 29 minutes from the depths of despair.
Hmm. The depths of despair.
It's very dramatic, isn't it, for sport?
I think Lindsay had started quite strong and was dominating the first set and Serena slave.
She deeds, yes. Well, that was a bit too seeks and then it was 636, you know she.
Struggled to find.
You would think she's like. She turned it around after the first one, and then she smashed her 636 nil. I mean in the 2nd and the 3rd.
You know, yes. And I think flawless, they said at the third set unleashed her full arsenal of aggressive baseline play in precise serves. That's what they said, not me.
She'd be quiet. She'd be quite terrifying to face if you watch her play.
Cause I don't understand this.
I was watching her when I was pulling the bits and pieces of the show together and she's formidable, formidable.
Well, harnessed had dominated for quite a few years higher and then for quite a few years after.
But I think she had struggled with injuries and she was a bit inconsistent over 2004, so this was a bit of a comeback for her.
Well, I mean, look at them now. They're the Williams sisters are tennis royalty.
They are. Hmm.
You'll never see that again, probably in the history of tennis. If you're interested in tennis, but.
We're not.
It's tennis.
The 11th of January 2005, we have some tech news. The Mac Mini is introduced on yeah, January 11 at the Macworld Conference and Expo in San Francisco.
What's next? You know, I wish I had a nickel for every time somebody asked me that. Why doesn't Apple offer a stripped down Mac that is more affordable? You know, we do offer a stripped down Mac. You know, there's some of them right there. This is Virginia Tech. It's one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, built with excerpts. We just introduced the new 2.3 gigahertz Xserve last week with the X, tan or our storage area network. But this is not what they have in mind. They want a Mac that stripped down. No. Display Mingo keyboard and mouse, but they have something else in mind. And so today we think we know what they have in mind and we're introducing it. It's called the Mac mini.
Ohh, the crowd goes wild for little piece. Of plastic on.
But I love his it joke.
Her desk. Side by side.
Don't they listen to what they laugh at?
Ohh I didn't get any of them.
No, it isn't it all.
That's like what is saved talking about.
There wasn't even. I don't know.
I don't know.
I love it.
Yeah, what's next?
The nerds rejoice. This was a big moment for Apple because it had been perceived as this really high end, expensive brand and not something that you're gonna buy as your house computer up until this point.
No. Yes.
This is the the entry into the affordable and compact. Desktop computers for Apple, it was ultra compact. Its minimalist design. I think at the time was 6.5 inches square 2 inches tall, weighing just 2.9 lbs or 1.3 kilos.
So one of the smallest desktop computers of the time, that's right.
And just to get on the tech stuff, a power PC G4 processor, yet under the hood speeds ranging from 1.25 gigahertz to 1.42 gigahertz 200 and.
Ohh Speck is up it. Yep. *****.
He seeks megabytes of RAM, has got to be the Donk, he thinks. Expand that to 1 GB. Give it a bit more Donk if you want it to.
You can upgrade. You dunk fabulous.
Yeah. Yeah. And then if you wanted to really get like heavy on the donk, like really donk it up, you could put 40 gigabytes or 80 gigabytes of Donk in the hard drive.
Yes. Who settled down, settled down.
Hmm, the ITI radio on 9200 graphics card with 32. Megabytes of dunking the VRAM and didn't have a monitor, a keyboard, and a mouse, which meant that they had to use their existing peripherals. They had to go back and use their other, so put it on the dyno, they'd get it happening as well, yeah.
On the dyno.
Test test the acceleration on the dyno the map.
On the. What's the dyno believe in like?
Ohh sorry, I'm just it's what they. Do.
Put it on the dining table, no?
Now. You know, like it's someone's when they put the cars on the Dino and they see that they check the RPM and then yeah and then they run and they Rev amount.
Like lift it up. Ah, right.
Yeah, that's.
I had no idea what. Talk.
About didn't have peripherals, but that was because if they.
It's all going so well too.
Didn't have the monitor. Of mouth because it was aimed at Windows users who might exactly who might be hesitant to switch due to cost concerns.
All right. So I can follow you window stuff into. It.
Because I've already. Got all my bits and pieces and Mac is way too expensive. But I do like Mac cause.
It's kind of cool. So this actually allowed them to reuse their existing peripherals and lower the barrier to entry, yeah.
Look, I'm a big fan of the Mac mini. I have to say, yeah, they're great computers.
Ohh I like it.
And again, yeah, you you like Max, are a lot more expensive. So it's a good way to get into it. And start using him. What do they have? They had tight. Yeah. No.
Panther, we're still on Panther and there.
They had pants up at Panther, which was upgradable to tiger on reliefs.
Great. Next. Yes, girl.
Yeah, 499 bucks. I'm assuming that's US.
Yes. Yeah.
Yeah, for the Mac Mini, which was definitely one of the most affordable Max probably computers at the time as well.
Yeah, absolutely, yeah. And it had the nickname the Switcher box, which is because you could then just plug in or you. Other peripherals that you already had.
Ohh wow, that's it.
The switchboard, so it sounds a bit, doesn't it?
Name, isn't it deeply from Pelle? It's really put their heads together for that one, didn't they?
Funny. Ohh well well.
Nice. That's switchbox.
Ohh course the Switcher box.
Ha ha ha.
Are you going to that costume party over the with the the the natives and the the Colonials? I hear Prince Harry's gonna come as an arty.
It was promoted as a centrepiece of Apple's digital hub vision. Seamlessly integrating with iPods, iTunes. This is when we. Still had the eye. Life software suite and other Apple products. So this is where we start to see it all. Coming together and it eventually just all ends up in your bloody phone.
Ohh right. See integrated yes and then you know 20 years timing and find yourself queuing outside a store, talking to a bunch of people at the genius bar that are far from genius.
Doesn't it? Hmm.
Ohh, I've missed the music segment.
Have you really no.
Ohh what's up?
It's convincing though, wasn't I?
No, you weren't.
Ohh okay.
And I know when you're lying.
Ohh, let's go to the charts.
Let's start with the UK charts number one in the UK goodies Sierra featuring Petey Pablo.
Ohh OK.
Good. Ohh.
But it's like the goodies going for a little bit longer cause I'm well meeting them back.
I've missed that. So yeah, me too.
I've missed the goodies, the goodie, the the goodies have been.
Not featuring the theremin.
As we've figured out.
No, they're not featuring in them, but they are back in the jar and they're back on the shelf.
The back on the shelf.
Uh, we just can't touch him cause they gotta stay in the jaw.
How could was this Smash Mouth on the theremin? Can we just?
Ohh yes.
Have a moment for that from last year that was so good.
But any excuse to play that, that's wonderful. That is so goodies, goodies is number one in the.
UK I think Ray did meant message. Us after the theremin.
That would confuse ohh.
I think he knows someone who has. 1.
A theremin, yes.
Does he?
I think he knows someone who has one. I think we need to look.
Into this bit further like that means I'm gonna have to do stuff.
I wonder if they take.
That means you're gonna have to do ohh there.
You have like ceramin track.
I could record something and send it to us.
Of the wake.
Maybe, but ohh I don't think I don't know.
That would be excellent.
I don't where fools like we commit to doing like a 90 minute podcast every week and we've not missed an episode for like 4 years, yes.
If I owned a theremin and I knew how to play it and some rando's started giving me requests, I'd do it.
Would absolutely.
You let show my skills.
Just to see that. Ohh, I think the ceremony's gonna make a come back.
My sermon stills.
Yes, it's 2025 people.
It's gonna make a bit of a renaissance.
Get with it.
Maybe if we just keep talking about it, like, keep talking about it as much as we can.
We'll start popping up in search chat. Tbt, we'll start picking up on it.
It will happen.
Ciara is goodies does not have a a sorry Sierra's goodies does not have a theremin in it and I think feel like when this song I feel like for this to go to number one in the UK.
This. The year of the family Sierra. It doesn't, but it's an excuse to talk about. Well, you started it.
May I? I think that you know the goodies again and we've talked about the fact that it's goodies by SS and maybe maybe it just was number one for that one week due to a misunderstanding age, just a miscommunication.
Ohh, thought it was Goody Goody Yum Yum.
Cause I.
They thought it was like Tim Brooke Taylor, Bill Oddie and Graham. God, they thought it was a good they're like, oh, oh, I did G.
So what?
Yeah, square buying that, buying that straight number one with a bullet.
You need help in hand.
Ohh you don't understand.
I actually think you're probably right.
Ohh I don't know the rest of it. But anyway, anyone, anytime.
Goody, goody.
You I think that's that's very plausible.
Maybe and hideous miscommunication and that put it at the top of the charts.
Very plausible, because I I don't know.
That she stays there next week.
No, she going to get it. He thumped off the.
We had uh nitty at #1 here in Australia with nasty girl nitty.
Mitty with nasty girl.
See that just screams hair lice, to me, is knitty with an.
I got a lot of money.
Could you be my nasty girl?
And let me do that dirty dance.
He knows the sketching. What?
Ohh it's that song.
What's were we think?
I was what had no idea.
Do you what? That was until just then.
Science summer programming in the Australian charts. Like what were we thinking?
I mean, vistas wasn't the Archies that did that song?
Ohh it was some cutting, wasn't it? Yeah.
Yeah, like candy girl. Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was the art cheese. And then nitty turns it into this.
Missy smutty thing.
Where it's the dude's got a lot of money and he's going to throw it at this girl for her to be his depraved as he wants her to.
Hmm, well done, Australia could one to put to the top of the charts there.
Lead single from 80s and gets and get.
See shall be the class. What you goodies back in the jar? Don't listen to nitty, hmm.
Some head lost. Lead single from his debut album Players, Paradise became a one hit wonder. Are we surprised?
Yes, you. Tonight.
Was popular here.
80 Yeah, let it get rid of him is with a fine tooth comb.
That's that's all we have to say about that. Ohh, how annoying were the fine tooth Combs.
The NIT Combs.
When you had headlines.
I've never had it.
Ohh God, I used to have.
I never had it, but I do.
Headlines at least once a year.
When our son came home with it from daycare, I was mortified.
That's right. Yeah, you're freaking me months.
It was terrible. And then we had to use the finds it.
And we had to delight ourselves.
Well, I've got a lot of hair. I'm very hit suite. So head lice would be a bit of a problem for me.
The Sims.
It is my mum back combed with the. Head lice comb.
Back home.
Can you think about the knits that and the knits think about the? Knots with that. Back home, so Backcombing is where you hold the hair. And you come backwards.
So she used the fine tooth comb and backcombs.
Why would you do that?
I don't know like extra knit read. I don't know.
That's what God did. She has she been to a costume party as a Nazi?
I have.
That's terrible.
I don't know I. Did get knits a lot in primary school we were very Missy school.
Really you should have frontline you before Easter.
Yeah, we were. It got to the point where the teacher had to say. Yeah, because everyone was just always getting knits and everyone was teasing everyone else. Like ohh, you're so dirty. You've got knits, and you've given us all knits again. It got to them over. The teacher had to sit everyone down and say. Well, boys and girls, if you have knits, it actually means you have really clean hair because knits like to clean to clean hair, had to like talk it up and make it socially acceptable because we all kept getting mits.
Is that right? Could you be my nasty girl back home?
Alright, let's go to the US.
So the 9th. Yeah.
That's gross.
Nice lift revenues.
Yes, US charts please.
She you.
Hi when the pimps in the crib.
Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's hot. Drop it like it's all. Try to get it. You looks like it's hot. Park it like it's hot. Park it like it's hot ****.
It's but.
And it. Stand up for me.
This. It's crazy.
And ohh.
Amanda, tell me a.
Tell me over and over and over again.
Love that's handy.
Make sure you ride before you.
Choose your spin on you. For one long time.
Two, let me see.
You one Tuesday stop. Everybody.
I want to.
One I.
Well, you should let me love you. Let me be the one you give you everything you want any.
If you see how it was a little bit longer, the top five than than what we we've done previously and I I engineered that on purpose cause it gives me enough time to go. To the fridge and get a beer and come.
I was worried that you wouldn't make it back in time and then you came back and.
We were only at at #3.
Yeah, it's quite, quite strategic.
I was like, how did you do that typically? OK, that's why I understand now, right.
Hmm. Yes.
Let's let's recap the top five. This is a little bit different from when we left off in the end of.
Slightly slightly yes.
2000 and. Four. So Snoop Dogg has moved back to #5 with drop it like a tart new entry in at #4 soldier, Destiny's Child feet Ti and Lil Wayne.
Little wine.
Blue wine.
Yeah, and TI.
TI yeah, you don't remember.
I no #3 another new entry, lovers and friends, little John and the Eastside boys feet. Usher and luda. Yes, Sierra in at #2 with Missy Elliott with 127.
Sierra SEC. Tiara doesn't like you S12 step, yes.
See our and. Like the desert? That's. And Mario, I still #1 cause even I.
Was your number one at the end of last year?
Don't think so.
I think it was my Boo or something on that, wasn't it?
Ohh was.
Or maybe he was.
Ohh, I thought Mario would already.
Ohh no, I think it is a drop it like it's hot off.
Maybe it would drop? Like it's hot.
Drop it like it's hot.
Drop it like it college.
So I think we dropped it like it's hot.
I yes. Hmm.
So Mario was in the top five. Because we discussed Mario, yes. So Mario is now #1.
Congratulations, Mario, but we do have a new entry. We have two new entries. I'm gonna talk about one now and saved the other for next week.
Lovers and friends. Little John, can you do another snippet?
Tell me.
Tell me over and over and over again.
Make sure you ride before you.
Choose bin, don't you? For what long time?
This is a slow. Jam by Little John in the east.
Isn't it?
Side boards featuring nationally debris.
What then?
I just don't feel like.
Little John is with cause.
It was like what? OK.
Yes, like on a slow jam.
Well, people were. People were impressed because he did do some. Some non yelly vocals in this as well.
So I.
He got a bit smooth.
MMM okay.
Yes, he's a bit more sensual. What?
Not just.
And the third single from their album crunk Juice.
Let's go.
This was the most successful single from crunk juice.
Trunk juice.
Something that happened um, 2022.
Las Vegas does this thing called the lovers and Friends Festival.
Ohh, that's just that's just got for near real disease all over it.
I think it was cancelled. Will this song's called lovers and friends?
Yes, well, the songs got venereal disease all over it as well, really.
Most Vegas. Las Vegas does the lovers and friends Festival, which is like throwback. I think Nelly and Ashanti headlined one year. And everyone was so excited.
Straight and I think that cancelled the one was it last year because of thunderstorms or the year before everyone was Devo, Devo.
Really. Ohh, is it gonna rear?
The 2002 lovers and Friends Festival people were really excited because I think they were gonna perform at that festival and the event was interrupted because people there was reports of gunfire. People thought that someone was shooting.
All our Member this, this it.
This is not the one where there was a shooting, but people thought there was a shooting and so they closed it down.
No, no, no. Yes.
But it turned out there wasn't a shooting, but someone heard gunfire.
And as a result, because people were looking up the festival to find out the news and the gunfire. They were actually searching and then the song would come up and it made the song popular again because of the festival.
I'll I found the song. Really cause of the search engine engine optimization, the SE 0.
Yeah, I thought that was interesting.
It's better to have SEO than good SEO than an STD yes.
Was interesting.
Album releases, The Chemical Brothers released their album push the button this time 20 years ago, featuring this single galvanised.
Yeah. Bit repetitive, isn't it? You know, I've heard that for years. I've heard fees.
Yeah. Yeah.
Did not know that it was The Chemical Brothers did not know it was called. Galvanise.
It's in one of our son's racing games because he knows it. And how do you know that song?
It's yes.
Life in these cars.
It's in my old school workout as well.
I don't know why it's an old school work.
Out with the hip hop. Songs cause not overly hip hop I don't think.
No, it's it's chemical brothers there entity unto themselves, there was a there was another, there was a live album that came out.
But great job, great song.
This is fantastic. This is live from Cbgb's. This is Living Colour live from CBeebies.
Good evening, ladies.
Knowing we are dare two dog all.
Why you think you're ****?
Just. Why you think descent? Why you? Why you say why do you?
Be decent.
We're gonna do a cover for you right now.
And during the implementation. Ohh left you wanna talk right down that.
And the language that everyone in here doing.
Can you please understand?
What do you see?
It's called shop person. But a survey?
Ohh, such an excellent band and and.
Ohh love them.
He, he said. We were this like they they went under a pseudonym and he said this is a cover, not a cover. Obviously that was Living Colour and it was. I guess it was a secret show at Cbgb's is very small venue.
But they've recorded that in 1989 at the club at Cbgbs and they didn't release it until 2005. It was a homecoming gig that they did after they got huge with that album. Vivid the song cult of personality.
Not a lot.
Obviously that you heard that.
There was love. Rears its ugly head on that one as well.
Yes, I think so.
If it wasn't was on time's up.
Love that song.
But I it. They did a whole bunch of new songs on that album that ended up being on Time's up as well. And they also did a cover of Bad Brains as sailing on, which was really fitting because Bad Brains is one of the the bands that were famous for playing at Cbgb's. And um, and in the there's a. There's an interesting tip in the video of the concert. Who's got Ian from? Anthrax is in the front row, moshing through the whole thing cause he he loves her and Living Colour.
Ohh wow.
Just a fantastic band, but CBGB is a really interesting venue as well.
It was founded in in the 70s and it you've always remember you see the TT shirts say CBGB and OMFU. Good. And I never.
Knew what the OMFG said. I didn't know what CBGB stood for either, but it was always just associated with punk rock and stuff.
But the original name of Cbv's was country, bluegrass, Blues and other music for uplifting gourmandises and and and so the the founder hilly Crystal gave it that name. A Gorman Dieser is is somebody who's a ravenous eater of food.
Say yeah, something's.
The what she was saying was there, obviously a voracious eater of of music and but specifically.
Ohh that's cool.
Bluegrass, Blues and other music. This little club in New York there was playing, but unfortunately it didn't end up being like that. It became like this pivotal venue for American punk rock, and as soon as there remains went in there, all bets were off.
3:00 rooms.
That was but the the name stayed and I don't think it's even there anymore. I think the awning from it is in the rock and roll Hall of Fame and it's it's it's long gone. I think it closed. Uh, I don't know. I think later in the 2000s, somewhere in the 2010 yeara, somewhere around that later in the 2000s, but Living Colour live in that tiny little venue after it's very developed.
Imagine being there.
That would be incredible, yeah.
Phenomenal. Phenomenal would have been wonderful to see them there.
And another album release in January, we had the game releasing his debut studio album The Dog. Mentary, debuting at #1 on the US Billboard 200 chart.
The game see every time we say the game, I think Triple H from. The wrestling was that his.
This is the big name. Is the game.
Our really no different game.
Yeah, come on. He's come over the song. With Motörhead tied to play the game.
That. Ohh no I don't.
You know.
Sorry, yes, this is a we do they come over that the pool while we up in the club this this we.
But you know this guy?
Nobody would like to show us love. This is how we. We make a move in at the pool while we. Left the club. This is app we single. Nobody would like to listen to.
That's actually not the game singing there.
It's it's a bit repetitive as well, isn't it?
That's not the game singing. Who do you think that is?
Ohh no, that's the course of this song. Is it night? No, I was going.
To say that's fitty fitty 750.
Maybe sent is singing yes on that.
His featuring on that track. Yes, he I think he produced it. I think he produced the game. He's he's he's heavily involved in the game, the game sings on it as well.
I would.
I would. I think it's a misstep for video. I think he should have probably lobbied not to be credited for that.
Well, it's only when you go. Into the track list are you? See it, but you should know his voice.
That's 5050.
I wasn't really paying.
Attention. So my old school workout mix.
Hmm ohh I was more interested in these concerts that were happening at this time as well.
As well that. Song I'm very familiar with it.
Now, before we went on on break on summer programme where we we I.
I feel like, I mean we we needed to mention the Boxing Day tsunami.
So. Umm, what are we? Now. Three weeks after the fact, I think now the reality of the Boxing Day SENAMI has Welland truly sunk in?
Like people realise the magnitude of it and people were starting to mobilise, so they started to hold these benefit concerts and on the 22nd of January Tsunami Relief Concert is held at in Cardiff in Wales.
I think it was the the Millennium Stadium, or maybe it was the art centre thing that we talked about.
That was Millennium.
Yeah, that was a Millennium thing.
Was fancy.
Maybe I mean stadium art centre.
Good excuse to christen the new stadium. Same thing.
Kind of, although you know, like Canberra Stadium versus Tuggeranong Art Centre.
Yeah. OK.
Different things a little bit more intimate.
Venue probably would prefer to see a gig there, to be honest with you. But but they they did that there and it was the largest live music event in the UK since Live Aid in 1985.
OK, so Pappy, perhaps not the answer centre.
There's probably the Millennium Stadium.
OK, so that's not the not that, not the art centre. Yes, you know they had a Devonshire tea in the intermission. Was wonderful. Ohh, Eric Clapton Manic St preachers Charlotte Church feeder Snow Patrol, Liberty X Madonna she came out and performed a man. Join.
Sunday. Me and you will join us haha. In the world where I live as well. Song, love.
That's good. I'm good.
I'm that's it.
Over here, that's a big name to get, though when you look at everyone else from that list.
Madonna. Huge sterek Clapton's pretty big too.
And yes, I suppose, but like Snow Patrol liberty eggs having having Madonna.
Manic St preachers, if you tolerate this then your children will be next. Remember that. So manic St preachers.
If you tolerate this, then your children will be next.
But that's it.
That's a good guess.
It is a good get and to get it it covered John Lennon. Well, that's a get in the half, isn't it? There was a bigger one. There was a bigger tsunami relief concert. Was it bigger? I don't know maybe of the same size on the 29th of January. This is this is all over YouTube. This one you can go and watch this entire concert in Canada.
Um, where was it? Was Tsunami Relief Canada in Vancouver, BC, and it had a massive lineup.
This guy's always good for a surprise.
Ladies and gentlemen, say hello to Robin Williams. My English is not so good. I am happy to be here where they used to play hockey.
The thousands of people packed as sold out GM Place tonight for Canadian concert history.
Live from Vancouver, BC it's one world.
The concert for Zunami release, featuring Sarah McLaughlin, Avril Lavigne, bare naked ladies, some 41 Chantelle Kreviazuk rain made it in delirium along with your hosts Rick Mercer and Brett ****.
Telephones. What brings you to town? I came here tonight to be part of this amazing manifesto. Also, come here tonight. I'll work this room very quickly, right? It's nice to have this up here. It's nice to be, well, one person booing the rest of you are going. He we're safe here. You're in Canada now, boy.
Ohh okay, so maybe maybe the one in Wales had a had a better lineup. Maybe.
A bit bigger.
I mean Avril Lavigne bare naked ladies.
Chickity, China. The Chinese chicken. The Sarah McLaughlin. Yeah, it would. Look, there's a good thing there's a good.
Hmm. Yes.
Thing you can go and watch it on YouTube. You see. And they raised a significant amount of money for tsunami relief, which is the most important thing. I don't think they needed to raise awareness. I think we were well aware of what had happened.
It's a lot of stuff in this show.
What's what's coming?
Lots of stuff.
Looking at all of January.
Hmm, first few weeks at least.
So that it's a bumper edition to. Cram a whole bunch and.
Yes. Well, entertainment is is part of the stuff.
We still had made the focus doing well at the Australian box office.
Of course we could. Hmm.
We've we've covered that off, but. A a new number, one in the. US at the. U.S. box office, are we there yet?
Mom says that we should be polite. Absolutely.
When it comes to dating their mom, these kids think no man is good enough.
Ohh. Earth.
The site for the next cycle who tries to put the. Moves on earth.
But this man just may be tough enough.
Deep coffee.
****, you're gay.
You really got away with kids now.
This might not be a good idea. But I sure do appreciate it.
To win her over.
What's the matter?
My ex is sick and he was supposed to take the kids to the airport.
The news.
He's going to do the unthinkable.
What if I bring?
I think this is huge.
He could eat you alive.
Be careful of known that door.
Ohh please remove all metal objects keys, loose change cell phones and.
Already Corkscrew.
Ohh. We decided to drive.
Next, are we there yet?
He's taking her kids on a little trip.
I have to be.
Here, here it comes.
You do not have to pee.
That'll do. Seriously. Soon as I had the the the hamster song in there. That's I'm done.
You're out.
I can't deal with it.
Are we there yet? It's. This is where they turned ice cube into family movie guy. Which is really weird, yeah.
Well, that happens though.
You always have, particularly with the act. More the action. Heroes than they've.
Gotta do the comedy like the kindergarten cop and.
Up, I mean Ice Cube had done a couple like he did Anaconda and he did triple X. Remember, was in that the Triple X movie, which was a weird thing cause like Ice Cube is built like me.
It's like some extreme action here and now he's doing ohh the dude the the that coin. Praise the police is doing.
Are we there yet wholesome family entertainment?
Comedy. So he he he's going out with Susan, she's newly divorced and he offers to accompany her children on a flight from Portland to Canada to see their mother.
But there was a problem with the metal detector. And then they have to drive. Can I just hence see are we there yet?
Saying I. Like family movie Ice Cube I like.
I like ice cube in the movies, even if they're bad movies.
Like Austin?
I love ice cube. In the movies ice cube in the movie cause ice cube in the movies is ice just ice cube in the movies? Yes.
Yes, yes, I like him in 21 jump St.
Anything else doesn't have a lot of range, but I liked that. Ohh ice cube in those 221 judge movies is the easiest show stopper.
He was brilliant. It's very grumpy, wasn't he?
So good.
So I'm happy to see Ice cube in pretty much any.
The movie, I find it very even.
Imagine him dating your mum.
Even what?
Well, that's what the premise.
Ohh God yes.
Of the movie is.
OK, sure.
Not your mum like, imagine your mum brings home ice. Cube for the new boyfriend.
Ice cube.
So what?
Damn, that'd be like Friday in my house. Every time I'm in the kitchen, you in the kitchen.
It's just.
Yeah, I I wow. But Ice cube in my house, no ice cube in the movie's fine ice cube in my mum.
Definitely not.
Alright, let's move to the small screen.
Your daddy.
Ohh goodness me, here we go.
Ohh wow, Ice cube apparently.
You line that up really well in the preparation. Thanks for that.
This is this.
This is a reality programme. This is a despicable reality programme.
Yes, I think this is import taste.
Ohh yes, think it's yeah more poor taste than any of the jokes that I would ever make on this show in fact.
This is. Like Prince Harry, kind of poor taste.
And that says a lot.
Reality television special. It's a 90 minute special that premieres on the 3rd of January 2005 starring actress TJ. Eyes. And it depicted 8 men in competition for a $100,000 reward over who could best convince TJ Myers, a woman who was adopted, that they were her biological father.
That day, Donald sounds too good to be true. You're like, there's no way that that could happen.
Who would have thought of this? Who would have brought it?
How did?
If you wish it, who would have got that idea across the line? And then it recruited all of these people, camera crew, directors, producers, writers, cast to do this thing. It happened here.
There is no greater bond than that between a parent and child.
A connection that begins at birth and grows stronger overtime. But what happens when that bond is broken?
I was adopted when I was six weeks.
Old. And the records were closed. It was through a welfare agency that. I was adopted.
Separated a lifetime from one another. Does the bond between parent and child still exist?
I never wanted to give up my daughter.
The guilt was very deep in my heart.
Would this child, now a grown woman, know who her father is? If she were to meet him in.
A crowd. Tonight we're going to put her to the test. As she gets the opportunity to meet her dad for the very first time.
Your dad is behind that door.
You know.
You ready to meet him?
But it won't be easy.
Oh oh.
Eight men.
TJ, your dad's standing right in front. Of you now.
One of them at home today.
Is her father.
Found your dad?
I mean, yeah.
I'm your dad and I'm your dad. I'm your dad.
To tell you the truth, I'm scared to death.
That is, that is the each of the first episode that really show you the whole show.
That is.
It's deplorable. These are the same people that would wear a Nazi costume to a colonial the native costume party.
Pretty much it's.
Weird when it when. Is this a good idea? And this is what I'm saying. Like so this show. This show aired it aired.
And so it didn't.
It was was a partner, was a pilot.
They didn't.
90 is like a 90 minute special, but I think it was meant to be followed through with a six episodes after that and she so they bring these eight men in and they've all got to pretend that they're her dad apart from one of them.
Right. Hmm. Full season said committed to a season, yeah.
Who is her dad and she could interview and observe each of them to try and work out which one was her biological father. And I think in terms of it was a competition there. Was a cash reward. So if she incorrectly guessed the contestant like hey, Dad and he's like ohh gotcha.
This is really bad.
Not really me. The contestant would get the money, but if she got it right, she'd get the money and obviously her dad.
Isn't that for? Halting.
But they so wrong, isn't it?
OK, so there's her trying to pick which is, but and then making her pick, which is bad. There's people pretending to be her dad, which is bad.
Then there's the biological father.
The real dad has.
He thinking like, wouldn't you just go?
Who is also?
If me like, why would you? Go on the show.
Where would you just if you wanted to meet her?
Ohh my I.
Sorry I did.
6 episodes season that didn't happen. Fox shelves the remaining episodes following the modest ratings modest ratings. It tanked and everyone like this is terrible.
Backlash there was there was a lot of backlash from a lot of groups.
This is a dumb idea. You guys are idiots, but then like folks develops a reality channel later on. There's we're gonna put some man. So they they trotted out again. They put it on there. It didn't really do much, but the critics didn't like it especially, and they they actually there was a campaign too, from some of those grassroots organisations.
Like the adoptive parents and and and and national adoptive organisations that were just like, mate. Like what are you guys doing?
You know and and I think that there was a station in North Carolina, which is the like. So, you know, syndication of TV show. So there's like affiliates. So there's this station URAZ in North Carolina, and that would just like we're affiliated with you folks and you've given us this show, but guess what? We're not gonna put it to air and good for them. I think that's wonderful.
Fair. There were some more controversy as well, when, a day after the premier. Yeah, we we found out that J Myers not only was looking for her dad, but she had previously appeared in the 95 softcore ****. Seduction of innocence Sims.
The option of innocence. I think that's how your dad got into this mess. Ohh video games.
Something that happens a lot during summer programming actually get to reacquaint myself with my video game console.
You've been shooting a lot of people.
I spent a fortune on it.
What were you playing?
I was grinding camos for my weapons in Call of Duty.
Told Judy.
Finding you were grinding free.
Not in that way. Not not in the way you're thinking. I was just working ID. Didn't even know it's such a waste of time. It really is. It's a waste of time, but you know what? And I I maintain that the best thing about video games is when I'm playing video games, I am not thinking about anything else. And for me, that is a beautiful thing. The silence is deafening when I'm playing dear games. In spite of all the chaos that's happening in game, the silence in my mind is deafening. It's wonderful there and there was a big game that came out.
For you to give it.
And on the 11th of January on the game Cube, the Nintendo GameCube, do you remember them?
Ohh yeah, I knew someone who had one.
They were short lived, weren't they?
It was like a it was. Well, it was a queue, wasn't it? Was either blue, it was a blue or purple.
Look like a little box with a handle.
It was blue.
On the top purple.
Yes, and I knew someone. And they hacked theirs.
They have their game to Hugh, not the game tube, but that would have been like, you know, maybe a prototype.
You could hack.
It and then you could put like. Yeah. And you could put all these other games on it.
They're like, yeah, I don't think it's tubes working for us. I reckon now you know what I think.
It keeps rolling away.
I think a cube. Yeah, things are rolling off the table like Jane Tube.
We need something with a flat surface that just sits it if it's just.
I've been a GameCube, yes.
Know the hectic there's something that you could do and then you could put all these other games on it.
Ohh that's it.
It's very, very exciting.
Well, Resident Evil 4 came out on the GameCube on the 11th Jan.
Read them from a short. Ohh. Forget everything you think you know about Resident Evil, Okay Resident Evil 4.
Ohh right.
I didn't make it to Resident Evil 4I I dropped off after Resident Evil 2.
You had the you haven't really.
I didn't have a game queue, but I'd had Resident Evil and I enjoyed Resident Evil. It was very fun and there were picked Resident Evil up again at about Resident Evil 5 and then I am picked up Resident Evil VR which I don't know what Resident Evil that was.
Maybe that was 5? I don't know, but it was a VR Resident Evil.
Ohh that sounds scary.
Yeah. And I myself and I never. Played it again. Terrible.
Fair enough.
Horror survival horror in VR is just not fun.
This was actually a remake of the original Resident Evil from from 1996, and it was exclusively developed for the GameCube, though because Capcom had committed to bringing exclusives to the console. So this is only GameCube, which is probably why I didn't play it. Yes, have a GameCube.
The hmm.
And it was set in so so. Well, it's Resident Evil 1 on the GameCube. Hey, lucky you Nintendo. You finally got something that wasn't for babies. Well done.
You're in the mansion. The mysterious Spencer mansion and you either choose to be Chris or Jill.
Would you hmm?
And do you investigate a series of bizarre murders you trapped in the mansions, puzzles and bioengineered horrors?
Then eventually zombies and stuff.
As one of the best roommates in gaming history, apparently Resident Evil thought you gotta have good graphics.
Yep, good graphics. Good. Sounds good gameplay.
Gotta have good. Gotta have great gameplay.
Terrifying atmosphere.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Don't do it in VR. You'll **** yourself.
It's often cited as one of the greatest survival horror games of all time, and the remake set the gold standard for how remakes.
Should be approached apparently.
They are pretty fun, but I jump scares.
Ohh yeah jumped.
It's just like I.
Can't handle horror movies, so actually being immersed in something where you are playing and you've got the jumpy outtie that's next level have you? No.
Have you ever gone down the the sort of Internet K hole of checking out people? Ohh in VR, playing survival horror games that end up breaking furniture and TVs and. Allsorts of stuff.
No, but it's this sounds amazing.
That's fantastic. So well, because they've got the headset on and they've got the things and they get so immersed in the VR and then the jump scare happens. And they turn to runaway and slam. Into a wall.
Go through a window.
Destroy the LCD TV. It's, I mean, you know, it's funny.
This sounds good.
Home videos in this day and age that is primary fodder for that.
That, and I don't know, cats doing weed. Things. Goodness me, we've got books as well. I mean, is there anything that we don't have in this episode? We've cut a few things. So yes, there is because. But anyway, those things weren't important. Books are important.
Well, non fiction, those fiction, I think, is still divinci code, so we've gotta we've got.
Ohh right. Yeah.
An infection of a true.
Because everyone's reading the Vinci Code.
Story. Witnessed by Amber fray. Have you got a synopsis thorus?
What? What sort of? What's this all about? Is it like a?
Ohh, is it true crime?
Since the truth thing.
True crime. Hmm, like true, true crime. Yeah.
Ohh really? Ohh cause I was gonna do like. I was going to do something more. Sort of. Comedic. I don't think that's going to work now.
See this like a.
It's like a murder.
And the phrase life was full of blessings and exciting new business and beautiful home. And most of all, her infant daughter, Ayana. But Amber had been through some unhappy relationships since she longed for a true, loving partner. In November 2002, she went on a blind date. With Scott Peterson. He was handsome, charming, thoughtful and romantic. Best of all, he was single and ready to settle down, or so he. Fed the connection was immediate. Over the last few weeks, ambulance got grew closer and closer. Scott wonder over with his warmth, humour and intelligence, and he even won the heart of Little Ayana. Before long, he began to speak of the beautiful future. The three of them were destined to share as a family that soon enough, however, Ambergate began to suspect that Scott.
This might not be the man he claimed to be out. There you go. Yeah. OK. On December 9, he broke down in tears and told her that he had been married, but he had lost, quote, unquote his wife. This was weeks before Lacey Pee. Since 8 months pregnant at the time was even reported missing, Scott Peterson hadn't lost her, but clearly he was planning to haha.
Ohh it's song.
Suddenly, a relationship that seem full of brothers was turning into Amber's worst nightmare. Amber launched an investigation of earned the moment she was able to confirm her were suspicious. She contacted the Modesto Police Department in N California and offered to do whatever she could to help. She began secretly taping her conversations with Scott, pressing him for information. But never letting on that she had heard the news of Lacey's disappear. When those conversations became the basis for the prosecution's case against Scott Peterson for the murder of his wife and unborn child, Amber's whole world was turned upside down. In the process, she lost her privacy as every detail of his life was scrutinised by the media, who couldn't seem to get enough of this tragic, heart wrenching story.
Hey, nothing.
But she sold it on, looking deep inside herself and drawing strength.
From her faith. What's the chilling story of how a young woman became? Instead, it's got Peterson's. Whether I missed everything to seek justice, blazing fields of ohh, I'm bored child Connor, it's also a story of forgiveness and faith and of one woman's struggle to live with. The defendant noticed heart. Ohh very song. Ohh.
The read the fact that it was non fiction and why do I feel like I've just gone to a colonial and Native party?
Did not that is poor taste.
That's all.
Taste Prince Harry.
I'm sorry, that's something that really happened too.
That is yes. True crime, non fiction.
Yes, but The thing is is I just like it was okay. So it was I in my defence or. I only read the first few sentences and it was the time.
And you saw non fiction, you thought not.
True. It was the now it's just the.
Tone the blessing.
It was like.
You know where they do like movie trailers.
Hash tag blessed.
You know, they do movie trailers for a comedy, and it's like Amber's life was full of blessings. And new exciting Mrs blah blah blah.
And then she tripped over a ditch haha.
But and then Ice Cube had to drive her kids home in a car or something.
Dropped the eggs.
I don't know.
Anyway, it was not that, and no it wasn't.
Ohh alright it's.
It was well.
Hopefully the reviews can redeem.
Carol, one star, huh?
She's spelts off Bible verses left and right, and tries to pretend she is quite the Saint. When I found her little more than a tramp in goat's clothing.
The tramping goats clothing Cathy regular, which means that, well, I'm glad that Kathy's.
A tramp him goats clothing.
Ella good.
Well done, Kathy didn't have fibre.
It's good you gave it two stars, gave it two stars. So I think of perspectives. Gucci's not backed up. She doesn't, you know, knowing anxiety, nothing anxious, too stuff, cashing in on the murder of your boyfriend's wife. And unborn child is bad enough, but this classy lady even included her modelling pictures in her book about her experience dating and murderer. You know, in case someone reading it wants to hire her for a modelling gig. Seriously, okay, I feel less bad based on Kathy's review. Hopefully like I said, hopefully these guys. Will help me.
And the two stars.
Is this the amber? In the book, maybe she's no.
Ohh no I don't. Or maybe what? She read her own book and then reviewed it.
I don't know.
And thought Ohh could have been better. The wasn't cheating.
Could have. Yeah, I need to try harder next time.
Put my best foot forward there. But anyway, yeah, jolly good move on.
There's modelling pictures.
You're a.
Bad idea I think. My mum found it at some second hand bookstore or something and gave it to me. As a joke. It's free for lending. If anyone is interested.
Three months.
Martha gave it two stars. I read this book with a paper bag covering. Ohh I didn't want to ruin my reputation. Not exactly high minded literature. The book had a self serving bent, a self serving bent there.
Ohh hmm.
Can I defend myself by saying I didn't buy it? I just borrowed. I wonder if you got. It from Amber 2 star.
Ohh yeah, cause she was lending if anyone was interested was the paper bag covering Marcy's head, or was the paper bag covering the book?
Yeah, what?
Other. Ohh, you reckon she's covering the head will.
I read this book, she said.
She would have been able to.
I read this book with a paper bag covering.
Ohh, she says.
Feels like she's got the I'm just visualising, you know, like when you used to go to the supermarket in the 80s and you'd get in a paper bag.
Yes. You put the paper. Well, well, if she cut the eye holes in it, she could have read the book.
And it cut the eyeholes in it.
But if it was a otherwise no.
Paper bag with eyeholes.
I think the paper bag would have been, but even the. Paper bag over.
But I could.
Put bag over the book and.
The book where you are now to read anything.
Then read the book. You have to.
Yes, yes.
Cut eye holes in the book in the bag.
There's holes, there's holes in her plot of her review. That you could drive a bus through, yeah.
Yeah. Marcy's lying. Jessica two stars Cynthia told me this.
Book was so bad that. I had to read it. She was right.
Both bloody synthia she done it again.
Always rush.
Alright. This is the end. The hatches matches and dispatches segment. A wedding. A happy nuptial to end.
Ohh January start of the year wedding beautiful.
Yes, a start of the year. Wedding. A celebrity, you said this.
I could say I'm the most bullied person on the world, one of them.
The most bullied person on the world, one of the most bullied persons on the world.
One of them. Them. One of them is bullied person.
Ohh the.
If you said that was Melania Trump.
You would be correct.
Melania now.
How Melania announce until?
Still this one the second.
Until the 22nd of Jan Yes, when she got married to Donald Trump.
Of January 2005.
Hmm, at but Sita the fisba.
Bethesda by the sea. Bethesda by the sea.
Ohh those.
Now Bethesda by the sea.
Bethesda to church in Palm Beach, FL.
It's it's. It's an Episcopal or an Episcopal Episcopal.
Not an Episcopal, because the potholes are those little teddies that you turn inside out.
What do you what do you do in?
The Episcopal Church.
Will you **** on popples? Ohh I don't. Know the Episcopal Church, Palm Beach, FL.
Wow, just search.
It was his third marriage for Donald Trump.
Who was the one that he was married? To before her.
Ivanka, Ivanka. Yes.
Ohh yes her. She always had really good. What's that hair? Do French rolls.
She's out in no way. You were going then?
The hairdo she. Had a was really good at the French roll. Yeah, I remember. Was always envious of her French roll. But we're not talking about her.
No, it's talking about Melania.
Matt Mullan.
450 guests went to that wedding, 450.
Ohh yeah.
Including. Brace yourself, Bill and Hillary Clinton. Hilary.
No way.
Since that she was in town and he invited her so she went because she thought it would be fun to go to his wedding because it's always entertaining. But Trump says that she had no choice because he was a donor to the Clinton Foundation at the time.
Yes, it's, it's interesting to note that Donald Trump has been a registered Democrat, Republican and independent at various stages in his life.
He's dabbled in all four.
Ohh yeah.
I guess at this point is just the business guy on The Apprentice yelling out your fired with fake tan, yeah.
Thanks for this. Any three points that's trying.
Yes. Well, it's also interesting to note that the President of NBC. BDI really talk about fake news and all of that stuff later on the President of NBC, Jeff Zucker was there and he now unseen N that Gayle King was there. Barbara Walters was there. Matt Lauer was there.
Billy Joel was there. Tony Bennett. Shaquille O'Neal, Heidi Klum, Russell Simmons. There was lots of people there.
You've got 450. Yes, that to me feels like you just invited everybody.
Well, yeah, but I there a lot of. The profile people there as well.
Like ohh free fade.
Trump would have scattered Trump's wedding.
Ohh God, if you bought it may well not now, but if he 2005, if he invited me, I would have gone.
I mean, is he? I'd still go now, would you?
Ohh, I wouldn't what was?
Why not?
I took cover.
No one's going to notice. Nothing's going to happen to you. No one's going to notice you.
Since no, it's the. Principle of the thing. Just the principle.
That's six to fly on. Wall. I just loved it just for the people watching thing.
Now the principle of it. No, no.
You couldn't do it well, you heard the book segment.
2005 me would go.
I've clearly got no morals anymore.
No you don't.
I apologise for that.
It's going to start calling you Prince Harry.
I didn't. Even I just didn't.
Ohh, what's doing your part?
It is the end of this show, though. Happy wedding anniversary to Donald and Milani.
So that's fitness.
Or I hope he takes you somewhere special. Like.
That's lasted a while for Trump.
Yes, he's done well.
Yeah, yeah, you know.
Do you think it's?
I don't know, though, she you look at. The photos now, and you can just feel the eye roll language.
Hmm, the body language, the body.
I don't.
Yeah, I don't know.
She's totally happy there.
It's it's.
Well, I don't know either. And you know, it's probably none of our business really, if you if you know what it is our business getting the hell out of here, what's happening in next week's show, though I think we've got off to a flying start.
And no, not really works, yes.
There you you think that was a flying start?
Yes, I don't know that book segments really starting to worry me Wednesday.
They look the anyway, the Addy. Way though, um.
I think our like our audience, they're they that you guys know me like, you know you're pretty for giving.
Look if if all.
Goes to plan. If all goes to plan, we received an email just before, just before Christmas. We received an email.
I just didn't read the show notes. OK. Yes, after next week, yes.
Offering us an interview. You thought it was a scam email and you didn't even really know what's going on, and I just flipped out because I'm very, very excited by this person.
I didn't believe it cause I'm like who would offer us an interview? Yes.
Since then?
So if if. All goes to plan. We are going to be speaking to someone who was so big in 2005 and probably through to about what still is really.
And most.
And and I'm actually nervous.
Yeah, I'm a bit too because like I. He initially was like Madonna. He talking about and then.
I explained.
It to Penny dropped cause I'm a bit slow on the uptake as you would have heard from the book segment and and so and so and then. And so now I'm flipping out as well.
Hopefully they don't hear the book segment and then go.
So no pressure.
I don't think so.
Show all.
I don't think this is show for me.
Do you reckon?
Out of them.
Do you reckon they might have? Yeah, I hope they don't review like this week's like all of a sudden, they're like, ohh, so you're on this podcast mate. Right. They're on the podcast called.
And I was trying ohh better have a listen to that just to figure out what those.
Ohh OK.
2 are about okay. Well, it was good while it lasted as a nice feeling while it lasted. We'll see if it comes to fruition.
It so that is probably the big ticket item.
I don't think we need to. There's other stuff and we'll talk about other stuff as well, but let's see if we can pull this off and if if we don't pull it off, we will not talk about it. And you basically never hear of it again, except for in this particular episode.
So it's a collector's item. Thanks Heaps fighters on the socials, Facebook, Instagram talk. Search for Team was 20 podcast and we'll see you next week.
Thanks for taking the time to rewind. Join us next time for another week. Fit was 20 years ago. In the mean time, come and reminisce on the socials search for Tea -20 podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Tick Tock.