T minus 20

Where are you? Blink 182 confirm split

Joe and Mel Season 5 Episode 6

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Pop-punk fans everywhere are in emotional free fall—with Blink-182 confirming their split, leaving us all whisper-screaming Where are you? 😭

Meanwhile, Spain votes sí on the EU Constitution, but the whole thing crashes and burns when France and the Netherlands say non.

Over in Sydney, Macquarie Fields erupts into riots after a deadly police chase.

NASCAR legend Jeff Gordon wins the Daytona 500, and the Nintendo DS finally lands in Australia, changing handheld gaming forever.

Also this week: 50 Cent’s “Candy Shop” confuses an entire generation, Korn loses a guitarist to Jesus and Robot Chicken hatches.

Plus, the Razzies absolutely torch Catwoman, and The Price Is Right gives away a record-breaking prize.

Hang with us on socials to chat more noughties nostalgia - Facebook (@tminus20) or Instagram (tminus20podcast). You can also contact us there if you want to be a part of the show.

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The year is 2005. Anakin turns to the dark side. YouTube devious and we couch jump from Mariah Mcdreamy and a girl with a Dragon Tattoo. T -, 20 rewind 20 years with Joe and Ma. 



Ohh 20 February 2005. 

3 -, 20. 

What do you think? 

Is the talk shows. 

Be -20 tonight, breaker. Don't judge me yet. This is bananas. 


How you will come home with? 

20 my question is who approved that? 

Can you see what? Were this is going not really. 

They say that time heals all wounds, and this is the podcast that opens and back up and lets everything seep out all over again. It's t -, 20, the podcast that rewinds to this week in history 20 years ago with your host, Joe and Mel. Hello Mel. 

Hello. Yes, what a visual grab. Your band aids. 

Everybody resolve. 

It will or something. We'll have you in stitches here. 

Ohh no no. 

Auntie Miner's 20. Ohh man, how many listeners did we lose? We were doing so well with that Ryan Cabrera thing, too. 

Yeah, another goal lift. 

Ohh well. 

We are rewinding. To the 20th to the. 26th of February 2004. 

Five riot police and uniformed officers, clutching battens, held angry onlookers at Bay as they tried to secure the crash scene. 

That was a big riot that took place in Sydney after a terrible car accident, this time 20 years ago that I think had a pretty heavy influence on the rules with high speed pursuits and what not as well. 

It's hmm. 

So we'll get. To that very shortly in the news. 

Man, I don't know. The end, I mean Tom was just a different person at the end. He wouldn't even speak for himself anymore. He was communicating with me and Travis through our manager. 

Wow, that's always fun, isn't it? 

This mad, sad, sad ending. 

When friends won't touch it. Yeah, it's like can you tell Mark and Travis that I think this and then there's the. 

But they're drops. Yay. 

Then the managers like yeah, can Mark Travis. He said yes, we know we understand it big split in pop punk this time 20 years ago. 


It's you. 

It's me. It's here. 

It's now please. 

If this happens, your life is about to change forever. Please and ever and ever. 



Ever, ever. Ever, ever. 

That was a very young Larry Emdur. 


It was les. 

Wasn't it one of my favourite game shows and? 

It is a great show. 


They were doing what was called the Super Showcase 20 years ago, so quite a big moment on Australian television. 

They made absolute history. 

I hmm. 

Ohh Speaking of big moments, you know, I think there's a sign these days where you've either made it or something from pop culture has officially made it. When they turn it into musical theatre. 


And I was talking to a friend the other day in apparently. 


And this is a very I haven't really researched this or looked into it. 


Same is taking his marriage. 

It was more of a conversation. 

His word on it. 

They are making a musical for the back to the future films. 

Hmm, what? Yeah. 



I can't imagine that as a musical. 

Ohh I think. 

I I mean, I couldn't imagine Spiderman as a musical and we went and saw Spiderman as a musical on Broadway. 

Yeah, true, true. 

I mean, I think that they can musical the Fiji anything. They really put their minds. I mean, look at Hamilton. Isn't that supposed to be some kind of political drama or something? Again, not a musical guy, and it's bad because I have friends who are very supportive of what I do hosting trivia nights, doing podcasts and stuff that are into musical theatre. 


Ohh yes very much. 

And I. So mean to offend, but I've just every time because I I know, I know. 

You do. Week. You did the other night. 

Because I can't stand. Musical theatre and I don't know what it is. Ohh well I do know what it is it. Week. 

It's just that. 

For me it like I can suspend my disbelief for lots of things in like movies and and all of that stuff, because as long as there's good dialogue and a good conversation happening, that kind of supports everything and it sounds believable. 


And the act is sound believable and everything's credible. 


You can kind of believe what's going on, but that breaks as soon as somebody breaks into song. 

Do you mean it's just not realistic? 

That's exactly, exactly. 

Doesn't happen. I RL in your life? 

There's something breaks into song and I'm like ohh well that French Revolution wasn't really revolution. Ohh wasn't like miserable. That's ********. 


Because Jean Valjean singing his guts out. Actually lame Israel's pretty good. Maybe I need to change my stance on musicals, but that's what happens to me. I just all of a sudden I'm like, ohh well ever. Listening to song and I, I don't necessarily mind it okay if you go to the theatre and you. Know you're getting in for. 

What if it's something that's designed as a musical? It's not something that's been adapted into musical are. 

Yeah, of course, of course, because. 

You OK with that? You are. 

It's staying in its lane. 

I was in a few musicals, growing out over the years. 

And I feel. I think in this day and age, people should stay in their age and you know what you're getting. But when they try and musically adapt something that's dramatic, I find that really. 


Hard to hmm. 

Can be a little bit of. A fraught too, because you don't know when they're gonna freak out and solve. 

Yes. And and more. I mean, it's very hard to be ambushed by this sort of stuff, right? 


Like, it's very hard to be ambushed by musical theatre, OK? And you know you it. It usually is what it says on the tin, even if they do a movie release these days. You kinda aware it's gonna be a musical, but Star Trek. Star Trek. I think it brave new worlds. 


I think that's the name of it. Or strange new world. Sorry, Star Trek strange new worlds. I went to like, you know. Into literature there with brave new worlds and all that. Sort of stuff. It's not brave. New World it's not oldest. Huxley it's Star Trek, OK, Star Trek strange, new worlds. 


They had. It's a fantastic series and they explore a lot of genres within the realms of this Starship that they're on like a Star Trek theme, but it's like they did like a murder mystery, the courtroom drama and a bit of a noir type thing. And an action one and a martial arts one, all in this one. Jason and I was like ohh this is great. They're just doing all these different genres. It's so great. And then I got to, I think the second or third last season of the episode and they were in the transporter room and Spock was beaming somebody in and suddenly Spock broke into song. And I was like. What's going on? 

Let's go. 

And they sang throughout the entire episode, and I was ambushed by musical theatre in what? 


It came for you in a safe place. 

If what used to be my safe place that I had to get in the foetal position and cry in the shower for hours after that. 

Ohh dear. 


We spoke a good singer. 

Spock was fantastic. The whole cast were fantastic. It was a really hard episode for me to get through and it's painful talking about it now. And now it's time for the headache. 

No, no, stop. 

Dispatch clue OK. 

Still, it's probably for the best. The IT really annoying. See what I mean? It takes you out of the whole thing. You likewise, he bursting into song again. 


You know, I'm trying to inflict the pain that I experienced from Star Trek on that. Hello. 

Very distracting. Please don't do that again. 

Let's well, there's a lot of things that are distracting, and I figure that's probably the tamest thing. 


Anyway, hatches, matches and dispatches clue. A clue for a celebrity? That ohh. You know, there's another thing that we need to do as a correction here. You know, a couple of episodes back when we. 

Ohh, we're gonna retraction that we're only in February and we're already doing a retraction. 

Have we have to do a retraction? 

Yes, I need to correct the record and I was like, hey, now we haven't killed anyone yet. 

Have we killed anyone? Yet this year. OK. 

Good, good, very good. 

The curse is not in full effect, but we was, I said, like we're 3 for three. We've got matches, but there was a birthday in the middle of those first 3 episodes and I just had forgotten. 


Ohh yes there was. 

Yes, and I I put that down to burnout. 

Ohh well. 

That's what I put that down to. 

Devises in your burned out already. 

Ohh yes, exactly 2 episodes you got suffering burnout. 

OK, fair enough. 

I'm in a state of perpetual burnout. In fact, when I was in high school, I was a burnout and I still am a burn. 

You go bust. Bit. Too hard and you're all tired. 

I think it's a celebrity, Harry. Ohh it's a celebrity. Who is dispatched? It's a celebrity death that we're talking about in this week's episode of Celebrity who said this? 

Ohh yes. 

Why is this on the use of the term doctor? Yeah, at certain times, but the and become a doctor of chemotherapy. Have a journalism and of. 

What's up the? 

First ohh. Ohh. 

But divinity. Yes, divinity. 

Yeah, we'll find out who that is at the end of the show. That person I don't even know if they could even exist in this time in space, but I'd be I'd be very interested to hear what they're take is on the current state of the world. 

They sound a bit hectic. Over to the news, starting with the 20th of February 2005, we have Spain voting on the EU or the European Union Constitution. They are the first country to hold a referendum on the proposed EU constitution, with the majority voting in favour of it. 

And they wanted to be part of it though. Like Viva la referendum or L referendum, I don't. I'm not sure. 

Elle referendum for El Constitution was an ambitious treaty designed to streamline decision making and govern. Right across the expanding European Union. So I'm thinking you know a set of common rules making. 


Things a little bit easier. Yeah, sharing the burden. Sharing the load. 

Yep, that's that is absolutely uh huh. 

Having some consistency. We like consistency. I think we've got 25 members, so we've got to have a little bit of control over. The chaos. 

That is. In essence, the whole point of a Union. 

The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 European countries with common goals and values. It is a unique entity as it is neither a country nor a federation, but rather a supranational. Initiation that exercises some of the powers typically associated with national governments. What this means is that the EU's Member States have transferred some of their sovereignty to the EU in order to jointly address issues such as trade, security and social policy. So what does the European Union actually do? The EU has a lot of functions, but there are three main ones. Firstly, the EU promotes economic integration. The EU operates a single market which allows goods, services, capital and people to move freely across national borders. Secondly, the EU develops and implements common policies in various areas such as agriculture, environment, energy and transport. Thirdly, the EU is committed to protecting fundamental human rights, not just the right of freedom of expression, privacy and non discrimination. 

That is courtesy of the EU made simple YouTube channel and I have to say. 

So there's a whole CHA. 

Still of EU staff, it is a phenomenal research and I went down a little bit of a European Union rabbit hole when I was collecting information for the show. 

It is. Hmm. 

When I, when we were putting it together today and I stumbled across the EU, made simple YouTube channel and it really drained my productivity because I was very interested in it. Because I I'm like I we are they explain it far better than you or I ever could. So they're definitely worth a visit over there if you want to learn about all things European Union, and it is quite complicated. But in essence, it's basically that united front for making big political decisions and sharing currency in opening trade borders and what not and see. 


That's why I mean that Channel explains it's far better than I could he. 

It explains the what. Not exactly. So we mentioned 25 Member States. That's how many they had back in 2420 years ago. Some of the big power players at that point were Germany, with the largest economy in the EU. 

Yes, I mean. 

Naval France with very strong military and I think they had nuclear weapons at that stage. 


Yes, yes they did. 

Are you? 

They were testing them all through the Pacific. In the 80s. 

Ohh that was the jark guy. 


Yes, because someone wrote. 

Chirac. Yeah. 


**** you, jacque. On a car at the front of the hyperdome once, and then I finally figured out who Jacques was and why they were *******. It was FARK. 


In him, yes, yes. 

So I can. Say that far. 

And there's a tuggeranong local that's tapped into some world events and it's trying to make a statement. 

So obviously, watch the EU made simple YouTube channel and thought that they'd comment on it. 

Well, yeah, yes. 

They're like, who's responsible for that French stuff? And they make church. 

Yes, yes. 

Yeah. OK, I've got an idea. 

Strong military over there. 

I've got a I mean Tuggeranong and I've got an idea. 

Yes, there's a car and. Naruto the UK is in there. 

The. Yes. Are you what? 

Ohh, they left actually in 2020. 

There, UK. Yes. Well, yes, they brexited remember. Yes, they brexited. 

And they also never fully committed re the euro, and I understand that I hate the euro. 

Yes, I do. 


I'm not a fan of it, especially when you're home shopping. 

I hated. I hated it. I was overseas. 

No. When you're shopping on the. Internet. 

Ohh cause is it still like three times our dollars. 

I just. I just. I always get confused with my. 

I was just adding some row at the ends. 

I kind of understand that America's almost double, you know, almost double maybe 75%. I have no idea what the exchange rate is for the euro size these stuff and I'm like ohh it's only €11.00 and it ends up being like 50 bucks. Come here. 

Yes, I hated it when I went overseas. I still have a problem with it, so I I agree like keep your pounds. That's fine. Italy was also one of the the heavy hitters at the time. 


They had one of the larger economies as well, thanks in part to a lot of the luxury brands that they exported. 


And tourism, obviously a very big deal for Italy. 

Yes, but Spain, Spain had this referendum at this time 20 years ago with non binding, meaning it's outcome actually wouldn't even maybe automatically ratify the. 

The voice, yes. 

Institution. But it was intended as a democratic expression of support. How noncommittal is that? 

Like, why would you go to all that effort just to go? Yeah, we support it. 

We said I was gonna say. 

Couldn't you do a phone vote like an Australian Idol Vine 1800 number? 

A phone poll. Exactly. 

Yeah, wouldn't that have worked or an Ipsos? 

Exactly, yeah. Yes. 


Maybe. But you know, this is a referendum. If I feel like the outcome should be a bit more finite exactly. 

That costs money. That costs money. People have to be doing a sausage sizzle. There's a lot of organising of sausages and onions and bread. 


Whereas, whereas if you set up like a 1800 or 0055 or 1, whatever number you could. 

To make money, make money. 

Off the referent. 

It just sounds dumb. 

Ohh yeah yeah, I don't. 

Why are we even talking about it then anyway? 

Know how does it affect your time in the house? 

This is something. 

Might firm the next day. 

From the European Union. Well, you know, UK, they kind of they just yeah, not many people like them and you know, they affect me by they don't they leave the toilet seat up all the time. They don't bathe very often. And I have horrible taste. 


There. Wow. There was a low turnout. Though, so maybe that's that's a result of the fact that it didn't really mean. We think even though the majority were in favour, there wasn't that many people that turned out, so it raised concerns about public engagement with EU matters. 


Again, then I will maybe and it's like well, no. 


No, it's the 1800 number. And then be given the URL for. You made simple YouTube channel and that's end. 

If it's just an easy this. 

End of story. 

If it's just an expression of interest, then we don't know what the outcomes are going to be. I'm not interested in getting up on a said no amount of democracy sausages could encourage me to to vote in a referendum. 

Yes, yes. 

That's not gonna have a finite result, since like a man, maybe. 

Well, unless you get fined, you, I do it. Yeah, you'll get fined. 

I mean, you know, their European, though it's a different lifestyle, they're way more relaxed. You know, they walk down on the beach in their underpants, practically. You know, they don't really care. They're more relaxed than us. We're a bit too uptight. We're like we need. We need the answers. We need to know. The result and the result is definite, whereas Europe are like maybe. 

Even though Spain voted yes, it obviously wasn't the final decision. Each other country within the EU had to approve the Constitution. France and the Netherlands voted no later in 2005. 

No. Yeah. 

Later this year will, I'm sure we'll chat about that because it's been such an interesting discussion now how the whole plan was scrapped after that. 

Facebook it has is fascinating. 

So instead, Fast forward to 2007, the EU citizens, what happens when you've got to come up with a a common set of rules for 25 different parties? 

Ohh, it's complicated isn't it? It's going to be complicated. 

And because they're so that they're. 

Does it? 

Everyone's like, you know, like we're talking the other day. 

So gotta have their say. 

We're like ohh. Maybe if we got some money, we could go overseas before we get too old to go overseas and it. It was like I was like ohh Europe like once you get there you can kind of jump across from country to country all the time, which is very practical and actually works a lot better if there's a European Union. 


But if you go into one place where there's the European Union and the other one with the Lisbon Treaty, which is what they did well, that was the one that they did with the new plan for the people who voted no, wasn't it in 2007? 

Well, I think that's what. They all agreed to in the end. 

Right. OK. 

So it wasn't that one had the. One thing, and one had another thing, the Lisbon Treaty becomes the thing. 

So did they change? Name back to the ohh. Part of the treaty this evening, European Union. 

That's the thing. And it was the same ideas, but they just went well. 

Right. OK, see. 

Just you're not voting on it. We're just doing it. Someone's just come in and made the made the call. 


Someone's overrules and said. Look, I have authority for that decision. Yeah, that's within my pay grade. This is what we're doing. Everyone and everyone. Went sure clear. 

A yeah. 

Are we clear on that? 

Clear for the said for the UK. So we'll keep our pounds. Other than that, we're. 

In going what's the YouTube channel here? 

This is so. 

Eu made simple, which is what we just did not do. OK, this is a bit more dismal news than it happens on Australian soil up in Sydney there was a series of violent clashes that took place on the 25th of February between police and residents in Macquarie Fields. The notorious Macquarie Fields Riot it is a suburb in South Western Sydney. 

On the 25th of Ferb, police pursued a stolen car through the streets of Macquarie Fields and from memory it was quite a high speed chase. The cars were going really fast and ended when the stolen car crashed into a tree. Killing two passengers. 

16 year old Dylan Raywood, a 19 year old Matthew Robertson were killed instantly when the stolen car chased by police slammed into a tree at high speed. 

You should have caught that off. 

They should caught it off, then murder and dogs. 

Especially especially. 

Riot police. And uniformed officers, clutching battens, held angry onlookers at Bay as they tried to secure the crash scene. The. Curious teenagers taunting officers, accusing them of harassment. 

At the place, run them off the road. 

Therefore, they're the ones. 

They're the murderers. 

A brick among the missiles held at police. 

As a result of it too, officers have sustained minor injuries to their head. One of the three of the police vehicles have had smashed windscreens. 

It was a short parachute listen. Minute long. Witnesses say the stolen Commodore was travelling at least 160 kilometres an hour when it hit this so called calming device, debris strewn over 50 metres leading up to the crash scene. The teenage driver of the stolen car checked on his dead friends, then fled on foot. 

The drop. 

We jumped out, shook his mate, jumped out over the fence part. 

He just. You shouldn't have done. He should have just earned himself. And because these claims he's killed two people, as I said, and then just walked away with, nothing happened. 

Today, a roadside wake as seething tempers threatened to explode. This community bonding over its losses as they pointed common finger at the police. Sean Feeling's 10 news. 

As you can hear from the story, the local residents believe that the police were responsible for the deaths and they accused them of causing the crash by ramming or forcing the car across the road. But the police denied this. 

Hmm, it sparked a lot of anger, particularly among young people in the. Area a lot of them who already felt targeted by police due to the reputation of Macquarie Fields as a low income, high crime suburb and then over the next four nights we see these violent riots breaking out involving up to 100 people, mostly young men. 

Yeah. Yeah, they didn't do themselves any favour. Now these are all in public housing estates, rocks, bricks, Molotov cocktails, all being thrown at the cops. Several cars were set on fire. Shops were looted. I mean it. It's it's insane. I think when things like this happen right where like. Uh, somebody in a community, something bad happens to them and then people burn their own backyard down. It's. 

You've sort of thing too. What point are they at, and what mindset are they in and and how much has happened prior to that to lead them to think that's that's how they're going to get the action that they need as well? It sounds like there's there was a lot going on within that area in the lead up, regardless of regardless of, I guess, who's at fault? 


*****. I think there was. There was a lot going on that then that was kind of the the trigger point. For these riots. 

Well, and like I said, I find it insane, but I mean the frustration. Like how frustrated must these people be to do you know I. 


I also think, though, that there's a lot of there's an element and that element, like we're talking about, groups of up to 100 people. 

And you can get that mentality. 

So there is an element of people in society, and they usually do to are just destructive tools that wanna, you know, take advantage of the situation. And that's where I think looting and stuff happens, like looting. 


Is just the lowest of the low, so they used all these barricades the rioters use these makeshift barricades, and they lured the police into ambushes. 


So they they could attack them, which is awful. 

That is, yeah. 

They're hiding in the bushes and they were using darkness to evade the police. And then the police, obviously, after they were attacked, responded with riot squads and battens and Shields to get. Control back. It was. 

And it was four nights, too. 

It was four nights of mayhem. 

This this went on. This went on for four nights. 

Yeah. Yes. 

There was a I was watching some footage. There was a guy that had pulled out, you know, the keep left signs. 


So a big sign on a metal pole that's cemented obviously into the ground. 


I don't know how he managed to pull it out and he's walking down the street, swinging it and coming up towards it. Like, imagine that coming towards you. 

The damage is 1,000,000 dollars, $1 million doesn't really seem like a lot really in the grand scheme of things these days. Property damage. Ohh, they torched cars. They smash windows. Public housing units are damage people need to live in those things because they're in public housing and they got no. 

Hmm hmm. 

To go 12 police officers were injured but dozens of people arrested, so they caught quite a few of the instigators and locked them up. Bob Carr was the premier at the time. He obviously condemned the violence, called for stronger police presence in troubled suburbs, and he blamed feral thugs and bad parenting. 


So I don't, I mean that's a bit tone deaf. 


You know, I I would have maybe had some sympathy for, I know that the guys that obviously. 

Yeah, right. 

Died had committed a crime. 

But you've got you've. Got a community in mourning as well. 

Yeah, exactly. 

Like hmm. 

But those those guys have families, regardless of how stupid they were, you know that, you know, so it's it's that's, I don't know. 


I mean from then on, the the residents of Macquarie Fields just ended up with a more of a bad reputation and the relationship between the police and the youth there got even worse. 


But it is not a affluent area. You know, there's poverty, there's unemployment. There's a big lack of youth programmes at the time, which all contributes to things boiling over. Like if you think. 

And I. They. Did feel somewhat overlooked in terms of resourcing for that community as well. 


I must admit I'd never heard of Macquarie Field's. Prior to those riots. 

Certainly put him on the map, you know. 

Yeah. Yeah, that's right. 

Yeah, the driver of the car, Jesse Kelly. His name was he was sentenced to 12 years in prison for manslaughter and other offences. Is but the big change that happened was that review of police pursuit policy. 


Now again, that was one minute. I mean one minute at that kind of speed is it is a pretty significant amount of time really when you think about it. 


So you know, high speed chases at this stage in 2005 had led to several deaths. This wasn't the first one. 


And they allocated a hole bunch of funding to Youth Services in Macquarie Field. As a result, to prevent further unrest, but that took time so that that took a while, which is why things kind of got a little bit worse before they got better. 


And the police really were heavily criticised for not acting properly. I guess in the pursuit, but also then for not trying to quell the disturbances. Remember this is 4 nights, not one. 


So it was just a big fat mess. Ohh, I've been a sport now and Mel scene. As you love NASCAR, so. Much about this one over to. 

You motorsport we are talking about the Daytona 500 on the 20th of February 2005. Jeff Gordon is the. In our. 

Quest to the outside horn slams the door and the turn 3. 

Hey Cortana play ohh hey. They Sai by side. 

Six cars have a chance to win it. Jeff Gordon's gonna lead him into turn 4. There are one mile from home. 


Tony Stewart just slid up the race track. 

He and Jimmy Johnson gonna make contact. 

Rewind each other. Jeff Gordon's gonna win his third Daytona 500. Kurt Busch, Dale Junior and Scott Briggs completes a dream week with a fourth place finish. 

3. Why the bouncing off each other? 

I don't know if I don't know if he's commentating NASCAR or mud wrestling. 

I liked that accent. I used to play the Daytona at the amusement centre, so I feel like I feel like I. 

Ohh I see. 

Know. About it and yes, exactly. I really. 

It's in your blood. 

What's he like? 

She got NASCAR in her blood. 

I I can explain it in 25 words or fewer. 

Yeah, in the brains too. 

So that's car is a US. Stock Car Racing series featuring high speed Oval track races. 

The hmm. 

I do like that. It just goes round and round. It's good, soothing, soothing. 

Yeah, it is coming, yeah. 

It's predictable. We know it's gonna happen. The strategic drafting pit stops and intense rivalries which culminate in the championship play offs or in haiku. 

Ohh really? 

Shall we explain it in haiku? 

NASCAR in haiku? 

Okay, can you do it in that accent, please? 

Engines roared to laugh Oval tracks and fierce draught wars. 

Speed fuels the glory. 

Perfect. So we all clear now on what NASCAR is, yes. 

Uh, yeah, I I mean, yeah, you know. 

It's going round and round yet. 

Fairly simple concept, big cars round in circles is not. 

The man's a lot of strategy. 

There's a lot. 

Of strategy, yes, and it's dangerous. 

Though at times they don't actually have to drive so much, it's it's more. I think it's more the pit crew strategy. It's about how the engines of the car, all the drivers need to do is keep them straight. They they tend to crash a lot though in that. 

Changing, changing the tyres and all that stuff. 

Car. So I wouldn't want to downplay it. 

They're bouncing off each other. 

Ohh it was very hard at the amusement centre. 

Hmm, exactly. Yeah. 

Nice to get stressed sometimes. I was pretty good at it. Dollar on the machines, everyone knew that you were next. 

Have you have you gone to try and play Daytona recently? 


She's a graphics are rubbish. 

Ohh yeah. 

Ohh really? 

Yeah. No, I haven't played it. 

Listed are they? Maybe I don't know anyway. 

We used to call it Rad mobile. 


After the game that was on scene. 

Ohh from Encino man. 

No now. Yeah. 

Anyway, this one, the Daytona 500 was this one was the 47th edition. 


Yes, and it happened at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, FL. 

It's in Roman numerals. 

Funny that. 

That's our IVVI. 

Okay MMM. 

Ohh lovely. This race was the opening race of the Nextel Cup Series and one of the most exciting finishes in Daytona history. 

Ohh you gotta do it is you gotta. Read it with one of the most exciting. Ah, they wins in Daytona history. 


Ohh, thank you that was very good. Um, Jeff? He was driving car #24. 

They're bouncing off each other. 

He was driving for Hendrick Motorsports. Remember that scene that we spoke about last year with the helicopter was the helicopter that crashed. 

Oh Oh yeah. 

That was really sad. That story, actually. Crash. Yeah, that was terrible. 

Yes, Jeff won the race. 

Well, that's good for them. 

It was his. 

They need a bit of a lift. Yeah, it's nice after what happened to, yeah. 

He's third. Career Daytona 500 victory. One in 97 and 99. 


I think that was his last one actually. 

Ohh yeah, may have been he did, but there was. 

I think it would. 

This is a really famous NASCAR racer that even if he kind of vaguely familiar with the sport, you'd know who Dale Earnhardt junior is. 


And Jeff overtook Dale Earnhardt junior and another guy called. Tony Stewart in this green and white chequered flag finish. You were serious. Like this big Sprint at the end of the whole race and it was there were bouncing off each other. 

And tiny lead for more than half of the rice. So they should be ******. 


Off if you were Tony, wouldn't you? 

Tony led for more than half the race. 

And was ****** ***. 

And was ****** ***. 

The race had multiple lead changes and caution flags as drivers jostled for position. 



They're bouncing off each other. 

Then we had a. Big crash with 20 laps to go. 

There was a big crash with 20. Laps to go. 

Which set up a crucial race, starts. 


So yes, it was Jeff's final Daytona win, and it cemented his status as one of NASCAR's all time. Great. 

Ohh time greats. Don't get my gun. What's that sound? Sound my Malians are coming. It's aliens and doing it. 

No, you've just picked up the phone while I'm trying to connect. To a chat room. 

No, I was hoping they'd probed me. 

That's all. 

It's all right. 

24th of February. We've got some technology news, your favourite. 

Yes, alright, let's be sensible. 

Your favourite portable console. The Nintendo DS is released here in Australia. We finally got it here. 

Yeah, yeah. 

Over in Oz, uh announced. In May 2004, so it took a while to hit our shores. 


Yeah, but, you know, they had to manufacture them and all of that sort of stuff, but this was the grab. This is what they they said when they were at the big E3 concert to help build. 

The hype and creating DS. We've given the world's most talented game makers new tools to work with new ways to express their imaginations. And of course, in the end, new enjoyment for all of us. The result is this. DS not only changes Nintendo, it changes our industry. 

I feel like that that didn't age that will. 

Feeling cold? 

I mean, maybe it did. We just I guess well, that's actually I. Should be a bit kinder to them. I mean, the DS had the twin screens, but it also had the touch screen and it used to stylus. 

Nintendogs brain training. 

And as I 6 I said and I hadn't Nintendogs as well, which is, you know, basically just prettier Tamagotchi. But you know, I see T looking at my iPad with a pen and a a pencil which is a stylus as well. 

You've got a Nintendo to thank for that, potentially. 


Well, thank you, Nintendo. Thank my. 

You're welcome. 

I doff my hat to Nintendo. 

On behalf of Nintendo, yeah. Okay quickly became one of the best selling hand held consoles here in Australia and sold out across many stores pretty much after launch. 

Hmm. Yeah. 

This was mainly credited to its affordable price. 

Well, I feel like Nintendo's price point at all has always been a bit lower than the other big two consoles, right? Yeah. 

Little bit. I agree, yes, and a lot cheaper than the home consoles as well. And people loved the features that touch screen the dual screen. 


It was popular among all ages as well. 

Yes, all lights is like the brain training for you. 

All ages, all ages out. 

See lots of old people doing the. 


Gonna do the brain train. 

Outselling its main competitor, the Sony PlayStation Portable PSP, as we mentioned, intend dog's brain training, Pokemon, Mario Kart DS, and the New Super Mario Bros. 


Yes, I'm going on a trip to Rotary in a couple of weeks and I need somebody to look after my nintendogs. 

Hatched to drive sales. Did you have to keep fading them like it Pokemon? 

I don't know. I've never played it. 

Did you happen to worm? 



Where am I? 

Did you have to worm the dog? 


Ohh I don't know, I'm not. I've never played Nintendogs, if I'm being honest. 

I'd like to get Nintendogs. I'm interested now. 

It's very cute. 

Do you have to? Do you have to walk the dog? Do you have? To put a flea treatment on the dog. Actually, that's sounds like too much work. 

Well, dogs are a lot of work. So you know what? 

Why would you have fake 1 then? 

Well, I think it's a great idea actually to for as a test run before. 

Ohh sorry people know. 

Maybe we should get a dog. Well, let's get an intend dog and see how we go. 

Do Nintendo Fest if you can keep it a life like those crying babies that they give you in high school so you don't get knocked up. 

And then it's like, well, you know. 

Life is so much easier. When I was able to just go on my right tree trip to without giving it a second thought. Now need someone to look after many intend. 

Dog so expensive to put my Nintendo in the boarding kennels. 

Very difficult because very dear. Who's gonna look after money? 

It's all the wedding. 

Nintendo, while I'm doing my brain training. 

By 2007, so a couple of years later, the DS had sold over 1,000,000 units here in Australia, making it one of the fastest selling in the country. 



We had the DSS light come out in 2006, which was even more successful. 

Yes, a lot of people because the battery's lasted longer, I think. 

The longer battery life, so you can keep your dogs alive for longer. 

Yeah, yeah. 

And I think they improved the design as. Well, it's. 

And look bit I I you gotta give credit to any kind of thing that brings females into gaming. 


And you know, this is what the DS did, which just made a lot of young nerds very unkind. I love it when females. My games, I think it's great, especially when you're in lobbies of games. 

Deep. So how do you feel when I get like the full? Block on Tetris. 

Yeah, that's OK. 

Is that arousing for you? 

I've gotten. 

Yeah, it's well based on the list, if anyone's listening to any previous episodes based on the Tetris that Mel's plays. 

Do you enjoy that? 

Do you? 

Yes, of course now. But like what I'm saying is, and I know how it sounds like I love it when cheeks game. That sounds horrible, but what I enjoy is when you get into a lobby of a bunch of really toxic teenage boy in like Call of Duty and there's a girl there that's been playing it for a significant amount of longer time. 


Ohh yes. 

And is really good and just shuts down all of that rubbish talk that they go on with. 


It's a good. And they do it in a way that only a girl could do, like a guy couldn't shut them down, but a girl can pretty quickly and I thoroughly enjoy that. So I guess I've got DS2. Thanks for that. Partially you do. 

Apparently it did bring more women into gaming and obviously brain training and intent talks, especially popular with some of these new audiences that some hi Simon. Yes. 


Yes, but Pokemon poke, ever, they're all about Pokemon. That's where. That's where it's at. Come on. 

And it was a big it was a big seller here in Australia too, because we like to travel. We like to travel around and we like to bring our games with us. 

Yeah, well, that's why the light was so popular. 


You could bring in a nintendog with you when you were going. 

Yeah, but we're a very vast country, so it takes longer to travel places. 

To your Rotary conference. 

So you need better battery life and I think that's why the DS light did so well. 

Someone to do yes. 

Now if you look scuse me my Nintendo's done a piddle on the carpet. 

Over to music will start with. See, let's start with the UK charts, shall we? 

Ohh okay yeah. 

We have you 2 in the number one spot. 


Yes. Ohh. 

Sometimes you can make it on your own. 

Cheese dance, dear. 

We don't talk. 

This sounds like you 2 light. 

I don't remember that song. 

I think that there were, I mean it still sounds very huge too. 


Have you heard it? 

Let's go a little bit. 

You'd know that it was you too. 

Coldplay to it as well. 

Does a bit the. 

Hmm, I it's no. 

Tea. Like he will you ever U2 fan? 

Ohh no, but I some of their early stuff's pretty good. 

I bought Zoo Roper on CD. 

Just, yeah. 

Remember when they used to do those things? That convention centres where they'd sell the C's really cheap. I think they were probably pirated. 


Ohh, like the unlicensed lives. 

Or make or something. 

Be unauthorised, but then. 

Yeah, well, that, that. That gives. 

I think this. Was I think this was an authorised. 

That gives it away pretty quick. 

Yeah. Ohh OK yeah, yeah. 

Some proper, but it was a. Little bit cheaper was about 24. Dollars instead of 30. I didn't mind it, but then. I did regret the purchase. But I'm not a big YouTube fan. 

If they think. 

I don't know why I bought. I think it had a pretty cover such me. 

There are called. I mean they're just kind of inflated, they they and they feel. 

I'm just, I'm new too indifferent. 


Yeah, in hate them. If it comes on and it's like I won't turn it off. 

Used to. 

I used to, but I've become a bit more neutral with my you 2, you know. 


Yeah. I just. 


They're OK. They they've got some really good. 


They went to #1. 

Early stuff this view. 

What number one song have you had? 

Well, none. But you know I'm. 


Running around milking the same in OS cord on every single song, and droning along, dodging taxes. Like you 2 do. 

Thought. I thought you were you 2 indifferent. 

Yes, but you triggers it just you triggered me a little bit. 

That sounds. 

Yeah, that sounds a little bit more than. 

Sometimes I feel like sometimes I feel like the best defence is attack and that's what happened there. So. 

That was the third track from the album. How to dismantle an atomic clock? 

Now see, there you go. 

Yeah, it's a poignant tribute to Bono, Bono's late father, Bob Hudson, who passed away from cancer in 2001. 

Thought that might have been a typo when it was. How to dismantle an atomic bomb anyway? 

Yeah, it's the Australian chat. Shall we are same #1 as the last few weeks? 

This is so hey, happy. 

Think about it. 

Dogging picture you. Hey. 

Are so bad because it's all in. 

My think about. 

For that. 

In the world. 

Hey, Harry, please. 


I feel like you could listen to that after a big day at NASCAR. 

That does feel nice. 


Yeah. Any of those sort of hip hop country crossover's, there's a hip pop country crossover on snoops, new album missionary with the Jelly Roll Guy. 

Is there ohh Jelly roll? I like Jelly roll. 

And who's that old country singer? Ohh well none of. The old ones is also on there. 

Some old one. 


Chris Christofferson now he's dead. Chad Morgan slim dusty. 

No, I can't. Remember who it was, but it was good anyways. Good song, good song. 



Excellent. Hmm. 

So that's still #1 here in Australia. Ohh, we've had some movements over in the US. Let's listen to the top five. 

There and. 

Size is. Yeah, we do. We make a movement at the pool while we're up in the club. This is how we feel. Nobody more like this so. Show us love. This is how we do. We make the movement at the pool while we left the club. This is we feel nobody but would like you. To let me see you 1/2. Before. 

Start everyone. Give. Ohh we. 

Hi ohh my I'm free. 

See one, two step and. 

My shadows all. 

You wanna watch beside me myself? 


I say only thing. 

Songs. Hi away someone. 

Two, thank you, Tim. You should. 

Ohh, that's the Valley's top. 

Don't go. Don't you stop? 

Keep going to hit the spot. 

Ohh upset DJ Shadow. 

You should let me love you. Let me be the ones you give you everything you want. Any we, a baby good love Princess? Good. 

Hmm, I wonder does it say what kind of a person you are from the romantic point of view, if you are more into Mario's, let me love you. Or $0.50 the candy shop. 


Yes, it's probably does. 

Cause we're like one of them is, you know, I'm going to give you X until it turns into wet and wild and the other one. Is just like ohh. Please let me love you. 

So you're one of the few that do understand the meaning of Kent. Let's just let's let's circle back you. 

Ohh sorry we wait. I'm getting ahead of myself. 

Are you getting? 

Get it ahead anyway. Sorry. 


It's not my fault. 


They're filthy songs, yes. 

The top five. How we do the game feature $0.50? 

How we did? 

Hmm, he said. 

50 cents $0.50 you got $0.50. 


The this is. 

Need to buy my Nintendo could treat 412 steps. Sierra is dropped back a fair bit Blvd. 


Of broken dreams. #3 new entry candy shop $0.50 at #2 and Mario let me love you, #150. 


Actually, before we move to Candy shop last week, we had $0.50. 


Disco inferno I remember I told you it was **** heavy and for some reason you thought I'd better investigate that. 

Ohh yeah. 

And I looked, yeah. 

And we went after we finished recording, you went and put it on on the YouTube. 


What honest review? How did you feel? How was that for you? 


I gave it 5 mud flaps out of five. 

There was one moment that you thought. Was particularly poetic. 

Ohh, it's hilarious. There's this one scene and the cheek is like is she shaking her booty? Yeah. And $0.50 in the front and it's it's like it's not during a part where he raps, he's just looking at the camera. And he's bobbing his head in time with the music, and the booty is in time with the music also. So the booty in 50s head perfectly choreographed and In Sync, and it was fantastic. 

It was. 

Beautiful, wasn't it fearful? 

It's so good. It's like it was mesmerising. Is what it was. 

You were. You were in a bit. Of a trance that I walked into the room. 


I. Hey, what's going on here? 

Ohh, are you never seen so many bottoms in a music sheet? 

So it's like this is a bit. 

I know, I know. 



Muffin bottoms. 

That's that's why it was on the up late and people had to sneak into the other room to watch it so that grandma wouldn't say. 

Understood. Disco inferno. Well, it didn't last on the charts cause it's not in there this week. 


So the video was pretty risque for. That one, this one candy shop more the lyrics. 


So features singer Olivia. 


It's the second single from second studio album the Massacre. 


It was produced by Scott Storch to remember that name. 

Scott Storch. Is he the singer from Crete? 

No, I think he's got. 

Is it? 

I don't know his last name. Steph. Steph. 

Since no, it's Scott. 


Step is seen from Craig I I can't remember who. 

Stuff Scott storch. 


Is that lean back the lean back producer? Yeah, they say his name in the song, Fat Joe says it's cold storage. 

That's how old are you? 

At some point you should know that you should know that she says it somewhere in the song. 


How am I gonna? Are. Sure, that's what he says. 

Yes, please. 

This is shouting at discussed thought. 

It's not much. 

Production or something somewhere if it. 

Let me get no, no. 

Anyway, he said. That's that's who. Sorted. It's goes to number one for 9 consecutive weeks reaches number one in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and top five. 


Can't this candy shelf candy shop? 

In other nations. 

Yes, we're talking about candy shop, yeah. 

Take you to the candy shop. That one. 

Mixed reviews. Some praise the production in the catchy hook there has that some Middle East and kind of vibe as well, doesn't it? 

There Philippe that thing. 


Yes, others fails. 

Skip the Middle Eastern vibe, yeah. 

It was. A bit reminiscent to beat Copycat of Magic Stick with Little Kim, and I think the way that he sings and then little Kim sing sings the same thing. 

It's very similar. 

It's quite similar with Olivia. 


Part of repeating him in a similar kind of way. 

Hmm hmm. 

It's like. 


I've got the majesty. 


That I. 

Ohh have not been married 60 more. 


You're like, what do you? 


Oh oh. 

It's our way. 


How do you want it? You going back that thing up or should I push up phone and support? 

Ohh that's. A bit rude. 

So yes, I will I I do have a feeling that the magic stick and the lollipop referred to in Candy shop are one in. The same should be honest. 

Yeah, I think so. I think the magic stick the magic stick is the lollipop. 

Thank the magic sticks turn into a lollipop, I think so. 

I think it started out as a lollipop and it got licked too much and turned into a magic stick. 

Tempting to a magic stick? 


Yes, yes. 


And the candy shop is where you put the magic stick. Ohh the lollipop. 

Ohh I got it. 

When writing the song, 50 said that he attempted to be his sexual as possible from a male perspective without being vulgar. Obscene. Yeah, it's definitely not vulgar. Definitely not obscene. So the chorus, I'll take you to the candy shop. I'll let you lick the lollipop. Go ahead girl. Don't you stop? Keep going till you hit the spot. Ohh. 

Whoa, whoa. 

Of course, we had to checkout. The comments on the YouTube and see what people had to say. 


And we'll start with at Mickey DS. 


Is that an acronym, DYDSS Mighty did. 

I don't want to know, to be honest. 

Yeah, I bet he did. 

Something monkey was watching candy shop during lockdown. Obviously got a bit bored doing yoga and baking bread and thought I'll watch candy shop by $0.50. 

Sure, why not? So this is a recent comment yet well recent. 

Yes, so 2020-2021, I don't know one of the. 

See this is. 


Which was, which was about five years ago. 

Most downs hmm. 

You know that's a significant chunk. That's a quarter of the way towards where we are at at T. 

-20 Mikey revisits candy shop. 


So you know. 1516 years later, guess the comment. You know, quarantines really got me thinking a lot lately, and something tells me this song isn't actually about candy. 

Uh huh. 


Yes, please refer to my earlier comment, Oscar Chavez 7712 or is that 7/7? Uno dos because I did not know the Spanish word for seven. Ohh. When you realise you've been listening to dirty songs since you were a. 


At Hugo Marquez 3189. 

Hugo Marquez. 


Wait a minute. I thought this was a song about a. Candy shop at. Lollipops. Ohh. 

You're not on the you, not on the the Spanish or the Mexican accent train. 

No, I'm not very good at acting. 

Not even gonna. 

Try OK. 

Hi Alex mercy. 

Wouldn't it be? 

France, Alex mercy. 

Ohh my God, I remember listening to this song while playing the $0.50 game and singing with it. 

Is that a 50 Cent blood on the sand game? 

I found out there's another $0.50 game cause it. 

Does he? 

Did you know he can't be shooting? 


People gonna take you. 

Did you finish? 

To kill yourself. 

Ohh, make you lick your lollipop. 


You know you can't do that. 

There's another $0.50 game. Did. You know what is it? 

We let's. 

I can't remember. It was cold, but it's it's like, well, get to it in about. 2007. But there's another one. 

I can't believe that. I can't believe passed me by. 

Yeah, there was one that came out before that. 


Yes, I'm disappointed you don't have it. 

Yeah, it's okay they they the, the original and best is $0.50 blood on the sand. And if you've got a PlayStation 3, blow it out. Blow it out. Blow it. Blow the dust off it. Blow the dust off it. We're not talking about the heavy stuff, actually. 

Take it to the candy shop. 

You want to blow the dust off your Kitty. 

It out. 

Later on, no. Blow the dust off your PS3 and get yourself a copy of 50 Cent blood on the sand and just thank. 

Me later at Anita at Anita DHM. 


Underscore so true Laughy face. 


I thought it was about a sweet shop, but I'm nearly 16 and it has a much deeper meaning. 

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. 

I think she just found herself. Marie Franco Marie Franco, 1553. 


I have always thought this this is about the candies from Madonna's purse being promoted when I was around the seven. Now at the 23, well, I realise he's a different type of attendees at Trevor Trevor 3013. 


I remember trying to tell my grandma wasn't dirty when I was. Really young because she said it was. 

Grandma's grandma's been around a bit. 

It's isn't that bad. 

Grandma's on difficulty and he's telling this is The Dirty song. 

Yeah, yeah. 

So Grandma knows what? The long poppy is if are. 

Seems like I tell you what I did. 

I'd take that $0.50 to the candy shop. 


I've sucked more than the lollies in my handbag in my time. 


Music account SRM music account SRM that sounds very proper like music account. 

Well, that's probably their music account. 

Music to camp is our aim. 

On YouTube, they probably have a music account and a TV account and a game show. 

Yeah, this is my music account and 15 to 20 years later, you think? 

You knows where's my music accounts? 

Damn, I had no. Business as a kid slash teenager hearing this kind of songs. True, you don't, but they put it on. Video hits anyway and I don't think that in that version that we played they they edited out the word lick. 


I didn't know Leak was a swear, but I think it's contextually become a swear because of that song. 


At Goutham Sunny 7. 

Gruesome sunny savage. 

I felt ashamed after understanding. 

And see, I feel like he felt ashamed after an understanding. 

I don't know why, I just feel the need to give these people voices. 

Yes, OK. 

Dogg Dogs 3. 

Now I go on. 

My teachers call my parents. When I performed this song in my school as a kid, he. 

Oh, oh, no. 

Performed at a school concert. That's hilarious. 

And his parents got cold. Maybe that's maybe that was the grandma. Maybe that was like the cousin of the other kid, and that's how the grandma knew. 


And now for the end of year dance concert. Here is Dogg from year three performing candy shop by $0.50. Now we've got some albums, which is probably good because we need to steer away from that. I'm just digging myself into a ridiculous how. 


What do we want to start with? That's let's go chronological. So the 22nd of February, we have Ben Lee. 


Awake is the new sleep released. 

I like this guy and I like this song. 

That's fine mate. 

Hey, on the radio. 

That's the man. 

Well, like it so. 

Please this baby. 

Your heart. 

Catch my kissy. 

It's just a great song. 

Ohh I haven't heard that in ages. 

It's a good song even I I feel like even if you didn't want to like it, you can't help but like it. 


It's just a great, catchy, happy song. 

It was a really it was. 

It's a little bit dark, but it's happy. 

A really good album. I remember I got this was when we were still at the the radio station and I got sent a promo copy of the whole album. 


So and awake is a new sleep, and I remember listening to the whole album. 

Is. Is the new sleeve. Yes. Yeah. 

And there were so many good songs, and it was a really it was described as a more optimistic and mature. And for Ben Lee, what was his big song? 


Was that the? 

We're all in this together. We're all in this together. 

No, no. What was the big one that he had early on? What was his big breakthrough hit? 

Before catch my disease. Ohh, cigarettes will kill you. Yes. 

Yeah. And and I remember too, there was what show was he on? Was it on? Was it one of the talk shows and he jumped up on the desk? Was it not good Newsweek? 


One of those panels shows. Maybe it was the panel and he jumped. 



Up on the desk. I think he had his guitar and it became unplugged and and I remember everyone talking about him being this uppity annoying little guy and he got he got a whole lot of hate for that. 




There was a while where the public, sort of. Was like ohh. 

But I didn't like Ben Lee. 

And then, yeah, don't you remember that she's just. 

So I mean I there's nothing unlikable about him. 

No, and I felt it was quite unfair. 


But there was just this thing for a while. Where people I I. 

Don't know what it was. 

That's what we do in this country. We we cut down tall poppies. 

Tear people down. 


How dare you jump on that desk, you little upstart? Outrageous. 

Yeah, living your best life. What would you do, given the opportunity, I'd probably jump on the desk and fall off it again, and I'd do even worse than. Tread on my cord, I reckon. 

Well, he brought out. He brought out these album. There was a song in there I really like. Ohh, something borrowed something new instead of the brows of I really liked that song. 

Ohh yeah yeah yeah yeah. 

It also had we're all in this together, which has been, it's been a very popular song for a lot of advertising campaigns. 

Yeah. The one that that that's the big one. Like the salvos, the salvos used. 

I. Think. I think we also liked a during COVID they became the unofficial Australian anthem of covers. 

Yeah, we're all in this together. We're all in this together until you get sick, and then you're on. Your own hmm. 

Another album released this week 20 years ago on the 23rd of February, we had rebirth from Jennifer Lopez. 

So much something with me. 

This you can give. Can you? We can get. 

Sounds like it's got a dog that swallowed a squeaker in the background. This is like panting away. Very. I I don't know I to be I he put it next to Ben Lee's like catch my disease. It's just not a great song. I don't like that song. 

Full studio album. She. 

I know it was a big song for her okay, so just. 

That song was a really big song for her. 


Cool your jets, J. 

Really big thing for that happening. 

Lo fans on but one voice in an ocean of nothing. I'm a grain of sand. On the beach, blah blah. 

Quite different, because the album's prior were more of that R&B. That's where she did the general collab. 


There's a lot of verve Gotty production in there, which we must. 


Acknowledge the passing of of. 

Ah, all right. Hey. Yeah, yeah. 

The other week, which was quite a shock. 

Yes, very sad I guess. 

That's sad. News, wasn't it? 

Sorry I'm not mates with him. I don't know. I've got him from Adam. 

I'm always a bit shocked by that news. He was only 54, was very sad news. 

Yes, but I mean I think he, you know like all of those people like a lived hard and fast. I'm sure big shot record producer with the name Irv Gotti. Of course, he lived hard and fast. 

The big yeah. Big, big in the industry. 

Yes, it's Shayla jaylo. 

So this isn't this was a different. Sound for her. I can't remember what else was on this album, so I don't know if there were still some R&B track. But this felt a bit more Dancy J. Lo, I think she's married Marc Anthony at this point. And I think he's featured. 

Ohh I know another song from that album. Hold you down, which was a collaboration with Fat Joe. 

Well, there you guys, it's alright. 


It's in the shower now. It's. I've never heard it before in my. Life. 

Well then, maybe Goddy was still involved because it wasn't Fat Joe aligned with her. V Goddy I think. 

Yeah. Yeah. 

Ohh I don't know. 

Ohh, I'm flattered to hold you down. 

They're all. They're always. 

Certainly wouldn't be any point resisting sat Ko holding me down. 


No, I'd rather just lean leans back, to be honest. 

Yes, if you last well, maybe that's what they are asking him to do after he held people down. Fat Joe, can you just lean back, mate? 


You are crushing me. 


Where are you and? I'm so sorry I cannot sleep. I can't. 

Dream tonight. 

Ohh Big music news music news. We have a split. 

Yes, we've been we've been saying where are you to blink 182? Because I don't think we'd heard anything. 

You sounded like Schapelle Corby's mum, then when you. 


Yes, you will try. 

Yeah, you will come home. 


We hadn't heard anything from Blink 182. 


Ohh Mercedes, since the end of two. 1004. 

Well, that that was going on an indefinite hiatus, which was a massive shock for fans. 

Hmm, this is when they announce it, yes. 

Well, they kind of would doing pretty well with that new album, which was a much more mature approach I think. And they were. 


They were doing shows, but TomTom bailed. Tom Delong leaves the band right before they're about to do a benefit show for tsunami relief. And then, a week later, Geffen Records announced that Blink 182 are on an indefinite hiatus. And apparently that's due to tensions between Tom and Mark and Travis over creative differences and personal priorities and what not. 

Man, I don't know. At the end I mean Tom was just a different person at the end. He wouldn't even speak for himself anymore. He was communicating with me and Travis through. The manager and when you know he wanted something or needed something changed for whatever reason, like we would sit down and would be me and Travis sitting on one side of the room and Tom and our old manager on the other side of the room. And Tom would just sit there like this and our manager would do all the talking for him at that point. So you know, I mean, even when he quit the band, he didn't call himself, he had his manager call and say Tom's on the band anymore. He's changed his phone number, doesn't want to talk to you guys so. 

Isn't that childish? Is this so childish is like hey um, do you know the this is from the manager's perspective, right? 


Like, hey Tom, like Mark and Travis, they wanna talk to you and he's like, well, you need to tell Mark and Travis that I don't want to be in the band anymore. It's like Mark Travis and they're like, we heard you. 


This ridiculous. 

Indefinite hiatus to screams ***** fight though, because whenever you hear indefinite hiatus, you're like I. 


Know there's some trouble. Of course, if it was amicable, it would just be. Ohh, we just taking a break. 

Just gonna break 7 break. 

Ohh, but that's something. Breaks always late to that. Yeah, mum and Dad are just taking a break. 

We're still, we're still friends with the suing other interests that in indefinite hiatus, you know, there's gonna be some, some, some great team. 

Just hurry up and hurry up and get divorced already. Carve up all the assets. 

That's gonna be spilled. At some points. 

Exactly sorted out, but they well, yes and no. Like obviously you know, you heard that grab from Mark Hoppus there. Where is there's a few sour grapes there. He's just like, well, you wouldn't even talk to us like I. And he's just telling his version of events, which is probably how it went. I mean, at this stage, I think Tom Delong was very busy chasing UFOs and doing and in and he moved on to angels and airwaves. 

Ohh, they had the side projects too. 

Remember, did his side project. 

Yeah. And they had. It didn't. They get offended because two of them went into one band and didn't invite the other one. And. 

Ohh I don't know. 

Then he got little bit testy. 

Was that them? I don't know. 

Yeah, there was something. 

Travis Travis is definitely playing drums for lots of people. He was very sought after as a guest drummer. 

Yeah, but two of them were in some other group and then the other ones. 

No, I got. 

So whether that was that was probably. 


Well that. 

Come and then that is a bit. 

So quick. Is awkward. 

That's a bit nasty. 

What happened? But things happen over the course of life and life events occur, and that kind of puts things back into perspective. 

Miss true? 

And we'll probably get to this if we're still going. But in 2008 there was you don't reckon team I was too young to last that long. 

Ohh that's nice. 

Get it while you can, folks. In 2008, Travis Barker's 5 that plane crash. 

Ohh yes, yes yes. 

Remember, big plane crash and that that kind of got him back together and I've got a snow. Cause I'm a hey, I believe. I'm allergic to playing crashes. 


As as a lot of people are, most people aren't very compatible with them, but he survived that he got very severely burned like he was in not a good way afterwards and he has a massive fear of flying as a result. 

The dog's warrants. 

Yeah, that's right. Yeah. 

So that's why. We're never blink. 182 came to Australia after that plane crash. I mean, I was like ohh my goodness, you know. 


Uh, that must take a lot of effort. I think they've actually toured without him because of that reason as well. Maybe had substitute dramas, but anyway I'm digressing. I'm only speculating I'd need to go in Fact Check. All of that. So they reunited in 2009 is what I'm getting to. But then Tom bailed again in 2014, when they were they replaced him with Matt Skiba from Alkaline Trio. And I think this is when he went off to do his UFO stuff, right? 

Ohh OK. 

Doing his UFO stuff. 

And maybe that's when they started another band. 

Yeah. And then I I'm not sure of the exact timeline, but Mark Hoppus gets diagnosed with cancer and after battling that, Tom reunites again with the band in 2023 and the rest is history. They're bigger than ever. They headline Coachella. 


Everyone went berserk. They did the whole you. 

Yeah, it's. 

Know where are you? 

Now. And I'm so sorry. 

People lost their minds all over again. 

I went all over the socials, didn't it? 

Yeah, that's that's, yeah. 

Yes, it was trending everywhere. 

Those stolen away. 

Speak use for corn fans as well. Back in 2005, when Brian, Head Welch, the guitarist in one of the founding members, actually left the band due to personal struggles, he had substance abuse. They were. Substance abuse issues. They were on the meth, corn, big, big meth heads. 



Ohh dear. 

And they've talked openly very much about it. He also had found God, so there was number room for meth. God and corn, also a father who had sole custody of his child as well, he explains it better than I do. Much like the European Union guys. 

Is everything mixed together in a big pot? You know it's my drug. Have it my daughter and the band. I didn't like the way the band was going. I didn't like the relationships, the attitudes mine especially, you know, and I didn't like. Musical direction just seemed like what we are getting away from. The heavy sound that you. Know. It's so it's just saw it was everything mixed up. I can't tell you. I mean the number one would be my daughter and probably #2 is not gonna die from drugs if I. Don't. Change everything. 

And so we did. He bailed, which, to his credit, I think was the right thing to do because that methyl mess you up, it'll mess you up theory. 


It will. It will indeed. 

Fleet. Hmm. 

When I was looking into this, it said that he became a born again Christian. I feel like. We don't use born again Christian anymore. That feels very 80s, I think usually. 

It's cousin. 

Don't we just say you've found faith you found God? 

You found God. 

Born again, Christian feels quite dated as a description. 

Well, I guess if you're a Christian to start with and baptised as a child and then you drifted away from. The flock, you. Bought your brought back in your rebaptised and born again. Clean slightly donkey under some water. Donkey in the water. Everything's good. 

Ohh yeah, I just. 

Feel like born again. Christian doesn't work. I think I think we just say found he found he found God and he credited his faith with helping him overcome. He's method diction. 

Well, that's good. 

And he publicly announced the said departure on the 22nd of February at Church. 

Yes, in Bakersfield, which is their hometown. 

Was that church doing Christian things and said that he was leaving to focus on his relationship with God and his daughter? 


Yeah, Condon, continue without himself, didn't become an indefinite hiatus or anything like that. 

They did. No, no, they. 

They brought in other guitarists, I believe. 

Yes, just people from time to time would come and fill in for head and then. But in 2313, I think. The rest of the band got wise to it as well. Like that lifestyle. 

Did they become born again Christian? 

Well, no, they didn't become born again Christians, but that lifestyle is fairly unsustainable. 


You can't be touring the globe and be hooked on. Meth. No, and be performing stadiums and doing corn stuff. 


Beatrices, yes. 

Stuff that corn do and and not, you know something's gotta give. And eventually I think they all got straight. And then he rejoined the band. And and they, I think he's still with the band now. I think somebody else has left the band. I think fieldy the bass player is currently out of the band. David Savera, the drummer. He'll leave the band shortly, too. We'll talk about that in a later episode. 

Over at the box office is quite boring actually. This week, 20 years ago, we've got Hitch still number one at the US box office, the Will Smith matchmaker Guy thing. 

Is it? Right. Yeah, I think. 

No, I thought that would be a good name for a biopic for the best trailer reverser. What men story about how he reversed a trailer perfectly one day at a boat ramp on Bateman's Bay. 


Quite publishment I'm getting emotional thinking. 

Like the accomplishment? 

The aviator still #1 here in Australia, so we won't talk about that. 



Hmm then. 

But we had some awards, we had some big Movie Awards. 

Ohh, this is Hollywood's night of nights. 

Yes, the Razzies, that's the 25th Golden Raspberry Awards held at the Ivor Theatre in Hollywood, CA, honouring the worst of the worst from 2004. 

Otherwise, they'll go to the Razzies. Hmm. I think it's good that they did a theatre. You know, I feel like the Razzies is, is definitely. 


Moved up in the world since Tom Green showed up to collect his one for Freddie got fingered. I feel like he gave him a lot of publicity. 

That year. So they won't. Get bigger budgets, select information within yourself. 

Well, I, Tom Green, I think, helped the Razzies out a lot. And I think the Razzies is a very necessary thing for keeping. 

I feel like. 

The Razzie should happen in the cafeteria to be. 


Well, or a RSL club. You know, like upstairs, top floor of the Southern Cross Club. 


Not wooden Carbonell, no good. 

Ohh not top of the cross. Top of the cross is too classy top of the cross has that nice roof and the dance floor in the stage too expensive. 

Do it top of the crosses. 

Yeah, that's right. 

That's a full 3 1/2 star experience there. You wanna be going to maybe 2 1/2 stars maybe like the the balcony of the Southern Cross Club in Tuggeranong, just outside anytime fitness. 

Good cocktails there too. 

You know it's about, well, not at the moment cause it renovating it. 

It the Bethany see how you'd want good weather. 

So I'm looking forward to the renovations finishing there actually and be good. 

Which weather there? 



Ohh okay, the either the other person. 

Yeah. No, but as it was, it at the Ivar Theatre, I mean, I don't know what, what kind of theatre the Ivar reams you reckon? 

Have any theatre in Hollywood's gonna be alright? 



How did I? Some might be a little dilapidated. You know who won? 

Yes, yes, it was the big winner. 

Well, the worthy. 

The worst picture was Catwoman, and I feel like the next one for worst actor is a bit of a cop out. Ohh, because it was George W Bush for his appearance in Fahrenheit 9/11. 

Okay. Ohh, that's like that's a bit of joke. 

So I feel. They're. Getting. A like I don't think the Razzie should get political like I think they should really be going off. 


The like cause Fahrenheit 911 is a documentary. 


I think they should be going over poorly performing movies or movies that are so bad that they're perhaps ironically. Good. 

Ohh, they become good again ladies and years cults. 

Without trying to be ironically good or whatever. 

Cult classics, yes. 

I don't know that Catwoman fits into that category, but they did try really hard to make that good. So there is a lot of stuff to laugh about in that film when you watch worst actress Halle Berry for Catwoman, then worst supporting actor Donald Rumsfeld, Fahrenheit 911, worst supporting. 

Hmm. Hmm. 

Now there's. 

Actress, This is a bit cruel. Britney Spears in Fahrenheit 9/11. 

I don't remember what she did in that movie. 

She was in it briefly, I believe I remember. 

What did she do? 

Have to. That's lazy. 


That's just lazy Razzies. 


Lift your game. 

And then I think Catwoman got worse. 

Or you will be in a cafeteria next year. 

Director as well. Catwoman really scooped the pool, I think. 


Really, it's a cat will. 

Lots of Catwoman's forwards forwards the thing that I love though. 

Worst Screenplay 4 awards for Catwoman. Four awards. Worst picture? 


Hallie Berry. She didn't. She didn't. Tom Green and she attended in person to accept her reward. 




Ohh my God I hi. 


The oh oh. 

Ohh my God. Thank you guys. 

Thank you so much. 

I never in my life. 

Thought I would be in here. 

Winning a rabbi? 

I mean, it's not like I ever aspired to be here. 

But thank you. 

Oh, oh gosh. And no, I don't have to give this back. 

It's got my name on it, yeah. 

Ohh, thought she was great. I love that she bringing acted when she won the Oscar. 


Feel scared and I think she had her actual Oscar in her other hands as she was doing. 

I just. Are you serious? 

She brought her Oscar with her. 


So she had the. Razzie Award in one hand and the Oscar. 

In the end. 

Is that what she was referring to about giving it back? 

She was doing. 

I don't know. I I'm not sure that would be even funnier if she held the Oscar up and said listen. 

Even name right I think. I think it was a cause, she said that in the outskirt award too, didn't she? 

Ohh right. 

Yeah, I think she was just replaying that stage. 

Well, what a great sport. 

I think that's excellent, yeah. 

Yeah, it's funny ads and and. I think that I mean, yeah, I think the Razzies are really necessary thing and I think it's good that it's very humbling to see. Well, I think I think it's good to see actors that are humble enough to accept the fact that hey, casually, we're in a shocker, but we all get paid. 


Everyone's got a job to do here, including the people that run. Razzies. There was Speaking of bad shows that well, this is a great show though, but it's bad cause it's very politically incorrect. Remember where it's sort of getting to the time of. Family Guy dad. 

We had American dad just premiere a few weeks ago. 

So that animation targeted at adults is really hitting its stride now, and this is one of my favourites. 


I really love this because of all of the pop culture references and I mean Seth MacFarlane was involved in this with Seth Green as well talking about the show robot chicken, which was a stop motion animated sketch comedy TV series that was created by Seth Green and his mate Matthew. 


Then Wright, who was in I think the movie can't was it can't hardly wait. 

I feel like. 

It was one of those kind of team movies. 

Is he an actor? Matthew ohh. 

Yeah. Yeah, they're both actors. Yeah. So but these guys were buddies, right? So like that and they were working, I think one of them was working at a toy magazine library. 

Matthew yeah, yeah. 

So in the late 90s they get together. Matthew's got that Toy magazine editor pedigree and they talk about how much they love action figures and comic books and pop cult. Yeah. And the magazine that he worked on had this section called Twisted Toy Fair Theatre, which had these comic strip style jokes using posed action figures. So they basically took that concept and they turned it into robot chicken. 


They turned it into not comic books that stop motion animation with the action figures. 


And it is brilliant. 

It is cycling. Are they pitched the idea to Sony, which greenlit a series of animated shorts for Sony's early online platform screen blast? And it eventually collapsed. But they then pitched their idea to Adult Swim, which is that Cartoon Network. Yeah, late night. Block, which is yay. 

Yeah. And that was really trendy at the time as well as like shows like Aqua Teen Hunger Force. On there and. 

Is that where the crank yankers was as well that that phone thought the prank phone call? 

Yes, I believe so. Space Ghost Coast to Coast was on there. 

One hmm. 

The brack show. There's lots of different shows on there, yeah. 

Exec over their loved the idea and ordered a full show, and then it became known as Robot Chicken, which was a name inspired. Buy a dish at a West Hollywood Chinese restaurants. 

Ohh that is even better. I didn't realise I didn't know that. 

Like I said, it features the pop culture parodies. There's very dark humour. Hot takes on movies, TV shows, celebrities and toys, all presented in this stop motion. Rapid fire skits. Kind of format. 

Yeah, some of the Star Wars ones were just amazing. The Star Wars ones are really good. You go back to Seth MacFarlane is like the voice of the emperor. 

They use action figures, toys, claymation. 


You could do that with all your dolls. 

Are there not dolls? There are action figures, my favourite one, my favourite one or one of my favourite ones was when the Mario brothers took a wrong turn and ended up in in in their Mario Kart and ended up in Vice City. 

Ohh, look at that. We got a flat tyre, Luke. I'm repair garage pulling there. Ohh, Mamma Mia. Louise, we got the pimped out ride. 

Ohh look, it's a turtle. 


What are you doing? 


You're just kill my turtle. 

Ohh my God. 

I I'm so sorry. 

What's going on here? 

Really dude? Let's get out there, here. 


Thanks Luigi. It's the Princess. Princess, you must have come with us. 

2nd for 50 bucks. 

Princess no. 

Are you accepted it? Coin. 

Come on. 

The Princess. Who you got to? 

Go and so on and so forth. 



Yeah. So robot chicken I I need to go back and watch some of those episodes. I really enjoyed that stuff, but I think it's all over the Internet anyway. It used to. That was one of those things where it. Was like viral videos before. 


Viral videos are a thing people have just uploaded robot chicken clips and they'd go viral regardless. Anyway, let's go over to game shows. Australian game show history was being made this time 20 years ago. 


It was our favourite game show. This was my favourite as a kid, I must admit. 

Hmm. Really. 

Miller Fortune was when I was a bit older when I was younger. My favourite was the price is right. 

You like guessing how much stuff was. 

Yes, I did, and I liked well. No. Used to stress me out. 

My dad would be good at that. He's always like him. Is that cost you? 

It stressed me out. 

You know, yeah. 

You know, the little the yodelling guy that went up. The Cliff. 

All the mountain climber it's. 

And if you guessed too high for the price, it fall off. I'd always get really stressed out for that one. 

Hmm hmm. 

And then there was the the one where you had you had to guess how much something costs, and it was like a a docket. I was always. That that one and you had, like, the grocery items and you had to guess. And you'd always ask the. People higher or lower in the audience would scream out. And great show. Great. 

Yeah, my one of my favourite things that it was much like, you know the the child children's playgrounds from the 80s. 


You know how there was a chance that you could potentially die if you got flung off of merry go round or going down, or use gone yourself on a slide or whatever. 

See. Yes. 

I feel like the people that design those playgrounds also designed the willing on the prices, right, because there is so many incidents of people getting caught up or hit in the head and split open by the wheel on the price is right. 

The wheel people did get hurt, didn't they? Getting hits. 

There we are. 

So I was always watching very carefully because that blip, blip, blip, blip. 

Thank listen. 

Ohh they. 

On hidden ahead by the wheel. 

This time 20 years ago, we have what's known as the Mega Showcase. We were doing a special feature of the show around this time, which offered a pretty extreme showcase of luxury cars. 

The megar showcase. 

There was a Congo and the Sunshine Coast. 

An extreme showcase. A condo on the Gold Coast or the Sunshine Coast. 


Sunshine Coast dude, not the Gold Coast. 

Get it right. 

Missed it? 


All kinds of things really nice. 

There you go. 

Like Sherry cars, not the Holden, not the Holden Nova or the Holden Apollo. 

Nice luxury cars. 

That they gave away. And we were fortune. 

Well, that was it. 

What was it like? 

I don't know luxury cars. 

A not the Holden Nova. The Holden Nova is a lovely Redcar Astra's driving pleasure future. 

There's not. Lot. 

Not sure anyway. 

Probably the the pulsar sports girl. Maybe. 

Ohh pulsar Reebok 3 bar 3 bark. 


Always wanted the raybuck or the sports go by. 


It's got the base models Joanne Segoviano. 


Say that's pretty good. 


So we're going to go with Saviano. 

Joanne Segoviano hmm. 

She won the record breaking Mega Showcase of over $650,000 Australian, setting a record of becoming the largest winner in the show's franchise worldwide, not just here in Australia, World Wife winner. 

Mega showcase. Australian, Australian, Australian. The biggest the suggest prices right winner in. 

That's the world. 

So that beats Dean Carter Kini in his two. $100 briefcase. 

That would make her. The price is right world champion. Yes, the world champion of the price is right. 

It works, it works. 

Step aside, folks, I'm the world champion of the price is right. 

She was one of only three contestants to win the Mega Showcase during its run. 

Kneel before me, loa. It's a little price is right joke, you know. Higher low, higher, lower. 

Yes, and I love the prices, right rules. I apply that in life all the time. The Who gets closest without going over? 

Yeah, we. 

Then you've got there something. 

Yeah, it's good. 

Yeah. If you go over, you're out, no. 

I think that's great. It's very fair way to settle an argument. 

Hmm I think. 

Where to? 


If you're ever, you're gone. 

Did you have it? 

I did. Would you like to hear it? 


It's you. It's me. It's here and it's now. Please if this happens, your life is about to change forever. Please and ever and ever the luggage. More than 270 and less than 1030, the motorbike you've already won. 

One second. 

It would take your total winnings to above 660. $1000 Joe. Come on, baby. 

Kill her and. 


Close your eyes. We wanna hear a bell. We don't wanna hear a buzzer. Can you hit? Feel your heartbeat. Yeah, listen to your heartbeat then. On the next heartbeat, we are gonna. Light it up now. 



Ohh. You say that like the hairs are sitting out. 

There not. It's very traumatic. And Larry used to get a look. 

Did you say dramatic or traumatic? 


Yeah, didn't get hit by the wheel. That would been traumatic. 

Larry got a lot of hugs and grinds and and people would like run up and, like, jump on him. 

The traumatic for Larry. Yeah. 

And we soon. 

Yeah, you have to. Wear those like Teflon trousers. 

Yeah, I felt it was a little bit. Too much from Pomerol marriage. 

They did get very physical with Larry on the prices, right. 

They did, yeah. 

When you given away over half $1,000,000 in prizes, then I like it how he's like. 

Bit her racing. 

Ohh, your life is about to change forever and ever and ever and it's. Like mate, that's 600. Okay, have you seen what can interest rates are like? 



Like I said, interest rates these days like it was a thing, but my parents were paying something like 17%. 


Just writing it, mind you. 

Don't parents like to bring that up every time there's an interest rate and we've complain about like 3% and? 

Yes, right. 

Like back in my day. 

Yeah, but what's? What's 17% of $150,000 as opposed to like 3 or 6% of, you know, one point well, something million or just a million? 

That's very true. 

I mean, most people are like $1,000,000 to get in the house anyway. We digressing. We're doing hatches matches. 

You're just starting to boom. 

It's about boom over here. 

Can you stop booming please? 

Boom over there. Boom everywhere. No, we're talking about hatches. Matches and dispatches, which is the thing that we do at the end of every show. 


Births, deaths, marriages this week it is a death. And your clue is this. 

Why is this on the use of the term doctor? Yeah, at certain times, but the and in fact, I'm a doctor of chemotherapy, of journalism and of. 

What's that word? 

Just ohh. But. 


Divinity. Yes, divinity. 

If you said Hunter S Thompson. You would be correct. 

And me? 

Now a bit of a trigger warning for for this one because it's a Hunter S Thompson ended his own life. 


Does he? 

OK, but if anyone was gonna do it. Ohh yeah, I guess that's kind of the way Hunter S Thompson wanted to go. 

Yes, self inflicted gunshot wounds in his home at Wee Creek, Colorado on the 25th of February 2005. Just 67 years old at the time. 

I actually I this is not having been a fan of his work. A massive fan of his work, he's and not to say that I agreed with everything that he wrote or said, but just a fan of how out there he was. Was this is not actually the way I would have expected him to go. 


So although I I would say that he would have gone in some kind of self inflicted manner, this this man took enough drugs in his lifetime to probably take down an entire herd of bull elephants like he he was very into things like cocaine and chloroform. 


Not you. 

Which is set to kill people. 

Though which he. Yes, you can knock people out with it, and if you give him too much, it's the lethal he used to mix it into his whiskey and he he, he and he give very clear instructions to have the ice and the chloroform is swirl it around a little bit before you put the Wicks whiskey in to let it kinda. 

Yeah, yeah. Ohh my gosh. 

Yeah, look and for for all of those wild and crazy things. 


He was an incredibly talented writer, so he started out as a sports journalist. But he pioneered this thing that he called Gonzo journalism, and he posted loads of articles in Rolling Stone magazine. But prior to that he was made famous by his first book, Hell's Angels, which was published in 1966, where he went inside the gang and got himself pretty roughed up in the process. Like he basically was a lived experience and that was what Gonzo journalist kind of was. 

So that's what it is. 


Yeah, well. 

It could be the run. Better at the centre of it. So the writer was part of the story, and they kind of lived the story. 

Yeah. Wow. 

So it was like he was very ahead of his time with regards to that, like it took a while for TV and stuff to catch up with, yeah. 

What do you think of things like Louis Theroux? Sort of immersing themselves in these situations. 

Yeah, yeah. 

Or even just the way like wars and stuff are covered as well. So he goes on to cover politics. He was known to be quite vicious and irreverent with politics. He he there's an example in 2004 where he referred to George W Bush as a. Quote treacherous little freak. Ohh it's you didn't mix words, but I think everyone would know. 


Hunter S Thompson is most famous for his book Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, which was about that extraordinary Bender. That and it's it's a work of fiction. So, but the the protagonist is a journalist by the name of rail. 


Juke 3, based on himself and his attorney Doctor Gonzo, who he based on his attorney, and they travelled to Los Las Vegas across the Mojave in this red convertible with a suitcase full of drugs to cover a motorcycle race in the whole thing descends into this depraved, paranoid trip. If that he describes as an examination of the fall of American counterculture. 

And there's a a quote from the book. We had two bags of grass, 75 pellets of mescaline, 5 sheets of high powered blotter acid, a salt shaker, half full of cocaine, and a whole Galaxy of multicoloured uppers. Down is screamers laughers, also 1/4 of tequila quart of rum, a case of Budweiser. A pint of raw ether and two dozen animals. Not that we needed all that for the trip, but once you get locked into a serious drug collection, the tendency is to push it as far. As you can. 

And that that is pretty much our Hunter Thompson lives his life. 

Wow. Wow. 

He was mad. It's very fitting that Johnny Depp, I think, played him in the movie and Johnny Depp spent a lot of time with him. There's a lot of, like, very famous people. Did they got to spend time with Hunter S Thompson? 


He was a very eccentric man. And while his death was certainly a great loss, I I think it was absolutely no surprise. 


Like I said, I'm surprised you made it that long, but I will just to wrap up for this week. It's my favourite quote from that book. Is this and it's. It's a wonderful quote, and it is actually I think, quite deep and quite poignant. And the quote is in a closed society where everybody's guilty. The only crime is getting caught in a world of thieves. The only final sin is stupidity. D and that's a pretty I I think that even these days probably. 

MMM hmm. 

Anyway, I you can take from that quote whatever you like, but I I really enjoy that quote and that's pretty much the end for this week. So what have we got next week? Mel. 

Ohh, that faucet guy. 

Ohh the faucet. 

You know, the one that crashed the balloon in Australia? 

Yeah, not not faucet like a tap, but Fossett the adventurer. 

No faucets that didn't balloon guy. He's done another record. 

Yeah, he's done another adventure. A cool. Well, that'll be interest. 

Ohh, we've got some sport, and for once I'm interested. 

Ohh you support. 

We're going to the we're going to the curling. Channels. 

Ohh so it'll be more NASCAR. 


The curling. 

You're in the curling and. 

NASCAR God talk about the perfect woman. 

I love curling. Curling is Carling is hilarious, 50 Cent has a big album release. We've got a lot of tours happening. We've got new movies, we've got awards. 

I don't want to talk about $0.50 and release after the way we discussed that thing today. We got movies and awards as well. 

That'll do. 

Yes, that's enough. Yes, come find us on social search for t -, 20 pode. Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and just for now anyway. 

Ohh yes yes till becomes too. 

And Phil, I M not even sure cause it's it's a bit of a pain in the backside, but it's also the world's biggest search engine and we talked about it 20. 

Much effort for already feels like so much effort. 

Yeah, it's 20 years old. 

Years ago on YouTube. 


We're on YouTube as well, so if you want to put faces to names, you can go and look at YouTube. 

This took us 20 years to get this. 

Well, some of it anyway, that that Big Ryan Cabrera interview the bonus thing we did that so you. Can see like. I don't know why you'd wanna. 

You can see Ryan's house in the background. 

You'd see him. He looks good, sort of. 

It's a nice house, isn't it? 

Yes, very sunlit though. 

You're beautiful. Beautiful natural light had some lovely feature curtains. 

I'll tell you. What I'll I I looked at that back and I was I put it all together and I was like, holy ****, we need a better webcam. 

Some artwork, such a nice hands. 

Anyway, you gotta look at that and other stuff. 

Hey looks good. 


Thank you very much for supporting us. 


Thanks each and every week. We love you. We'll see you next week. 

Say you. 

Thanks for taking the time to rewind. Join us next time for another week. Fit was 20 years ago. In the mean time, come and reminisce on the socials search for T -, 20 podcast on Facebook, Instagram and Tick Tock.